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Series Name

GDP growth (annual %)

Gross capital formation (% of GDP)
Inflation, consumer prices (annual %)
Exports of goods and services (% of GDP)
Imports of goods and services (% of GDP)
Foreign direct investment, net inflows (BoP, current US$)

GDP growth (annual %)

Gross capital formation (% of GDP)
Inflation, consumer prices (annual %)
Exports of goods and services (% of GDP)
Imports of goods and services (% of GDP)
Foreign direct investment, net inflows (BoP, current US$)
Country Name 1990 1991
Sweden 0.755 -1.146
Sweden 29.461 24.952
Sweden 10.367 9.445
Sweden 28.746 26.865
Sweden 28.111 25.183
Sweden 1982424727.637 6350883200.465

1992 1993 1994
-1.159 -2.066 4.088
22.944 18.949 20.256
2.374 4.728 2.158
26.723 31.307 34.491
25.001 27.933 30.436
-5418689.918 3704921362.330 6268780977.820
1995 1996 1997
4.024 1.518 2.900
20.654 20.405 20.217
2.455 0.533 0.658
38.003 36.833 40.052
31.624 30.655 33.103
14939375567.495 5491883747.971 10271066268.935
1998 1999 2000
4.227 4.530 4.735
21.336 21.628 22.754
-0.267 0.462 0.899
41.027 41.038 44.098
34.717 34.972 38.229
20017256701.000 60626719353.769 22817836820.944
2001 2002 2003
1.563 2.074 2.386
22.750 21.741 21.574
2.406 2.158 1.926
43.754 42.090 41.244
37.522 35.774 34.904
18217810086.486 18381645407.983 6007683415.884
2004 2005 2006
4.321 2.818 4.688
21.558 22.004 23.027
0.374 0.453 1.360
43.447 45.873 48.190
35.847 38.701 40.599
16854649893.547 20782686615.821 22052656378.599
2007 2008 2009
3.405 -0.557 -5.185
24.609 24.520 20.924
2.212 3.437 -0.494
48.258 49.813 44.452
41.282 43.546 38.691
46143507532.968 41436553995.945 8960871620.904
2010 2011 2012
6.104 2.679 -0.299
22.996 23.909 22.696
1.158 2.961 0.888
46.135 46.626 46.272
40.673 41.927 41.346
625102142.469 6979353755.444 4273531542.416
2013 2014 2015 2016
1.238 2.602 4.457 2.684
22.578 23.429 24.316 24.518
-0.044 -0.180 -0.047 0.984
43.754 44.986 45.533 44.400
39.251 40.675 40.673 39.973
1317032473.310 -8624265062.024 8706026818.982 7910508206.460
0.755 29.461 10.367 28.746 28.111 1982424727.637
-1.146 24.952 9.445 26.865 25.183 6350883200.465
-1.159 22.944 2.374 26.723 25.001 -5418689.918
-2.066 18.949 4.728 31.307 27.933 3704921362.330
4.088 20.256 2.158 34.491 30.436 6268780977.820
4.024 20.654 2.455 38.003 31.624 14939375567.495
1.518 20.405 0.533 36.833 30.655 5491883747.971
2.900 20.217 0.658 40.052 33.103 10271066268.935
4.227 21.336 -0.267 41.027 34.717 20017256701.000
4.530 21.628 0.462 41.038 34.972 60626719353.769
4.735 22.754 0.899 44.098 38.229 22817836820.944
1.563 22.750 2.406 43.754 37.522 18217810086.486
2.074 21.741 2.158 42.090 35.774 18381645407.983
2.386 21.574 1.926 41.244 34.904 6007683415.884
4.321 21.558 0.374 43.447 35.847 16854649893.547
2.818 22.004 0.453 45.873 38.701 20782686615.821
4.688 23.027 1.360 48.190 40.599 22052656378.599
3.405 24.609 2.212 48.258 41.282 46143507532.968
-0.557 24.520 3.437 49.813 43.546 41436553995.945
-5.185 20.924 -0.494 44.452 38.691 8960871620.904
6.104 22.996 1.158 46.135 40.673 625102142.469
2.679 23.909 2.961 46.626 41.927 6979353755.444
-0.299 22.696 0.888 46.272 41.346 4273531542.416
1.238 22.578 -0.044 43.754 39.251 1317032473.310
2.602 23.429 -0.180 44.986 40.675 -8624265062.024
4.457 24.316 -0.047 45.533 40.673 8706026818.982
2.684 24.518 0.984 44.400 39.973 7910508206.460
2.105 25.614 1.794 45.346 41.661 31530837271.977

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.552530128564115
R Square 0.305289542971077
Adjusted R Square 0.147400802737231
Standard Error 2.31464016682714
Observations 28

Regression 5
Residual 22
Total 27

Intercept -12.1086161073031
GCF 0.755967429157518
CPI -0.426888215533973
EXP 0.947889012508107
IMP -1.14123839495359
FDI -4.48486038257649E-12
SS MS F Significance F
51.7961815147153 10.3592363029431 1.93357387308885 0.12934475389289
117.866300241571 5.35755910188958

Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%

7.17020623876113 -1.68874028223143 0.10539484658373 -26.9787137171872
0.401607419718692 1.8823542395881 0.07308176720955 -0.07691538246751
0.320742832715384 -1.33093610204777 0.1968399633234 -1.09206813802566
0.464595559970588 2.04024552573881 0.05350874943499 -0.01562320678269
0.555853942299908 -2.05312638466066 0.0521395483633 -2.29400891557764
3.545873833378E-11 -0.126481104329191 0.90049995336526 -7.8021782835E-11
Upper 95% Lower 95,0% Upper 95,0%
2.7614815025811 -26.978713717187 2.7614815025811
1.5888502407825 -0.0769153824675 1.5888502407825
0.2382917069577 -1.0920681380257 0.2382917069577
1.9114012317989 -0.0156232067827 1.9114012317989
0.0115321256705 -2.2940089155776 0.0115321256705
6.905206207E-11 -7.802178283E-11 6.905206207E-11

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