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Version 5 August 2017

Microdot System Post Original Equipment Manufacturer Fitment Centre Inspection Sheet
Fitment Centre Name: MID Name:
Fitment Centre Physical Address:
Description SANS 534-4 Yes/No Actions if non compliant
1) Corrective action to be taken within 14 days. 2) MID to notify MCB when corrective actions have been taken, 3) MCB will
1.1 The Microdot Fitment Centre shall execute its business at a fixed address. 4.2.1
re-inspect, 4) Suspension for non-compliance will be recommended if re-inspection failed at any time.
All the microdot fitment components and documentation shall be stored in a specific, controlled secure 1) Corrective action to be taken within 7 days. 2) MID to notify MCB when corrective actions have been taken, 3) MCB will re-
1.2 4.2.2

area. Only work in progress shall be handled outside the storage facility. inspect, 4) Suspension for non-compliance will be recommended if re-inspection failed at any time.

The microdot fitment centre shall keep the premises clean, professional and neat 4.2.3 1) Corrective action to be taken within 24 hours . 2) MID to notify MCB when corrective actions have been taken, 3) No re-
1 1.3
inspect, 4) Suspension for non-compliance will be recommended if re-inspection failed at any time.
1) Corrective action to be taken within 14 days. 2) MID to notify MCB when corrective actions have been taken, 3) MCB will
1.4 All signage to be professionally designed and integrated with MID approved corporate emblems. 4.2.4
re-inspect, 4) Suspension for non-compliance will be recommended if re-inspection failed at any time.
Contact numbers of public information services related to microdot fitment shall be conspicuously 1) Corrective action to be taken within 7 days. 2) MID to notify MCB when corrective actions have been taken, 3) MCB will re-
1.5 4.2.5
displayed. inspect, 4) Suspension for non-compliance will be recommended if re-inspection failed at any time.

The microdot fitment centre shall provide, maintain and use computer equipment on its premises in

1) Corrective action to be taken within 7 days. 2) MID to notify MCB when corrective actions have been taken, 3) MCB will re-
2.1 4.3.1
accordance with the specifications of the MID(s) that supply microdots for the fitment. inspect, 4) Suspension for non-compliance will be recommended if re-inspection failed at any time.
The microdot fitment centre shall provide, maintain and install the necessary network communication 1) Corrective action to be taken within 7 days. 2) MID to notify MCB when corrective actions have been taken, 3) MCB will re-
2.2 4.3.2
equipment to have real - time access to MID information systems. inspect, 4) Suspension for non-compliance will be recommended if re-inspection failed at any time.

One vehicle shall be processed per fitment area 1) Corrective action to be taken within 24 hours . 2) MID to notify MCB when corrective actions have been taken, 3) No re-
3.1 4.4
inspect, 4) Suspension for non-compliance will be recommended if re-inspection failed at any time.
MID approved microscope with a minimum 60X magnification 4.4 (a) 1) Corrective action to be taken within 24 hours . 2) MID to notify MCB when corrective actions have been taken, 3) No re-

inspect, 4) Suspension for non-compliance will be recommended if re-inspection failed at any time.

3.3 MID approved UV light 4.4 (b) 1) Corrective action to be taken within 24 hours . 2) MID to notify MCB when corrective actions have been taken, 3) No re-
inspect, 4) Suspension for non-compliance will be recommended if re-inspection failed at any time.
Lifting equipment, pits, ramps or creeper trolleys as required to facilitate safe fitment of microdots to the 1) Corrective action to be taken within 14 days. 2) MID to notify MCB when corrective actions have been taken, 3) MCB will
3.4 4.4 (c)
vehicle under-body. re-inspect, 4) Suspension for non-compliance will be recommended if re-inspection failed at any time.
Effective isolation of the vehicle to be fitted, to prevent microdot particles adhering to any vehicle other 1) Corrective action to be taken within 7 days. 2) MID to notify MCB when corrective actions have been taken, 3) MCB will re-
3.5 4.4 (d)
that one being fitted. inspect, 4) Suspension for non-compliance will be recommended if re-inspection failed at any time.

3.6 Cleaning material suitable for cleaning of microdot fitment areas. 4.4 (e) 1) Corrective action to be taken within 24 hours . 2) MID to notify MCB when corrective actions have been taken, 3) No re-
inspect, 4) Suspension for non-compliance will be recommended if re-inspection failed at any time.

The approval certificates issued by the MID to the Microdot Fitment Centre within a year before the 1) Corrective action to be taken within 14 days. 2) MID to notify MCB when corrective actions have been taken, 3) MCB will
4.1 4.5.1
current date, shall be available re-inspect, 4) Suspension for non-compliance will be recommended if re-inspection failed at any time.
1) Corrective action to be taken within 14 days. 2) MID to notify MCB when corrective actions have been taken, 3) MCB will
4.2 Training certificate issued by the MID to every Microdot Fitter shall be available 4.5.2
re-inspect, 4) Suspension for non-compliance will be recommended if re-inspection failed at any time.

The Fitment Centre shall implement and maintain a Quality Management System prescribed by the 1) Corrective action to be taken within 14 days. 2) MID to notify MCB when corrective actions have been taken, 3) MCB will
5 5.1 4.6
relevant MID re-inspect, 4) Suspension for non-compliance will be recommended if re-inspection failed at any time.

6.1 Vehicle Pre inspection: 5.1

Find the VIN stamped, embossed or permanetly affixed onto the vehicle. If VIN is not found or appears to 1) Corrective action to be taken within 24 hours. 2) MID to notify MCB when corrective actions have been taken, 3) MCB will
6.1.1 5.1.1
altered or damaged refer vehicle to the Police Vehicle Crime Identification Unit re-inspect, 4) Suspension for non-compliance will be recommended if re-inspection failed at any time.
Use the information system to search for microdot fitment records on all connected systems regarding 1) Corrective action to be taken within 24 hours. 2) MID to notify MCB when corrective actions have been taken, 3) MCB will
6.1.2 5.1.2
the VIN. re-inspect, 4) Suspension for non-compliance will be recommended if re-inspection failed at any time.
1) Corrective action to be taken within 24 hours. 2) MID to notify MCB when corrective actions have been taken, 3) MCB will
6.1.3 Find any existing microdots on the vehicle 5.1.3
re-inspect, 4) Suspension for non-compliance will be recommended if re-inspection failed at any time.
1) Corrective action to be taken within 24 hours. 2) MID to notify MCB when corrective actions have been taken, 3) MCB will
6.1.4 If found fitment record is flagged for investigation, refer the vehicle for MID investigation 5.1.4
re-inspect, 4) Suspension for non-compliance will be recommended if re-inspection failed at any time.

If record of fitment is found, print confirmation job cards. Find any existing microdot on the vehicle.
1) Corrective action to be taken within 24 hours. 2) MID to notify MCB when corrective actions have been taken, 3) MCB will
6.1.5 Record vehicle details as required on the confirmation Job card, read and record the microdot identifiers. 5.1.5
If microdot are not found in the compulsory positions or microdot identifiers are illegible, request re-inspect, 4) Suspension for non-compliance will be recommended if re-inspection failed at any time.
6 permission for refitment from MID
Record the found microdot identifiers onto the MID information system. If the microdot identifiers 1) Corrective action to be taken within 24 hours. 2) MID to notify MCB when corrective actions have been taken, 3) MCB will
6.1.6 5.1.6
matches the recorded fitment records, confirm the make and model and print the confirmation certificate re-inspect, 4) Suspension for non-compliance will be recommended if re-inspection failed at any time.
Surface preparation: The surface to which the microdots are to be applied, shall allow the adhesive to 1) Corrective action to be taken within 24 hours. 2) MID to notify MCB when corrective actions have been taken, 3) MCB will
6.2.1 5.2
adhere. If required, the surface shall be prepared and cleaned, especially all dust, wax and oil shall be re-inspect, 4) Suspension for non-compliance will be recommended if re-inspection failed at any time.
Version 5 August 2017

The microdot fitter shall fit microdots to the positions mentioned in SANS 534 - 2 clause 5.3.2 as per the 1) Corrective action to be taken within 24 hours. 2) MID to notify MCB when corrective actions have been taken, 3) MCB will
prescribed method provided by the MID re-inspect, 4) Suspension for non-compliance will be recommended if re-inspection failed at any time.
The microdot fitter shall prevent any accidental fitment of microdots to any vehicle vehicles other than 1) Corrective action to be taken within 24 hours. 2) MID to notify MCB when corrective actions have been taken, 3) MCB will
the one identified on the Job card re-inspect, 4) Suspension for non-compliance will be recommended if re-inspection failed at any time.
The microdots shall be evenly applied onto the compulsory positions and any other practical position, 1) Corrective action to be taken within 24 hours. 2) MID to notify MCB when corrective actions have been taken, 3) MCB will
but not on any prohibited positions re-inspect, 4) Suspension for non-compliance will be recommended if re-inspection failed at any time.

1) Corrective action to be taken within 24 hours. 2) MID to notify MCB when corrective actions have been taken, 3) MCB will

7.1 Fitter has signed the Job Cards 6 (a)

re-inspect, 4) Suspension for non-compliance will be recommended if re-inspection failed at any time.
Fitter has applied the secure container disposal process and return the completed job card and used 1) Corrective action to be taken within 24 hours. 2) MID to notify MCB when corrective actions have been taken, 3) MCB will
7.2 6 (b)
container to secure storage re-inspect, 4) Suspension for non-compliance will be recommended if re-inspection failed at any time.
Notification Label applied to the vehicle in a position where it is easy to read from the outside of vehicle 1) Corrective action to be taken within 24 hours. 2) MID to notify MCB when corrective actions have been taken, 3) MCB will
7.3 6 re-inspect, 4) Suspension for non-compliance will be recommended if re-inspection failed at any time.
but does not obstruct the view of the driver
The Microdot Fitment Centre shall ensure that the completed job card, used containers and un-used 1) Corrective action to be taken within 24 hours. 2) MID to notify MCB when corrective actions have been taken, 3) MCB will
7.4 7.1.1
containers are returned to the MID within 90 days after fitment or decision not to fit, which ever may be re-inspect, 4) Suspension for non-compliance will be recommended if re-inspection failed at any time.

Additional information:

MCB Inspector ( Name Surname and Signature) Fitment Centre Representative initial, Surname and Signature
SANS 534-1 Requirments

Electronic System
Job Card

When VIN

When PIN

Notification Labels


Supply Chain
Unused containers

Compulsory Position of application

Prohibited areas



Part Replacement

Description of requirements

Contains all information regarding Microdot system.

Documentation pack used during application - Hard Copy
Micro particles that bear a readable identifier- 0.5mm to 1.8 mm

17 alphanumeric characters ,2 character country code,short form of the

OEM'S name
Max 17 Alpha,2 country code, microdot supplier
Add covert features, proof of supplier
Complies with accelerated ageing and with stands removal test. Allows
for selective removal of a small No. of individual identifiers.
Incorporates a trace element, no damage to base material

Easy readable from outside the vehicle. Not obstructive to drivers view.

Bears the info of Microdot inside. Tamperproof –signifies integrity

compromised. Once used it can not be reused. Empty collected,
registered and destroyed in controlled condition.

Controls of system to be secure

No duplicate manufactured dots
Strict written stock & distribution control
Record reason not used and destruction
Supplier records from manufacture to installer, collection of used/
unused containers and collects job cards. Installer records application.

Vehicles 10,000 microdots with 70% applied to 8 compulsory positions.

Trailers 5,000 microdots to 5 positions.

Motorcycles 3,000 microdots to 5 positions.
Trucks 10,000 microdots to 90% of 8 positions
Any area that negatively affects warranty or safety of the vehicle.

Installer shall verify all info recorded on job card after application. Final
sign off other than the fitter.
Job card stored for 20 years as conclusive proof of fitment .Job card
info to be recorded into information system.
Supplier to provide facility to issue certificate
Not compulsory to reapply to replacement parts.
Supplier shall train employees on all aspects of the particular microdot
Supplier to ensure microdot & adhesive pass entire test annexure A and
to be in position of test certificate.
DataDot Complience To Comments
SANS -534-1




Quality management system
Supplier shall implement/maintain a QMS of all aspects of its
operations. Certification of QMS as SANS 9001 or equivalent.
Certification to include the following aspects: Document control,Record
control,Internal audit

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