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Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for the award of the degree of




Under the guidance of: Submitted by:

Mr. Sumit Kumar Srivastav Khushi Darbari
(Assistant Professor) CLASS: IV Semester
Roll No. - 21014001104


PSIT College of Higher Education, Kanpur

Bhauti, Kanpur


I hereby declare that the Project Work entitled RESEARCH ON THE CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR
College of Higher Education, Kanpur in partial fulfilment of Degree of Bachelor of Business
Administration is the original work conducted by me. The information and data given in the report is
authentic to the best of my knowledge.

This Project Report is not being submitted to any other University for award of any other Degree, Diploma
and Fellowship.


DATE: ROLL NO: 21014001104



This is to certify that the Project Work entitled “GREEN MARKETING PRACTICES OF
MAMAEARTH” is a bonafide work of Khushi Darbari(Roll No: 21014001104) BBA-IV Semester
and has been done under my supervision in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of BBA
Degree from CSJM University Kanpur.

This report neither full nor in part has been submitted before for awarding of any Degree/Diploma
either from this university or any other university. I am pleased to say that the performance of the
student during the period of survey work was extremely satisfactory.

Ms. Garima Gupta Sumit Kumar Srivastav

(Head of Department) (Assistant Professor)
Date: (Project Guide)
Place: Kanpur


Field learning activity is one of the most important management lessons for each student. The purpose
of the research is to enhance the knowledge and skills of the student and to generate a range of applied
skills and knowledge during our BBA study. It is also helpful to familiarize the student with the
organization and the industry in which the organization operates and to get information on business
transactions. the earth. The main objective of this study is to understand the market by analyzing the
consumer perception towards the green marketing practices of mama earth.


I praise the almighty god for the strength, wisdom, courage and inspiration he showered on me
throughout the period of my studies.

I would not have completed this project without the guidance and support of the several people who
acted as a guardian angel through my whole journey of completing this project. I would like to specially
thank my Faculty Guide, Mr. Sumit Srivastav, for his invaluable guidance and help.

I would also like to thank our College Dean, Dr. APS Bhadauria, who provided us with this opportunity
to present this project report and have been supportive and helpful. The project could not be completed
without their support.

I am also thankful to all those companies whose data has served purpose to my Market Survey Report.
I hope my project will give an idea about CUSTOMER SATISFACTION.

I am grateful to people who agreed in this research, by filling questionnaire and conducting the survey.

Also, I would like to thank my classmates and friends for their constant help and support.

Table of Content

DECLARATION ...................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

PREFACE.................................................................................................................................................... 3

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 7

INDIAN CONSUMER MARKET & COMPANY PROFILE ............................................................... 8

LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY ............................................................................................................... 31

SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY ........................................................................................................ 33

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................ 34

FINDING .................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

RECOMMENDATION ............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

LIMITATION ............................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................................................... 46

REFERENCE ............................................................................................................................................ 47

ANNEXURE (QUESTIONNAIRE) ........................................................................................................ 48


Concerns about products' effects on the environment have recently been voiced by both manufacturers and
consumers. The focus of buyers and manufacturers has shifted to "green" or ecologically friendly products
including low-power (energy-efficient) electrical appliances, organic foods, lead-free paints, recyclable
paper, and phosphate-free detergents. Indian marketers are placing more and more emphasis on green
marketing. Even though there has been a lot of scholarly research on green marketing throughout the world,
there hasn't been much on Indian consumers' attitudes and preferences. This study identifies consumers'
green values, as well as their level of environmental knowledge, green products, and green behaviours, and
provides a brief outline of environmental challenges. This essay highlights the significance of researchers
looked into customers' perceptions and preferences about green marketing strategies and products using a
standardized questionnaire. Overall green values, knowledge of green practises and products, and opinions
on the sincerity of marketing firms' commitment to green marketing all had a

According to the findings of the regression analysis, there has been a positive substantial impact on
consumer persuasion to purchase and prefer green products over non-green items. Using a standardized
questionnaire, researchers looked into how customers felt about green marketing strategies and products.
A total of 106 people were interviewed.
Consumer awareness of green marketing strategies and products is high. The responders' green values were
likewise discovered to be high. Due to the substantial consumer demand for green products, the research
has provided crucial insights for green product marketers and emphasizes the significance of creating
marketing communication campaigns supporting green products.

Birth of Mama earth

The brand was founded on the sense of duty and concern that parents had for their unborn child. Ghazal and
Varun Alight are the brand's proud parents and founders. When they were getting ready to have their first
child, they had the concept for Mama Earth. They were worried about their child's health, just like the
majority of parents are.

They searched for toxic-free baby products as a result, only to find that the majority of them contain some
of the other dangerous substances. As part of their dedication to becoming outstanding parents to their
children, they started looking for better possibilities.

The majority of the goods on the Indian market could threaten their child's health, so the couple started
ordering from the United States despite the increased cost. But their concern for their loved ones and friends
grew. They started their investigation and created an R&D divisionThe pair started working on R&D in order
to have their products certified. Ghazal Alight and Varun Alight eventually created the toxic-free Mama

earth brand for infants and their moms under the parent company Honasan Consumer Put.

In India, they are currently selling the brand in more than 2000 stores in 40 towns. The brand is also offered
on a number of e-commerce sites, like Flipkart, Nya, Amazon, etc.
The Story Behind Mama earth.

Varun and Ghazal Alight struggled to find safe, healthy products for their infant as new parents. For most
new parents, it can be a time-consuming and stressful process. They discovered that almost all infant care
products in India had dangerous chemicals including parabens, sulphates, phthalates, and chlorine, which
can have adverse effects on a baby's skin, after their son was born in 2016. When these substances come
into contact with the sensitive areas of the face, they might result in rashes, irritation, and skin allergies.
In search of better opportunities, the Allah's started ordering goods from the United States. Not only that,
but they soon realised that many new parents were experiencing the same problem, which is how the idea
for Mama Earth was developed. Honasan Consumer, which operates Mama Earth Company, was founded
by Varun Alight and Ghazal Alight in an endeavour to offer products that are, by international standards,
clean, non-toxic, and organic.

The Marketing Strategy of Mama earth

The company now offers skin and hair care products. It offers a variety of bath items as well as lotions,
face washes, hair oils, The marketing plan for Mama Earth is changing as it expands in the Indian market.

By increasing its clientele and marketing platforms, the brand is continually enhancing its marketing plan
These are some of the tactics that have been extremely effective for Mother Earth.

Increased Customer Base

Over time, the company's customer base began to grow beyond its initial target market of mothers

infants. Under the banner of baby care, the firm initially offered products and pregnancy
serums, and creams. The fact that none of these goods include any chemicals is ideal.

Men's Mama Earth oils and shampoos.

Putting a focus on digital platforms

Marketing campaigns for Mama Earth are carried out online. The majority of users are using the internet
more frequently and using these digital channels to access information. To raise brand awareness and
reach a wider audience, the brand marketing plan therefore takes various digital platforms into account.

The brand is also available on the official websites of Mama Earth, Flipkart, Amazon, Nya, and other
companies. It is accessible on numerous digital platforms, including As a result, the brand establishes a
significant online presence. Approximately. Online marketplaces account for 90% of Mama Earth's sales.

Logo Message

"Goodness Inside" is the brand's mission and slogan. This indicates that the company's products do not
jeopardise the customers' health. It offers items free of toxins and dangerous chemicals. Although the
brand's items are slightly more expensive than average, they are of the highest calibre.

Mama Earth offers goods manufactured from only natural components, bringing out the finest in nature.
Also, Mama Earth's goods are free of animal testing. Even the product components are displayed by the
brand on the packaging. As a result, "The Good Inside" is a brand aim that is achieved from ear to ear.

Strong word-of-mouth is a key component of Mama Earth's marketing plan. Mom bloggers are encouraged
to promote the brand by the brand.

It appears more genuine and credible when a customer recommends a certain brand. The company has
placed a strong emphasis on adopting a word-of-mouth marketing approach that allows moms to spread
the word about the company and why its products are the best for their infants because it believes in the
power of the mother using social media.

The best approach to interact with your target audience is through social media. The marketing plan for
Mama Earth heavily relies on social media sites. The company is present and active on numerous social
media networks, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Influencer marketing is a key tactic
employed by Mama Earth.

Mama Earth works with influencers on social media channels and determines their target market.
Influencers have devoted following who take their advice. 500 mommy bloggers are collaborating with
Mama Earth to spread the news on digital media..

Because their goal is to influence others, it is well recognised that when an influencer suggests something,
the community heeds their advice. These bloggers highlight the goodness of Mama Earth's goods and

spread awareness of the company

The growth rate of Mama earth rose significantly once the well-known actress Shiplap Shetty joined the
company as an investor and brand ambassador. It takes place during the process of developing new goods
and marketing initiatives. The actress promoted the company on social media. Because of Shiplap
Shetty's internet presence, the brand has a large audience. Collaboration with these celebs helps build
brand equity. The company also supports the well-known reality TV programme Big Boss. Big Boss has
a big audience in India and enjoys great popularity there. When she appears on a popular reality TV
programme like this, she receives more press.

Even the show's most famous contestant and winner actively promotes the product on their social media

TV advertisements

Mama Earth just entered the world of TV advertising after previously being sceptical of them. Recently,
the company debuted its first onion hair oil television ad. The brand promotes the advantages of onion

hair oil in the advertisement. It also emphasises how the main character learned about the company from
a workmate. It provides hints regarding the brand's word-of-mouth marketing plan.

What distinguishes Mama Earth from its rivals?

Mama Earth is a fierce competitor for brands like Johnson & Johnson, Momma, Himalaya, and Pigeon.
The products the brand promotes distinguish it from its rivals. Traditional dishes are part of Mama Earth's
selection to appeal to clients. Traditional hair care involves squeezing onion juice and putting it to the
hair to maintain it healthy and beautiful. Onion hair oil was introduced by Mama Earth in contrast to
avoid the inconvenience for its customers. It offers the same benefits as the earlier technique

A line of butane face washes, masks and face washes were consequently produced by the company.

By combining the goodness of age-old recipes, Mama Earth provides its products to its clients in this


In the late 1980s and early 1990s, green marketing really took off. The inaugural "Ecological Marketing"
workshop, held by the American Marketing Association (AMA) in 1975, produced the first book of the
same name. Since the beginning of the 1990s, green advertising has become increasingly popular. In the
1970s and 1980s, there was a tendency towards raw product and consumer consumption. While Antic
(1984) identifies the buying of green goods as a sort of consumer-oriented consumer behaviour that
focuses on environmental protection, Henio and Kinnear (1976) define green consumers as consumers
who care about the environment. (Weiner and Do Escher, 1991) identified green acquisition as a "pro-
social" consumer behaviour. (1994) Michael Polansky Any activity is referred to as "green marketing"
The claim that today's consumers choose ecologically friendly products and have a favourable opinion
of companies who implement such policies is supported by a number of research. Consumers are more
likely to choose environmentally friendly goods and businesses, according to a number of surveys
conducted in the US and around the world (Mandelson N, Polansky M J, 1995). However, the verb "to
do so" is actually contradictory. Despite the fact that organisations and specialists are very interested in
raw advertising, there is less demand than anticipated. There is a significant disconnect between customer
fear and actual raw purchases, claims Mintel (1995). It was discovered that there were still substantial
obstacles preventing the adoption of environmentally friendly consumption habits. Michael J. Polansky
claims that environmental marketing.

This all-encompassing approach to green marketing means that new stakeholders including teachers,
community members, regulators, and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) should also be taken into
account in addition to suppliers and retailers. Clients' fundamental requirements shouldn't be
compromised in the sake of environmental considerations. Customers prefer to purchase goods from
private firms like green enterprises because they perceive such organisations as being ecologically
beneficial in both their procedures and finished goods. Tradition has it that a person's mental state can
anticipate their behaviour. To increase our capacity for predicting human behaviour, a lot of study has
been conducted. According to Davidson et al. (1985), customer attitudes are related to their knowledge
and personal experience. (1997) revealed a tenuous connection between client circumstances and
uncooked. The relationship between consumer perceptions and impolite behaviour has previously been
found to be tenuous (Tracy and Scamp, 1984). Consumer attitudes influence forecasts of individual
behaviour, claim Spurt et al. (2007). According to Gardena et al. (2011) and Wolf and Schroder (2003),
the attitude process should be focused on specific environmental concerns like buying raw materials to
forecast particular behaviours. In the Green Gauge Study for the Roper Organisation, True-Blue Greens,
Greenback Greens, Sprits, Grousers, and Basic Browns were distinguished as True-Blue Greens,
Greenback Greens, Sprits, Grousers, and Basic Browns (quoted by Crispell, 2001). Customers of True-
Blue Greens only purchase raw goods to make up for the lack.
As a non-toxic personal care company, Mamaearth has lived up to its claims of kindness inside. It is a
well-known brand with the goal of improving and enhancing the appearance of mothers' and expectant
mothers' life. Every parent and infant can use the company's products from head to toe because they are
risk-free, toxicity-free, and of standard quality. A digital-first FMCG company, Mamaearth sells its
products on direct-to-consumer platforms. The organization builds a top-notch plantation that creates
secure green space as well as jobs, infrastructure, educational programmes, and rural development
programmes to raise the standard of living in communities.

The primary source of data for this qualitative research study is secondary data. Using search engines
like Google Scholar and Research Gate, as well as books, articles, and newspapers, research data is
gathered from research papers that have been published in respectable publications. Findings/Result: The
major findings of the study are: To meet worldwide standards, Mamaearth must expand its retail
operations, hire more franchisees, and work with regional players. Surveys must be undertaken to learn
more about the demands and preferences of the customer since the organisation falls short in this area.
The business concentrates more on low-income consumers and creates a new product to broaden its
product line and target market. Originality/Value: This document analyses the business' overall
performance and promotes numerous green measures.

Secondary data is the main source of information for this qualitative research study. Research data is
acquired from research papers that have been published in reputable periodicals using search engines like
Google Scholar and Research Gate, as well as books, articles, and newspapers. Findings/Result: The
study's main conclusions are: Mamaearth has to increase its shop space, bring on more franchisees, and
collaborate with local businesses in order to satisfy international standards. Surveys must be conducted
to better understand client wants and preferences because the business is lacking in this area. The
company focuses more on serving low-income customers and develops a new product to diversify its
offering and expand its target market. Originality/Value: This report assesses the performance of the
company as a whole and advocates for several green initiatives.

Pollution, stress, and everyday chaos give us less time to nurture ourselves from within. One
must take care of their body needs to live a long, happy and healthy life. But what do we do to
make our skin and body feel fresh? Almost all cosmetic products have chemicals that are harmful
to the skin.

Even for newborn babies, it is hard to find a good brand that is natural and safe on their tender
skin. I understand your worries, and after a good amount of research, we have come up with a
good brand for you: safe, natural, and organic. We have introduce you to the top-quality
dermatologically tested products of MamaEarth in our Mamaearth Reviews

MamaEarth is a fast-growing beauty brand that originated in Haryana, India. The products are
made mainly for babies and mothers. The bright side of MamaEarth is its natural and organic
products. It is the only certified ‘MadeSafe’ brand in Asia. This is why newborn babies, toddlers,
children of minimal age, and new mothers love the products of MamaEarth.

The delicacy and ayurvedic components of these products are undebatable. Also, it has gained
commendable feedback for its quick remedy in hair care and skin care. People troubled by severe
hair loss or thinning, or if they suffer patchy skin, wrinkles, burns, or prolonged tanning, have
recommended MamaEarth products to be their only savior .

Indian company MamaEarth has received its first "MadeSafe" certification. This assures you that
all MamaEarth products are devoid of toxins and dangerous ingredients. The products are safe
for newborn babies through youngsters at a delicate age, as well as for your skin and hair needs,
thanks to their high safety standards, production in environmentally friendly GMP -certified
facilities, and approval by QACS laboratories in Europe. MamaEarth products only use natural,
organic, and allergy-friendly ingredients.

All of MamaEarth's products are organic and natural. Due to their high standards for quality and
health safety, you will enjoy a variety of their products once you visit their website. However, it
might not be possible to purchase every item at its MRP. What therefore should you do to receive
a discount on MamaEarth's verified goods? We provide exceptional discounts that may be of
interest to you and let you make purchases more quickly and without much thought.

If this is your first time visiting our website, register so you can use the coupons. It only needs
to be done once. You can sign in straight from now on. Once you become a member, you will
have access to all of the offers, discounts, and coupons that are accessible on our website just for

alyani (2022), this study is to understand and analyze the consumers buying behavior on The
product is made of natural Ayurvedic components that have benefited from use in herbal

herbal personal care products. The author says several brands of herbal products are chemical-
free, environment-free, hygiene, and vegan, and the products are consumers easily with home
delivery, digital payment, and many promotional offers. It’s suitable for their skin and hair
type. The social media platform is an important role in selling products. The study was
conducted in Mumbai city and the sample size of 50 respondents. The study highlights
consumer perception and behavior, awareness about more herbal products, frequency of
purchase, and more.

Kanagaraj (2020), In this research study, the author explains the satisfaction of Himalaya
products in Coimbatore. The product is Ayurveda products, natural and used ingredients in
herbal products have helped people live healthier, rich lives. Himalaya focuses on people get
getting healthy and wellness of their health. The objective is to identify the socio -economic
factors affecting consumer user satisfaction with Himalaya products. 45.3 % of the
respondents are influenced by ingredient. Companies providing mass advertisements to
promote their products.

Lavuri (2019, Says buying behavior of personal care products. Peoples use personal products
utilized to otherization. The consumer prefers to purchase the product brand name, quality,
price, and brand loyalty impact on consumer and influences study's objective is to examine
the impact of decision influencers on buying personal care products. The researcher collected
samples of 172 respondents and used descriptive analysis, ANOVAs, and Chi-Square tests
using SPSS. The study reveals that consumersare attracting offers advertisements and quality


These categories apply to marketing theories:

1. Handoff Matrix.
2. Balanced Scorecard.
3. The Marketing Mix.
4. The Communications Mix.
5. SWOT Analysis.
6. Stakeholder Mapping.
7. The consumer decision making process.
8. Porters Five Forces.

1. Handoff Matrix

Businesses utilise the Handoff Matrix, also known as the Product/Market Expansion Grid, to analyse
and plan their expansion strategy. The matrix illustrates four growth-supportive techniques and assesses
the risks involved with each one. The Business Strategy Course at CFI offers greater information about
business strategy.

The Handoff Matrix's four strategies are as follows:
Market penetration is the process of selling more of an already-existing product to an already-existing
Product development focuses on bringing new items to a market that already exists.
Market Development: The goal of this technique is to break into a new market with already-available
Diversification: Concentrates on breaking into a new market with the launch of new goods.

2. Balanced Scorecard

A complete picture of how the company is expected to perform in the future is created by the balanced
scorecard, a strategic planning and management method that considers non-financial components of
corporate performance, such as customer satisfaction and business procedures. For instance, cutting
back on customer service may increase present profits, but the balanced scorecard approach would also
account for the possibility of future profits being lost as a result of low customer satisfaction.

3. The communication mix

The communications mix consists of several different elements. The different ways that a business can
interact with its customers are included in the communications mix in marketing. The communications
mix and the marketing vehicles utilised within it are crucial to marketing because, in today's world,
marketing communications are of paramount importance.

As can be seen from the concepts of marketing there were initially various different concepts which
were used when manufacturing first started. They were the production concept, the sales concept etc.
Nevertheless, we advanced gradually towards the implementation of the marketing concept, and today
the customer notion is largely utilised in the market. A corporation often incorporates a variety of
channels of communication into its marketing communications plan. This is done to make sure that the
company's message gets through to the final customer. Additionally, it is done to guarantee recurrence
in order to increase brand remember among customers by simultaneously repeating the brand message
across a variety of platforms, (2009) Kumar & Lee.

The 6 most common variables of the communication mix are as follows.

1 Advertising

We are extremely comfortable with how advertising affects our purchasing decisions. ATL advertising,
which includes television, radio, and print, and BTL advertising, which mostly comprises out-of-home
advertising, are the two most frequent types of advertising.

Brands with large budgets or many of rivals in the market tend to employ advertising heavily.
Advertising necessitates the creation of a distinctive advertising message. The stronger the connection
between the brand that is advertising and the consumers is, the more distinctive and powerful the
message. 2008's Banerjee

1. Individual selling

Personal selling is the second most popular strategy for informing your target market about the
advantages of your products so that they can move from being leads to prospects to customers. This is
the rationale behind the current emphasis on personal selling by many leading corporations and even
small firms.

In many cases, the corporate promoter is already present in a retail location that bears the company's
branding. The corporation employs a brand promoter since doing so guarantees that the customer will
receive better attention from their particular brand. Additionally, because he was specifically hired by
the brand, the company's salesman will also be better knowledgeable about the product and the

2. Sales promotion

There are many different ways of running sales promotions and many different tips and tactics present
depending on the sector you are in. Where trade discounts and freebies work very well in FMCG, in
consumer durables, free services and value addition (free installation) works better then discounts.

Sales promotion also involves providing the consumer with an incentive for the purchase of the product.
At the same time, it may involve giving incentives to dealers or distributors to get the product selling &
moving in the market. The expenses in Sales promotion is lower and the investment is very less because
it gets the product moving. (Vieira, 2009)

Sales promotions are being utilised as a strategy more and more, especially in light of the growing
popularity of online shopping and e-commerce. You will encounter a "Sale" or "Deal" online every other
day that is time-limited and attracts impulsive purchases from people. Online retailers are able to transfer
enormous amounts of goods throughout the country or the region they are selling in thanks to discounts
offered for a set period of time.

3. Public relations

Public relations is the art of disseminating information about your goods or services to the general public
in order to generate buzz and encourage conversation. When news about a movie or a product is
published in the media right before the film is meant to be released or the product is supposed to be
introduced, it is one of the most frequently seen public relations exercises.

4. Direct marketing / Internet marketing

In the last few years, Digital marketing was giving tough competition to television advertising as well
as newspaper advertising. As of end quarter of 2016, digital marketing has practically overtaken
Television advertising and has a major spend amongst all media.

Of course, one advantage of digital advertising is that it is more affordable than television advertising
and that even tiny firms may participate in it. As a result, compared to television or newspapers, digital
advertising generates significantly more overall revenue. However, even then, major companies and not
just small businesses engage in digital marketing because it aids in connecting them with their target

The brand's intimate connection with the consumer is the main draw of digital marketing. Your email
inbox, Facebook wall, and twitter feed are all parts of your private life that marketers can access through
social media marketing. A brand that executes very effective ads may end up with a sizable digital

5. Packaging

Despite the fact that packaging is meant to be a component of the marketing mix and not the
communications mix, however, due to competition and the growing rivalry between firms, even
packaging has come to be seen as a crucial tool for connecting with your target audience. The final point
of sale for the business is the product's packaging. The consumer has a wide variety of things to pick
from when they are standing in a shopping aisle. The product's overall package and the information on
the goods are frequently taken into consideration while making decisions..

SWOT Analysis

One of the most popular methods for evaluating a company's internal and external surroundings is a
SWOT analysis, which is done as part of the strategic planning process.

A SWOT analysis can also be performed on a person, place, business, or industry. Using opportunities
as a forward-looking bridge to developing strategic alternatives, a SWOT analysis aids in both strategic
planning and decision-making. .

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats is also known as SWOT. Internal factors and
external variables are the two key elements of a SWOT analysis.

It's critical to note that although opportunities and threats are forward-looking, strengths and weaknesses
are present or backward-looking. We will be able to create a link between what the organisation has
already accomplished and the strategic alternatives that will be developed by doing a SWOT analysis.

The company's strengths and weaknesses are external variables. Strengths are the qualities that provide
a company a competitive edge, whereas weaknesses are qualities that a corporation needs to get rid of
in order to perform better. (2004) Van Kempten

Examples of internal factors include:

• Company culture

• Company image
• Operational efficiency

• Operational capacity
• Brand awareness

• Market share

• Financial resources
• Key staff

• Organizational structure

Determine the stakeholders
A project may have a large number of stakeholders. The list you create will be based on your
organisation, the project's impact, and its goals. That implies that you might need to update the list as
the project progresses.

Investigate Stakeholder

Analyses are required for the following phase. This enables you to assess their relevance to the project
and the perspective they offer. Define the sort of stakeholder, the amount of money they might
contribute to the project and their legitimacy in so doing. Are they willing to engage? How much
influence and involvement in the project do they have?

Map Participants

To do this, draw your box and split it into four equal sections. The y-axis will now measure the
influence's level from low (bottom) to high (top). You plot the interest level on the x-axis, from low
(left) to high (right). Plot the stakeholders on the two axes using your list of stakeholders and your

Set Stakeholders Priorities

You can start creating a strategy for how you'll interact with the stakeholders during the project now
that you've identified, evaluated, and plotted each stakeholder on the map. You will either closely
control them or merely keep an eye on them, depending on where they land on the map. Your plan for
stakeholder communication and overall stakeholder management begins here.

The first step in the buyer decision process is the need recognition stage. Here the consumer recognizes
a need or problem and feels a difference between the actual situation and some desired situation. They
try to find goods to meet these needs.

This leads to the second stage of searching for information about the product.

The consumer tries to learn as much as possible about the existing brands of the product. In the third
stage, the consumer uses the information to evaluate alternative brands


After that, the buyer chooses the most suitable product and makes the purchase decision in the fourth

The fifth stage is the post-purchase evaluation and is the most important. Depending on the level of
satisfaction or dissatisfaction, the consumer will either become a loyal customer or actively avoid the
brand and tell others to do so through online reviews and word-of-mouth.

Porters Five Forces

Another item in the marketer's strategy toolbox is Porter's five forces. This one is intended to gauge
how intensely your sector is competitive. The idea was developed by a man by the name of Michael E.
Porter, as the name suggests.

Porter held that you might assess an industry's attractiveness by knowing how fiercely it is competitive.
When we discuss an industry's attractiveness, we don't just mean how much we like it—we also mean
how profitable it is!

Explanation of the forces:

1. Supplier capability. an evaluation of the ease with which providers can raise prices. This is determined
by the quantity of providers for each essential input, the distinctiveness of the supplier's goods and
services, the supplier's relative size and power, and the expense of switching suppliers.

2. The buying power. an evaluation of how simple it is for purchasers to negotiate a cheaper price. The
quantity of consumers in the market, the value of each consumer to the company, and the expense to the
consumer of switching suppliers all play a role in this. When a company has a small number of powerful
customers, they can frequently set the conditions.

3. A challenging contest. The quantity and quality of market competitors are the key driving factors.
Their commercial appeal will decline due to a large number of rivals offering similar goods and

4. A threat of replacement. Customers are more likely to switch to alternatives in reaction to price rises
when close substitutes are present in the market. This weakens the power of suppliers and lessens the
market's allure.

5. A potential new entrance. Profitability is eroded as a result of new competitors entering profitable
markets. Profitability will decline to a competitive rate unless incumbent enterprises have robust and
long-lasting barriers to entry, such as patents, economies of scale, capital requirements, or
governmental laws.


• To assess consumer perceptions of the Mama Earth brand.

• To assess consumer perceptions of the Mama Earth brand.
• To assess brand purchase intent and brand loyalty.
• To investigate client preferences for Mama Earth
• Determining the green values of customers.
To investigate client preferences for Mama Earth.
• To investigate client preferences for Mama Earth.
• To find out how well-informed Indian consumers are about products and apps.
• Determining the green values of customers.
• To determine the companies that people associate with certain behaviours.
• To find out which green items Indian consumers like.
• List the elements that influence a buyer to purchase a green product:
• Recognising the issues and difficulties associated with using green marketing


• Marketers have paid a lot of attention lately to consumers in emerging nations.

• CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR and self-awareness have become more significant to consumers.

• One industry, green marketing, aims to satisfy consumers' functional and symbolic needs.

• In developing nations, there is an increasing awareness of oneself and how to improve one's image.

• Liberalisation in India has increased both consumer awareness and the number of items available.

• The Indian consumer associates status symbols, improved quality of life, and self-image



Research methodology is essentially the "how" a certain piece of research is conducted in practise. It
focuses more on how a researcher methodically designs a study to achieve accurate and trustworthy
outcomes that address the goals and objectives of the research.

Both primary data and secondary data were examined in the study. From periodicals, magazines, and
social networking sites, secondary data was gathered. This is convenient Through the use of a
questionnaire survey, 120 samples of respondents from Kerala states were collected using the
sampling method.

data collection technique. In this study, demographic profiles were statistically analysed using the
ANOVA, Chisquare test, and percentage analysis.


1) The first question was about the occupation of the respondant.





businessman proffessional employee student

Interpretation –
From the above data it has been found that the professional use mama earth products the most
with 35% of votes and followed by employees then businessmen and then students.

2) The second question was about the age of respondants.

5% 45%


20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60


From the above data it has been found that people aged 50-60 use mamaearth products the most with 45%
votes and rest followed by people aged 30-40,40-50 and 20-30.

3) The third question was about the gender of the respondants.




Male Female Other


From the above data it has been found that females use more mamaearth products with 55% votes as
compare to males with vote of 25%. After males, rest of the products use by other people.

4) The fourth question was about the differences between marketing and green marketing.




Yes No Not enough ideas 4th Qtr


From the above data, it shows that 55% of the people who voted can differentiate between marketing and green
marketing, whereas 25% of the votes given by people cannot differentiate easily.

5) Does people have any idea about how green marketing affects our community?





Yes No It is possible 4th Qtr


From the above data, it shows that 65% of the votes were for yes whereas 27% of the votes were for no, and
rest 8% shows that it may be possible that green marketing can affect our community.

6) Do you just believe that other people's habits make our environment worse and cause more harm?





Yes No It is possible 4th Qtr


From the above data, it shows that 55% of the votes were for yes, whereas 10% of the votes were
for no, and rest of the 35% votes were for that it may possible.

7) What companies do you like from here that participate in the green marketing?





Apple Tesla Mother earth Starbucks

From the above data, it looks that 35% of the votes were from the participants of Apple, whereas 25%
were from Tesla and 15% were from Mother earth and rest of the votes came from the participants of

8) Are you looking for a better place to live?




Yes No It Is Possible 4th Qtr


The above chart shows us about that 60% votes are by those people who are looking for a better
place to live, and 25% are by those people who are not whereas 15% by those people who think that
it is possible.

8) Do you think company should put more effort into green advertising?





Yes No


The above chart shows that 60% of the people think that company should put more efforts into green
advertising whereas 40% of the people think that company should not put any efforts in it.

9) Will you buy products from a company that participates in green marketing?



1.4 30%

Yes No It depends on their numbers


The above chart shows that 60% of the votes were from those people who will buy product from those
companies who participate in green marketing whereas 30% of the votes were from those people who
will not buy product from those companies who participate in green marketing.

4. Limitations
• The responders are primarily from Kanpur city, which limits the audience and may be necessary for
better outcomes.
• It's possible that people's responses to the questionnaire were different because they weren't in the
correct frame of mind.
• One of the major drawbacks of this study is that most respondents were college students; possibly a
more diverse age range would have provided a better understanding of consumer preferences.


You have it now! This is our complete analysis of Mama Earth's marketing plan. Mama Earth's consumer
tactics and marketing communications are built around the idea of only employing the best natural
ingredients. Influencer marketing has been used by the company to build credibility and increase
awareness of its products and unique selling propositions..

It is surprising how easy it is to make our life ecofriendly. Time is all we need.
Mamaearth as a non-toxic personal care brand has kept its promises about goodness inside. It is a
well-known brand with the mission of making the lives of mothers and pregnant moms look better and
more attractive. The company’s products are safe, toxin-free, and of standard quality for every parent and
baby from head to toe. Mamaearth is a digital-first FMCG company with products available on D2C
Platforms. In addition to creating safe green space through a high-quality plantation, the company
creates jobs, develops infrastructure, conducts educational programs, and provides rural development
programs to improve the standard of living in communities.

The study key findings are: Mamaearth needs to extend its business operation in the retail business,
increase franchisees, and collaborate with local players to match international standards. The company
is not sufficient at offering customer-oriented services, survey need to be conducted to know the
consumer’s needs and wants. The company focuses more on a low-income group and developing a new
product to diversify its product range and target demographic segment.


ReferencesAntil, J. H. (1984). Socially Responsible Consumers: Profile and Implications for Public

Journal of Macromarketing, Fall, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 18-39. Antonio, C., Sergio, R., Francisco, M. J.

Characteristics of Research on Green Marketing. Business Strategy and the Environment. Vol. 18, pp.
223-239.Braimah, M and Tweneboah-Koduah, E. H. (2011).

An Exploratory Study of the Impact of Green Brand Awareness on Consumer Purchase Decision in

Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness, Vol. 5, No. 7, pp. 11-18Cherian, J. and
Jacob, J. (2012). Green Marketing: A Study of Consumers’ Attitude towards Environment Friendly

Journal of Asian Social Science, Vol. 8, No. 12, pp. 117-126. Crisp ell, D. (2001). Going Green(is).

The Influence of Consumers’ Environmental Beliefs and Attitudes on Energy Saving Behaviors.
Energy Policy, Vol. 39, No. 12, pp. 7684-7694.






a. Businessman
b. Professional
c. Employee
d. Student

2. Age

e. 10-20 • 20-30 • 30-40 • 40-50

f. 50-60


g. Female
h. Male
i. Other

4. Do you know the difference between marketing and Green Marketing?

a. Yes
b. No.
c. Not enough ideas

5. Do you have any ideas on how green marketing benefits our community?
a. Yes
b. No.

c. It is possible

6. Do you just believe that other people's habits make our environment worse and
cause more harm?
a. Yes
b. No.
c. It is possible

7. What companies do you like from here that participate in the green marketing?
a. an apple
b. Tesla
c. mother earth
d. Starbucks

8. Are you looking for a better place to live?

a. Yes
b. No.
c. It is possible

9. Do you think companies should put more effort into green advertising?
a. Yes
b. No.

10. Will you buy products from a company that participates in the green marketing?
a. Yes
b. No.
c. It depends on their numbers

11. Some products will be more expensive than regular products due to the
ecofriendly process, are you still willing to buy it?
a. Yes
b. No.
c. It is possible

12. Choose a company that makes a difference in green marketing?
a. Tesla
b. Apple
c. Starbucks
d. mama earth

13. Do you think marketing will impact the future and make others more
a. Yes
b. NO
c. It is possible

14. Do you think companies can make ecofriendly products more accessible but
lower costs?
a. Yes
b. NO
c. It is possible


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