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DOOM 2099

F- IN (40)
A- RM (30)
S- RM (30)
E- IN (40)
R- AM (50)
I- IN (40)
P- AM (50)
H- 120
K- 140
P- varies (-10 to 40)

Powers: Regeneration EX (20) due to the nanites in his blood stream he

can recover from nearly any wound that does not kill him. (issue 4) The
side effects of these nanites are increased fighting, agility, and the
ability to directly interface with his armor.

Magic Wielder RM (30) it is assumed (based on issue 13) that he retains

these abilities.
*Personal- Eldritch Shield RM (30)
*Universal- Crimson Bands of Cytorrak RM (30)
Eldritch Bolts AM (50)
* Dimensional- Summoning GD (10)

Armor: It has a cybermesh coat beneath that works with nanites to

increase fighting and agility. He also has the innate ability at GD to
cyberlink with any electronic machines, including his armor. Thus he
reacts faster (+1 to initiative) the following powers apply.
* Body Armor: Adamantium Lanxide of UN material strength and protection.
* Force Bolts: MN rank force bolts at a 10 area range.
* Shields: energy shields that grant MN resistance to Physical and energy
attacks. It has a radius of 8 feet and he can absorb energy through the
shield and rechannel it at his opponents. He can absorb and rechannel a
total of 50 points of energy per round.
* Enhanced Senses: Infrared, Optical, and Parabolic hearing are at RM
rank. He can also record events for the UN ability to recall anything he
is exposed to or experiences.
* Life Support: IN ability to survive in the ocean and space, RM ability
to adjust to temperature extremes.
* Phase Shifter: He can phase out. While phased he is immune to physical
and energy attacks, but not psionics or magic. He can pass through items
at UN ability. He can also fly at FB speed.
* Computer Link: His mind was rewired to allow better interfaces with
nanites and other machines. He can link with electronics with Cyberlink
hardware at EX ability, and with his armor automatically. He can also use
this ability to enter cyberspace!

Optional Equipment: fired an electrical blast IN damage and EN FEAT to

stay conscious

Computer Viral Disinfectant EX ability

Talents: Electronics, Robotics, Engineering, physics, weapons/ energy
systems, spacecraft technology, superhuman physiology, mystical

Contacts: Dr. Strange (Strange's Mentor), Doom's Black Cabinet, Fortune,

Vox, Miguel O'Hara, Wire (Deceased).

Equipment: Too numerous to list. It is considered that Doom 2099 has none
of his twentieth century equipment and must create whatever he desires.

Magic School: He is a student of the scientific school of magic. Based on

his reaction to the tome in Doom 2099 issue 13 that he retains this
knowledge although not widely used in this series.

Role-playing notes: He knows that he is destined to rule. He is much like

his 20th century version of himself. He does not yet know his full
potential but he is out to prove to the world (and himself) that he is

Waking in the year 2099, Doom found that a cyborg named Tyger Wyld had
taken control of Latveria. He arrogantly attacked Tyger and was quickly
defeated. He then joined with the rebel forces and designed a new suit of
armor using technology from 2099. During this time he discovered that he
had no memories from any time later than the 90's. He defeated Tyger and
once again became the ruler of Latveria.

After defeating Tyger Doom created several "platforms" to clean the air
over Latveria and started several other programs to benefit his people.
During this time he explored cyberspace, returned to the Savage Lands,
and found out what really happened all those years ago.

Doom had spent several decades exploring other dimensions (now that his
mother was free and he had defeated all real scientific challenges, Doom
had decided to explore his mystical side. During this time he was injured
and then betrayed by an associate who erased his memories after he
transferred bodies. She had then created a clone of Doom and made the two
fight. It was no contest. Doom banished her into the timestream and
returned to his beloved homeland.

Doom later decided that the United States and her Megacorporations were a
threat to Latveria and decided to invade. He defeated the combined forces
of the U.S. and the megacorporations. He was later defeated and went into

Doom in the year 2099 in more noble than his present day incarnation. He
is more concerned with helping and protecting Latveria than conquering
the world. He fondly remembers his challenges from the various present
day heroes, especially Reed Richards.

Jake Gallows
By David Fryer (
F- AM (50)
A- GD (10)
S- EX (20)
E- RM (30)
R- GD (10)
I- EX (20)
P- GD (10)
H- 110
K- 40
P- (-10)/20 among the people of downtonw

Assault Rifle: EX (20) damage; Range- 6 areas; Shots- 30
Baseball Bat: Carries a variable density baseball bat. Damage can be
adjusted from TY to AM blunt damage.
Body Armor: Suit is made of a material that provides EX protection vs.
physical and UN vs. energy attacks.
Pistol: TY (6) damage; TY range- 1 area; Shots- 6
Scorch-bore: IN (40) flame damage; range- 5 areas

Talents: Guns, Law Enforcement.

Contacts: Spider-Man 2099, Director of SHIELD 2099, Secretary of Justice
under President Doom.

In Brief: When his family was murdered by people that the law couldn't
touch Jake became the Punisher to handle such criminals. He is also a
devoted police officer working for the Public Eye Law Enforcement agency.
When Dr. Doom becomes President of the United States, Jake becomes his
Secretary of Justice and head of the new Shield. Jake eventually dies at
the hands of his own SHIELD agents when Captain America 2099 overthrows
Doom's government.

by Tom Roth (rothm@qtm.nel)
F- MN (75)
A- AM (50)
S- IN (40)
E- IN (40)
R- RM (30)
I- IN (40)
P- IN (40)
H- 205
K- 110
P- 40

Powers: Combat Sense AM (50)

Wall Crawling AM (50)
Webbing- can swing areas using MN strength webbing
Venom-can inject EX stunning venom witch last 1-3rds.

Talents: Chemistry, Physics, Business.

HISTORY: Miguel is a maudlin corporate lackey that felt he ruled his
destiny until his brilliant research was abused by Alchemax to speed the
Corporate Raider Program. He tried to quit but was exposed to a designer
drug to control him. When he tried to cure himself, a spiteful co-worker
caused the mishap that would create the Spider man of 2099.

VENOM 2099
Kole Stone
By David Fryer (
F- RM (30)
A- IN (40)
S- IN (40)
E- IN (40)
R- TY (6)
I- TY (6)
P- PR (4)
H- 150
K- 16
P- (-10)

Powers: Symbiote- Provides the following powers

Body Armor TY vs. Blunt
Claws RM (30) edged damage
Fangs GD (10) edged damage
Webbing AM material strength, adheres with IN strength
Wall-crawling AM ability

Limitation: without the symbiote all of Kole's physical stats fall to GD.

Contacts: Tyler Stone, President of Alchemex, is Kole's father and has

aided his son in the past.

In Brief: Kole Stone is a murderer and sociopath. He murdered Jake

Gallows's family, prompting the once honest cop to become the Punisher,
and has also massacred dozens as Venom. The only thing that bonding with
this Venom offspring has done is made Kole a more efficient killer.

Random Mutant
F- EX (20)
A- EX (20)
S- RM (30)
E- IN (40)
R- GD (10)
I- RM (30)
P- EX (20)
H- 110
K- 60
P- 0
Powers: Alter Ego
Bloodhawk has two forms. His normal powerless form, and his heroic but
hideous form. The two forms will never normally exist at the same time.
Bloodhawk does not routinely revert to human form and it is possible that
he cannot do so willingly. His human form has the following stats.
H- 56

Winged Flight: EX (10 areas)

When in his monstrous form, he sprouts two dragon like wings that allow
flight. He can reach MN speeds (450mph) if he can make an endurance feat.
Consider his agility IN when in flight.

Natural Weapons: GD (10)

In his monstrous form, Bloodhawk has claws that cause GD damage. If
somehow robbed of his claws his fighting drops to GD (-10 pts).

Scaled Hide: GD (10)

In his ugly form he has a red scaly hide that offers GD protection from
physical attacks and FB protection from energy attacks.

Talents: Aerial Combat, Martial Arts E, Ecologist.

Contacts: X-MEN.

Role-playing notes: He is an Eco terrorist that strikes at all who would

deface the environment especially the desert. He never wanted to join the
Xmen but has found acceptance here. He still sees himself as a loner.

Shakti Haddad
Random Mutant
F- EX (20)
A- GD (10)
S- TY (6)
E- EX (20)
R- GD (10)
I- GD (10)
P- RM (30)
H- 56
K- 50
P- 10

Powers: Mutant Detection TY (6) range of 5 areas or 220 yards. She can on
a red feat detect specific mutants. This feat drops to yellow if she
tries to detect another X-man.

Neural Manipulation RM (30)

We have seen Shakti have two variations of this power. Disruption and
Paralysis. She first uses paralysis on Junkpile in Xmen issue 1. The
victim loses all sensations and fall to the ground a limp, numb mound of
flesh. The paralysis is the option she most often uses. She used it once
on Timothy in sparring. The target's body becomes completely rigid. No
chemical can counteract the paralysis when in effect. The duration seems
to be about 10 seconds in the books but could be longer. The range is 8
areas and she has never attempted to hit more than one victim at a time.
She also has shown a power stunt.
* She once used her power to trigger lower brain functions to activate
Skullfire's Power. She can thus at rank ability trigger any power or body
function that is involuntary. The victim's psyche should be used as the
intensity of the FEAT.

Weaknesses: Being so close to so many mutants in Halo City has made her
uncomfortable. No game adjustments currently suggested.

Talents: Computers, Martial Arts B, Leadership.

Contacts: X-Men, X-Nation, Sisters of the Howling Commandments.

Role-playing notes: Shakti is a big part of the X teams of 2099! She has
always served as an unofficial co leader of the xmen and has an inborn
confidence that bolsters the team. She has dedicated herself to the X
Nation kids of late.


F- IN (40)
A- RM (30)
S- GD (10)
E- RM (30)
R- GD (10)
I- EX (20)
P- RM (30)
H- 110
K- 60
P- 0

Powers: Disruption SH-Y

Requires him to have flesh to object contact with his left hand. The
material strength of the item determines the intensity of the feat. This
disruption is permanent. Moving targets require an agility feat. Living
targets may resist the effect as any energy attack. Powers that protect
from disruption (like Doom 2099's armor) can reduce the effect by its
rank number.

Healing Touch UN (100)

The flesh of his right hand can now heal, but at a cost. He could
theoretically heal up to rank damage when the flesh of his right hand
touches a wounded creature, but the catch is that for every 2 points he
heals, he himself loses 1 health point. This is only a temporary loss and
he can regain health lost in this manner (but no other damage) at the
rate of 1 point per turn until he reaches the number of points he lost
for the healing touch. This power can also heal ailments that do not
cause damage but then the intensity rank of the ailment is reduced by the
same 2 to 1 ratio.

Weaknesses: Dual Personae: He like Bruce Banner of the last century,

Xi'an has a split personality. One is peaceful, good, and inspiring. The
other is cruel, evil, and uncaring. The dark side is usually suppressed
but if Xi'an ever fails a psyche roll, the Dark personality will surface
and control his actions. This will remain in effect until the good side
is helped to the surface or the dark Xi'an fails a psyche roll.

Talents: Martial Arts A, B, D, E, Leadership.

Contacts: X-Men, Lawless, Theater of Pain.

Role-playing notes: Usually Xian is a strong visionary with peaceful

intensions, but recent acts by his darker self have left him indecisive
and brooding. He wants to atone for his sins. Dark Xian is a cruel
heartless man who ran with the Lawless and is not above any treachery.

Krystalin Ogada
Random Mutant
F- TY (6)
A- GD (10)
S- TY (6)
E- EX (20)
R- TY (6)
I- GD (10)
P- TY (6)
H- 42
K- 22
P- 5

Powers: Crystal Generation IN (40)

She has the ability to create atmospheric-porous crystal of various
sizes, with the following power stunts.
*Create crystal shields of IN material strength and protection.
*Make flexible items like rope, brittle to the touch.
*Create melee or thrown weapons with an IN edge.
*Create any weapon of rank IN material strength and fight with +1 with
*Trap opponents in crystal they can breathe through. IN strength.
*Spray a shower of deadly shards of crystal of rank IN damage.
* a crystal slide of rank IN material that can be slid down at rank IN
*She can use her crystalline creations to disperse light attacks by the
IN rank number.

Talents: Blunt Weapons.

Contacts: X-Men, soldiers of the Panther.
Role-playing notes: She is an important member of the team. She is a
versatile mutant and now calls the X-Men her family because her father is
dead and her brother thinks her a traitor to dad's ideals.

Henry Huang
Random Mutant
F- GD (10)
A- EX (20)
S- GD (10)
E- IN (40)
R- RM (30)
I- TY (6)
P- TY (6)
H- 80
K- 42
P- 0

Powers: Hyper Running SH-Y (14 areas)

He can run at Shift Y speeds for extended periods. This power has long
since improved his endurance. He also has rank protection from wind
resistance and wind burn. Anything he holds is also protected. His power
manifests as a multicolored streak behind him. His lungs are also adapted
for high speeds from 90mph to 210 mph! He can also move so fast that
other objects seem slower by his rank number. (Minimum speed of FB) This
helps him dodge or catch items.

Talents: Physics, Computers.

Contacts: X-men, Jordan Boone, Loki, Halloween Jack.

Role-playing notes: He is a loyal follower of Xavier's dream but also has

his own life to live. He is a loyal friend to Jordan Boone who drug him
away from the team for a while.


Random Mutant
F- GD (10)
A- EX (20)
S- RM (30)
E- RM (30)
R- EX (20)
I- TY (6)
P- TY (6)
H- 70
K- 34
P- 0
Powers: Metal Mimicry UN (100)
He can alter the nature of the elements in his own body into metals he
touches. In these early days he could retain his general shape and
appearance. He can change the metal to any other metal he is touching.
This makes his body of a hardness equal to the metal mimicked.
*As a power stunt he can transform his body into multiple metals or
change only certain body parts at -1rank power.

Talents: Synta-Percussionist- special drummer type.

Contacts: X-Men 2099

Role-playing notes: In the early days he envisioned himself as an

empowered minority that is persecuted by the establishment. He believed
X'ian was the way. At this time he could change between a relatively
human appearance and his metallic one without restriction.

The following stats reflect his CURRENT stats (X-men 2099 issues 6+, and

F- GD (10)
A- EX (20)
S- AM (50)
E- RM (30)
R- EX (20)
I- TY (6)
P- TY (6)
H- 110
K- 32
P- 0

Powers: Metal Mimicry UN (100)

Eddie is now trapped in his metallic form but has a freedom in which
metals he mimics. He can alter the nature of the elements in his own body
into metals he touches. He can change the metal to any other metal he is
touching. This makes his body of a hardness equal to the metal mimicked.
* he can transform his body into multiple metals or change only certain
body parts at -1rank power.

Weakness: He now has a monstrous hulking form and can no longer revert to
his fleshly self. This is due to Contagion's attack.

Talents: Synta-percussionist- special drummer type.

Contacts: X-men 2099, X-nation, Freak Show.

Role-playing notes: He is no longer the revolutionary, but rather a

caring man with a vicious protective streak for his friends... especially

Timothy Fitzgerald
F- TY (6)
A- GD (10)
S- TY (6)
E- EX (20)
R- GD (10)
I- GD (10)
P- TY (6)
H- 42
K- 26
P- 0

Powers: Absorption UN
Energy Projection AM damage if focused in one direction up to 3 area
range, IN damage if radiated in all directions, 2 area range.

Talents: Leadership, Mechanic.

Contacts: X-Men, government of Halo City.

In Brief: Tim is a wanderer and drifter who is recruited to be the final

member of the X-Men 2099. At first he is unable to control his powers and
releases his energy blast only at times of extreme stress. Later he gains
muck more control over his powers and more self confidence as he takes
over the leadership of the X-Men from their founder Xian.

By David Fryer (

Tina (Deceased)
Random Mutant
F- PR (4)
A- GD (10)
S- PR (4)
E- EX (20)
R- GD (10)
I- TY (6)
P- TY (6)
H- 38
K- 22
P- O

Powers: Elongation PR (4)

Similar to plasticity, but only allows the hero to stretch her limbs and
body over a number of areas. She may attack non-adjacent foes with close
combat types. The benefit is that the opponent can only make adjacent
attacks on the offending body part. (Helping her avoid slams, stuns, and
kills)She can extend a number of areas equal to her power rank number (4

Talents: Wrestling.
Contacts: XMEN 2099.
Role-playing notes: She is a free spirit who has a reverence for X'ian's
ideals. She is selfless and caring (and dead for her trouble). Died in
issue 3 of Xmen.

Ed. note: these stats were done by somebody else and I don't have the
person's name to credit them.

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