Design GYM Notes

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Focus on Food Retail

Example 1
Example 2
Yellow: the current meaning, what do you really appreciate in the retail environment?

Green: che cosa vorresti? Che cosa apprezzeresti? i.e.: service that allow me to navigate in many options
Than, explain the WHY – I want…short description of the solution, because … short description of the

Blu box: contextual phenomena that convince you that could be the change
e.g.: because the AI could give us the opportunity …

Belox boxes:
Give an image starting to mention how the service will look like in order to get the new meaning – they are
related to the new meaning
Criticism to the initial idea, no judgment
Share the process, the way of thinking.
Accept the critics and go in depth

Renounce to your initial cultural background

Bisogno: scegliere le cose in modo comodo facendo attenzione a cosa compro, la società va sempre più
verso la cura dell’ingrediente. Scegliere prodotti locali studiati per il tipo di alimentazione che ti serve
Idea: in che modo un retailer può aiutarti a fare queste cose, fornendo un’esperienza di acquisto che si
integra alle tue necessità.
Più volte fai shopping da me, più capisco quello che ti piace e più ti personalizzo la tua esperienza
AI generativa per fornire un’interfaccia per comunicare
Example of manifesto:

Eating well required time and knowledge, we want to reduce this barrier

Have you ever wished to eat healthily and sustainably without becoming a nutrition
expert? With the "Shop Smart, Eat Better" project, we can make this dream a reality.
We are here to break down the barriers between diet plans and grocery shopping by
seamlessly integrating them into one tailored/customized experience. Our goal is to
simplify your life by making it easy for you to find foods that meet your dietary
preferences while minimizing their ecological footprint. Join us in our mission for better
nutrition that is good for both you and our planet!

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