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Triage: The process of prioritizing patient treatment based on the severity of their condition to ensure
that limited resources are allocated efficiently.

Mass Casualty Incident (MCI): An event resulting in a large number of victims requiring medical
attention, often overwhelming the available healthcare resources.

Shelter in Place: Seeking refuge in a designated safe location within the affected area to protect oneself
from potential hazards rather than evacuating.

Disaster Preparedness: Activities and measures taken in advance to ensure effective response to a
disaster, including planning, training, and resource allocation.

Incident Command System (ICS): A standardized management system used to organize and coordinate
emergency response efforts among multiple agencies and disciplines.

Decontamination: The process of removing or neutralizing hazardous substances from people,

equipment, and the environment to prevent further exposure.

Hazardous Materials (Hazmat): Substances that pose a risk to health, safety, or property, often
requiring special handling and response protocols.

Evacuation: The organized and coordinated movement of people from a dangerous or potentially
dangerous area to a safe location.

Surge Capacity: The ability of healthcare facilities to rapidly expand their services to accommodate a
large influx of patients during a disaster or public health emergency.

Resource Allocation: The strategic distribution and prioritization of resources, such as medical supplies
and personnel, to meet the needs of the affected population.

Continuity of Operations (COOP): Plans and procedures designed to ensure that essential functions and
services can continue during and after a disaster or emergency.

Psychological First Aid: Supportive and practical assistance provided to individuals affected by a disaster
to help them cope with stress and trauma.

Medical Reserve Corps (MRC): A network of community-based volunteer groups that support public
health initiatives and emergency response efforts.

Community Resilience: The ability of a community to withstand, adapt to, and recover from adversity,
including disasters and emergencies.
Mutual Aid: Cooperative assistance provided between emergency response agencies, healthcare
organizations, and jurisdictions during disasters and emergencies.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Specialized clothing or equipment worn by healthcare workers to
protect themselves from infectious materials or hazardous substances.

Quarantine: The separation and restriction of movement of individuals who may have been exposed to
a contagious disease to prevent its spread.

Isolation: The separation of individuals who are infected with a contagious disease from those who are
healthy to prevent the spread of the illness.

Field Hospital: Temporary medical facilities set up near the site of a disaster or in areas with limited
access to healthcare services to provide medical care to the affected population.

Rapid Needs Assessment: A systematic process of quickly evaluating the immediate needs of a
community following a disaster to inform response efforts and resource allocation.

Risk Assessment: The process of evaluating potential hazards and their impact on people, property, and
the environment.

Mitigation: The effort to reduce or prevent the harmful effects of disasters, such as through
infrastructure improvements or land-use planning.

Preparedness: Activities and measures taken in advance to ensure an effective response to a disaster,
including planning, training, and resource management.

Response: The actions taken immediately before, during, and after a disaster to save lives, protect
property, and meet basic human needs.

Recovery: The process of rebuilding and restoring communities and infrastructure following a disaster to
return to a normal state or improve resilience.

Hazard: A potential source of harm or adverse health effects on humans, property, or the environment.

Vulnerability: The susceptibility of individuals or communities to the impacts of hazards due to factors
such as location, socioeconomic status, or infrastructure.

Resilience: The ability of individuals, communities, and systems to withstand, adapt to, and recover
from the effects of disasters.

Recovery Time Objective (RTO): The targeted duration of time within which a business process must be
restored after a disaster to avoid significant consequences.
Business Continuity Planning (BCP): The process of developing strategies and procedures to ensure that
essential business functions can continue during and after a disaster.

Risk Communication: The exchange of information and advice between experts and the public about
potential hazards, risks, and protective actions.

Community Engagement: Involving community members in decision-making processes, planning, and

activities related to disaster management.

Hazard Mapping: The process of identifying and mapping areas that are susceptible to specific hazards,
such as flooding, landslides, or earthquakes.

Early Warning System: A system designed to detect and provide timely information about impending
disasters to minimize their impact.

Shelter Management: The coordination and management of temporary shelters for displaced
individuals during and after a disaster.

Evacuation Plan: A predetermined strategy for moving people from a dangerous or potentially
hazardous area to a safer location.

Search and Rescue (SAR): The process of locating, rescuing, and providing medical treatment to
individuals who are trapped or in distress following a disaster.

Recovery Assistance: Support provided to affected individuals and communities to help them rebuild
their lives and livelihoods after a disaster.

Incident Command Post (ICP): The physical location where the coordination of incident management
activities is centralized during a disaster response.

Damage Assessment: The process of evaluating the impact of a disaster on infrastructure, buildings, and
other assets to determine the extent of damage and support recovery efforts.

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