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1)Configure peer to peer network with least three hosts

 Peer to peer network is useful for a small network containing less than 10 computers
on a single LAN.
 In peer to peer network each computer can function as both client and server.
 Each computer is responsible for maintaining its own security.
 Peer to Peer networks do not have a central control system.
 There are no servers in peer networks.
 Decentralized Network.
 Use less expensive computer hardware
 Easy to administer
 No NOS required
 Easy setup & low cost
 No central point of storage
 Not very secure
 Hard to Backup
 Hard to maintain version control

2)Create a small physical network using computers, network connecting devices and cables

(department wala bhi chalega joh mam ne karaye the)

3)Draw a network layout with its topology for network setup of your laboratory
(to make star topology diagram with names of your lab)
4)Explain Advantages of computer network
1) Sharing Information (i.e File Sharing)
2) Sharing Resources
Types of resources are:
a) Hardware: A network allows users to
share many hardware devices such as
printers , modems, fax machines, CD
ROM, Scanner, etc.
b) Software: sharing software resources reduces
the cost of software installation, saves space
on hard disk.
3) Centralized Management
❑ Management of Software
❑ Maintenance of network
❑ Keeping the Data Back Up
- Full Back Up
- Replication
- Incremental or Partial Back Up
❑ Central network Security
❑ Increased speed
❑ Reduced cost
❑ Improved security
❑ Centralized software managements
❑ Electronic mail
❑ Flexible access
5)Explain Mesh Topology

• In a Mesh Topology, every device has a dedicated point-to-point link to every other
• In a Mesh Topology, each of the node or station (computer) and other devices, are
interconnected with one another.
• That is every node is connected to every other node in the network.
• This type of topology is very expensive.
• It is a used in wireless networks.
Number of devices in Mesh Topology
Number of I/O Ports in Mesh Topology
Number of Links in Mesh Topology
n (n-1) / 2
• Point-to-point links make fault identification and fault isolation easy.
• Data can be transmitted from different devices simultaneously (less traffic problem).
• Provide Security.
• Speed is Fast.
• Even if one of the components fails there is always an alternative present. So data
transfer does not get affected.
• Amount of cabling and the number of I/O ports required.
• The hardware required to connect each link (I/O ports and cable) is expensive.
• Set-up and maintenance of this topology are very difficult.
• Installation & reconfiguration is difficult.
• FM Radio broadcasting
• Monitoring & Control
• Military Applications
• WAN (Wide Area Network)
6)Explain Star Topology

• Most commonly used network topology.

• Each device has a dedicated point-to-point link only to a central controller, usually
called a hub or switch.
• In this type of topology all the computers are connected to a single hub through a
• The devices are not directly linked to one another.
• Data on a star network passes through the hub or switch.
• The hub or switch manages and controls all functions of the network.
• Unlike a mesh topology, a star topology does not allow direct traffic between devices.
• The controller acts as an exchange: If one device wants to send data to another, it
sends the data to the controller, which then relays the data to the other connected
• Easy to install.
• Speed is Fast.
• Less Cable is used.
• Less I/O port is used.
• Installation & reconfiguration is easy
• Fault identification and Fault isolation easy.
• Less expensive.
• Failure in one cable will not affect the entire network.
• Easily expandable
• Security is less as compare to Mesh topology.
• If the central hub or switch goes down, then all the connected nodes will not be able
to communicate with each other.
• Used in Office , School , Organization etc
• Used in Bank , Hospital
7)Explain Bus Topology

• Bus topology is a Multipoint Network.

• Bus topology is a network type in which every computer and network device is
connected to single cable (Co-axial Cable).
• This cable is known as the backbone cable
• Both ends of the backbone cable are terminated through the terminators.
• To connect a computer to the backbone cable, a drop cable is used.
• It transmits the data from one end to another in single direction.
• Easy to install.
• Less Cable is used.
• Cost is less.
• Used in small network.
• Multipoint Network.
• Speed is slow.
• Cable has a limited length.
• Failure of Bus can affect the whole network.
• If network traffic is heavy or nodes are more the performance of the network
• Troubleshooting is difficult.
• Fault identification & Fault isolation is difficult.
• Difficult to add new device.
• Used for broadcasting the message.
• Used in Computer Motherboard.
• Used in LAN.

8)Explain Ring Topology

• In a ring topology, each device has a dedicated point-to-point connection with only the
two devices on either side of it.
• Signal is passed along the ring in one direction, from device to device, until it reaches
its destination.
• Each device in the ring uses a repeater.
• Short message called Token.
• Ring topology uses token passing concept.
• Less Cable is used.
• Fault identification & Fault isolation is easy.
• Installation & reconfiguration is easy.
• Easily expandable.
• Unidirectional traffic.
• Speed is slow.
• Break in a single ring can break entire network.
• Less Security.
• Used in Mobile network

9)Explain Co-oxial Cable

• Co-axial Cable was developed in 1970’s
• The Co-axial Cable was initially developed as the backbone of ‘Analog Telephone
• Can carry more than 10,000 voice channels at a time.
• used in LAN.
• more reliable
• large Bandwidth
• Point-to-Point and Multipoint network
• Types
a) Thinnet (30 nodes)
b) Thicknet (100nodes)

Construction or Structure of Co-axial Cable

✓ low cost
✓ large bandwidth
✓ high data rate (2.5Mbps to 10Mbps)
✓ more Attenuation
✓ more EMI effect
✓ Inexpensive
✓ installation is easy as compare to Optical Fiber cable.
✓ higher data rate (2.5Mbps to 10Mbps)
✓ more reliable
✓ large bandwidth
✓ security is more
✓ Point-to-Point and Multipoint network
▪ Noise problem
▪ More EMI effect
▪ Single cable failure can brake down an entire network.
▪ Bulky
▪ Need repeater/amplifier every few kilometer
▪ Long distance telephone transmission
can carry 10,000 (approx.) voice calls
▪ Analog telephone network
▪ Digital telephone network
▪ Cable TV
▪ VCR-to-TV connections
▪ Traditional Ethernet LANs
▪ Thick / Thin Ethernet
10)Explain UTP cable
Construction of Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP)
• most commonly used medium.
• used in telephone system
• This cable can carry both voice and data.
Characteristics of UTP Cable
✓ low cost
✓ Easy is easy
✓ low bandwidth
✓ high data rate (10 Mbps to 100Mbps)
✓ Attenuation Problem
✓ EMI effect
✓ Inexpensive
✓ Easy to install.
✓ Speed is high.
✓ Higher data rate (10 Mbps to 100Mbps)
✓ Light weight
✓ EMI effect
▪ Low bandwidth
▪ Attenuation Problem
▪ Short distance communication
▪ Telephone System
▪ Ethernet
▪ LAN (10Mbps to 100Mbps)
11)Explain STP cable
Construction of Shielded Twisted Pair (STP)

• The metal shield reduces the interference of noise.

• It also helps to eliminate crosstalk.
• STP was developed by IBM.
• bulky and expensive
✓ High speed Communication
✓ Easy to install.
✓ Low noise
✓ Low EMI effect
✓ Eliminate Cross-talk
▪ Medium cost
▪ low bandwidth
▪ Attenuation Problem
▪ Short distance communication
▪ Telephone System
▪ ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)
▪ LAN (10 Base T and 100 Base T)
12)Explain Peer to Peer and client server architecture

Peer to peer – Q1
Client server :

 Client/server architecture is also known as a networking computing model.

 The Client-Server architecture is a centralized resource system where server holds all
the resources.
 In this architecture many clients are connected to server.
 Client-server architecture is an architecture of a computer network in which many
clients (remote processors) request and receive service from a centralized server (host
 Centralized Management
 No Data Redundancy and Inconsistency
 Increased data integrity
 No atomicity problem
 Scalability
 Flexibility
 Searching of data is easy
 Increase the performance
 Cost of server
 Maintenance of server
 If main server failed the entire network is stopped.
 Traffic problem
 Banking Systems
 Hospital Management System
 Airline Reservation Systems
 Railway Reservation Systems
13)Explain IP addressing
 An IP address is a unique global address for a network interface
 is a 32-bit long.
 IP addresses are divided into two parts:
Network ID & Host ID
IP Address Format
 It is usually written as four decimal numbers separated by dots.
 In hex, each of the four hexadecimal numbers is called an octet (8bit).
 Thus each octet (8 bit) can take value from 0 to 255.
 The IP in the dotted decimal notation can range from to
Basic Addressing
 32/4 == 8.
 28 = 256.
 But, computers number starting at 0, so to make a space of 256 numbers, we number
from 0 to 255.

IP Address Classes
• Class A
• Class B
• Class C
• Class D
• Class E

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