Passive Voice-2, Future, Modals N Perfect

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Chapter 8





Active Passive
Subject Object
Object Subject
Verb-1 Verb-3

Continuous : Is,am,are/was, were + V-ing Continuous : Is,am,are/was, were + being + V-3

Tense Tense
Future tense: will/shall/ + V-1 Future tense: will/shall/ + be + V-3
is,am,are/ going to + V-1 is,am,are going + be + V-3
was/were + going to + V-1 /was/were going to be + V-3

Modal can/may/must/would/has to /have to Modal can/may/must/would/has to /have to

Auxiliary: /should/Could/might/ had to + V-1 Auxiliary: /should/Could/might/ had to + be + V-3

Perfect tense: has/have/had + V-3 Perfect tense: has/have/had + been + V-3


THE PRESENT N PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE: Bentuk waktu sekarang dan lampau sedang
Active : (+) = S + is,am,are/was,were + /V-ing + O; (-) = S + is,am,are/was,were + not + /V-ing + O;
(?) = Is,am,are/was,were +S + V-ing + O;

Passive: (+) = S + am,is,are/was,were + S+ being + V3 + O; Note: To be = is, am, are (present tense)
(-) = S + am,is,are/was,were + not + being + V3 + O; = was, were (past tense)
(?) = Am,is,are/was,were + S + being + V3 + O.
To be

Active Passive
The cow is producing much milk now. Much milk is being produced (by the cow) now.
S is + V-ing O S is being V3 by O adv
The children are drinking milk at the moment. Milk is being drunk (by chlidren) at the moment.
S are V-ing O adv S is being V3 by O adv
Mom was watching TV when I went home from here. TV was being watched by mom when I went home.
S was V-ing O adv S was being V-3 O adv
The students were doing the test when the bell rang. The test was being done by the students when the bell rang
S were V-ing O adv S was being V-3 O adv


Shall /will = akan (present future) Should/would = akan (past future)
Will = janji (present promise) Should = seharusnya (advisability)
Can = dapat, boleh (present ability/permission) Would = mau, sudi (command, request)
May = boleh; mungkin (present Could = boleh, dapat (past permission, ability)
permission/possibility) Might = boleh, mungkin (past permission, possibility)
Must = harus, pasti (obligation, necesity) Had to = harus (past obligation)

PRESENT AND PAST FUTURE TENSE: Bentuk waktu sekarang dan lampau AKAN
Active : (+) = S + modal auxiliary + V-1 + O; (-) = S + modal auxiliary not + V-1 + O;
(?) = Modal auxiliary +S + V-1 + O;

Passive: (+) = S + modal auxiliary + S+ be + V3 + O; (-) = S + modal auxiliary + not + be + V3 + O;

(?) = Modal auxiliary + S + be + V3 + O.

Active Passive
The cows will produce much milk later. Much milk will be produced (by the cows) later.
S modal V-1 O adv S modal be V3 by O adv
The children can drink milk at the moment. Milk can be drunk (by chlidren) at the moment.
S modal V-1 O adv S modal be V3 by O adv
Everyone must honour their mother. Their mother must be honoured (by everyone)
S modal V-1 O S modal be V-3 O
The students should study for their test before. The test should be studied by the students before.
S modal V-1 O adv S modal be V-3 by O adv

3. FUTURE TENSE (Bentuk waktu akan datang) with BE (is, am, are/ was, were) GOING TO
Active: (+) = S + is, am, are/was, were + going to + V1 + O;
(-) = S + is, am, are/was, were + not + going to + V1 + O;
(?) = is, am, are/was, were + S + going to + V1 + O;

Passive (+) = S + is, am, are/was, were + going to + be + V-3 + O;

(-) = S + is, am, are/was, were + not + going to + be + V-3 + O;
(+) = is, am, are/was, were + S + going to + be + V-3 + O;
Active Passive
The cows are going to produce much milk later. Much milk is going to be produced (by the cows) later.
S be going to V-1 O adv S be going to be V3 by O adv
The children were going to drink milk just now. Milk was going to be drunk (by chlidren) just now.
S be going to V-1 O adv S be going to be V3 by O adv
The students are going to study for their test today. The test is going to be studied by the students today.
S be going to V-1 O adv S be going to be V-3 by O adv

4. PERFECT TENSE (Bentuk Waktu Sekarang/ lampau sudah)

Active: (+) = S + has, have/ had + V-3 + O + Adv;
(-) = S + has, have/ had + not + V-3 + O + Adv;
(?) = Has, have/ had + S + V-3 + O + Adv;

Passive (+) = S + has, have/ had + been + V-3 + O + Adv;

(-) = S + has, have/ had + not + been + V-3 + O + Adv;
(?) = Has, have/ had + S + been + V-3 + O + Adv;
Active Passive
The cow has produced much milk already. Much milk has been produced (by the cow) already.
S has V-3 O adv S has been V-3 by O adv
The children have drunk milk for five years. Milk have been drunk (by the children) for five years.
S have V-3 O adv S have been V-3 by O adv
The students have studied the lesson since yesday. The lesson has been studied by students since yesday.
S have V-3 O adv S has been V-3 O adv
Andy had visited pizza country when he was ten. Pizza country had been visited by Andy when he was ten.
S had V-3 O adv S had been V-3 by O adv

(Only this part is SUBMITTED, Hanya bagian ini yang dikumpulkan)

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate choice from the brackets.
You mustn’t misput the answer FRONT IN BACK or BACK IN THE FRONT.
(Present n Past Tense)
1. The semester test ... on June and December.
School ... semester test on June and December. (holds; is held)
2. The school commitee ... lateness. Lateness ... (doesn’t tolerate; is not tolerated)
3. Cheating .... They ... cheating. (prohibit; is prohibited)
4. The last semester test ... by the students last year. The students ... semester test last year. ( did; was done)
5. In that test students ... to use their own stationeries. The school commitee ... students to use their own
stationaries. (asked; were asked)

(Present n Past Continuous Tense)

6. The bakery ... the bread. The bread ... right at midnight last Sunday. (was being baked; was baking)
7. The writer ... his second novel this month. The novel ... in coincidence of his silver wedding anniversary.
(was being completed; was completing)
8. The electric cars ... in Surabaya Institute of Technology during the era of President Susilo BY.
(was making; was being made)
9. The work ... early in the morning when my parents were sleeping. (was finishing; was being finished)
10. X: “What ... you ... (were-doing; did-do) at four o’clock yesterday” said the teacher.
Y: “I was arranging my next week’s schedule the whole afternoon yesterday.

(Future Tense n Modal Auxiliary)

11. “When will the committee ... the meeting?” “It will ... at seven o’clock tomorrow night.” (be held; hold)
12. Uncle Anwar has lived in Egupt for almost five years. He ... ... Arabic rather well. (will speak; can speak)
13. Muslims ... five-time prayers. Five-time prayers ... by Muslims. (must be commited; must commit)
14. Pupils ... a mid semester test next month. A mid semester test ... next month. (will be had; will have)
15. They are allowed to go home after the test. They ... go home after the test is ... (may-finished; can-finish )

(Present and Perfect Tense)

16. Shoes and clothes ... to Thailand and Malaysia by Indonesia. (have been exported; have exported)
17. Rice and corns have also ... from Vietnam and Thailand. (imported; been imported)
18. What ... by Mr. Ronald and Rolland in relation to our outbound program? (has been said; have been said)
19. .... the students .... the assignment to the link shared to the group? (has-submitted; have-submitted)
20. X: ... some traditional games ... as they were boys? (had – been tried; had tried)
Y: Of course, yes.


Passive Voice-2, Lovenandita

(Dikerjakan di SELEMBAR KERTAS buku latihan)

1. .............. 11. ..............

2. .............. 12. ..............
3. .............. 13. ..............
4. .............. 14. ..............
5. .............. 15. ..............
6. .............. 16. ..............
7. .............. 17. ..............
8. .............. 18. ..............
9. .............. 19. ..............
10. ............ 20. ..............

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