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ps CYBER Quest


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A. Fill in the blanks.
1. PAN
2. Data, Resources
3. Single Point
4. Nodes
5. Wireless
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. False
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. False
C. Application-based questions.
1. LAN
Network Card
Select the correct option.
c) Ethernet Network Card
c) Redundancy
a) Security
4. a) Peer-To-Peer
5. a) Bus Topology
E. Answer the following questions.
1. A computer network is a group of computers and other peripheral devices that are
linked together for sharing data and hardware resources. For example, an office
network. Networking reduces hardware cost and enables easy and fast file sharing.
2. In LAN, two or more computers and peripheral devices are connected within a small
area, such as room or a campus. The WAN network connects two or more computers
located at distant places. which are linked by communication facilities.
3. In Star topology the setup cost is low. It is easy to add a new device to the network as
only one cable is required and the configuration is simple. Moreover, even if a
connection in the network fails, the other connections remain intact.
4. In a Client-Server network, computers called clients are connected to a main computer
called the server. A Server provides services to clients and controls access to resources.
Client computers request services, like data retrieval, storage, etc., from the server.
5. When a computer sends a request, the hub broadcasts the message to the complete
network. Whereas a switch transmits the message from the source computer to the
destination computer only by using the physical address.

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6. Wireless Network Cards are used instead of the normal network cards that are used in
the wired networks and Access Points or Routers have a wireless antenna, which
increases the communication range of the radio signals.


A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Flat-file
2. Table
3. Record
4. Forms
5. Design
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. True
2. False
3. True
Application-based questions.
Database software
Fields, Records, and Data.
Select the correct option.
b) Database
a) Relational
3. c) Attribute
4. c) Queries
5. a) DBMS
E. Answer the following questions.
• A database is an organized collection of data. It helps the user to enter, manage, access
and analyse a large amount of information quickly and efficiently. A database has a
specific structure to store data.
1. Quick Access Toolbar is present at the top–left corner of the Access window. It contains
the most frequently used command buttons. Ribbon has the various tabs, each with
several groups of relevant commands.
2. Fields are columns of a table and describe a particular attribute of all the records. .
Records are the rows in a table and have the values for all the fields that belong to a
single person or an entity. A set of characters that represents a valid value is called Data.
3. Forms provide a user-friendly interface that facilitate the process of entering data in
tables and queries. Whereas to retrieve the filtered data from a database, queries are
used, based upon some conditions.
• DBMS provides the users with efficient and reliable methods of data retrieval.

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• It facilitates the reduction of data redundancy (duplication of data).


A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Primary
2. Long Text
3. AutoNumber
4. Filter
5. Sorting
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. False
Application-based questions.
Identify the data type
Date_of_joining Date/Time
ii) Highest paid personMansi
Lowest paid personRajesh
iii) Field_size19
iv) Emp_id
2. She can use either Table or Table Design button in the Tables group on the Create tab.
D. Select the correct option.
1. b) ID
2. c) Data Type
3. b) Primary
4. b) 64
5. c) Pencil
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Tables are the building blocks of a database. They store the complete data in a
structured manner, i.e., in the form of rows and columns. Different elements of a Table
are: Data, Fields, and Records.
2. Data Type determines what type of data can be entered into a field of a table. Data
types in Access 2019 are: Short Text, Long Text, Number, Date/Time, Currency,
AutoNumber, Yes/No, OLE Object, Hyperlink, Attachment, Calculated, Lookup Wizard.
3. Filters option help in displaying specific records of a table in a datasheet. You can also
use an Advanced Filter to narrow down your search. This is like running a miniature
query only on one table.

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4. (a) The Validation text property helps in customizing the error message which appears
when an input value violates the validation rule.
(b) The Caption property specifies a label for a field which is displayed as the column
heading whenever the table is displayed in the Datasheet View. It can contain up to
2,046 characters.
(c) An Advanced Filter can really help you to narrow down your search. This is like
running a miniature query only on one table.


A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Query
2. Criteria
3. Sort
4. Form
5. Report
Write T for True and F for False.

Application-based questions.
In the Criteria row of Percentage field (field storing percentage), type <50.
D. Select the correct option.
1. a) Relationships
2. c) Chart
3. c) Layout View
4. b) Three
5. a) Primary key
E. Answer the following questions.
1. A Query is a database object that allows retrieving information from one or more
database tables that meet specific criteria. Query window parts: The Object Relationship
pane, displays the table(s) selected for the query. The Design Grid has columns
representing each field in the query.
2. Criteria is a condition on the basis of which the records are filtered in the Query output.
3. In general, a form is a piece of paper, on which a user fills the required information in
the specific field. In MS Access a Forms allow you to add and update data in one record
at a time in a table.

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4. Forms allow you to add and update data in one record at a time in a table. A report on
the other hand is an effective way to organise and summarise data for viewing or
5. A Report can be exported to a Word file by opening the report in the Print Preview
layout and selecting Word from the drop-down list of the More button on the Data
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Expression
2. '+'
3. Iterative
4. Conditional
5. Colon
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. False
2. True
Application-based questions.
Modulus Operator
If….else conditional construct
Select the correct option.
a) Looping
2. b) for
3. a) No output
4. c) in
5. a) while
E. Answer in one Word.
1. Infinite loop
2. for and while
3. in and not in
4. range() function
F. Answer the following questions.
1. Boolean operators are used to combine two or more conditional statements. They
provide the result in the form of True or False. They are of three types: and, or, and not.

2. The statements that keep repeating themselves as long as a given condition is true are
called Iterative Statements. As soon as the condition becomes false, the loop
terminates. E.g. for <variable> in range (initial value, final value, stop)

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3. The ‘for’ and ‘while’ loops are called entry-controlled loops because the condition
statement is checked in the beginning of the loop.
4. Membership operators play an important role in controlling the working of a loop. There
are two membership operators, in and not in. The in operator is used with loops to
check if a given value exists in the sequence or not
5. An infinite loop (or endless loop) is a sequence of instructions in a computer program,
which loops endlessly. It happens either due to the loop having no terminating condition
or the condition that can never be met.
6. The range() function used with the for loop in Python is helpful in generating a sequence
of numbers in the form of a list. For example, range (10) will generate the numbers from
0 to 9 (10 numbers).


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A. Fill in the blanks
1. Network
2. Record
3. Queries
4. Forms
5. while
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. False
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. False
C. Select the correct option.
1. (a) Node
2. (a) Flat file

4. (a) while
3. (b) Report

5. (a) not in

A. Answer in one word.

1. Star Topology
2. Criteria row
3. Two types

4. Relational database management system

5. Step value
B. Answer the following questions.
1. In Star topology, each device is connected to a central computer using a point-to-point
connection whereas in Tree topology, group of star-figured workstations are connected
to a linear bus backbone cable.
2. A database is an organized collection of data. It helps the user to enter, manage, access
and analyse a large amount of information quickly and efficiently. Examples of database
include: Telephone directory, a dictionary etc.
3. A Query is a database object that helps you to retrieve and view information from one
or more database tables that meet a specific condition or criteria that is specified by
4. The ‘if’ statement is used to evaluate only one condition. It performs a course of action
if the condition evaluates to true. The if…else statement is used when any one of two
actions are to be performed depending on the result of the conditional expression.
5. Conditional statements in a program cause the program control to transfer to a specific
location depending on the outcome of the conditional expression. For example: if,
if..else, and if..elif..else are the different type of conditional statement.

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Chapter-6: Links and Frames in HTML5

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Hyperlinking
2. Internal
3. <audio>
4. Frames
5. <a>
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True
C. Application-based questions.
1. <iframe>

2. i) For image as link: < img > tag and <a > tag and ii) <video> tag for videos.

D. Select the correct option.

1. a) href
2. b) Relative
3. c) Active
4. b) Autoplay
5. b) Video

E. Answer the following questions.

1. A website consists of a number of web pages that give you access to the related
information. HTML renders a powerful feature of linking these web pages together. This
feature is called Hyperlinking.
2. Internal linking: When one part of a web page is linked to another section on the same
page, it is called internal linking. External linking: When one page is linked to another
web page or website, it is called external linking.
3. The webpages can be linked to each other by using the anchor <A> tag. It is used for the
text or image that is clicked to activate the link. And the address that will be opened
using the defined link.
4. The syntax for audio clip is <audio controls src="file name"> and for video clip is <video
controls src="file name"> There attributes are as follows, src, controls, autoplay, height,
width, and loop.
5. Frames allow you to present multiple HTML documents as independent windows within
one browser window, which gives greater flexibility in designing and maintaining your

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Chapter-7: Introduction to PHP

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Menu bar
2. Commands
3. Code editor
4. Status bar
5. Operands
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. False

C. Answer in one word.

1. Portability
2. Title bar
3. Code editor window
4. Dynamic websites
D. Select the correct option.
1. a) Arithmetic
2. b) Relational
3. a) Web server
4. c) Sequence
5. a) $
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Easy to Learn: The syntax of PHP is similar to some of the popular programming
languages. Portable: The code written with PHP can run on any operating system like
Linux, Windows, and Mac operating systems.
2. Identifiers are used to name different components of a program such as variables,
methods, objects, etc.
3. Variables are used to as storage location to hold the input values to be used later. The
values once stored in the memory location can be drawn out for processing. Before you
store a value in the memory you need to declare a variable.
4. The rules for naming variables are as follows:
• A variable name starts with a '$'.
• It can consist of any combination of letters, digits, and underscore.
• It can be of any length.
• Both the uppercase and lowercase letters can be used in naming a variable.
• Variable names are case-sensitive, i.e., $name and $NAME are two different

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5. The valid and invalid variable names are as follows:

_roll num Invalid Variable name cannot

start with an underscore
3Term Invalid Variable names cannot
start with digits
Price_Unit Invalid Variable name should
start with $.
new Invalid Variable name cannot be
a keyword
Geog-marks Invalid Hyphen cannot be used
in variable names

6. The GET and POST method are both used to submit HTML form data. The information
sent from an HTML form by using the GET method is visible to everyone in the browser's
address bar, whereas the data submitted by the POST method is not visible to anyone.

ps Chapter-8: Connecting Web App to Database

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. mysqli_fetch_row
2. connection
3. mysqli_select_db
4. 1960s
5. Hierarchical
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False
C. Application-based questions.
2. $sqlquery="select * from Teachers”; $data = mysqli_query($con, $sqlquery);
D. Answer the following questions.
1. A database is a systematic collection of data. The data in a database is organised, which
makes data management easy. To manage data in a computer you need a database
management system.
2. Network DBMS supports many-to-many relationships which results in complex database
structures. Relational DBMS makes use of the database relationships in forms of tables.
Relational DBMS usually have predefined data types that they can support.

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3. SQL is a language to operate databases; it includes database creation, deletion, fetching
rows, modifying rows, etc. Example of SQL based software are MySQL, Oracle
4. The mysqli_connect function connects a web app to MySql Server. The mysqli_select_db
function sets an active connection with the database.
5. a. Creating a connection with the MySQL server. b. Creating a connection with the
database. c. Creating a SQL query to fetch data from the table. d. Executing the query
e. Displaying query result

Chapter-9: Cyber Ethics

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Computer Ethics
2. Citation
3. Cyber bullying
4. Hacking
5. Intellectual property

1. True
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. False
B. Write T for True and F for False.

C. Application-based questions.
1. A spam mail will not include her-mail address in To or Cc and may contain offensive
language or links to websites with inappropriate content.
2. The URL of a secured website starts with https//: and your browser displays a closed
D. Select the correct option.
1. a) Spams
2. b) Cookie
3. b) Patent
4. b) Encryption
5. a) Phishing
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Do not use computer technology to steal information. Do not spy on another person's
computer data. Do not spread of wrong information using computer technology.
Do not use someone else's computer resources without an authorization.
2. Plagiarism is the usage or imitation of the language and thoughts of another person and
projected as one's own original work. Citation is the best way to avoid plagiarism.
Material should be paraphrased and quotes should be enclosed in quotation marks.
3. Some measures to protect intellectual property rights are, Patent your Inventions,
Copyright your Art and Publications, Register your Trademarks.
4. Write short notes on:

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a. Spamming-Spams are unwanted bulk e-mails that come from strange sources.
Spams are generally sent in large numbers for commercial advertising. Spam is a
serious security concern as it can be used to deliver Trojan Horses, Viruses, Worms,
Spyware, and organise targeted phishing attacks.
b. Cracker: These are technical people, who are experts in breaking into systems, to
steal important data, such as financial details, or passwords, etc. Sometimes, they
use key loggers for this purpose.
c. Digital footprint: It is an impression or information about a person that exists on the
internet because of his online activity.
d. Software Piracy: When a software is copied and distributed illegally, it is called
software piracy.
e. Hacking: It refers to an illegal intrusion into a computer system or network. It can
cause harm to computers by destroying data. Apart from this, they disturb
applications by spreading malwares and changing program logics and outputs
f. Phishing: It is an act of sending an e-mail to a user, misleading him to believe that it
is from a trusted person or organisation, in an attempt to obtain sensitive
information for malicious purposes.

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. External
2. Sensors
3. Computer Program
Chapter-10: Introduction to Robotics

4. Complex Level
5. Actuators
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. False
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. True
C. Match the following.
1. First Industrial Robot: Unimate
2. Washing Machine: Simple-level Robots
3. Mitra Robot: Launched by the PM Narendra Modi
4. Robot-assisted Surgery: Service Robot

D. Answer the following questions.

1. Simple Level robots cannot carry out heavy or complex tasks. Middle level robotscannot
be reprogrammed but can perform multiple tasks. Complex Level Robots can be
programmed and reprogrammed easily and have complex model-based circuits.

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2. Fixed Robots are mostly used in industries with a well-defined work environment and
perform specific repetitive tasks. Mobile Robots move around and perform tasks and
are quite helpful in situations that are not defined in advance.
3. Service robots have improved sensors and interact with humans closely. They are used
to assist humans in tasks, like cleaning (vacuum cleaners), transportation (self-driving
cars), defence applications (drones), and medical procedures (surgery), etc.
4. HDFC bank has a humanoid robot assistant named IRA 2.0, to answer the frequently
asked questions by customers. Manav is India’s first 3D-printed humanoid robot.
5. The robots that show intelligent behaviour after getting programmed are called
Artificially Intelligent Robots. For example: a robot that can visualise the object,
recognise what it is, and determine where it should be placed with the help of AI.


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A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Internal
2. Identifiers
3. Literals
4. Software Piracy
5. Fixed
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True
C. Select the correct option.
1. a) Frames
2. b) <A>
3. a) $ ps
4. a) Operators

A. Answer in one word.

1. mysqli_select_db

2. mysqli_fetch_row
3. <a href>
4. Border
5. PUMA robot

B. Answer the following questions.

1. Industrial robots can manipulate objects in different orientations and even recognise
the various objects that need to be packaged in a different order. Whereas, Service
robots have improved sensors and interact with humans closely to assist them
in tasks.
2. Some measures to protect intellectual property rights are, Patent your Inventions,
Copyright your Art and Publications, Register your Trademarks.
3. Easy to Learn: The syntax of PHP is similar to some of the popular programming
languages. Portable: The code written with PHP can run on any operating system. The
code editor window is used to write and edit the code.
4. Internal linking: When one part of a web page is linked to another section on the same
page, it is called internal linking. External linking: When one page is linked to another
web page or website, it is called external linking.

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