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Slope fields [16 marks]

dy y
A slope field for the differential equation d
= x2 + 2 is shown.

Some of the solutions to the differential equation have a local maximum point and
a local minimum point.

1a. Write down the equation of the curve on which all these maximum and [1 mark]
minimum points lie.
1b. Sketch this curve on the slope field. [1 mark]

1c. The solution to the differential equation that passes through the point [2 marks]
(0, − 2) has both a local maximum point and a local minimum point.
On the slope field, sketch the solution to the differential equation that
passes through (0, − 2).

dy 2
The slope field for the differential equation d
= e−x − y is shown in the
following two graphs.

2a. Calculate the value of d y at the point (0, 1). [1 mark]


2b. Sketch, on the first graph, a curve that represents the points where [2 marks]
= 0.
On the second graph,

2c. (i) sketch the solution curve that passes through the point (0, 0). [4 marks]
(ii) sketch the solution curve that passes through the point (0, 0. 75).
The diagram shows the slope field for the differential equation
= sin(x + y), − 4 ≤ x ≤ 5, 0 ≤ y ≤ 5.
The graphs of the two solutions to the differential equation that pass through
points (0, 1) and (0, 3) are shown.

For the two solutions given, the local minimum points lie on the straight line L 1 .

3a. Find the equation of L1 , giving your answer in the form y = mx + c. [3 marks]
3b. For the two solutions given, the local maximum points lie on the straight [2 marks]
line L2 .
Find the equation of L2 .

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International Baccalaureate® - Baccalauréat International® - Bachillerato Internacional®

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