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English 9

Language and Literature

EDITORIAL cartoons
a drawing (often including
caricature) made for the purpose
of conveying editorial
commentary on politics,
politicians, social issues, and
They typically combine artistic current events. Such cartoons play
skill and satire in order to a role in the political discourse of a
question authority and draw society that provides for freedom
attention to corruption, political of speech and of the press.
violence and other social ills.
WHat is satire?

A literary work that ridicules its

subject through the use of techniques
such as exaggeration, reversal,
incongruity, and/or parody in order to
make a comment or criticism about it.
Four Techniques of Satire

1. Exaggeration/Hyperbole

● To enlarge, increase, or
represent something beyond
normal bounds so that it
becomes ridiculous and its
faults can be seen.
Four Techniques of Satire

2. Incongruity
● To present things
that are out of place or
are absurd in relation
to its surroundings.
Four Techniques of Satire

3.. Reversal
● To present the opposite
of the normal order (e.g.,
the order of events,
hierarchical order).
Four Techniques of Satire

4. Parody

● To imitate the
techniques and/or style of
some person, place, or
To understand the message of satire, it’s important to
ask yourself these questions:

● What is the issue being targeted in the work?

● How does the creator seem to feel about the
● What does he seem to think should change about
the issue?
Satire implores a critical attitude
and moral voice in an effort to
improve behaviours and perceptions
of people towards someone or

Simply mocking or criticism is not “satire.”


CREDITS: This presentation template was created by

Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and
infographics & images by Freepik

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