ProposalTelenovelaPetroas (UPDATED-2) (Dragged) 5

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3 Socia-Political Benefit

The Telenovela award will spur the national agenda by developing Malaysia
through culture while fostering with Malaysian identity. Politically, it will
be a platform to restore the wave of support from the Malay community
by strengthening the ties of majority ethnic group through books and

3.2 The Telenovela Award Rationale

The rationale behind the organizing of the Telenovela Award are

i) To recognize efforts, creativity and capabilities of the authors and

film makers who has successfully transformed books to another

ii) Recognize actors/actress and staff behind the screen who has
successfully acted based on various categories.

06 A N U G E R A H T E L E N O V E L A 2017 YAYA S A N P E M B A N G U N A N B U K U N EG A R A S T R I C T LY CO N F I D E N T I A L , A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D

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