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1 Many people believe that/Nowadays living in a city is more comfortable than in the
countryside. The purpose of the project I am currently working on is to find out more
about it. As part of my project, I have found a table/a pie chart/ a diagram, illustrating the
advantages of living in a city in Zetland.

According to the data, there is quite a wide range of benefits of living in a city. It is clear
that the majority of the respondents (37%) think about changing their place of residence
because there are better opportunities for work and study. Moreover, a great number of
people (25%) would like to have all the modern conveniences. It is worth mentioning that
various entertainment and events are significant for 22% of the respondents.

Surprisingly, only 10% of the respondents think about better roads and infrastructure. It is
a bit more popular answer than better facilities for sports and art education. To my mind,
big cities usually have heavy traffic jams and congested transport system, so that people
have no time for doing sports.

One problem that can arise with living in a city is that the air is polluted there. Thus,
people living in a metropolis cannot breathe fresh air. One solution to this problem is to
replace petroleum by clean fuels for vehicles and plant more trees.

In conclusion, I think that despite some problems associated with living in a big city, it is a
great place for living. Nowadays metropolises are changing towards the green
38.1 Nowadays fashion plays an important role in our lives . The purpose of the project I
am currently working on is to find out more about it. As part of my project, I have found a
table, illustrating how young people follow fashion.

According to the data, there is quite a wide range of ways to be fashionable. It is clear that
the majority of the respondents (36%) are looking through fashion articles online.
Moreover, a great number of people (26%) are usually noticing what others wear. It is
worth mentioning that following fashion bloggers is significant for 22% of the

Surprisingly, only 9% of the respondents are seeking for professional fashion advice. It is a
bit more popular answer than watching fashion shows. To my mind, a lot of young people
ask for advice from fashion experts. Moreover, some people follow recommendations
which they get from TV programs.

One problem that can arise with following fashion is that it is changeable . Thus, people
have to buy a lot of unnecessary clothes in order to stay fashionable. One solution to this
problem is to stop selling so many trendy clothes.

In conclusion, I think that despite some people being obsessed with fashion, it is
everybody’s choice whether to follow it or not.

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