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Candidate Number

Question-Answer Section
(1) This paper consists of two parts (A and B). Students should
attempt ALL tasks in Part A. In Part B, you should attempt Task Marks
either Part B1 (easy section) OR Part B2 (difficult section).
Students who attempt Parts A and B2 will be able to attain 1
the full range of levels, while Level 4 will be the highest level
attainable for students who attempt Parts A and B1.
(2) Write your Candidate Number on the appropriate pages of
the Part A Question-Answer Section and both Part B 3
Question-Answer Sections.

(3) Write your answers clearly and neatly in the spaces provided 4
in the Question-Answer Sections. Answers written in the
margins will not be marked. You are advised to use a pencil
for Part A.

(4) All listening materials will be played ONCE only. 6

(5) Supplementary answer sheets will be supplied upon request.
You need to write your Candidate Number and mark the 7
question number box.
(6) Put down your pen and stop writing once the ‘Time is up’
announcement is made. No extra time will be given to
students for filling in the question number boxes. 9

(7) The two Question-Answer Sections attempted by candidates 10

(one for Part A and one for Part B) will be collected together
at the end of the examination.

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Aristo Educational Press Ltd.
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Book 5 (Set B) • Paper 3 • Mock Test 1 (Q-A – Part A) 1 Book 5 • Set B

Part A


A group of students at Tai Kok Tsui College are working on a presentation about some of the world’s most
unusual restaurants. You will hear four recordings related to this subject.

In Part A, you will have a total of four tasks to do. Follow the instructions in the Question-Answer Section and
on the recording to complete the tasks. You will find all the information you need in this Question-Answer
Section and on the recording. You now have two minutes to familiarize yourself with Tasks 1 – 4.

Book 5 (Set B) • Paper 3 • Mock Test 1 (Q-A – Part A) 2

Task 1 (14 marks)

Hazel, Anson and Vincent are talking about some unusual restaurants that they may include in the
presentation. Listen to their conversation and complete the notes. You now have 30 seconds to study the task.
At the end of the task, you will have one minute to tidy up your answers.

easier item more challenging item

Presentation title: (1) (1) Remarkable Restaurants

Unusual restaurants to be included:

Name Country Description

The Nest (2) (1) Canada ․ (3) (1) a tree house 12 metres

off the ground

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

․ enter via (4) (1) a treetop walkway/
bridge suspended between the trees

The Icehouse (5) (1) Iceland ․ made entirely of ice so (6) (1) it melts
when winter is over

․ inside temperature ranges from (7) (1)

minus two to (8) (1) 10
degrees Celsius
․ (9) (1) down jackets provided to
keep customers warm

Cascade Café (10) (1) Italy ․ located in (11) (1) a man-made waterfall
․ diners must wear (12) (1) a swimsuit

Things to research for each restaurant:

1. type of food served

2. size and (13) (1) capacity

3. (14) (1) price range

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Book 5 (Set B) • Paper 3 • Mock Test 1 (Q-A – Part A) 3
Task 2 (16 marks)

Hazel, Anson and Vincent are further discussing the restaurants they picked. There are three parts to Task 2.
In Part A, Hazel and Anson talk about the ratings of the restaurants. In Part B, they talk about customer
comments on the restaurants. In Part C, Anson and Vincent discuss which restaurants are most suitable for the
presentation. You now have 30 seconds to study the task. At the end of the task, you will have one minute to
tidy up your answers.

easier item more challenging item

Part A

Complete the bar chart.

(1) (1)
Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

The Nest (15) The Icehouse (16) Cascade Café (17) Secret Cave

Part B

Fill in the missing information in the spaces provided in the table.

Restaurant Customer comments

The Nest ․ overpriced

․ (18) (1) location difficult to find

The Icehouse ․ a wide variety of (19) (1) dishes/choices on the menu

․ (20) (1) amazing/beautiful decorations/ice sculptures

Cascade Café ․ service (21) (1) was slow

․ (22) (1) beautiful view

Secret Cave ․ staff (23) (1) were polite and attentive

․ seafood (24) (1) was fresh and delicious

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Book 5 (Set B) • Paper 3 • Mock Test 1 (Q-A – Part A) 4
Part C

Use symbols to complete the table and write down the factors considered.

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Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Suitable choice?
? maybe

The Nest

The Icehouse (25) (1)

Cascade Café (26) (1) ?

Secret Cave (27) (1) ?

Factors to consider when choosing suitable restaurants: * in any order

(28) (1) customer satisfaction*

(29) (1) how unique/unusual the theme is*

(30) (1) whether classmates would be interested*

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.


Book 5 (Set B) • Paper 3 • Mock Test 1 (Q-A – Part A) 5

Task 3 (11 marks)

The group has found an online interview with the owner of one of the chosen restaurants. Listen to the
interview and complete the notes by filling in the missing information. You now have 30 seconds to study the
task. At the end of the task, you will have one minute to tidy up your answers.

easier item more challenging item

The structure of Secret Cave

tables and chairs made of

(31) (1) stone
terrace for
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Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

(32) (1) private dining

height above sea level:

(33) (1) 15 metres

enter via
(34) (1) boat and steps

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Book 5 (Set B) • Paper 3 • Mock Test 1 (Q-A – Part A) 6

What challenges did the owner have to overcome to build the restaurant?

(35) (1) finding a suitable location (as not all caves are safe for restructuring)

(36) (1) it was hard to persuade local authorities to issue a licence

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Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

What are the three most frequent comments from diners?

(37) (1) it is a strange dining experience (feels like fine dining in the wilderness)

(38) (1) walking up the steps helps you work up an appetite

(39) (1) it is time-consuming to travel back and forth by boat

Complete the table below:

Area for improvement Owner’s plan

Customer capacity (40) (1) expand the restaurant to deeper parts of the cave

Power supply (41) (1) install a backup generator to avoid power shortages

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Book 5 (Set B) • Paper 3 • Mock Test 1 (Q-A – Part A) 7

Task 4 (14 marks)

Hazel, Anson and Vincent are designing their own unusual restaurant to include in the presentation. Listen to
their discussion and complete the web page. You now have 30 seconds to study the task. At the end of the
task, you will have three minutes to tidy up your answers.

easier item more challenging item

The Choco Café

(42) Menu (43) Gallery (44) (1) Address

Come and experience delicious dining at The Choco Café, Hong Kong’s only
Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

restaurant built using chocolate!

What’s so special?

a different structure every year, such as

(45) (1) a fairy-tale castle* or
(46) (1) a famous landmark*
in any order
seating areas: (47) (1) inside the
restaurant/indoors and (outside/outdoors) in
To get in touch …
the courtyard
Call us to make (51) (1) enquiries

or reservations

each area has (48) (1) different themed

We are open …
chocolate sculptures
Every day in (52) (1) December

and January
serves (49) (1) fusion dishes using
Times: (53) (1) 12 pm – 11 pm
(50) (1) locally sourced food/ingredients

(54) Sign up for our newsletter (55) (1) social media page

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

End of Part A
Now go on to Part B

Book 5 (Set B) • Paper 3 • Mock Test 1 (Q-A – Part A) 8

Candidate Number

Question-Answer Section
Task 5


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 Organization 0 1 2
0-1 Appropriacy 0 1 2
Task 5: Poster (18 marks) [Source: DF 1, 3 & 4] 0-18 Total

Complete a poster promoting adventure travel using information from the B1 Data File and your notes.
[model answers] easier item more challenging item
Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Adventure travel?
5.1 5.2
Adventure travel involves physical activities [DF 1] and a connection with nature. [DF 1] If
5.3 5.4
you are physically fit [DF 3] and have a sense of adventure, [DF 1] you will enjoy adventure

Adventure travel is a great way to let you …

Types of adventure packages 5.7
step outside your comfort zone [DF 1]
Infinity Travel offers: 5.8
learn valuable new skills [DF 1]
day trips [DF 3] 5.9
gain self-confidence [DF 1]
multi-day tours [DF 3] 5.10
enjoy life-enhancing experiences [DF 3]
Students should only include positive feedback
from customers from the ‘very satisfied’ and
Why should you choose Infinity Travel? ‘satisfied’ categories in the survey [DF 4].

5.11 5.12
Infinity Travel specializes in adventure travel [DF 3] and has more than 10 years of
experience in it. [DF 3] About 90% of our customers were happy with Infinity Travel’s tours,
including 20% who said they were very satisfied with them. [DF 4] Also, 91% of customers
would recommend Infinity Travel to family and friends. [DF 4]
This poster aims to promote adventure travel
and the adventure travel record of a travel
company. The target audience is members of the
public, including potential customers. The tone
Answers written in the margins will not be marked. should therefore be persuasive and informative.
An informal to semi-formal register is preferred.

Book 5 (Set B) • Paper 3 • Mock Test 1 (Q-A – Part B1) 9

Task 6: Email (18 marks) [Source: DF 5, 6 & 7]

Write an email replying to a customer using information from the B1 Data File. Write around 120 words.
[model answer] easier item more challenging item

Subject: Transfer arrangements for the cycling trip in Transylvania

Dear Mr Tsang

Thank you for your enquiry. We will ensure that private transfers are arranged between the first and
last hotels and the airport. [DF 6] We will also provide a luggage transfer service between hotels

5 throughout the trip. [DF 6]

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Please be reminded that you will be leaving on flight L4 811, departing from Hong Kong at 1105 on
17 October and arriving in Bucharest, Romania at 1745 on the same day. [DF 5] Please check in at
Terminal 1. [DF 5] Your return flight, L4 812, will depart from Bucharest at 1945 on 25 October

10 and arrive in Hong Kong at 1445 on 26 October. [DF 5 & 6]

Students need to combine information from Matt Tsang’s e-ticket [DF 5] and Jake
Ng’s note to Billy Wong [DF 6] to get the most up-to-date flight information.

During your trip, you will be cycling about 30 km each day in a group of up to 12 people [DF 7]
6.7 6.8
through the Carpathian Mountains. [DF 7] You will have the opportunity to take local tours around
15 medieval villages, castles and churches, [DF 7] as well as being able to see natural sights like

mountains, valleys, forests and rivers, and perhaps even local wildlife, such as deer, bears, boar and

buffalo. [DF 7]

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.


This email aims to answer queries from a customer. The tone
should be polite and informative, preferably with a formal register.
Oscar Wu The customer’s queries must be addressed at the beginning, while
extra information can be added afterwards.
Infinity Travel

Task 6
Task 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
25 Completion 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
0-5 Language 0 1 2 3 4 5
0-2 Organization 0 1 2
Answers written in the margins will not be marked. 0-2 Appropriacy 0 1 2
0-18 Total


Book 5 (Set B) • Paper 3 • Mock Test 1 (Q-A – Part B1) 10

Task 7: Online post (20 marks) [Source: DF 1, 7, 8 & 9]

Write an online post advertising white-water rafting in Colorado using information from the B1 Data File and
your notes. Write around 150 words.
[model answer] easier item more challenging item

7.1 7.2
White-water rafting along the spectacular rivers of Colorado [DF 1 & 7] gives you an exciting
opportunity to see natural wonders and wildlife. [DF 1] The rivers are a combination of calm
sections and rapids, and each one of them is graded according to its level of difficulty, so you can
choose one to suit you. [DF 7] Class I is the easiest with flat water and few obstacles, and Class
5 VI is the most advanced. [DF 7]
Students need to combine information from the recording [DF 1] and
the brochure from Infinity Travel [DF 7] to come up with item 7.1.
Infinity Travel offers multi-day trips that last two or three days, and prices start from HK$20

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Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

000, [DF 8] with all the necessary equipment, such as wetsuits, helmets and life jackets,
included. [DF 7] Travellers don’t need experience to go on our guided trips. [DF 7]
10 ____________________________________________________________________________
Travellers who have been on this tour in the past said that the guides were experienced and
7.9 7.10
knowledgeable, [DF 9] and that they felt safe even during scary moments. [DF 9]
____________________________________________________________________________ One

customer even said that it was one of the most exciting things he had ever done! [DF 9]
Students should only include positive reviews and paraphrase them with more objective
language rather than just copying directly from Infinity Travel’s website [DF 9].
15 ____________________________________________________________________________
To find out more or make a booking, email us at or call us
on 2873 0818. [DF 8]
20 ____________________________________________________________________________
This online post aims to promote adventure tours offered by a
company. The target audience is members of the public, including
potential customers. The tone should be persuasive and
informative. An informal to semi-formal register is preferred.

Task 7
Task 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
25 ____________________________________________________________________________
Completion 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
0-5 Language 0 1 2 3 4 5
0-2 Organization 0 1 2
0-2 Appropriacy 0 1 2
0-20 Total

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Book 5 (Set B) • Paper 3 • Mock Test 1 (Q-A – Part B1) 11

Do not write on this page.

Answers written on this page will not be marked.

Book 5 (Set B) • Paper 3 • Mock Test 1 (Q-A – Part B1) 12

Candidate Number

Question-Answer Section
Task 8

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
0-5 Language 0 1 2 3 4 5
0-2 Organization 0 1 2
Task 8: Web article (18 marks) [Source: DF 1, 3 & 4] 0-2 Appropriacy 0 1 2
0-18 Total
Write an article about cultural tourism to be put on the company’s website using information from the B2
Data File and your notes. Write around 130 words.
[model answer] easier item more challenging item

Cultural tourism is a type of tourism where tourists focus on the cultural aspects of a place. [DF 1]
Nowadays, many tourists are choosing this form of tourism because they want to make friends
with people from different cultures. [DF 1] Some may even want to discover new perspectives on
life through the experience. [DF 1]
5 ____________________________________________________________________________
There are many activities that tourists can do on cultural tours, for example, visiting unusual
locations and interacting with local people. They can also visit museums, theatres and galleries to

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Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

learn about a country’s history and cultural heritage. [DF 3]

Students need to summarize in a simple paragraph the
various activities that make up a cultural tour.
10 ____________________________________________________________________________
8.5 8.6
Recognizing that cultural tourism is becoming more popular, [DF 3] Infinity Travel is offering
more and more unique cultural tours that are not available from our competitors. [DF 3] Our Asian
destinations include Mongolia, the Silk Road and Xi’an in China, [DF 3 & 4] and in Europe we
organize tours to Florence and Paris. [DF 4]
Only Asian and European destinations
are required.
15 ____________________________________________________________________________
To learn more about our cultural tours, please visit [DF 4]
20 ____________________________________________________________________________
This web article aims to introduce cultural tours offered by a
travel company. The target audience is members of the public,
including potential customers. The tone should therefore be
informative and objective. A formal register is preferred.

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Book 5 (Set B) • Paper 3 • Mock Test 1 (Q-A – Part B2) 13
Task 9: Email (19 marks) [Source: DF 1, 5, 6 & 7]

Write an email proposing a new cultural tour destination using information from the B2 Data File and your
notes. Write around 150 words.
[model answer] easier item more challenging item

Subject: Proposed cultural tour to Budapest

Dear Mr Chow

Students need to combine data from both the

recording [DF 1] and the excerpt from the
I am writing to propose a cultural tour to Budapest, Hungary.
guidebook [DF 7] to come up with this point.

9.1 9.2
5 Budapest is the capital city of Hungary and its official language is Hungarian. [DF 5] It has a
Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

total area of about 525 km and a population of around 1.8 million. [DF 6]

9.3 9.4
Travellers to Budapest can visit the Parliament [DF 7]. To take in wonderful views of the city,

they can either take a river cruise or climb Castle Hill to Fishermen’s Bastion. [DF 1 & 7] After a day’s
10 sightseeing, travellers can relax in one of the thermal baths, [DF 7] such as Széchenyi Baths in City
9.6 9.7
Park. They can also ride the tram [DF 1] and shop and eat at the Grand Market Hall [DF 1] to

experience local life.

9.8 9.9
We suggest a five-day [DF 5] cultural trip, during which our customers could stay at the
15 Continental Hotel. [DF 5 & 6] The proposed cost for each customer is HK$19 000. [DF 5]

Students need to select the appropriate

accommodation according to the budget (€100 per
night) stated in Vivian’s email to Billy [DF 5].
We sincerely hope that you will carefully consider our proposal. We are very confident that the

proposed tour to Budapest would be a success.

Regards Task 9
Oscar Wu Task 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Completion 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
ABOUT THE TASK 0-5 Language 0 1 2 3 4 5
This email aims to propose a new cultural tour destination to the 0-2 Organization 0 1 2
general manager of a travel company. The tone should be 0-2 Appropriacy 0 1 2
persuasive and informative. Since it is being written to a person in 0-19 Total
a senior position in a company, a formal register is required.

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.


Book 5 (Set B) • Paper 3 • Mock Test 1 (Q-A – Part B2) 14

Task 10: Presentation speech (20 marks) [Source: DF 3, 5, 8, 9 & 10]

Write a speech for a presentation about cultural tourism using information from the B2 Data File. Write
around 200 words.
[model answer] easier item more challenging item

Good morning, everyone. Today I’m going to talk about the potential of the cultural tourism market.
Research shows that more than 63% of tourists would consider joining a cultural tour. [DF 3]
Between 2009 and 2017, the number of tourists participating in cultural tourism rose from less
5 than 15% to more than 25%. [DF 8] During the same period, the annual spending on cultural
tourism increased from less than 40 million Hong Kong dollars to 100 million. [DF 8] So it is safe to
say that cultural tourism has been gaining popularity rapidly over recent years. [DF 8]
Students need to precisely interpret the research data
and describe the growing trend clearly, then come up
with an appropriate conclusion.
10 ____________________________________________________________________________
Popular cultural destinations are mostly in Europe, in places like France, Italy, the Czech

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

Republic and Hungary, but we are also seeing increasing numbers of people joining cultural tours
to Egypt, Mexico and Indonesia. [DF 10]
15 We’ve learnt from online comments that tourists enjoy visiting unusual locations, [DF 9]
10.7 10.8
talking and interacting with the locals, [DF 9] and learning about the history of a place.
[DF 9] They also like eating local food and wearing local clothes, which makes them feel like
locals. [DF 9]
20 However, some were disappointed with their cultural tour because they didn’t find it any
different to a normal sightseeing tour, [DF 9] a problem that should be addressed in future tours.
Others found it difficult to communicate with locals, so we have already made arrangements
to have more than one travel guide on each tour who can speak the local language. [DF 5 & 9]
Students need to match the new arrangement
25 That concludes my presentation. Thank you for your attention.
with the particular online comment about
having more local language-speaking guides.

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Book 5 (Set B) • Paper 3 • Mock Test 1 (Q-A – Part B2) 15

30 ____________________________________________________________________________
35 ____________________________________________________________________________

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Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

45 ____________________________________________________________________________
50 ____________________________________________________________________________
This speech aims to talk about the cultural tourism
market. The target audience is new staff members at a Task 10
55 ____________________________________________________________________________
travel company. The tone should be positive and Task 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
informative. Since the speech is being addressed to Completion 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
colleagues within a company, a semi-formal to formal 0-5 Language 0 1 2 3 4 5
register is preferred. 0-2
Organization 0 1 2
0-2 Appropriacy 0 1 2
0-20 Total

Answers written in the margins will not be marked.

First published October, 2018

Book 5 (Set B) • Paper 3 • Mock Test 1 (Q-A – Part B2) 16

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