Rs232 Multi

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Introduction 1

Overview 2

Initial Setup 3

Planning/configuring 4
Connecting the Modbus
MultiRanger/HydroRanger devices
Application examples

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This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
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symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.

indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will
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property damage.
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
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Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and
avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:

Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
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We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software
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Siemens AG Document order number: AG112504 Copyright © Siemens AG 2021.

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Table of contents

1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Objective ............................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Equipment ........................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Disclaimer............................................................................................................................ 4
2 Overview................................................................................................................................................ 5
2.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 5
3 Initial Setup............................................................................................................................................ 6
3.1 When to update the device description ................................................................................. 6
4 Planning/configuring ............................................................................................................................. 7
4.1 Updating the device description ........................................................................................... 7
4.2 Connections ........................................................................................................................ 8
4.3 Creating a Project ................................................................................................................ 9

Connecting the Modbus MultiRanger/HydroRanger devices to SIMATIC PDM

Application examples, 01/2021, AG112504 3
Introduction 1
1.1 Objective
The objective of this application guide is to become familiar with the:
• Siemens device wiring requirements
• SIMATIC PDM configuration tool

1.2 Equipment

Equipment Description MLFB/A5E Number

MultiRanger/HydroRanger 100/200/HMI 7ML5033-.....-..
Device operation instructions
Terminal screwdriver
PC or Laptop
SIMATIC PDM ver. 9x and above
RJ-11 to DB9 cable (Dolphin cable)

1.3 Disclaimer

While every effort is made to verify the following information, no warranty of accuracy or
usability is expressed or implied.

Connecting the Modbus MultiRanger/HydroRanger devices to SIMATIC PDM

4 Application examples, 01/2021, AG112504
2 Overview 2
2.1 Overview
SIMATIC PDM is the Siemens configuration software used to set up Siemens instruments. All
parameters are accessed through PDM, and configuration data is saved in projects. SIMATIC
PDM also provides diagnostic information, permitting the user to view echo profiles and
check set points.
The following instruments support PDM:
• MultiRanger 100/200
• HydroRanger 100/200
• MultiRanger 200 HMI
• HydroRanger 200 HMI
This Application Guide discusses the following topics:
• setting up a MODBUS network
• adding a Siemens MODBUS instrument to a project
• viewing and editing parameters
In this Application Guide, the example of a MultiRanger 100 is used. However, the same
procedures apply to any Siemens MODBUS instrument that supports PDM.

Product information is available for free download at
Under Process Instrumentation, select Level Measurement to access level product

Connecting the Modbus MultiRanger/HydroRanger devices to SIMATIC PDM

5 Application examples, 01/2021, AG112504
Initial Setup 3
3.1 When to update the device description
SIMATIC PDM is shipped with the Device Descriptions that were current when the software
was last released. Between releases of PDM, updates are done to the product and to the DDs.
As a general rule, we recommend updating to the latest DD (see below for instructions).
Make sure that the DD you are using matches the revision number of the product. For a list of
all the current EDD revisions, go to product page for your instrument on Click Downloads and find the EDD revision that
applies to the instrument, then check whether the device’s version of SIMATIC PDM has the
most recent EDD.
To do this, open Device Integration Manager from the desktop and select show list of
integrated device descriptions from the file menu.

Use the filter fields to narrow down your search. For example, enter Multi200 in to field1 to
narrow down the search results.

Check the EDD revision under the integrated version Column.

Connecting the Modbus MultiRanger/HydroRanger devices to SIMATIC PDM

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4 Planning/configuring 4
4.1 Updating the device description

Make sure that the SIMATIC PDM software is not running while the Device Description is

The latest device description for SIMATIC PDM is available for free download from the device's
product page at
1. On the product page, go to Downloads and select the appropriate DD. For example, if you
are connecting to a MultiRanger 100, go to the MultiRanger product page and select
MultiRanger 100 Modbus … for SIMATIC PDM.
2. Save the ZIP file to a directory on your PC.
3. Open Device integration manager from the desktop.
4. Select File > Read device description from compressed source and then select the zip file
you downloaded.

5. Select the check box in the list next to the device you would like to integrate and then select
integration from the catalog menu to integrate the EDD in to PDM.

6. You can now close Device integration manager.

Connecting the Modbus MultiRanger/HydroRanger devices to SIMATIC PDM

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4.2 Connections

4.2 Connections
The MultiRanger 100/200 and HydroRanger 100/200 each have two ports. Port 1 is an RS-232
port for point-to-point connections. Port 2 is an RS-485 port for multi-point connections or
long distance connections. PDM can be connected to either port. We will use Port 1
connection in this application guide.
1. Terminate the wires inside the device housing to the appropriate terminals as per the
instruction manual.
2. Connect the MultiRanger 100 to the serial port of the computer using the Siemens DB-9 to
RJ-11 converter (Dolphin cable) and RJ-11 cable. If you are using an RS232 to USB
converter, simply plug the DB-9 in to the converter.

Connecting the Modbus MultiRanger/HydroRanger devices to SIMATIC PDM

8 Application examples, 01/2021, AG112504
4.3 Creating a Project

4.3 Creating a Project

If you are using the single Tag version of SIMATIC PDM, click on the SIMATIC PDM stand alone
icon from the desktop. If you are using the integrated or BASIC 4 Tag version, click on the
SIMATIC Manager Icon on the desktop.
1. From the File menu, select New.

2. In the new project window, enter a Name for your project and click OK.

3. From the View menu select Process Device Network View.

Connecting the Modbus MultiRanger/HydroRanger devices to SIMATIC PDM

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4.3 Creating a Project

4. Right-click on the project name in the main window and select Insert New Object >

5. In the main project window, right-click on the network and select Insert new Object >
Communication network.

6. In the communication window, select Assign Device Type.

Connecting the Modbus MultiRanger/HydroRanger devices to SIMATIC PDM

10 Application examples, 01/2021, AG112504
4.3 Creating a Project

7. In the Insert Object - Assign Device Type window, select Modbus network and click OK.

8. Enter an Object name or leave the name as default and click OK.

9. From the project window select the PC, and then double-click the Com Port Interface. The
COM Port Interface popup window appears.

Connecting the Modbus MultiRanger/HydroRanger devices to SIMATIC PDM

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4.3 Creating a Project

10. Select the Communication tab, and enter the communication port number of the serial
port that the MultiRanger100 is connected to. Set the Parity field to None and the
Transmission Rate to "115200" and click OK.

11. From the main project window, right-click on the Modbus Network and select Insert New

Connecting the Modbus MultiRanger/HydroRanger devices to SIMATIC PDM

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4.3 Creating a Project

12. In the Modbus Network window, enter the MODBUS address for the MultiRanger100
(P771 index 01) and then click Assign Device Type.

13. Select the MultiRanger100 from the catalogue, and click OK.

14. Enter a name less than 9 characters for the newly added Multi 100 and click OK.

Connecting the Modbus MultiRanger/HydroRanger devices to SIMATIC PDM

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4.3 Creating a Project

15. From the main project window, right-click on the newly added MultiRanger and select
Open Object.

16. You will see the offline default parameter table for the MultiRanger100/200.

Connecting the Modbus MultiRanger/HydroRanger devices to SIMATIC PDM

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4.3 Creating a Project

17. To upload the parameter settings from the MultiRanger100, select the Upload to PG/PC
from the device menu.

18. In the Load to PG/PC window, select the Start button.

19. Once completed, click OK.

Connecting the Modbus MultiRanger/HydroRanger devices to SIMATIC PDM

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4.3 Creating a Project

20. Make the relevant changes by editing the fields in the table; once finished, select the
Download to device from the Device menu.

21. In the Load to Devices window, select Start to start the download to the MultiRanger100.

Connecting the Modbus MultiRanger/HydroRanger devices to SIMATIC PDM

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