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Module 1


1. Wpisz obok numeru zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia obydwa zdania.
Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

1.1. ____________________________________ 1.6. ____________________________________

• The burglar … into my house yesterday. • My dad’s car always … down!

• I … up with my boyfriend after two years • An argument usually … out between them.
of relationship.
1.7. ____________________________________
1.2. ____________________________________
• I hate the … of onion!
• Jason, … up the phone, please! I’m taking • When you visit that city, you will definitely
a bath. get a … of adventure.
• Could your dad … me up from the bus
station? 1.8. ____________________________________

1.3. ____________________________________ • Aren’t you … Sandra this afternoon?

• Hurry up! I don’t want to be late for the … .
• They’re thinking of … a family.
• My company is … a new project next week. 1.9. ____________________________________

1.4. ____________________________________ • Oh, I … what you mean.

• Can you … me now?
• You can always … on me.
• My daughter can … to 10! 1.10. ___________________________________

1.5. ____________________________________ • The meeting will … place in my garden.

• Did you … a raincoat? It’s going to rain.
• Of course I … about him. He is my best
• Don’t worry. I’ll take … of your dog while
you’re away.


2. Wpisz obok numeru zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia wszystkie trzy zdania.
Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

2.1. ____________________________________ 2.2. ____________________________________

• I … that parents should be best friends • When the scandal …, they ran away.
with their children. • Jack told a joke and we all felt that it …
• Do you … uncomfortable with other the ice.
people? • Dawn … over the horizon.
• We … nervous about going to university.

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