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1.Read at least five (5) articles (in print or online) about online privacy.

Write a reflection
paper about the articles, which must then be presented in class.

It might assist this stage of the argument focus on a single online platform in the instance of
Facebook and online privacy. Facebook is a social networking platform. Despite the company's
founder's denials, there appears to be widespread suspicion. public perception that Facebook
collaborated with the National Security Agency (NSA) and supplied sensitive information to the
government information on their users Whether this is true or not, it indicates a lot about the
level of interest that exists. Facebook users are invested in the company's image. Many
Facebook users appear to have a negative attitude. According to Debatin, Lovejoy, Horn, and
Hughes, ambivalent behavioral tendency. Despite becoming better, they both report posting
enormous amounts of personal information to their social media accounts, despite privacy
concerns Accounts on Facebook. It also draws attention to a broader argument about online
privacy: privacy violations can arise not only due to overt malfeasance on the part of a given
stakeholder but also because of Internet users' ignorance. For example, a Facebook user might
upload compromising photographs to his account without considering that (for example) his
employer may legally and legitimately access those photographs. The same may be true for
other forms of internet communication: privacy violations can occur in a variety of ways. If
people are either unaware that they are being watched or do not want to be watched, they
should act in a "passive" rather than "active" manner. not take appropriate action in response to
this recognition's repercussions Users of the Internet, in other words, would Anyone who
needed the information may potentially expose their lives to the world without their realizing it,
as well as anyone who wanted the information. It could be taken by users' knowledge without
even infringing the rule. The other article gives evidence that people's capacity to succeed is
influenced by their level of confidence. On online social networks, people exchange personal
information. After that, I make two points, one of which is as follows: one explains why
Facebook is set up the way it is, and the other argues for legal protection against its Users can
manipulate the system in whatever way they like. I believe that Facebook is built on trust, both
between friends and between strangers. between the site's users and the site, itself I primarily
discuss how Facebook organizes its website and user interface. Take advantage of our fondness
for our friends and encourage us to share. Knowing what our peers are up to will help us make
better decisions. assist us in determining whether it is safe to communicate and can also aid in
the development of a dynamic social environment. Facebook has been known to utilize honesty
to its advantage on occasion.

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