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Table 3.1: Table for Determining Sample Size ....................................................... 35

Table 3.2: Summary of Measurement Items Adapted ............................................. 37
Table 3.3: Cronbach’s Alpha of Measurement Items Adapted ............................... 38
Table 3.4: Results of Cronbach’s alpha from the pilot study .................................. 43
Table 4.1: Reliability of the Measurement .............................................................. 50
Table 4.2: Smartphone Ownership .......................................................................... 52
Table 4.3: Augmented Reality Usage ...................................................................... 53
Table 4.4: Augmented Reality Usefulness .............................................................. 54
Table 4.5: Mean value for items of Tourist Experience .......................................... 57
Table 4.6: Mean value for items of Travel Satisfaction .......................................... 58
Table 4.7: Mean value for items of Amazement ..................................................... 59
Table 4.8: Mean value for items of Information ...................................................... 59
Table 4.15: Mean value for items of Visual ............................................................ 60
Table 4.10: Mean value for items of Navigation ..................................................... 61
Table 4.11: Mean value for items of Ease of Use .................................................... 61
Table 4.12: Mean value for items of Usefulness ..................................................... 62
Table 4.13: Results after Outlier Assessment .......................................................... 63
Table 4.14: Durbin-Watson Value ........................................................................... 67
Table 4.15: Durbin-Watson Value’s Model Summary ........................................... 68
Table 4.16: Summary of Tolerance Value and VIF ................................................ 69
Table 4.17: Principal Component Analysis (PCA) .................................................. 71
Table 4.18: Overall variance of Tourist Experience (DV) ...................................... 71
Table 4.19: Principal Component Analysis (PCA) .................................................. 72
Table 4.20: Total variance of Travel Satisfaction (MV) ......................................... 73
Table 4.21: Total variance of Amazement (IV) ....................................................... 74
Table 4.22: Total variance of Information (IV) ....................................................... 74
Table 4.23: Total variance of Visual (IV) ............................................................... 75
Table 4.24: Total variance of Navigation (IV) ........................................................ 75
Table 4.25: Total variance of Ease of Use (IV) ....................................................... 76
Table 4.26: Total variance of Usefulness (IV) ........................................................ 76
Table 4.27: Factor Analysis ..................................................................................... 78
Table 4.21: Reliability of the Measurement ............................................................ 80
Table 4.29: Relationship between Variables and r Value ........................................ 82
Table 4.30: Pearson Correlation Matrix for the study’s variables ........................... 82
Table 4.31: Pearson Correlation Matrix for AR Attributes ..................................... 84
Table 4.32: Coefficient Regression of IV ................................................................ 86
Table 4.33: Regression Analysis of IV to DV ......................................................... 87
Table 4.34: Regression Analysis of IV to DV ......................................................... 88

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