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Barriers to Education Mini-Lesson Plan

VTFT Student Name: Zahajah Boyd-McDowell

Date Lesson Will be Taught: 2/8/23

Lesson Topic
(your barrier)
Teen Pregnancy
Students will learn ABOUT the barrier (causes, preventions,
treatments. statistics), HOW the barrier impacts students, and WHAT
Learning Target schools/teachers can do to help.

Intro/Hook/Warmup The teacher will prompt students to turn and talk about what they
What will you do to get may know about teen pregnancy or what they think.
the attention of the class
& introduce them to this
lesson? (Time: 1-3 min)

Body of Lesson 1.

List activities. 2. The teacher will present my Prezi to the class going into detail
Use “Students will…” & about what teen pregnancy is.
“Teachers will….” 3. Estimated time 4 mins
Include lecture, activity, 4. Students will sit and listen and even ask any questions
discussion, etc. but not prompted by the teacher
hook or closure again. 5. Students will participate in a Fun game (bingo) on the topic, the
Include links to materials.
teacher will also give students definitions of what is on the
(Time: 4-6 min total.
bingo card and determine if they have that term on their card.
Lecture portion should and ask questions about the presentation.
be 2-3min at most!
Make sure to schedule time
for class to copy notes or
answer questions, if you
include those tasks. ☺)

Closing To finalize the lesson students will be asked if they have any
What will you do to finalize questions, concerns, or add-ons about the topic.
the lesson/gauge students’
(Time: 1-3min)

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