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The word of God is the authentic source of power. And we know of course that when you have

power then you have dominion. It is the spirit that quickened, the flesh profited nothing. “The

words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life”. (John 6:63)

God’s word is His spirit in written form, which when adsorbed into your spirit, brings you in

contacts with power. The word of God carries enough power to give you dominion in all

spheres of life. For example, in the word is power to heal.

The knowledge and understanding of God’s word will course you to walk in dominion all the

days of your life. It is like a hammer and can break every hardship in your life into pieces.

“Is not my word like as a fire, Saith the Lord, and like a hammer that breaked the rock in

pieces, Jeremiah23:29? If the word is God it therefore goes without saying that the word is

omnipotent, just as God is all _ powerful and undefeatable. The word then became light, which

shines in darkness and the darkness could not handle it.

A heart for the word is another way to encounter the mysteries and power contained in the word

of God, The cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches contend for attention with the

word of God in one’s life such that what one reads at times goes no further than the waysides.

The birds of the air come along and eat them up immediately. That is why you need a heart that

in fully set for an encounter to get anything from the word of God.

You have remained in the outer court long enough; it’s now times to enter the holiest of all, so

you can enjoy dominion in life. End time battles will be fought by the operation of the manifold

wisdom of God. We therefore need to gain access into the holiest of all in order to be part of

this glorious army.


“Jesus replied, “Are you not in error because you do not know the scripture or the power of

God, Mark 12:24. The word of God and the power of God are inseparable from the time of

creation to the coming of the Lord, God’s word carries infinite power. It is ignorance of God’s

power that hinders us from experiencing the greatest possible divine manifestation we can ever

experience in our lives. If we know the word of God, his commandments, precious promises as

much as we know the power of God the greatest manifestation of his Almightiness can take

place in our lives. Many church goers go into grass error concerning the promises of God

because they do not know about the provision in the word of God on spiritual warfare and the

power of God that can transform a life. Other do not live a victorious Christian life because

they do not know the clear teaching of the word of God on the issue and do not believe in the

power of God that can make us live a victorious life. The reason many people do not believe

that there is no incurable disease in the sight of God, that He can heal and He still heals today,

is because they do not know the scripture that says: “by his stripes we are healed,” neither do

they know the power of God that is able to heal and keep us healthy.

The same reason explains why many people do not believe in deliverance from demonic

powers, witches and wizards in the possibility and reality of miracles. They do not know the

promises, provisions and injunction of the scriptures nor the power of God that accomplish

them. Jesus gives a timeless principle that links the power of God with knowledge of the

scripture in Mark 12:24. A life is turned round and a lot of good things begin to take place

when both the word and his power are joined.

Jesus is the word personified and the power revealed (Hebrew 1:3) when you have the word of

His power and the powers of His word you, have got it all.

“For the word of God is living and active sharper than any double edged sword, it penetrates

even to dividing soul and spirit, joint and marrow, it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the

heart” (Hebrews 4:12)

The word of God holds sway over every man and over every culture. The word of God is

likened to various things. They are

1. A two-edged sword that cuts things into pieces,

2. A hammer that can beat metals into desired shape, tool or instrument;

3. The fire that can melt the hardest metal,

4. Water that cleanness and refreshes us.

5. Medicine that can cure

6. Food that can strengthen.

It is only when we read the scripture as the word of God that it has the power to transform over

lives, circumstance and situation. It is as we accept it at face-value that it begins to work with

power in our live. The reason many people find it difficult getting converted is because they do

not set time apart to read the word of God that assures us that God will forgive and transform

our lives the moment we believe. We cannot fight any spiritual battle or change ourselves; it is

the power of God that works through His word. With the word of God we overcome

temptation. Like Jesus, by it; we can overcome doubts about the word of God and the

temptation to misuse the power of God. Satan can twist the word of God and our

understanding of it. Jesus defeated the devil by the word. By the sword of the spirit, we too can

destroy all the things he will bring our way

He can use people who do not have the totality of word of God to quote a part of the word of

God in order to confuses us and make us disobey another part of the word. If we know the

word, quote the word, stand on the word, believe the word, act by the word, victory will be ours

at all times.

The word is likened to light. The word is the foundation of whatever exists in the world today

because the world itself was made with a mare spoken word of God. The power of the word

gave life to the earth and everything that exists in it. The word of God is the amour of a believer

in spiritual warfare. It destroys the works of the devil and renders shattered the dark world.

True riches are hidden in the word of God. It is the strength of a believer that enables him to go

through difficult terrains unhurt the word of God nourishes the spiritual life of believer it help

him grow in the lord. When it is not regularly read it produces spiritual weakness.

No one can navigate the undulating terrain of this world without having a form grip on the

word of God undiluted word of God in the life of a Christian gives you power and courage.

With the word of God in your life you stand against the devil and all his work.


“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able

to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand”. (Ephesians 6:13).

The sixth piece of armor that Paul discusses in Ephesians 6 is the sword of God, which

represents the word of God. For a Roman Soldier, the Sword served as an offensive weapon

against enemies. When sharpened, the sword could pierce through just about anything, making

it very dangerous tool.

To understand the connection between the sword and the Word of God. It is first important to

understand the power of God’s Word. Hebrew 4:12 say, “For the Word of God is alive and

active, shaper than any double edged Sword, it penetrates even and dividing soul and spirit,

joints and marrow, it Judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

If we are lacking in knowledge of God’s word, we will struggle to fight against the enemy.

However, those who seek God’s word and abide by it will be blessed. John 5:24 says “very

truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believe him who sent me has eternal life and will

not be judged but has crossed over from death to life.

The sword of the spirit is unique that it can be used as both a defensive and offensive tool.

While God’s word can protect us from the lies of the enemy. It can also counters attacks. For

examples, Jesus used God’s Word as an offensive weapon in Matthew 4 when Satan tried to

test Him in the wilderness.

So, how can we use the Word of God in our lives? We are not meant to keep the knowledge we

gain from God’s word to ourselves. When we are asked to defend what we believe, we can use

God’s word to point back to Him.

Sometime, it is not easy to take up our swords and fight against the enemy. However, we are

not called to do this by our strength. When facing trials; we can find peace in knowing that God

is on our side. Roman 8:31 says “what, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is

for us, who can be against us?”

Life generally is war but the Christian warfare in particular in spiritual in nature. Thank God

who already equipped us for the battle of life. The weapons of our warfare also, though spiritual

and invisible, they are mighty through God (work in God’s strength and ability; not yours) to

pull down strong holds of Satan and his host.


You have to be fearless in spiritual warfare in order to truly walk in dominion. this is because

fear deflates power. God has deposited in you all that it takes to fight in spiritual warfare. It

will, therefore, be an insult on redemption for you to still walk with your head bowed down,

rather than walk tall and fearless like the victor and conqueror that you are. Consider this

assurance from the Lord. With the word of God in you, boldness will come.

Be assured of this fact that “the lord is he that goeth with you, to fight for you against your

enemies “Not only that it is with you to save. You Know for a surety that the verdict of the

battle has been given in you favour. Heaven has declared you the victor in every battle you are

confronted with. With the undulated word of God as a weapon in you; you will overcome that

spiritual battle in your life.

The undiluted word of God enable you to speak in power and pray in power to overcome Satan

the devil. If you have the word of God, you have power fear will go out of you.

Without a heart you cannot make a mark. In warfare, every fearful person is disqualified. God

is arming his church and we are privileged to be in the forefront, fully armed with the undiluted

word of God.

Unparalleled confidence is what makes a conqueror the inner strength of conquerors is

unbeatable and within you already for we are told that we are more the conquerors. You must

become power conscious, otherwise the wicked forces on this earth won’t let you live.


David O. Oyedepo ; Walking in Dominion, Ota Dominion, publishing house,


Dr. D.K. Olukoya , 70 rules of spiritual warfare, Ikeja: Battle cry Christian
Ministries, 2010

Henry Wawe, God’s word defines you; Warri Eregha Publisher, 2009

W.F. Kumuyi, Sermon outlines, Lagos Life Press Limited, 2004

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