Clothing Store

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Asking the conversations above as models, write eight others conversations about

the items clothes from 1 to 8. You can use the exercises in pages 70 and 71 from the
book Side by Side as a guide.

1. A. Can I help you?

B. yes, please Im looking for a blue blouse

A. ooh yes, here there is a beautiful blouses

B.I would like a pink ones too

A.that's ok

2. A. good morning

B. Hello, How can I help you?

A.I wanna buy a gift for my son, I would like to see the shoes

B. ok, we have a new collection of shoes, you will like it

3. A. Do you need my help?

B. Im looking for a boots

A. Great!!!, what color?

B. Brown or black, its ok

4. A. Can I help you?

B. yes, please I'm looking for the best fragrance

A. ooh yes, here there are good smells

B. I want one of cinnamon

A.that's ok
5. A. Can I help you?

B. yes, please Im looking for a jacket

A. ooh yes, here there is a beautiful jackets

B.I would like a pink one

A.that's ok

6. A. good morning

B. Hello, How can I help you?

A.I wanna buy some tie for mi husband,

B. ok, we have a very goo tie here, you will like it

7. A. Do you need my help?

B. Im looking for a dress for a party

A. Great!!!, what color?

B. could be pink or blue

A. it’s ok

8. A. Can I help you?

B. yes, please I wanna buy a hat

A. here a nice hat

B. I would like a yellow one

A.that's ok, this is the popular color on this year

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