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Con 260 MAHARASHTRA NURSING COUNCIL, MUMBAI ee EXAMINATION IN REVISED AUXILIARY NURSING AND eS MIDWIFERY SECOND YEAR (F.H.W.) (NEW COURSE) MIDWIFERY — PAPER - I THURSDAY, 307m JULY 2015 [Pim + 10-00 70 1-00 Past.] (Tora, Marxs ~ 75) 1. The Candidate must write her/his Seat Number in ENGLISH. 2. Please note that the question paper set in ENGLISH version is final for any i doubt in MARATHI Paper. . Marks 1. (@) Select the most appropriate answers from the foll (08) @_Fertilised ovum reache uterus by dhe (2) 1-2 days AY 8-4 days (8) 68 days Yigr10 days. Gi) Fundal pressure applied to expel placenta during physiological rest may cause ... ~ Uanversion (2) Prolapse (8) Involution (4) Atonie. (it) Average duration of normal pregnancy is |. = (1) 28 weeks Wyss weeks + 9x40 weeks 42 weeks. .e Civ) Suboceipito bregmatic diameter of foetal stull is (1) 85cm (2-25 em (3) 10.5 em (4) 13.2 om. (©) Vaginal bleeding between menses is called as WD Aletrormhagia (2) Menorrhagia (8) Amenorrhoea (4) Dysmenorrhagia, (6) State true or false — (05) oi normal rate of foetal heart sound is 80 to 120. “JQ The suture between two frontal bones is ealled as eoronal suture. {YAH Daring A. N.C. the breast weight approximately about 400 to 500 gm. SQW tac aaten seadtsinston ici x In vesiculur mole, no sign symptom of pregnaney are seen. [Turn over Cow 260 2 Marks (©) Match the following — (08) “A? Group « B? Group @ Highview enna |“ (2) Nutritional function i) Ovulation 2 (2) Apgar score less than seven (iii) Placenta ‘i (3) Graffian follicle (iv) Full development of foetus_S (4) Night blindness () Vitamin A : (5) 40 Weeks. 2. Definitions the following (any five) — ao) (o) Puerperium (b) Presentation (¢) Cervical Erosion (a) Placenta previa (e) Post partaum haemorrhage (f) Copper 'T 380%. Write short notes (any four) — (20) (a) Sonography. (b) Toxamia in pregnancy. (©) Signs and symptoms of pregnancy. (d) Antenatal exercise, (e) Placenta. 4 Mrs. Rohini 28 yers old, primigravida having. breech presentation posted for emergency L.S.C.S. Answers the following :— (a) Define the breech presentation. (02) (b) Write the various types of breech presentation. (03) (©. How will you prepare Mrs. Rohini for emergency L.S.0-S. ? (03) (a). Write the post operative nursing management of Mrs. Rohini (ot) (e) Write maternal and foetal complications in breech presentation. (03) 5. Mrs. Varsha 30 years old with 2nd gravida. Srd para is admitted with vo nine month amenorrhoes with eauseless, painless bleeding per vagina the B, P. 120/70 mm of Hg. Answer the following *— (a) What is antepartum haemorrhage ? (02) (6) What are the causes of A. P. H. ? (03) (©) What investigation is earried out to Mrs. Varsha ? (03) (d) Write in brief obstetrical and nursing mangement of Mrs. varsha. (05) (@) What health advice will you give to Mrs. Varsha during discharge from (02) the hospital ? oR Mrs. Sunita married since 4 years admitted in ward for investigation she is diagnosed infertility — (a) Define infertility. (02) (@) Write the types and eticological foctors of Infertility ? (04) (©) Write the investigation to be carried out Mrs. Sunita. (04) (d) Write the management of infertility. (05) Cox 57 MAHARASHTRA NURSING COUNCIL, MUMBAI EXAMINATION IN GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY ‘THIRD YEAR—PAPER-I MIDWIFERY AND GYNAECOLOGY MONDAY, 18m JUNE 2016 [Teme + 2-00 pas. ro 5-00 rat.) (Toran MarKs—75) Instructions. 1. The Candidate must write her/his Seat Number in ENGLISH. ~~ 1. fa) () © 2, Please note that the question paper-set in ENGLISH version is final for any doubt in MARATHI Paper. Marks Select the appropriate words from the following and complete the (05) statement :— ( Graphie Recording of Progress of labour is called as (a) Cardiograph 4) Partograph (©) Memograph (d) Audiograph. i) Pap smear test is done to detect .... s (a) Prolapse uterus (c) Pid “d) Infection. (ii?) PHS are Audible with stethoscope after oes WKS of gestation, (a) 10-12 () 14-16 (©) 16-18 ah 18-20. (iv) The middle layer of uterus is called as .. (a) Perimetrium or Myometrium (e) Endometrium (a) Decidua. (v) Average duration of Normal pregnancy is ..... (a) 28 weeks (6) 36 weeks Se-A0 weeks (d) 42 weeks. Match the following pairs :— (05) “A! Section +B? Section (@ Amenorrhoea—_ 7 (a) New born baby (ii) Blederly primi gravidisz-_—>*(d) Cancer cervix () Pap smear ~(¢) Aschial spine level. State whether true or false — (oss (Normal weight gain in prognaney is about 11 kg. (ié) Foul smelling lochia is a sign of puerperial sepsis. (iii) MTP can be done upto 20 wks of pregnancy. (iv) Female pelvis known as gynaecoid pelvis. (v) The IUCD 380-A Qu, ‘Tis effective for 5 years. [Turn over —o enti ic Con 57 2 Marks ; 2. Write short notes (any three) :— (15) (a) Antenatal Advice (b) Vesicular mole (c) Foreeps delivery (d@) Breast Feeding. 3. Answer the following questions -— (a) Write the aims and objective of Antenatal eare. . (05) (0) What is difference between true and falls labour pains ? (05) (c) What is difference between full term and preterm baby ? (05) 4, Answer the following questions — (a) Define post maturity and write the causes of post maturity. (05) (6) What are the complicgtions of post maturity ? (05) (c) Write the nursing care in post Maturity. (05) OR ((@) Define ectopic pregnancy and write the s/s of ectopic pregnancy. (05) uv (6) Whatinvestigation are done to confirm diagnosis of Ectopic Pregnancy? (05) (ec) Writethe management of pre and post operative nursingeare ofectopie (05) pregnancy. : us 5. Answer the following questions: ~ ae (a) Write the causes of CA. Cervix. ~ (02) ? (b) Write the s/s of CA. Cervix. (03) (c) List the investigations done of CA. Ceryix patient. (d) Write the post operative management and nursing care of patient after (05) | abdominal hysterectomy and what health advice will you give on discharge ? Con 129-1 MAHARASHTRA NURSING COUNCIL, MUMBAT EXAMINATION IN GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY THIRD YEAR MIDWIFERY AND GYNAECOLOGY—PAPER-1 ‘TUESDAY, 1sr AUGUST 2017 {Time : 2-00 p.m. ro 5-00 p.m.) | : “5 eres The Candidate must write her/his Seat Number in ENGLISH. 2. Please note that the question paper-set in ENGLISH version is final for any doubt in MARATHI paper. Marks 1. (a) Select the most appropriate words from the following and (05) complete the statement :— % (@® The cardine drug used in the treatment of eclampsia F ) BS is 5. (a) Oxytocin (®) Diazepam Magnesium Sulphate (d). Soda Biearb. (i) Which,of the following fetal complications is associated pre eclampsia ?... a IVGR (6) Big Baby (©) Hydrops (d) Fetus Papyraceus. (iii) Which of the following to the mother helps to enhance the lung maturity for the preterm ? (a) Antibiotics (6) Tosolyties (©) Sedatives (a Korticosterids (iv) The most common complication associated with the use of intrauterine devise is .... - Bleeding (b) Abdominal Pain (c) Expulsion (@) Pelvic Infection. | (v) Average duration of normal pregnancy is weeks. @ 28 @) 36 so 40 (d). 42. (6) Mateh the following — (05) “A? Section *B’ Section (@) Amenorrhoea (a) 2em. (i) Anterioposterior diameter (b) Absence of menstruation of inlet of pelvis. (iii) Lochia (c) High risk pregnancy ; (iv) Pregnancy induced (@) Inability to conceive hypertension. (v) Infertility (e) Vaginal discharge after delivery. ‘ [Turn over » Cox 129 - 2 Ra (c) State true or false — ay (i) Second trimester is safe period for mother. (it) Repeated abortion is also called as habitual abortion. (iti) Endometrium is outer layer of uterus. (iv) Injection methergin can be given to heart disease patient. (v) Posterior fontanel is diamond shaped. 2. (@) Define the following terms (any three) = (i) Abortion (ii) Moulding (iii) Apgar Score (iv) Antepartum Haemorrhage () AIDS. (b) Differentiate the following (any fio) :-— © () Monozygotie Twins and Dizygotie Twins 4 a (ii) Male Pelvis and Female Pelvis ai (iii) Poly Hydramnios and Oligo Hydramnios. (iv) Forceps Delivery and Vaccum Delivery. 3. Write short notes (any #ree) — ci (a) Functions of placenta iu: @) MTP At (c) Fetal Circulation (d) Vesicular Mole (e) Diet in Pregnancy, 4, Mrs, Soniya 24 years old full term primigravida is in labour, she is having leaking per vagina and admitted in labour ward, Answer the following questions :-— (a) Define normal labour (b) Write stages of normal labour with its duration in primigravida and multigravida (c) What are the causes of premature rupture of membrane ? (d) Write management of 1st stage of labour. (e) List the complications of 3rd stage of labour. OR Mrs. Shabana is admitted in ANC ward, she is 32 weeks gestation with twins pregnancy. Answer the following questions :— (a) Define twin pregnancy. (b) Write causes of twin pregnancy. (©) Write management of twins pregnancy. (d) Define breech presentation. (e) Write classification of breech presentation. (02) (03) (03) (05) (02) (02) (03) (05) (02) (03) Con 4351 ~ MAHARASHTRA NURSING COUNCIL, MUMBAI EXAMINATION IN GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY | THIRD. YEAR MIDWIFERY AND GYNAECOLOGY, PAPER-I TUESDAY, 177 JULY 2018 [Pie : 2-00 pat, 10 5-00 Pvt] (ToraL Marxs — 75) 1. The Candidate must write her/his Sent Number in ENGLISH. 2. Please note that the questién paper set in ENGLISH version is final for any () doubt in MARATHI Paper. Select the most appropriate words from her the following and (05) @ Wi complete the statement :— ‘The breast in female constitute (a) External Genitalia (b) Internal Genitalia (c) Accessory Reproductive Organs. (d) Non Reproductive Organs, ) MUT-P. is permitted upto (a) 8 ®) 12 ' fe) 20 (d) 28. (iii) Hegar's sign can be elicited from .. (a) 6-12 () 12-16 fc) 16-20 (d) 20-24. (iv) Pap smear is taken to detect (a) Prolapse Uterus (6) P.LD, (c) Ca-Corvix (d)_ All of above. (v) Average duration of Normal pregnancy is weeks. (a) 28 (b) 36 (e) 40 (dy 42. Match the following -— (08) “A? Section “B? Section (i) Habitual abortion (a) Mentoverticular Diameter (ii) Brow Presentation (®) Folic Acid (iii) Megaloblastic Anaemia —_(c) Shirodkar Stitches (iv) Neonatal Jaundice (d) Phototherapy (v) Obstructed Labour (e) Contracted Pelvis. 4 [Turn over | Con 43 (c)_ State true or false -— (i) A foetus in face presentation can be delivered normally. (ii) Ultrasonography in first trimester is dangerous for foetus. Gi) Umbilical cord has two veins and one artery. (iv) Posterior fontanelle is diamond shaped. (v) Second Trimester is safe period for mother. (a) Define the following terms : (Placenta Previa (i) Midwife (iii) Pull Term Pregnancy (iv) Habitual Abortion (v) Preterm Labour, () Differentiate the following (any ftwo) — (Male pelvis and female pelvis. (ii) Forcep delivery and vacuum delivery. (iii) True labour pain and false labour pain. (iv) Uterine fibroid and uterine cancer. Write short notes (any three) :— (a) Partograph (b) Funetions of Placenta (c) Ectopic Pregnancy (d) Foetal Circulation (ec) Intra uterine growth Retarclation. Answer the following questions :— (a) Define term labour. (b) Describe the stages of labour. (c) Enumerate the physiological changes during Ist stage of labour. (d) List the signs and symptoms of Ist stage of labour. (c) Explain the Role of midwife during 1st stage of labour. oR (a) Write the minor disorders of pregnancy. How will you take care of minor disorders of pregancy. Write the various conditions which mother is in high risk. Write in detail the care of high risk mother. (a) (b) ) @ () fe) (a) ‘How you will diagnose Breech Presentation ? What are the causes for Breech Presentation? Write complications of Breech presentation ? oR Define infertility. List the causative factors for infertrlity in females. (05) (05) (02) (03) List the investigations done in male and female for infertility. (05) Write the management of infertility in female. (05) { Turn over Con 235, MAHARASHTRA NURSING COUNCIL, MUMBAI EXAMINATION IN GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY THIRD YEAR PAPER-I MIDWIFERY AND GYNAECOLOGY ‘TUESDAY, 25% JUNE 2019 [Time : 9-00 a.m. To 12-00 Noon] (Torat. Marxs — 75) 1, The Candidate must write her/his Seat Number in ENGLISH. 2. Please note that the question paper set in ENGLISH version is final for any doubt in MARATHI paper. Marks 1. (a) Select the most appropriate words from the following and (05) complete the statement :— (i) The normal rate of foetal heart sound is 1. per minute. (a) 80-120 () 100-120 (c) ‘te0-140 Gi 140-160. (ii) After expulsion ae control of bleeding occurs due a . (a) Cervix (6) Endometrium ) Broad ligaments VS Living Ligatures. protects the foetus from infections through 4a} Internal O. 8. (b) Opuricullum (e) Circular Muscal Fibers (d) External 0. S. (iv) When fertilized ovem embeded in anywhere other than uterine cavity is called as .... (a) Tubal Mole _-(6) Betopic Pregnancy (©) Vesicular Mole (d) Ovarian Cyst. (v) Cut 3804 is useful for .. years. (a) 5 Years (6) 8 Years <6) 10 Years (d) 12 Years. (8) Match the following — (05) ‘A’ Section * “B’ Section (i) Ruptured Uterus a fe) Mentovertical Diameter Gi) Habitual Abortion 43 Folic Acid (iii) Brow Presentation “ a Obstructed Labour (iv) Megaloblastic Anaemialy®(d) Shirodkar Stitches (v) Neonatal Jaundice ge () Death of Foetus Phototherapy. {Turn over Cow 235 (0) State true or false -— (05) (i) Umbilical cord has two veins and one artery. (ii) Restitution is due to internal rotation of foetal head. (iii) Intake of any drug should be avoided during first trimester. (iv) Ultrasonography is harmful during pregnancy. {v) In placenta praevia placenta is implanted in upper segment of uterus. 2. Write short notes on (any three) — a5) (a) Partograph (6) Functions of Placenta (c) Care of Premature Baby (d) Antenatal Advice (e) Breast Feeding, 8. Answer the following question: (a) Write the aims and objective of antenatal care. (05) o () What is the difference between fullterm and preterm baby, (05) (c) Write the sign and symptoms of puerperal sepsis (05) 4, Answer the following questions : ) Define ectopic pregnancy and write sign and symptoms. (05) (@) What are the investigations done to diagnose ectopic (05) { pregnancy. (©) Write the nursing management of ectopic prognancy. (05) OR (a) Define infertility and its types and the investigations to be (05) carried out in a case of infertility. (6) What investigations will be carried out at first antenatal visit? (05) @ | {c) What advice will you give-regarding diet during pregnaney? (05) Write in detail 5. Mrs Veena 30 years old with 2nd Gravida 3rd para is admitted with H/o of 9 months amenorrhoea with causeless painless bleeding per vagina, her B.P. is 120/70 mm of Hg. Answer the following questions :— (a) What is APH ? What are the causes of antipartum haemorrhage ? (02) (b) List the Investigations to be carried out for Mrs. Veena (03) (c) Write in brief obsterical and nursing management of (05) Mrs, Veena. (d) What health advice will you give to Mrs. Veena during discharge (05) from the hospital ? pen het MAHARASHTRA NURSING COUNCIL, MUMBAI EXAMINATION IN REVISED GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY THIRD YEAR (NEW COURSE) PAPER-IN COMMUNITY WEALTH NURSING-I FRIDAY, 3x0 JULY 2015 : (Mine + 10-00 a. 70 1-00 Pat) \ : Tors, Maris 1. The Candidate must write her/his Seat Number in ENGLISH. 2, Please note that the question paper set in ENGLISH version is final for any doubt in MARATHI Paper Marks . 1. (@) Select the most appropriate answers from the following :-— (05) iE Janani Suraksha Yojana was launched in the year... i) 2009 me (3) 2008 @) 200 * Gi) Administration of Vaccine to child is a action of of : prevention - 3 = Primary te (2) Secondary level (3) Tertiary leve (4) Preprimary level iti) 2nd Five Year Plan was implemented in year a) 1987-1951 (2) 1951-1956 81956-1961 (4) 1961-1966. , @) Community Health Center covers the population «i. : 2 ‘ (1) 30,000 (2) 60,000 i en eee ¥ (©) Health Survey and Development Committee generally reffered and pop a S eet Cimmaiie. tacit Mee . (B)-Mudliar Committee (4) Kartar Singh Committee. (®) Match the following pairs -— (05) A Group B’ Group @ @Bitor’s spot (1) Principle of primary health care (di) Vitamin ‘D’ sources (2) Measle 4] (iti), Koplicks spot (8) Expose W sunligh{2) * (iv) Method of food preservation (4) Vitamin A deficiency’) (v) Community participation (5) SaI596R) ‘ ¥ Turn over { Con 282 c) State gyue or false rae centre covers 3000 population in hilly'and difficult area SAG21.Oral pills are suitable for the lactating mother. a wi to health chart shows the degree of Malnutrition reopathy is indigenous system of medicine, ‘ f eee ATL. isa oquipment used at primary health centre to maintain the cold chain of the vaccines. \ 2. Detine terms (any five) 2S. (a) Health COW (b) Eligible couple ae $c) Occupational health ¢ af (d) Rehabilitation | (e) Mentally retarded : . « (Communication, % egy 8: Write shcit notes deny four! (90) | FY sernon, AQ OEM Sysounbos ete Xe). Kartar Singh Committee PG. 6 | SYS ravi Suh - | {© Ge) National Vectorborn Diseases Control Programme Oy (UA Population Bxplosion fa yD, 3835 uh : 4 ea 4 > fe | 6QY. Job description of fermale multipurpose health worker. uring your Rural Public Health experience you have come across various z ' OM «health problems of schoo! children in given area. eal } wh er the following :— {ay What is Schoo! Health Programme ? (02) \ 9 ¢ (b)_Write a plan of organising health education session to school children (04) of ‘on balance diet. HQ. t (¢) Write in etail the’eémmon health problem of schoo! children (04) et “(d) Write in detail the role of Nurse in school health a Ne. (05) e OR (a) Define Family Planning.“ (02) (8) State different methods of Family Planning.“ (03) (c) Write in detail on Copper T.~ (05) ; (d) Write in detail the role of nurse in family planning programme. (05), 5. (a) Write in short about voluntary health agencies. (05) * () List various records anid reports maintained in Urban Public Health (05) Centre : eae an? (c) Write in brief about community nutritional programme. oor (05) ee ee ee a a ee Con 59 MAHARASHTRA NURSING COUNCIL, MUMBAI EXAMINATION. IN GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY THIRD YEAR-PAPER-IIL COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING — PAPER-IT WEDNESDAY, 15th JUNE 2016 [Tome : 2-00 p.m. To 5-00] (Toran Marks : 75) 1. The Candidate must write her/his Seat Number in ENGLISH. 2. Please note that the question paper set in ENGLISH version is final for any doubt in MARATHI Pape Marks 1. (A) Select the most appropriate answer from the following = (05) 2 (1) World Health Day is celebrated 01 nena « “ \ (a) Ist December (b) 12th May vu ()/th April (d) 10th August. ae. is the permanent male sterilization method. (a) Laproscopy (6) Tubectomy (e) Minilap operation (dyVasectomy. (3) Janani Suraksha Yojana was launched in the year ... - (a) 2009 () 2005 (e) 2008 (d) 2001. : (4) First five years plan was implemented in the year vue» (a) 1946-1951 (b) 1951-1956 (c) 1956-1961 (d) 1961-1966. (5) One Primary Health Center covers... population. (ay30,000 (b) 20,000 (c) 80,000 (d) 1,00,000. (B) Match the following — (05) “ c “A? Group “ B? Group (2) Indicator of Health (a) Bag Technique (2) Block development officer (©) Leprosy (B) Home visit © (c) Tuberculosis (4) Multy-drug therapy’ (d) Panchayat Samittee (5) Dot's c (c) Vital Health Statistics. (C) State whether true or false :— (05) (1) Ophthalmia Neonatorum is caused by Vit-A deficiency. (2) Employees state insurance Act, 1948 provides medical benefits to industrial workers. (3) Evaluation of health services is necessary. (4) Exclusive breast feeding should be given to the child first three months. (5) Home visit is back bone of all Community Health Nursing services. (Turn over Cow 59 = 2. Define terms (any five) :~ (a) Health Survey () Health (c) Eligible couple (d) Cold chain (e) Maternal Mortality rate (A) Incubation period. 3. Write short notes (any four) -— (a) Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) (6) Kartarsing Committee (c) Female focticide. (a) WHO (©) Panchayati Raj 4, (a) Define Primary Health Care. (B) Write the elements of Primary health Care. (©) Write Principles of Primary Health Care. (d) Write the role and responsibility of nurse in Primary Health Care. OR (a) Write the Reproductive and child health programme (RCH). () Write in detail occupational health hazards. (c) Write the role and responsibility of nurse in geriatric care. 5. You are posted in PHC during your training. Answer the following — (a) Staffing pattern of Primary Health Center. (®) Write the functions and registers maintaining in PHC, (c) Write in detail the Role and Responsibility of nurses in PHC. Marks (10) (20) (02) (03) (05) (05) (05) (05) (05) (05) (05) (05) Con 436 MAHARASHTRA NURSING COUNCIL, MUMBAI % EXAMINATION IN GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY THIRD YEAR COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING, PAPER-II WEDNESDAY, 18TH JULY 2018 [Time : 02-00 70 05-00 Pax. | (ToraL Marks — 75) 1. The Candidate must write her/his Seat Number in ENGLISH. 2. Please note that the question paper set in ENGLISH version is final for any doubt in MARATHI Paper. © Marks 4 1, (a) Select the most appropriate words from the following and (05) complete the statement :— (i) Janani Suraksha Yojana was launched in year ... (a) 2001 (&) 2008, fe) 2005 (d) 2010. (ii) ‘The President of Maharashtra Nursing Council is (a) Smt. Anita Deodhar (6) Dr, Ramling Mali (c) Smt. Mangla Anchan (d) Dr, T. Deelip Kumar. (iii) Head Quarters of UNICEF is situated at... (a) Geneva (6) London (ec) Delhi (a) New York. + / (iv) The cold chain equipment used at PHC level for storage of vaccine is (6) WIC (a) Deep Freezer () Cold Box (d) TLR. (v) Deficiency of vitamin B1 is .. (a) Measles + @) Beriberi (e) Bitot’s Spot (d) Constipation. (6) Match the following :— (05) “A? Section “B? Section (®) Farmers Lung (a) Three Tier System (ii) Panchayat Raj (b) Disinfection of Sputum (iii) Home Visit (c) Hay or Grain Dust (iv) Tuberculosis (d) Depression (v) Old Age (e) Kit Bag. {Turn over Con 436 2 (c) State true or false — (é) Census is one of important source of vital health statistics. (ii) BCG is live attenuated vaccine, (iii) Ayurveda is part of AYUSH. (iv) Malaria is caused by salmonella Bacilli, (v) Orientation is not necessary to newly appointed staff. 2. Write short notes (any three) :— (a) Vital Health Statistics (6) World Health Organization () BSLS. (d) ASHA. Answer the following questions : (a) List the National Health Programmes. (b) Write the functions of Community Health Nurse. (c) List the major health problems in India Answer the following questions (a) Define Eligible couple and write different methods of family planning. (6) Write the objectives of family welfare programme. (c) Write the Role of Nurse in arrangement of health camp. OR (a) Write the objectives of maternal and child health programme. (6) Write the Role of Nurse in school health programme. (c) List the various records kept in primary health centre. Answer the following questions — (a) Define Primary Health Care. (6) Write the Components of Primary Health Care. (©) Write the Role of Nurse in Primary Health Care. (d) Write brief functions of Primary Health Centre. (05), a5) (05) (05) (05) (05) (05) (05) (02) (03) (05) (05) Cox 236 MAHARASHTRA NURSING COUNCIL, MUMBAI EXAMINATION IN GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY THIRD YEAR—PAPER-II COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING WEDNESDAY, 26" JUNE 2019 [Tie : 9-00 a.m. 10 12-00 Noon} (Toran Marks — 75) 1, The Candidate must write her/his Seat Number in ENGLISH. 2, Please note that the question paper set in ENGLISH version is final for any doubt in MARATHI paper. Marks (05) . =) 1. (a) Select the most appropriate answers from the following oe . . ig non-medical health worker. (a) National Social Worker (6) Health Assistant (©) Dai (d) Women Health Leader. (ii) Most appropriate contraceptive during first 6 months of lactating mother is ... (a) Tue (®) Oral Pills (©) Injectables Pills (d)_ Rhythm Method. (iii) Which of the following is not a preventive strategy of diarrhoea disease . 5 (a) Sanitation (6) Health Education (c) Oral Rehydration Therapy (d) Immunization. (iv) .. of the following is not a communicable disease. 4 (a) Malaria and Filaria (b) Tuberculosis and Leprosy fc) Cancer (d) AIDS. (v) Rehabilitation and disability limitations are level of (a) Treatment (6) Primary Prevention (c) Secondary Prevention (d) Tertiary Prevention. (b) Match the following :— (05) “A Section “B’ Section () Subcenter ¢ (a) 1952 (ii) Family Panning iy (b) Multipurpose Health . Programme. Worker, (iii) Kartarsingh Committed) (¢) Lymphatic Filariasis (iv) Method of Family Plannii ) 1973 (v) Annual Mass Drug(c (e) D.M.P.A. Administration. ? [Turn over Cow 236 © State true or false — ()) Widal test is done to find out the immunity against tuberculosis (ii) Intranatal care is also called “ Puerperium period *. (ii) WHO declared India as Guinea worm free country in February 2000. (iv) Ifa person can only read but cannot write is considered as literate. (v) Tobaceo related cancer account for about half the total cancer among men and 20% among women. 2. Write short notes on (any three) :-— (a) Handicapped Child (6) JSSK (anani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram) (c) WHO theme for 2018 d) ESIS Act. (e) Vital Health Statistics. 3. Answer the following questions — (a) Write in detail about Emergency ambulance services. (6) Write in detail about School health services. (c) Write about the various Roles of ASHA. 4, Answer the following questions :— (a) () ) (a) (by © 5. Answer the following questions Write the Recommendations of Bhore Committee. Write about Public Private Partnership. Describe the role of Community Health Nurse in RNTCP. OR Wrile the role of Nurse in Primary Health Centre Write in details about National Vector Control Disease Programme. UNICEF. (a) Enlist the components of RCH programme. (6) Write the objectives of RCH programme. © (@) Describe the different Family Planning Methods. Write in detail about role of Community Health Nurse in RCH. Marks (05) 5) (05) (05) (05) (05) (05) (05) (05) (05) (05) (03) (03) (04) (05) ws Con 438 \ al MAHARASHTRA NURSING COUNCIL, MUMBAI \ EXAMINATION IN GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY 2 ‘THIRD YEAR NURSING EDUCATION AND INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH AND STATISTICS PROFESSIONAL TRENDS AND ADJUSTMENT, NURSING ADMINISTRATION AND WARD MANAGEMENT, PAPER-III THURSDAY, 19rH JULY 2018 ("Tite + 02-00 pat, 70 05-00 Pave. J (Tora Marks —75) 1. The Candidate must write her/his Seat Number in ENGLISH. 2, Please note that the question paper set in ENGLISH version is final for any doubt in MARATHI Paper. Marks 1. (@) Select the most appropriate words from the following and (05) mplete the statement :— () Assumption means .. (a) Solution of Research (b) Principles of Research ic) Predicted Relationship (d) Description of Research. (ii) Participants of the research study are known as (a) Data {b) Study Subjects (ec) Variable (d) Hypothesis. & _ Ai) Tesching, learning is interaction between (a) Teacher and Pupil (b) ‘Teacher, Pupil and Environment (c) Teacher, Pupil and Family (d)_ Pupil and Society. eS Learning helps the students for .... (a) Change in personality (b) Modification of Behaviour (c) Modification of lifestyle (d) Improvement in day to day activity. (v) Nurses registration should be done at .. (a) State Nursing Council (6) Indian Nursing Council (c) State Health University (d) State Examination Board. { Turn over Cox Js. 438 2 (6) Match the following — “A” Section “B? Section (i) Teaching (a) Art and Science (ii) WHO. (6) Non Political International Health Organisation. iii) Mean fe) Average iv) Black Board (d) Teaching Aid 4 San Research fe) Solving Problem, (c) State true or false -— (i) Role play is less effective method of Health Education. (i) Research does not have any scientific process. (ii) Reward is necessary for each worker. (iv) Ward records are not the legal documents. (v) Honesty is important in Nursing. Write short notes (any three) :— (a) Maharashtra Nursing Council (©) Continuing Nursing Edueation. (c) Importance of Research in Nursing. (d) Legal aspects in Nursing. ‘Answers the following questions :-— (a) Write application for the post of staff nurse. (®) Define organisation and write its principles. (c) Write steps in selection and recruitment process. (d) Write importance of reports and records. Answer the following questions Title —Research effectiveness of knowledge on family planning methods among primi gravida mothers. (@) Mention the type of research in study. (6) Write three objectives of this research. (c) Write the assumption and hypothesis in above statement. (@) Mention independent and dependent variables in the above research. OR (a) Write the steps of Research process. (b) Write the characteristics of Good Research. (c) Write the applications of Nursing Research. Answer the following questions :— (a) Write the aims and objectives of education, (b) Write steps of lesson plan. (c) Write the importance and purposes of A. V. Aids, Marks (05) (05) (5) (03) (04) (04) (04) (03) (06) (04) (02) (05) (05) (05) (05) (05) (05) Con 238 MAHARASHTRA NURSING COUNCIL, MUMBAI EXAMINATION IN GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY THIRD YEAR NURSING EDUCATION AND INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH AND STATISTICS PROFESSIONAL TRENDS AND ADJUSTMENT, NURSING ADMINISTRATION AND WARD MANAGEMENT THURSDAY, 27" JUNE 2019 [Pome : 9-00 Aa, 10 12-00 Noon} (Tora, Marks — 75) 1. ‘The Candidate must write her/his Seat Number in ENGLISH. 2. Please note that the question paper set in ENGLISH version is final for any doubt in MARATHI paper. Marks 1. (a) Choose Appropriate answer :— (05) (i) The term Pragmatism means o ~ a) Bedition ariAction..(5)) Idols. (c) Reality of Life -(d). Principles of development. fi) .. is the representative of total population. (~~ (a) Variable (6) Sample \y sa (©). Hypothesis (d) Data. “ (iii) The Indian Red Cross was established in the year ... (a) 1820 (6) 1848 @ 1920 (d) 1948. (iv) The authority for professional eee after completing of nursing training is , (a) TNAT (6) INC () SNA (d)_ Maharashtra Nursing Council (0) Which of the following helps the newly appointed staff nurse to adjust with the new environment ? (a Orientation of job (6) Good study (c) Performance appraisal (d) Planning of work. (b) Match the following :— (05) of Nurse. (iv) Median is the measurement of variability. (v) Learning is the process of growth and development. —> . ' 2. (a) Define the following terms (any five): ao) \_W’ Hospital Nuit) Research (iii) Education \Wiv Profession (0) Bio Statistics (vi) Performance appraisal. (®) Write difference between (any one) :— (05) (@® Quantitative data and Qualitative data. c (ii) Learning method and Demonstration method. iii) Administration and Management. 38. Write short notes on (any three) = “eet as) (a) Advantages of role play method. ~tb). Importance of inservice education. (c) Sources of data collection. (d) Essential qualities of professional nurse. 4, (a) Define clinical teaching method. (02) () Ennumerate different methods of clinical teaching. (06) (c) Write the advantages of clinical teaching. (07) 7 OR x (a) Define Material Management. ‘ (02) =i () Explain Principles of Material Management. (06) (©) Write asbout Nurses role in Material Management. (07) 5. You have just completed your (GNM), 3 years course successfully. Answer the following questions — (a) Prepare resume for applying for the post of staff nurse. (05) (0) Write a joining letter to the concerned authority after your (05) selection and appointment by Hospital. (c) Explain in brief about responsibilities of a staff nurse during — (05) admission procedure while working in general ward of a hospital.

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