48k25.2 Group 8 Reporting

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Supervisor : Ph.D Huynh Thi My Hanh

Class : 48K25.2

Group : 8

Member : Phan Thi Quyen Dieu

Huynh Thi Thu Hang

Truong Thi Hoang Oanh

Van Thi Kieu Trinh

Danang, November 28th, 2023

Reinforcement and Equity Theory Group 8

LIST OF IMAGES......................................................................................................iii
I REINFORCEMENT THEORY........................................................................1

1. Operant Conditioning/ Behaviorism and Reinforcement..................................3

2. Social - Learning Theory and Reinforcement...................................................5

II EQUITY THEORY............................................................................................6

1. Overview of Equity theory................................................................................6

2. Reactions to Inequity........................................................................................8

3. Justice and Equity Theory.................................................................................9


Reinforcement and Equity Theory Group 8

Figure 1 Employees achieve monthly sales goals......................................................... 2
Figure 2 Employees are reprimanded by managers........................................................ 2
Figure 3 Rewards and punishments for behavior........................................................... 3
Figure 4 Components of Operant Conditioning............................................................. 3
Figure 5 Learning by observing the actions of others.................................................... 5
Figure 6 Models of the social-learning viewpoint.......................................................... 6
Figure 7 Equity Theory................................................................................................... 7
Figure 8 Six choices of reactions to inequity................................................................. 8
Figure 9 Model of organizational justice........................................................................ 9

Reinforcement and Equity Theory Group 8

 Definition:

- Reinforcement theory is a theory says that behavior is a function of its consequences.

+See behavior as environmentally caused.

+Not be concerned with internal cognitive events.

+What controls behavior are reinforcers—any consequences.

+Ignores the inner state of the individual and concentrates solely on what happens.

+Is not a motivational theory but a means of analysis of behavior.

 Compare the similarities and differences between two theories reinforcement and
goal-setting theory


+Understanding how behavior is shaped.

+Can be used to motivate people.

+Have been shown to be effective in a variety of settings.


Aspect Goal-Setting Theory Reinforcement Theory

Cognitive processes, External consequences,

motivation reinforcers

Setting specific, challenging, Modifying behavior through

achievable goals reinforcement

Environmentally caused, in-

Goal-directed, influenced by
View of behavior fluenced by external conse-
internal factors

Reinforcement and Equity Theory Group 8

For example:

 Reinforcement theory

Example 1: A company that sells mobile phones has a policy of giving cash bonuses
to sales representatives who meet their monthly sales goals.

Figure 1 Employees achieve monthly sales goals

by selling phones to the company.

Example 2: A manager reprimands an employee for being late to work. The employee
is less likely to be late in the future because they are being punished for this behavior.

Figure 2 Employees are reprimanded by managers

when they come to work late.

Reinforcement and Equity Theory Group 8

1. Operant Conditioning/ Behaviorism and Reinforcement:

Figure 3 Rewards and punishments for behavior

 Operant Conditioning is a method of learning that occurs through rewards and

punishments for behavior. Through operant conditioning, an association is
made between a behavior and a consequence for that behavior.

 Actions that are followed by reinforcement will be strengthened and more

likely to occur again in the future. Conversely, actions that result in punishment
or undesirable consequences will be weakened and less likely to occur again in
the future.

Figure 4 Components of Operant Conditioning

Reinforcement and Equity Theory Group 8

 Reinforcement in Operant Conditioning:

- Positive reinforcement: are favorable events or outcomes that are presented af-
ter the behavior, such as praise or a direct reward.

Example: If you do a good job at work and your manager gives you a bonus.

- Negative reinforcement: occurs when something unpleasant or uncomfortable

is removed or taken away in order to increase the likelihood of the desired be-

Example: If an employee receives a bonus every year and he or she does not
meet expectations this year, the bonus may be withheld.

 In both of these cases of reinforcement, increasing the likelihood of the

desired behaviors.

 Punishment in Operant Conditioning:

- Positive punishment: presents an unfavorable event or outcome in order to

weaken the response it follows.

Example: Adding extra sensitivity training to employees who offend or harass

someone at work.

- Negative punishment: completely eliminate the conditions that create unwanted


Example: Charging additional fees to stop people from paying their bills late.
 In both of these cases of punishment, decreasing the likelihood of the
undesired behavior.

 The concept of operant conditioning was part of Skinner’s broader concept of

behaviorism, which argues that behavior follows stimuli in a relatively unthink-
ing manner.

 Behaviorism emphasizes that a response to a stimulus is reinforced when fol-

lowed by a positive reward and that a response to a stimulus becomes stronger
with practice and repetition.

Reinforcement and Equity Theory Group 8

2. Social - Learning Theory and Reinforcement:

Figure 5 Learning by observing the actions of others.

 While the behavioral theories of learning suggested that all learning was the re-
sult of associations formed by conditioning, reinforcement, and punishment,
social learning theory proposed that learning can also occur simply by observ-
ing the actions of others.

 Social - Learning theory that we can learn through both observation and direct

 The theory suggests that observation, imitation, and modeling play a primary
role in this process.

 Four processes determine their influence on an individual:

Reinforcement and Equity Theory Group 8

Figure 6 Models of the social-learning viewpoint

 Attentional processes: we tend to be most influenced by models that are attrac-

tive, repeatedly available, important to us, or similar to us.

 Retention processes: how well the individual remembers the model’s action af-
ter the model is no longer readily available.

 Motor reproduction processes: demonstrates that the individual can perform the
modeled activities.

 Reinforcement processes: individuals are motivated to exhibit the modeled be-

havior if positive incentives or rewards are provided.

Example: To remain in good standing, new employees can observe and imitate
the practices of their peers. Always clocking in at least ten minutes early, for in-
stance, may help them to remain in the supervisor's favor.

1. Overview of Equity theory
 Definition:

- Equity theory is a theory that says that individuals compare their job inputs and
outcomes with those of others and then respond to eliminate any inequities.

Reinforcement and Equity Theory Group 8

Figure 7 Equity Theory

 A referent group is a group of people a person uses for comparison. There are
four significant referent groups people tend to compare themselves with.

+ Self-inside: An employee’s experiences in a different position inside the em-

ployee’s current organization.

+ Self-outside: An employee’s experiences in a situation or position outside the

employee’s current organization.

+ Other-inside: Another individual or group of individuals inside the em-

ployee’s organization.

+ Other-outside: Another individual or group of individuals outside the em-

ployee’s organization.


 If a accountant compares their salary with other accountants in the same

company then the referent group is others-inside.

 If the same employee compares their pay with an acquaintance from a

different company, it refers to others-outside.

 If they compare their pay with their previous job, it relates to self-out-

Reinforcement and Equity Theory Group 8

 And, when they contemplate on their performances in the same organi-

zation, it refers to self-inside.

2. Reactions to Inequity
 Inequity: based on equity theory, employees who perceive inequity will make
one of six choices:

Figure 8 Six choices of reactions to inequity

1. Change inputs (slack off)

Example: Exert less effort if underpaid or more if overpaid.

2. Change outcomes (increase output)

Example: Individuals paid on a piece-rate basis can increase their pay by produc-
ing a higher quantity of units of lower quality.

3. Distort/change perceptions of self

Example: I used to think I worked at a moderate pace, but now I realize I work a
lot harder than everyone else.

4. Distort/change perceptions of others

Example: “Mike’s job isn’t as desirable as I thought”.

5. Choose a different referent person

Reinforcement and Equity Theory Group 8

Example: “I may not make as much as my brother-in-law, but I’m doing a lot bet-
ter than my Dad did when he was my age”.

6. Leave the field (quit the job)

 Propositions relating to inequitable pay

- Paid by time:

+Overrewarded employees produce more.

+Underrewarded employees produce less with low quality.

-Paid by quality:

+Overrewarded employees give higher quality.

+Underrewarded employees make more of low quality.

3. Justice and Equity Theory

Figure 9 Model of organizational justice

- Organizational justice is an overall perception of what is fair in the workplace, com-

posed of distributive, procedural, and interactional justice.

Reinforcement and Equity Theory Group 8

Example: In case of crises, the employees will share their opinion, and this often re-
sults in a shared interpretation of events.

- The various types of organizational justice are:

+ Distributive Organizational Justice: Perceived fairness of the amount and allocation

of rewards among individuals.

Example: Everyone would be paid the same wage, which helps decrease social in-
equality in terms of wealth.

+Procedural justice: is the perceived fairness of the process used to determine out-
come or the distribution of rewards.

Example: A manager involves employees in the decision-making process when it

comes to changes that affect them.

+Interactional justice: perceived degree to which one is treated with dignity and re-

Example: A manager listens attentively to an employee's concerns and takes them se-

Reinforcement and Equity Theory Group 8


[1 T. T. T. H. Hanh, “Social learning theory,” 2009. [Trực tuyến]. Available:

] https://vietnambiz.vn/li-thuyet-hoc-tap-xa-hoi-social-learning-theory-la-gi-

[2 S. Robbins, "Organizational Behaviours," 2017. [Online]. Available:

] http://elearning.due.udn.vn/pluginfile.php/384244/mod_resource/content/1/

[3 C. X. H. Vuong, “Social learning theory,” [Trực tuyến]. Available:

] https://acabiz.vn/blog/social-learning-la-gi-no-co-tac-dong-nhu-the-nao-den-cac-


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