Timetable Syllabus DSC, DSE, GE, AEC

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‘TIME TABLE 2023 2024 (Semester IL, IV& VI) BREAK TIME 12:40 p.m. 1:00 p.m. HANSRAJ COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY OF DELHI, DELHI 110007 | sows. | o4ow 1049 | rows | 10112401 100020 | 2000300 | sm400 | sonr0s00 Monty | Moths. | Mot ‘Amiog | Amiog Analg La —Grogp C +D PEL x bd mB 3 PT RB) Toes cw ose vac Mod Ply. Lab Group AvB | SSPLab— Group AB P T Bios tos t t ‘Amlog Lab Group's BPELS sy i sk. | GrDse nin melos SSP Lah Group Cu Mal Pig Lab —Grogp 1D say sec ‘SK of Sutil Kaa NDS: of Nama Sot HC. Dx. Hoa Ca Dx D. Sala YK: e. YooeinKasar 1G: De Joao ‘Ab: be Aman Prope ‘Time Table fn-Charge Principal Science: Dr Sunda Lal Prof (Dr) Rama ‘Ants and Commerce: De. Kundan HONOURS) PHY nel Gente Broa ioe ‘Studied DSC- Light and Matter ‘& Mathematical Physics 1.8 1 Class XI Pass with PCM LEARNING OBJECTIVES This course introduces modern development in Physics. Starting from Planck's law, it develops the idea of probability interpretation and then discusses the formulation of ‘Schrodinger equation and its applications to step potential and rectangular potential problems. ‘This paper aims to provide knowledge about atomic physics, hydrogen atoms and X-rays ‘This paper covers the indepth knowledge of lasers, its principle and working. I also introduces concepts of nulear physics and acelerators. LEARNING OUTCOMES: ‘ting exposure ths sour te following is woul eer ‘Main asec ofthe inadequaccs of classical mechanics ab well understanding ofthe Instoncl development of quantum mechanics Hesenbers's Uncertainty prineipl and its applications, photoelectric eect and Compton searing ‘+ The Schrodinger equation in I-dimeason. wave function, probability and probability cent densities, omulizaion, conditions for phsial acepabiity of wavefunctions, Position and momentum operators and their expectation values, Commuter of poston {in momentum operator + Time independeot Schrodinger equation, derivation by separation of variables, wave packets, parle ina box problem. energy level. Reflection and Wansmision aos & Step and evtangular ote bate. ‘Mosication n Bobs quantum mods: Sommerfeld theory of litical orbits yop atom energy level and spect emision and absorption spect “Xray thee production and spectra: continuous and characteristic X-rays, Mosley Law. Lasers and their working principe, spontaneous and stimulated emissions and absorption, Einsti’s A and B coefficients, Metsable states, components ofa laser and lasing om in He-Ne laser and fre seceon laser. + Basic properties of mci, nuclear binding energy semi-empirical mass formula, mule force and meson tory. Radios + Types of Acelertors, Vande Graf enerator linear acceler, yclton, ‘THEORY COMPONENT Unit—1 (9 Hours) Origin of Quantum Theory: Black body radiation and failure of classical theory, Planck's quantum hypothesis, Planck's radiation law, quantitative treatment of photo-lectrc effect and Compton scattering, Heiser’ uncertainty principle, Gamma ray microseope thought experiment, position - momentum uncertainty consequences of uncertainty principle. Unit (0 Hours) ‘The Schrodinger Equation: The Schrodinger equation in one dimension, statistical interpretation of wave function, probability and probability current densities. Normalization conditions for physical acceptability of wave functions with examples, position and ‘momentum operators and their expectation values. Commutator of position and momentum operators Unit (9 Hours) ‘Time Independent Schrodinger Equation: Demonstration of separation of variable method for time independent Schrodinger equation: Free particle wave function, wave packets application to energy eigen values and stationary states for particle in a box problem. Reflection and transmission across a step and rectangular potential barrier Uoit-1V (P Hours) Atomic Physics: Beyond the Bohr's Quantum Mode: Sommerféld theory of eliptical orbits; Hydrogen atom energy levels and spectra, emission and absorption spectra; Correspondence principle; X-rays: Method of production, Continuous and Characteristic Xerays, Moseley's aw. Lasers: Lifetime of excited states, natural and Doppler width of spectral lines, emission (Gpontancous and stimulated) and absorption processes, Einstein's A and B.coeicients, principle of detailed balancing, metastable states, componcnts of a laser and lasing action, ‘working principle ofa 4 level laser, e.g. He-Ne lasers; qualitative idea of X-ray fee electron lasers Unit v (0 Hours) Basie Properties of Nucl: Introduction (notation, a basic idea about nuclear size, mas, angular momentum, spin, parity isospin), N-Z graph, nuclear binding energy, semi-empirical ‘mass formula, and basic idea about the nuclear free and meson theory. Radioactivity: Law of radioactivity and secular equilibrium Accelerators: Accelerator fecility available in India: Van-de Granff generator (Tandem ‘accelerator, linear accelerator, e¥clotton (principle, construction, working, advantages and disadvantages), discovery of acw elements ofthe periodic able References: Essential Readings: 1) Concepts of Modern Physics, A. Beiser, 2002, McGraw-Hill, 2) Modern Physics, R.A. Serway, C. J. Moses and C. A. Moyer, 2012, Thomson Brooks Cole, Cengage. 3) Schaum's Outline of Modem Physics, R. Gautreau and W. Savin, 2020, MeGraw Hill Lc 4) Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers, S. T. Thornton Rex, 4* eton, 2013, Cengage Learning. 5) Introduction to Modem Physic, F. K. Richimyer, E. H. Kennard and J. N. Cooper, 2002, ‘Tata MoGraw Hill, 8) Physics fr scientists and Engineers with Modem Physics, Jewett and Serway, 2010. 7) Learning Modem Physics, G. Kaur and GR. Pickrell, 014, MeGraw Hill. 8), Moder Physics, R. Murugeshan, § Chand & Co. Ltd '9) Schaum's Outline of Beginning Physics II | Waves, electromagnetism, Optics and Modern Physi, Alvin Halpern, Erich Erlbach, MeGraw Hill. 10) Theory and Problems of Modem Physics, Schaum’s outline, R. Gautreau and W. Savin, 2 edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Lt. 11) Quantum Physics, Berkeley Physics, Vol4. E. H. Wichman, 1971, Tata McGraw-Hill 12) Quantum Mechanics: Theory and Applications, A. Ghatak and S. Lokanathan, 2004, “Macmillan Publishers India Limited. 13) Introduction to Quantum Mechanies, D. J. Griffith, 2005, Pearson Education. 14) Concepts of nuclear physics, B. Cohen, 2003, McGraw. Hill Education. 15) Atomic Physies, Ghoshal, 2019, S. Chand Publishing House. 16) Atomic Physics, J.B. Rajam & foreword by Louis De Broglie, 2010, (S. Chand & Co. 7) Nuclear Physics, S. N. Ghoshal, S. Chand Publishers. 18)Physics of Atoms and Molecules, B. H. Bransden and C. J. Jochain, 2™ edition, Pearson 19) Atomic and Molecular Physics, Rajkumar, RBSA Publishers. 20) Atoms, Molecules and Photons, W. Demtroder, ~ edition, 2010, Springer. 21) Introducing Nuclear Physis, K.. Krane, 2008, Wiley India. Additional Readings: 1) Basie Atomic & Molecular Spectroscopy, J. M. Hollas (Royal Society of Chemistry) 2) Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure, G. Herber. 3) Basie Ideas and Concepts in Nuclear Physics: An Introductory Approach (Series in Fundamental and Applied Nuclear Physics), K. Heyde (Institute of Physies Publishing ‘Third Editon 4) Nuclear Physis: Principles and applications J. Lilley, 2006, Wiley 5} Schaum’s Outline of Modern Physics, 1999, McGraw-Hill Education. {6) Atomic and molecular Physis, R. Kumar, 2013, Campus Book It. 7) The Fundamentals of Atomic and Molecular Physicr (Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics), 2013, Springer. §8) Six Ideas that Shaped Physics: Particles Behave like Waves, T. A. Moore, 2003, McGraw Hi 9) Thirty years that shook physics: The story of quantum theory, G. Gamow, Garden Ci NY: Doubleday, 1966, PRACTICAL COMPONENT, (1S Weeks with2 hours of laboratory session per week) Mandatory ect: Sessions on the review of experimental data analysis, sources of ero and their estimation in detail, writing of scientific laboratory reports including proper reporting of ero. ‘+ Application tothe specific experiments done in the lb ‘© Faniliarization with Schuster focusing; determination of angle of prism, 1). Measurement of Planck's constant using black body radiation and photo-detotor 2) Phote-lectric effet: photo current versus intensity and wavelength of light, maximum ‘energy of photoelectrons versus frequency of light 3) To determine the work function of material of filament of directly heated vacuum diode. 44) To determine the Planck's constant using LEDs of at least 4 differnt colours. '3) To determine the wavelength ofthe H-alpha emission line of Hydrogen ators. 6) To determine the ionization potential of mercury. 1) To determine the value of em by (a) Magnetic focusing o (b) Bar magnet. 18) To show the tunneling effect in tunnel dies using LV characteristics. 9) Onc innovative experiment designed by the teacher relevant to the syllabus [References for laboratory work: 1) Advanced Practical Physics for students, B. L. Fit and HT; Worsnop, 1971, Asia Publishing House. 2) A Text Book of Practical Physics, I Prakash and Ramakrishna 1* eon, 2011, Kitab Mahal 3) Advanced level Physics Practical, Michael Nelson and Jon M. Ogbor, 4 edition, ‘eprint, 185, Heinemann Edvational Publishers. 4 "Laboratory Mapu of Physics for Undergraduate Classes, D. P. Khandelwal, 1988, Vani Publisher. 5) BSc. Practical Physis, Singh. Chand & Co Li 6) Se. Practical Physics, G.Sanon, Chand and Co. Mrainiereaes ens ROCA ed Ps EARNING OBJECTIVES ‘This course introduces the base concepts and principles required properties exhibited by condensed matter, especially solids. I enables the students 10 lpprociate how the interesting and wonderfal propertis exhibited by matter depend upon the arrangement of is atomic and molecular constituents. The gainod knowledge helps to solve problems in soli state physics using relevant mathematical tols. I also communicates the Importance of solid state physics in modem society LEARNING OUTCOMES (On successful completion of the module students should beable to, Elucidate the concept of lattice, crystals and symmetry operations Understand elementary lattice dynamics and is inlucnce on the properties of materials Describe the origin of energy bands, and their influence on electronic behaviour Explain the origin of da, para, and ferro-magnetic properties of solids Explain the origin of the dielectric properties exhibited by solids and the concept of polarizability Understand the basics of supercondctivity ‘© Inthe laboratory students will carry out experiments based on the theory that they have leamed to measure the magnetic susceptibility, dielectric constant, trace hysteresis Loop. ‘They will also employ to four probe methods to measure electrical conductivity and the hall setup to determine the hall coefficient of a semiconductor SYLLABI ‘THEORY COMPONENT Unit—1- Crystal Structure (10 Hours) Classification of solids as amorphous and crystalline materials, basic understanding of ‘bonding in crystals, closed packed structure and packing fractions, lice translation vectors, latice with a basis, types of latices, unit cell, symmetry elements crystal planes and Millet indices, reciprocal latice and Ewald's constriction (geometrical), Brillouin Zones, Diffraction of X-rays: single crystal and powder method. Brage’s Law psc Unit Elementary band theory (Hours) Brief discussion on fice clectwon model, success and failure of fee electron model, Kronig- Penney model, band gap, direct and indirect band gap, effective mass, eoncept of mobility, Hall effect (Semiconductor. Unit 111 - Elementary Lattice Dynamics (10 Hours) Lattice Vibrations and Phonons: Linear monoatomic and diatomic chains, acoustic and ‘optical phonons, Dulong and Petit’s Law, Einstein and Debye theories of specific heat of solids. P law Unit IV - Magnetic Properties of Matter (© Hours) Dia-, Para, Fer and Ferromagnotic Materials, Classical Langevin Thoory of dia~ and para- ‘magaetism, Weiss's Theory of Ferromagnetism and Ferromagnetic Domains, Curi’s law, B- H Curve, hysteresis and energy los, soft and hard material Unit V - Diclctrie Properties of Materials (7 Hours) Polarization, local eleetic field in solids, depolarization field, electric susceptibility, polarizability, Clausius Mossoti equation, classical theory of electronic polarizability, AC lectronic polarizability, normal and anomalous dispersion, complex dielectric constant, basic ida offeroclectricty and PE Hysteresis loop. Unit VI Superconductvity @ Hours) Experimental results, critical temperature, critical magnetic field, Meissner effet, Type land type Il superconductors References: Essential Readings: 1)nreduetion to Solid State Physics, Charles Kit, eiton, 200, Wiley India Pvt. Lid 2) Elements of Solid State Physis, J P. Srivastava, ™ edition, 2006, Prentice-Hall of India. 3) Introduction to Solids, Leonid V. Azarff, 2004, Tata Me-Graw Hil, 4) Solid State Physics, N. W. Ashcroft and N. D. Mermin, 1976, Cengage Learning. 5) Solid-state Physics, H.Ibach and H. Luth, 2008, Springer Additional Readings: 1) Elementary Solid State Physics, M. Ali Omar, 2006, Pearson 2) Solid State Physics, R-Jobn, 2014, McGraw Hill 3) Solid State Physics, M.A. Wahab, 2011, Narosa Publications PRACTICAL COMPONENT (15 Weeks with 2 hours of laboratory session per week) ‘© Sessions on the construction and use of specific measurement instruments and experimental apparatus used in the solid state physics laboratory, including necessary precautions. ‘= Sessions on the review of experimental data analysis, sourees of error and their estimation in detail, writing of scientific laboratory reports including proper reporting of error. ‘+ Application to the specific experiments done inthe laboratory. Atleast four experiments to be performed from the list, 1), Measurcment of susceptibility of paramagnetic solution (Quinck’s tube method). 2) To measure the magnetic susceptibility of solids. 3) To study the dielectric constant of a materials (Solid liquid) as a function of temperature and frequency. 44) To determine the complex dielectric constant and plasma frequency of a metal using Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) technique. ') To determine the refractive index ofa dielecisic material using SPR technique 6) To study the PE Hysteresis lop ofa feroelectric rystal 7D To draw the BH curve of iron (Fe) using solenoid and determine the energy los from hysteresis lop. 8) To measure the resistivity of a semiconductor (Ge) with temperature (up to 150°C) by out-probe method and determine its band gap. 9) To determine the Hal coefficient of a semiconductor sample. 10)Analysis of X-ray diffraction data in terms of unit cell parameters and estimation of particle size 11) To study magnetoresstance i a semiconductor with magnetic field References for laboratory work: 1) Advanced Practical Physics for students, B. L. Flint and H. T. Worsnop, 1971, Asi Publishing House. 2) A Text Book of Practical Physic, 1. Prakash and Ramakrishna, 11* edition, 2011, Kitab Mal 3) Elomonts of Solid State Physics, J.P. Srivastava, 2 edition, 2006, Prentice-Hall of India 4) Practical Physies,G. L. Squires, 4 edition, 2015, Cambridge University Press. 3) Practical Physies,C.L_ Arora, 19" edition, 2015, 8. Chand artes ANALOG ELECTI RSE - DSC Dred LEARNING OBJECTIVES ‘This course introduces the concept of semiconductor devices and their analog applications. also emphasizes on understanding of amplifiers, oscillators, operational amplifier and their ppliations. EARNING OUTCOMES, the end of this course, the following concepts will be learnt ‘© To lear about diodes and its uses in rectification ‘+ To gain an insight into working principle of photodiodes, solar cells, LED and zener diode as volage regulator ‘© To gain an understanding of constrction and working principle of bipolar junction ‘uansistors (BITS), characteristics of different configurations, biasing and analysis of ‘transistor amplifier ‘To beable to design and understand use of different types of oilers ‘© To learn the fundamentals of operation amplifiers and understand their operations to ‘compare, add o subtract two o more signals and to differentiate or integrate signals ete: In the laboratory course, the students will be able to study characteristics of various diodes ‘and BIT. They will be able wo design amplifiers, and oscillators. Als diferent applications ‘using Op-Amp willbe designed SYLLABUS OF DSC .12 THEORY COMPONENT. Unit —1-"Tworterminal devices and their applications (S Hours) IV characteristics of a diode and its application as retfir (half-wave and fll wave reolifier), IV characteristics of u zener diode and its use as voltage regulator, principle, Structure and characteristics of (1) LED, (2) Photodiode and (3) Solar Cell Unit —11-Ripotar junction transistors (4 Hours) ingen and pearp transistors, IV characteristics of CB and CE configurations, ative, cutoft ‘and saturation regions, current gains and B, relations between a and B, physical mechanism ‘of current low Unit 111 ~ Amplifiers and sinuseidal oscillators (11 Hours) ‘Load line analysis of tansistor, DC load line and Q- point, fixed bias and voltage diver bias, ° teansistor as 2-port network, h-parameter equivalent circuit of a transistor, analysis of a single-sage CE amplifier using hybrid model (input and output impedance, current and voltage gain) Sinusoidal Oscillators: General idea of positive and negative feedback, Barkhausen’s criterion for self-sustained oscillations, RC phase shift oscillator, determination of frequency, Harley and Colpts osilators Unit~1V - Operational Amplifiers (Black Box approach) (10 Hoars) (Characteristics of an ideal and practical Op-Amp (IC 741), open-loop and closed-loop gai, frequency response, CMRR, slew rate and concept of virtual ground Applications of Op-Amps: (1) Inverting and non-inverting amplifiers, (2) Adder, (3) Subwracior, (4) Differentiator, (8) Integrator, (6) Comparator and Zero crossing detector (7) ‘Wein bridge oscillator 1) Integrated Electronics J. Millman and C. C. Halkias, 1991, Tata Me-Graw Hill, 2) Electonics: Fundamentals and Applications, J.D. Ryder, 2004, Prentice Hall 3) Linear Integrated Circuit, R. A. Gayakwad, 4 edition, 2000, Prentice Hall 44) Microclecronie cireuits, A. S. Sedra, KC. Smith and A. N. Chandorkar, 6° ition, 2014, Oxford University Pres. 5) Semivondctor Devices: Physics and Technology, S. M. Sze, 2" edition, 2002, Wiley India 6) Electronic Principles, A. Mal Eden, 7) Electronic Devices and circuit Theory, R. L. Boylestad and LD. Nashelsky, 2009, Pearson ino, D. J. Bates, 7 edition, 2018, Tata Me-Graw Hill Additonal Readings: 1) Leaming Eectonic Devices and circuits, 8 2012, Ta Me-Graw Hill 2) Microclectronic Ciel, MH. Rashi, 2 eon, Cengage Learning 3} Miorsletonic Devices and Cxcui, D. A. Bell, 5 edition, 2018, Oxford University Pros 4) Basic lecwoncs: Principles and Applications, C. Saha, A. Halder and D. Gangul, 1" edition, 2018, Cambridge University Press 5) Sold Stat Esstonic Devies, 8. GStcctmanandS.K. Banc, 6 edition, 2009, PHL jvahanan and N. S. Kumar, 3* edition, PRACTICAL )MPONE! 7 (1S Weeks with 4 hours of laboratory session per week) ‘+ Session on the construction and use of specific analogue devices and experimental ‘apparatuses used inthe lab, including necessary precautions ‘© Sessions on the review of experimental data analysis, sources of error and thei estimation detail, writing of scientific laboratory reports including proper reporting of errors. ‘© Application tthe specific experiments done i the lab. au experiments tobe performed from the following list 10 1) To study the V-I characteristics ofa Zener diode and its use as voltage regulator. 2) Study of V-I and power curves of solar eels, and find maximum power point and efficiency. 3) To study the characteristics ofa Bipolar Junction Transistor in CE configuration. 44) To design aCE transistor amplifier of a given gain (mid-pain) using voltage divider bias. 5} To design a Wien bridge osellator fr given frequency using an op-amp. (6) To design an inverting amplifier using Op-amp (741,351) for de voltage of given gin 7) To design inverting amplifier using Op-amp (741, 351) and study is frequency response 8) To design non-inverting amplifier using Op-amp (741, 351) and study frequency response 9) To add two de voltages using Op-amp in inverting nd non-inverting mode 10yTo study the zero-crssing detector and comparator 1) investigate the use ofan op-amp as an integrator 12) To investigate the use ofan op-amp as a differentiator. References for laboratory work: 1) Basie Eletronies: A text lab manual, P. B, Zbar, A. P. Malvino and M.A. Miller, 1994, Me- Graw Hill 2) Student Manual foe The Art of Blecttonics, TC. Hayes and P, Horowitz ‘TIME TABLE 2023 — 2024 Semester IL, IV& VI) BREAK TIME 1 HANSRAJ COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY OF DELHI, DELHI 110007 SE Physics Semester 4 ~ Advanced Mathematical Physics 1 p.m. 10 1:00 pam. pw | sworn 7 TT 7 Monty Toosty a Womentsy Fisey ‘Time Table In-Charge Selene: Dr SundarLal ‘Ars and Commence: Dr. Kundan Principal Prot Dr) Rama Dein acei nen ken seers PUSAN RUT RWI U TDS eT ‘Advanced Mathematical Physies Studied DSC ‘Mathematical Physies Lt Physics DsE_3 LEARNING OBJECTIVES ‘The objective ofthe course isto impart the concept of generalized mathematical constructs in terms of algebraic strctures mainly vector spaces. Linear algebra studies linear vector spaces linear tansformations, and the matrices and is an important mathematical to! with applications in physics, enginccring, machine learning. economics and even life scicces and sovial sciences, Ths cours is intended to provide a solid foundation in Tinea algebra as used by physicists and has direct applications in classical and quantum mechanics LEARNING OUTCOMES After completing this course, students will beable to, ‘Understand algebraic strictures in n-dimension end basic properties of the lincar vector spaces + Understand the concept of dual spaces and inner product spaces. ‘Represent linear transformations as matrices and understand basie properties of matrices. Determine the eigenvalues and eigenvectors af matrices and diagonalise the matrices Determine onthogonal basis fra vector space using Grem-Sehmidt procedure SYLLABUS OF DSE-3 DRY COMPONENT Unit (13 Hours) Vector Spaces as Algebraic Structures: Definition and examples of groups, rings, Fields and vector spaces. Real and Complex fields, Use of ket notation a > for vectors. Subspaces, Linear combination of veetos, Linear dependence and independence of vectors, span of a subset of vectors, Bases and dimension of vector space, direct sum of spaces, representation ‘of vectors 28 coluinn vectors with Ras exannple Inner Produet Spaces: Inner podict of vectors (< af >) and norm of a vector, euclidean spaces and unitary spaces. Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, concept of length and distance, metric spaces. Hilbert Space (definition only). Linear functional, dual space, dual basis (< a notation); Orthogonality of vectors, orthonormal basis, Gram-Schmidt procedure to construct ‘an orthonormal basis. 2 Unit (8 Hours) Linear Transformation: Linear Mappings and Examples, Homomorphisea and Isomorphisan ‘of vector space, rank and nullity ofa linear mapping, Range space and Kernel (ull space) of 8 linear mapping, non-singular transformations, Nilpotent and Idempotent Transformations Unit (10 Hours) Matrices as Representations: Matrix Representation of a Linear transformations, ‘composition of linear transformations and matnix multiplication, linear algebra. Algebra of matrices, determinant and trace of matrix and their propertis. Non-singular matrices. Rank ‘ofa matix and inveribility of matics. Direet sum and direct product of matress. ‘Change of basis transformation, similar matrices, trace and determinant invariants of bass ‘change. Transpose and adjoint of « linear transformation, self-adjoint operators. Symmetric snd hermitian matrices, Preservation of norms hy orthogonal and unitary transformations Unit-1V (14 Hours) Bigen-values and Eigenvectors: Figen-values and eigen vectors of a transformation and ‘comesponding. matix representation. Cayley- Hamilton Theorem (Statement only), its ‘pplications like inverse and powers of a mali, Eigensystems of hermitian and unitary tmatrices, Diagonalization of matrices. Normal matrices. Simultaneous diagonalizabilty of two matrices, Use of Matrices in Solving Coupled Lincar first ordet_ondinary differential equations with ‘constant coeficints. Minimal Polynomial, Functions of @ Matrix References: Essential Readings: 1) Mathematical Methods for Physicists, G. Artken, H. Weber and F. E, Harts, * edition, 2012, Elsevier 2) Inroduction to Matrices and Linear Transformations, D. T. Fikbeiner, 2011, Dover Publications 3) Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra, S. Lipsehutz and M. Lipson, 2017, MeGiraw Hill Education 4) Linear Algebra, S. H. Friedberg, A.J. Insel, and L.E. Spence, 2022, Pearson Education 5) Linear Algebra and Applications, D.C. Lay, 2002, Pearson Fdueation Inia Additional Readings: 1) Elementary Linear Algebra with Supplemental Applications, H. Anton and C. Rerres, 2016, Wiley Student Edition ‘A Physicists Introduction to Algebraic Structures: Vector Spaces, Groups, Topological ‘Spaces and More, PB. Pal, 2019, Cambridge University Press 3). Matrices and Tensor in Physics: A.W. Joshi, 2017, New Age Intemational Pvt. Lid 4) An Introduction to Linear Algebra and Tensors, M. A. Akivis, V. V. Goldberg, Richard and Silverman, 2012, Dover Publications 5) Vector Spaces and Matrices in Physics, M,C. Jain, 2000, Narosa 66) Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering, K.F. Riley and M. P. Hobson, 2018, Cambridge University Press 2 a ‘TIME TABLE 203.2124 SEO & V) BREAK TIME 1-9 P9100 PME THANSAI COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY OF DELHI, DELI 11009 nett Care ‘TIME: TABLE 228.2124 SEO I & V) BREAK TIME 1:09 PME 1:00PM TMANSI2AJ COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF DELI, DELHI 11000 a swnse — sone F ea 2 [4 | — a |__| i I 2 Peete ure ii ‘COMMON POOL OF GENERIC ELECTIVES (GE) Semester-IV COURSES OFFERED BY DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS, Category-1V. [CREDIT DISTRIBUTION, ELIGIBILITY AND PRE-REQUISITES OF THE COURSE ‘Learning Objectives: The primary objective of this cours sto introduce ‘© The al line wit algebraic, order and completeness properties. "= Convergence and divergence of sequences and series of real numbers with applications. Learming Outcomes: This course will enable the studentto: ‘+ Understand the basic properties ofthe set of real numbers, including completeness and Archimedean with some consequences + Recognize bounded, convergent, monotonic and Cauchy sequences + Learn to apply varius tests such as limit comparso, ratio, oot, and alternating Series testsfor convergence and absolute convergence of innit eres of real numbers. SYLLABUS OF GE-A(i) UNIT: Basic Properties of the Set of Real Numbers (22 hours) Field and order properties of R, basic properties and inequalities ofthe absolute value of real number, bounded above and bounded below sets, Suprema and infima, The ‘completeness axiom and the Archimedean property of R, UNIT: Real Sequences (18 hours) ‘Convergence of areal sequence, Algebra of Imits, The squeeze principle and applications, ‘Monotone sequences, Monotone convergence thearem and application, Cauchy sequences, (Cauchy eterion for convergence and applications. LUNITAIE: Infinite Series of Real Numbers (25 hours) Convergence and divergence of infinite series of real numbers, Necessary condition for convergence, Cauchy criterion for convergence of series, Tests for convergence of positive term seres, Applications of the Integral test, Comparison tests, O'Alembert's ratio test, Cauchy's ath root test, Raabe’s test; Alternating series, Leibniz akernating series test, Absolute and conditional convergence. Essential Reading 1. Denlinger, Charles G. 2011), Elements of Real Analysis. Jones & Bartlett India Pvt Ld Student Edition. Reprinted 2015. ‘Suggestive Readings ‘© Bartle, Robert G., & Sherbert, Donald R. (2011). Introduction to Real Analysis (4th ed). John Wiley & Sons. Wiley India Edition 2015, ‘© Bilodeau, Gerald G.,Thie, Paul R., & Keough, GE. (2010). An Introduction to Analysis {Gnd ed), Jones & Bartlet India Pvt. Lt Student Editon. Reprinted 2015, ‘CREDIT DISTRIBUTION, ELIGIBILITY AND PRE-REQUISITES OF THE COURSE (Class XI pass ‘wth Mathematics Learning Objectives: The primary objective of this course ito introduce: ‘© The olution of linear programming problem using simplex method, ‘+The solution of transportation and assignment problems. ‘© Game theory which makes possible the analysis ofthe decision-making process of two interdependent subjects. ‘Learning Outcomes: This course will enable the students to ‘© Learn about the simplex method used to find optimal solutions of linear optimization problems subject to certain constraints ‘+ Write the dual ofa linear programming problem. ‘© Solve the transportation and assignment problems. ‘+Learn about solution of rectangular games using graphical method and dominance. ‘+ Formulate game to a pair of associated prima-dual linear programming problems. SYLLABUS OF GE-4(i) UNIT4t Linear Programming Problem, Simplex Method, and Duality (28 hours) Standard form of the LPP, graphical method of solution, basic feasible solutions, and convexity; Introduction to the simplex method: Optimality criterion and unboundecness, ‘Simplex tableau and examples, Artificial variables; Introduction to duality, Formulation of the dual problem with examples. UNIT: Transportation and Assignment Problems (15 hours) Definition of transportation problem, finding initial basic feasible solution using Northwest: corner method, east-cost method, and Vogel approximation method; gorithm for so¥ving transportation problem; Hungarian method of solving assignment problem. UNITAI: Two-Person Zero-Sum Games (12 hours) Introduction to game theory, rectangular games, Mixed strategies, Dominance principle; Formulation of game to primal and dual linear programming problems. Essential Readings 1. Tie, Paul R, & Keough, G. . (2014). An Introduction to Linear Programming and Game Theory. (3rd ed). Wiley India Pt. Lid 2, Taha, Hamdy A. (2017). Operations Research: An Introduction (10th ed). Pearson. Suggestive Readings ‘© Hadley, 6 (1997). Linear Programming. Narosa Publishing House. New Delhi Hillier, FS, & Lieberman, G.I. (2021). Introduction to Operations Research (13th ed) MeGraw Hill Education (india) Pvt Ltd ‘TIME TABLE 2023-2024 (SEM I, III & V) BREAK TIME 12:40 PM-1:00 PM HANSRAJ COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY OF DELHI, DELHI 110007 Dr. Om Kumar 7 T 7 7 7 v7 vir Vi | sora | e410 | wars | 401240 | 10200 | 2000300 | 300 | 4000500 400 i 3 i rr ws stab i BSc) Physce | SEA) Paya : Semi Room 8106 ag 3 BSc(HyPrysics | BScAA) Pyke 7 ‘sem ‘semi i Room 3106 Room 8-106 : z NS TSTap psa | Bsc | Comp science | Comp Scence Bf osc Sem a] Bie Room 8.105 ‘Time Table In Charge Science: Dr. Sundar al ‘Arts and Commerce: Dr, Kundan Principal De Rama Credit distribution, Eligibility and Pre-requisites of the Course Course tle &] Credits | Greditdistibution of the | Eligibility] Prerequisite | Department Code course teria. | of thecourse | Offering the Course Lecture | Tutorial | Practeal/ Practice ECE @ a | a1 | alue | AluG Department of Environmental Courses | Courses _| Environmental ‘Science: Studles/Sclences Theory into Practice = Learning Objectives ‘The Ability Enhancement Course on Environmental Science: Theory into Practice (1 & I) at Undergraduate level (AEC- 1) aims to train students to cater to the need for ‘ecological citizenship through development of a strong foundation on the critical linkages between ecology-society-economy. The Learning Objectives ofthis course areas follows: ‘+ Disciplinary knowledge Enable students to develop a comprehensive understanding of various facets of life forms, ecological processes, and the impacts on them by humans during the ‘Anthropocene era ‘© caitical thinking Build capabilities to identify relevant environmental issues, analyse the various Underlying causes, evaluate the practices and polices, and develop framework to make informed decisions. ‘+ Moral and ethical awareness/reasoning Develop empathy forall life forms, appreciation for the various ecological linkages within the web of life, awareness and responsibility towards environmental protection and nature preservation, Learning outcomes ‘Tho Loarring Outcomes of his course are as follows. ‘Alter the course the students willbe empowered and able to: ‘© Analyse natural processes and resources that sustain fe and govern economy. ‘+ Predict he consequences of human actions on the wab of if, gobal economy, and qual of human ite ‘+ Think critically and develop appropriate strategies (scientific, social, eoonomic, administrative, and legal) for environmental protection, conservation of biodiversity, ‘environmental equity, and sustainable development. ‘+ Demonstrate values and show compassionate attitudes towards complex €environmentaleconomic-social challenges, and participate at national and Intemational levels in solving current environmental problems and preventing the future ones. ‘+ Adopt sustainabllty asa practice in life, society, and industry “Teaching Learning process. ‘The teaching-learning methodologies are designed to provide the undergraduate students a comprehensive understanding of the subject ina simplistic manner as well as evoke critical reasoning and analytical thinking among them. Some of the theoretical concepts related to practicals/outreach activities, etc should be covered dduring practical sessions. The various approaches to teaching-learning process Include ciassroom lectures, video presentations, and ICT enabled teaching tools. For enhancing practical understanding, field visits are encouraged to relevant places in Delhi like Biodiversity Parks, Protected areas, Wetlands, Sewage treatment plants, tc. ‘SYLLABUS OF AEC-1: Environmental Science: Theory into Practice ~ I! (Year 2) Unit V Global Environmental Issues and Policies (iexres praca otre2e cts) + Causes of climate change, Global warming, Ozone layer depletion, and Acid rain; Impacts on human communities, biodiversity, global economy, and agriculture + International agreements and programmes: Earth Summit, UNFCCC, Montreal and kyoto protocos, Convention on Biological Diversity (BO), Ramsar convention, The ‘Chemieal Weapons Conweation (CWC), UNEP, CITES, ete + Sustainable Development Goals: incia’s National Action Plan on Climate Change ‘and its major missions + Environment legisation in nda: Wildlife Protection Act, 1972; Water (Prevention ‘and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974; Forest (Conservation) Act 1980; Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981; Environment Protection Act, 1986; ‘Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 Unie vi ‘Biodiversity and Conservation (sects and” ratel/ ouch sees) Definition of Biodiversity; Levels of biological diversity: genetic, species and ‘ecosystem diversity India as a mega-biosiversty nation; Biogeographic zones of India; Biodiversity hotspots; Endemic and endangered species of India; IUCN Reed list ceria and ‘categories Value of biodiversity: Ecological, economic, socal, ethical, aesthetic, and Informational values of biodiversity with examples; sacred groves and their Importance with examples ‘Threats to biodiversity: Habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation; Poaching of wildlife; Man-wildife conflicts; Biological invasion with emphasis on Indian biodiversity; Current mass extinction esis Biodiversity conservation strategies: in-situ and ex-sity methods of conservation; [National Pars, Wildlife Sanctuaries, ad Blosphere reserves; Keystone, Flagship, ‘Umbrella, and indicator species; Species reintrocuction and translocation, Cose studies: Contemporary indian wildlife and biodversty issues, movements, and projects (eg, Project Tiger, Project Elephant, Vuture breeding program, Project (Greatinlan Bustard, Crocodile conservation projec, Silent Valley movement, Save ‘Western Ghats movement, ete) Unit vi Human Communities and the Environment (sere nd 5 pact osveach acti) Human population growth: impacts on environment, human health, and weltar; Carbon foot print Resettlement and rehabilitation of developmental project affected persons and communities; relevant ase studies Environmental movements: Chipko movement, Apiko movement, Silent valley ‘movement, Bishnols of Raasthan, Narmada Bachao Andolan, etc Environmental justice: National Green Tribunal and its importance Environmental philosophy: Environmental ethics; Role of various religions and cultural practices in environmental conservation Environmental communication and public awareness: case studies (eg, CNG vehicles in Delhi, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, National Environment Awareness ‘Campaign (NEAC), National Green Corps (NGC) "Eco-club” programme, etc) (The total number of weeks should add up to 15 only) Practical component~ (a5 Weeks) Unit Global Environmental Iswes and Policies (paca ouveach aces) Practica/Exercisos/Experiential activitis/Outreach activities (Cotes ray ease 0 pa earaner ‘epiet temperature/preiptation trend of gven study area using online data Formulate questionsare/online surveys for assessment of the impact of climate ‘change on people ‘+ Assess Nationaly Determined Contributions (NOC) of developed and developing ‘= Development and simulation of Model UNFCCC for inoculating negotiation skis at climate change summits ‘= Development and simulation of Moot Court for Mock Tras in Negotiation Green Tribunal ‘+ Identify carbon footprint of your cllege/home/localty (refer ww @erwis.ncin)- ‘+ Analyze the status of at least 3 sustainable evelopment goals in your neighbourhood ‘and write & proposal to help achieve them at global standard erty envoental robles and its Saal and economic impact deine objectves, expan metheddeg,BuCgeaT Fequremen and suggest the expected atcomes) A PowerPoint pesetaton tbe mae based ot ‘he projet propos Unie vt Biodiversity and Conservation (ratza/ouresch sti PracticaV/Exercises/Experiential activities/Outreach activities, (Coie ryote spe eurornn ‘Acquaintance with open-source databases of biodiversity Determine species location ina given study area Depictastibution of biodiversity across latitude an alttude ‘Show species distribution aerots space ans time ‘Quantify species loss across itferent time periods ‘+ Sampling of plant and animal biodiversity ofthe College campus ‘+ entification ofthe floral diversity of Delhi and other states. > Boareraton ce puny een tes fang at cert rare! alrave eou ‘Scmure a mane sphnsow ceestan fer cowenasonmaturfULN ed ost ‘nedasi porta, wae cosumpan ss, sad enigma stout! para k Sorepota beste) ‘+ Exercise to understand the socio-ecanomic-envizonmentalimpact of wildlife {Stedvts con cho ay bl ain ina en te vfthscnerthe ecm ‘Scene enemy hare pst ange he pry emigre ee haa ‘Sons ketene eves ny eo petg te gc he renege coment ttn res bot th eset greets we progam tt ecrrent rtertana instante samen ote mom neon pees Unie 7 ‘Human Communities and the Environment space aueaeh scoes) Practical/Exercises/Experiential activties/Outreach activities, (Cotage may choses ae per requremend ‘= Assessment of carbon foot-print of ifferent countries using online databases and ‘mathematical tools Visit to marginalized localities and students for enviconmental education and environmental awareness = Formulation of questionnairefenine surveys for assessment of the impact of environmental education ‘Visit to any developmental project affected locality for assessing the impacts of {economic development on human lives ‘© Correlation analysis of human population growth and impacts on the envionment ‘ane hurnan heath Essential/recommended readings unit v Global Environmental Issues and Policies (sure 8 pacts aaresen setts) 1. Dhan.S andRosencraz (2002) EonmentlLow and Poly inind: Coss Mote BStatutes, 2rd Ebon Onerd University Pes, da Chapter 2 (Pages: 2339) Chapter 3 (Pages: 4-26) 2. Raven, Pm Hasronsahl ML Hope MLC GA, Nand Borg, LA (2015) Enronment Stton Wey Puishirg USA Chapter 39 (rapes 370.376), Cnape 20 (Page 385-39) 3. Sigh 15, igh Sand Gupta, SR (2017) clog, Enronmenta Science and Coneraton 5. (and Fubahing New Ox. Chapter 23 Pages 555538), Caper 3 (oger: 01.807) Unie vi Biodiversity and Conservation (6lecuces snd racial outreach sites) 4 Pimack RB(201) sential of Cantration oy, ford Unversity Pet USA Page 536. 2 Raver, PH, Hassenzal OM, Hager MC Gi NY andre, LR (2015). Eronment Sto. ey Plstrg, USA Chapter 5 (ages: 37-90 chaper 6 (age: 299-318) 3. Sing 1S, Singh SP. and Gupta, SR (2017) elo, Enironmenta Scece and Coneration. 5. (and Fubahing New Ox Chapters 24 Pger: 59-650) Chapter 26 (Page 664728) Unit vit Human Communities and the Environment (s\eures ans rote oureveh acne) Suggosted Readings ‘Dhan, 5. and Rosenrane, A (2002) Enwonmentl Law and Pole Ing: Cases, Mater Statutes, 2rd Eton. Oo Univesity ress, na. Chapter 10 (ages: 46-473). 2. faven, Ph Hasson OM, Mager ME Git NY. ané Bere. LR (2015). Enuranment, Staton. Wey Publishing USA Chapter 2 apes: 3836); chapter 8 (Pages: 148-162). 3. Sigh 18, Singh, SP. an Gupta, SR (2087 Eclgy, Eneronmenta Sie an Conservation 5. (hand Puishng, New eh Emap Paes:23-2) Ouaptr 3 (Pape 826882) ‘Suggested readings 1. Brassau, MLL, Pepper LL and Gerba, CP (2019). Environment and Pluto Science, 3rton ‘Academic Press, USA 2. Cason, (2002). Sent Spring. Houghton Min Harcourt, USA, ‘3. Raven, PH, Hassenzal,O.M, Hager, MC, Git NY. and Berg, LR. (2015). Environment, SthEdtion. Wiley Pubehing, USA 4. van Wormer K-and Besthorn,F. (2017, Human Behavior and the Seca Environment, Macro {evel Groups, Communities and Organizations, The Eaton, Oxford University Press. Examination scheme and mode: Subject to directions from the Examination Branch/University of Delhi from time to time Assessment methods 1. Written examinations (Semester exams) [(Year 1:03 credit (1 hour}; Ye credit (1 hour) 2. Project work and reports related to field visits, outreach activities, case study, project formulation, assignments, presentations and practical learning (Internal practical assessment) [Year 1:01 credit (2 hour); Year 2: 03 credit (2 hour)} Year 1 (Sem-t/Semt): 01 Credit Theory+ O1 Credit practical exercises, etc. + Total 02 Credits (03 hours) Year 2 (Sem-1/Semt): 01 Credit Theory+ O1 Credit practical exercises, etc. += Total 02 Credits (03 hours) a aye? REGISTRAR:

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