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1>jotting=a hastily written note,comment 2>musing=thoughts 3>dilettante=art lover,somebody who takes a subject in a superficial manner 4>abscond=to run away

5>absquatulate=abscond 6>contrive=manage to do something 7>infernal=a)very annoying b)related to underworld 8>pilfer=steal small things 9>purloin=pilfer 10>condemn=give somebody legal advice 11>exonerate=free somebody from blame or guilt 12>farce=absurd situation,a ridiculous situation in which everything goes wrong or becomes a shame 13>burlesque=mockery by ludicrous imitation 14>ditty=song,a short simple popular song 15>cadence=rhythm 16>vespers=bell rung in evening 17>canticle=christmas hymn or chant 18>vaudeville=comic play with songs 19>revue=music variety show 20>opera=musical drama 21>interlude=entertaining during a performance break 22>crow=cry out happily 23>quail=feel fear 24>bevy=group f people,animal 25>fluke=accidental success

25>tabloid=small newspaper with small articles 26>derogatory=expressing criticsm 27>coerce=force somebody 28>frenzied=wildly excited or out of control singhgungun1 29>medicament=medicine 30>disciple=follower of person or idea 31>sterile=infertile 32>venerable=worthy of respect 33>edifice=building 34>aisle=passageway between seats,woods 35>burly=stout and strong 36.>goatee=short pointed beard 37>vague=not clear 38>acquittal=decision given by the jury that someone is not guilty 39>adage=saying 40>indignation=anger at unfairness 41>voluptuous=sensual in appearance 42>euthanasia=painless killing to relieve suffering 43>bailiff=court official 44>whiplash=injury to neck 45>competent=able 46>ingratiate=seek to please somebody 47>exodus=departure 48>fleabag=cheap hotel 49>janitor=cleaning and maintenance person

50>skeptical=doubtful 51>bedlam=chaos 52>pervasive=present everywhere 53>cadaver=dead body 54>brusque=abrupt 55>obtuse=slow to understand 56>abstruse=diificult to understand 57>forbear=be tolerant 58>indiscriminate=accused of guilty 59>affray=fight or noisy disturbance in a public place 60>haute=fashionable or high class 61>bourgeois=characterstick of social middle class; dominated by commercial or industrial interest(capitalistic) 62>bland=tasteless 63>kitsch=artistic vulgarity,tasteless 64>proletariate=working class 65>facet=a part of possible aspect of something 66>skirmish=fight between troops 67>labile=adaptable or likely to change 68>sacrilegious=guilty of blasphemy 69>blasphemy=disrespect for GOD or sacred things 70>contrivance=a mechanical device or machine 71>cohabit=to live together although not legally married 72>mollycoddle=a man or boy who is pampered or over protected 73>physiognomy=the art of determining person's character from face 74>ordinance=rule or command

75>cadence=rhythmic flow of sound 76>gruff=hoarse or harsh 79>disband=to break up or dissolve to cease to function as a unit 80>faux pas=social blunder 81>cohesion=the act or state of sticking together 82>leery=wary or suspicious distrustful or mistrustful 83>indices=the plural of index 84>postulate=to take for granted or assume to b true without proof to demand 85>subsistence=the state of existing the providving of maintenance or support 86>infringe=to commit a breach or violate 87>mange=skin disease leading to hair loss 88>chaffing=good natured teasing 89>unprepossessing=not attractive 90>impetus=the force or energy that is associated with a body in motion 91>tawdry=cheap,shameful 92>mailnger=pretend to be sick to avoid an unpleasant task 93>senelity=the physical and mental deterioration associated with old age 94>odious=displeasure,strong disliking 95>temerity=recklesness,boldness,rashness 96>meticulous=very particular about minute details 97>

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