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GENETIC ENGINEERING -They are used by their host organism to cope

direct manipulation of genes for practical with stress-related conditions

purposes. The applications of genetic engineering BIOLISTICS
include the manufacture of hundreds of useful It is a 'gene gun' technique used to fire
products. DNA-coated pellets on plant tissues.
-with the use of biochemical and mechanical tools
of DNA technology, scientists can make --Cells that survive the bombardment, and are
recombinant DNA in vitro. able to take up the expression plasmid-coated
-they can introduce the DNA into cultured cells pellets and acquire the ability to express the
that replicate the DNA and may express its designed protein
The modification of traits may involve: Heat shock treatment is a process used to
I. introduction of new traits into an organism transfer plasmid DNA into bacteria.
II. enhancement of a present bait by increasing
the expression of the desired gene. -the target cells are pre-treated before the
III. enhancement of a present bait by disrupting procedure to increase the pore sizes of their
the inhibition of the desired gene's expression plasma membranes.
-this pretreatment is said to make the cells atly
MODIFYING TECHNIQUE: "competent" for accepting the plasmid DNA
CLASSICAL BREEDING - focus on the mating of -After the cells are made competent, they are
organisms with desirable qualities. incubated with the desired plasmid at about 4°C
Examples: controlled pollination of plants for about 30 min
mating of animals with desired traits. -the plasmids concentrate near the cells during
this time.
RECOMBINANT DNA TECHNOLOGY -Afterwards, a 'Heat Shock' is done on the
molecular biology techniques are being employed plasmid cell solution by incubating it at 42°c for
in the insertion and expression of proteins in minute then back to 4°C for 2 minutes
different organisms for various purposes. -the rapid rise and drop of temperature increase
and decrease the pore size in the membrane
GENERAL OUTLINE OF RECOMBINANT DNA -The plasmid DNA near the membrane surface
1. cutting or cleavage of DNA restriction enzymes are taken into the cells by this process.
2. selection of an appropriate vector or vehicle -the cells that took up the plasmids acquire new
which would propagate the recombinant DNA traits and are said to be "transformed".
3. ligation (join together) of the gene of interest
(eg from an animal) with the vector but bacterial ELECTROPORATION
plasmid this method is commonly used for
4. transfer of the recombinant plasmid into a host insertion of genes into mammalian cells
cell (that would carry out replication to make huge
copies of the recombined plasmid -this technique follows a similar methodology as
5. selection process to screen which cells actually Heat shock Treatment, but, the expansion of the
contain the gene of interest membrane pores is done through an electric
6. sequencing of the gene to find out the primary "shock"
structure of the protein
PLASMIDS states that genetic information flows only
a small circular double-stranded DNA in one direction, from DNA, to RNA, to protein, or
molecule found in bacteria and some other RNA directly to protein
microscopic. organisms
DNA (gene)
-they carry only few genes and exist independent RNA (transcript)
of chromosomes, the primary structures that PROTEINS (trait)
contains DNA in cells
-Able to self-replicate and can be picked up from Based on the central dogma, if transcription and
the environment and transferred between bacteria translation of genes lead to some traits, then the
insertion of certain genes in may provide it with EROCHS: Shortest subdivision; marked by
new traits a given organism differences in life forms and can vary from
continent to continent.
(Polymerase Chain Reaction) Geologist over time have put the time scale
a technique that allows the detection of specific together piece by piece
genes in target organisms. -units were named as they were discovered -
A laboratory technique for rapidly sometimes unit names were borrowed from
producing (amplifying) millions to billions of geography, from a person, or from the type of
copies of a specific segment of DNA. rock that dominated the unit.


The production of multiple (millions to billions)
copies of a sequence of DNA CAMBRIAN - from Latin name for Wales. Named
→ PCR is used to amplify a specific region a DNA for exposure of strata found in a type-section in
strand (the DNA target) Wales by British geologist Adam Sedgwick.
-most PCR methods typically amplify DNA
fragments of up to 10 kilo base pairs (kb), DEVONIAN - named after significant outcrops
although some techniques allow for amplification first discover near Devonshire, England.
of of fragments up to 40 kb in size
JURASSIC - named for representative strata first
Earth seen in the Jura mountains by German geologist
-The Earth is 4.6 billion years old Humboldt in 1795
-Life on Earth arose around 3.5 billion years ago
-Humans did not exist with dinosaurs as what CRETACEOUS - from the Latin "creta" meaning
movies usually depict chalk by a Belgian geologist.
-man could have first appeared about 100-150
thousand years ago as shown by artefactual
evidence in various sites. FOUR LARGE SEGMENTS OF EONS
HADEAN- the earliest time of the Earth
GEOLOGIC TIME SCALE -period of time for which we have no rock record.
The geologic time scale divides up the history the
earth based on life-forms that have existed during ARCHEAN- corresponds to the ages of the oldest
specific times since the creation of the planet. known rocks on Earth.
Their divisions are called geochronologic units.
PROTEROZOIC - called the Precambrian Eon.
The Geologic Time Record is a tabular
representation of the major divisions of the PHANEROZOIC - the remainder of geologic time,
Earth's history. including the present day.

-Most of these life-forms fossils, which are found Cambrian Explosion - is the belief that there was
the remains or traces of an organism from the a sudden, apparent explosion of diversity in life
geologic past that has been preserved in forms about 545 million years ago.
sediment or rock. SP -created most of the major extant animal groups
The Geologic Time scale is divided by the -the start of the Cambrian was characterized by
following divisions: the breaking up of supercontinent Gondwana.

EONS: longest subdivision; based on the Early scientist who contributed to shaping and
abundance of certain fossils. developing evolutionary thought.
ERAS: Next longest subdivision; marked by major
changes in the fossil record. Charles Darwin
PERIODS: Based on types of life existing at the Alfred Russel Wallace
Carolous Linnaeus - considered as the "Father of -coral
taxonomy". Most Famous for creating a system of -brachiopods
naming plants and animals we still use today. You sent
types of fossils
Thomas Malthus - English Economist and
demographic best known for his and theory that MOLDS- Impression made in a substrate
population growth will always tend to outrun the negative image of an organism.
food supply and that betterment of humankind is EX: shells
impossible without strict limits on reproduction. CASTS - when a mold is filled in
EX: Bones and Teeth
Georges Cuvier - called the founder of PETRIFIED - Organic materialis converted into
Comparative anatomy and it was his knowledge stone.
in his field that accounted for his well-known and EX: Petrified Trees, coal balls
abstract uncanny ability, reconstruct animals from ORIGINAL - Preserved wholly (frozen in ice, trap
only fragments of fossil remains. in jar pits)
EX: Woolly mammoth Amber from the Baltic
D. James Hutton - discovered evidence that earth region.
and its features are shaped by very slow and REMAINS - dried dessicated inside caves etc.
gradual processes history over extremely long CARBON FILM- Carbon Impression on
spars of time. This proves as Uniformitarianism. sedimentary rock.
EX: leaf impression
E. Charles Lyell - a Scottish geologist geological TRACE / Ichnofossils- Record the movements
discoveries informed a revelatory of in our and behaviors of the organism.
understanding of the Earth and its history. EX: Trackways, tooth. marks, gizzard mits etc.

B. Jean Baptiste Lamark's theory on evolution of UNALTERED PRESERVATION

change Small organism or part trapped in amber,
hardened plant sap.
A. Principle of use and disuse - Suggested that
body parts used more frequently become stronger PERMINERALIZATION / PETRIFICATION
and those not used deteriorate. the organic contents of bones and wood are
replaced with silica, calcite or pyrite, forming a
B. Inheritance of acquired characteristics - rock-like fossil.
Proposed that traits acquired during an organisms
lifetime offspring can be passed on the organism. REPLACEMENT
hard parts are (replaced) dissolved and replaced
FOSSILS by other minerals, like calcite, silica, pyrite moth,
- A fossil is the preserved remains of an organism or iron.
that has died
- Fossils tell scientists, called paleontologists, CARBONIZATION OR COALIFICATION
about living things such as their biology and the other elements are removed and only the
environmental conditions over Earth's history carbon remained.
through the rock record. In addition, they give
clues to the conditions of the earth (i.e.. climate) RECRYSTALIZATION
at the time that the fossil was preserved and hard parts are converted to more stable minerals
possibly relate changes of an organism over time. or small crystals turn into larger crystals


(guide fossils/indicator fossils / one fossils) molds and casts are formed after most of the
organism have been destroyed or dissolved.
Fossils from short-lived organisms that lived in
many places, used to define and identify geologic DATING FOSSILS
periods. used to determine a precise age of a fossil by
-trilobite comparing into it to similar rocks and fossils of
-echinoid known ages.
I. Based upon the study of layer of rocks The existence of biological factors (barriers) that
II. Does not tell the exact age: only compare impede two species from producing viable, fertile.
fossils older or younger, depends on their position • It is the property that inhibits two species from
in rock layer. mating
III. Fossils in the uppermost rock layer / strata are We can divide these forces into two separate
younger while those in the lowermost deposition categories pre-zygotic forms and past zygotic
an oldest. forms.


Reproductive isolation can be classified by
A. Law of Superposition. whether factors act before or after fertilization.
Sedimentary layers are deposited in a specific
time-youngest rocks on top, oldest rocks at the The species maybe separated before mating in
bottom PRE-ZYGOTIC isolation or may occur after
fertilization in POST-ZYGOTIC isolation
B. Law of Original Horizontality.
Deposition of rocks happen horizontally-tilting. Zygote is a fertilized egg all that results from a
Folding or breaking happened recently. union of female gamete (egg, or ovum) with male
gamete (sperm).
C. Law of Cross-Cutting Relationships
If an igneous intrusion or a fault cuts through Hybrids are offspring of crosses between different
existing rocks, the intrusion I fault is YOUNGER pecies.
than the rock it cuts through.
Pre-zygotic isolation -isolution mechanisms
ABSOLUTE DATING prevent fertilization and zygote with formation.
Determines the actual age of the fossil through
radiometric dating, using radioactive isotopes pre zygote barriers block fertilization from
carbon-14 and potassium-40 occurring by:
-impeding different species from attempting to
-Considers the half-life or the time it takes for half mate preventing the successful completion of
of the atoms of the radioactive element to decay mating
-The radio) decay products of radioactive -hindering fertilization if mating is successful
isotopes are stable atoms mining mass of C-14
ISOLATION - refers to the place where the
A living organism has carbon-14. For the amount organisms mate potential mate occupies different
of Carbon in the organism's body to become half, areas of habitat thus, they never come in contact.
it will take about 5,700 years, which is half-life of
C-14. two species encounter each other rarely, or not at
Importance of fossil record to human evolution all, because they owupy different habitats, even
Overall, the fossil record serves as a critical than though not isolated by physical barriers.
source of reconstructing the story of human
evolution and understanding our place in the on B.TEMPORAL OR SEASONAL ISOLATION
Earth broader context of life. different groups may not be reproductively mature
at the same season, or month or year.
•Emst Mayer's definition; "Species are group of species that breed at different times of the day.
inter the breeding natural populations that are different seasons, or different years cannot mix
reproductively isolated from other such groups. " their gametes.
•The biological concept states that a species is a
species group of populations whose members C. BEHAVIORAL ISOLATION
have the potential to interbreed in nature and patterns of courtship are different
produce viable fertile offspring: they do not breed • courtship rituals and other behaviors unique
successfully from other populations. species are effective barriers.
D. MECHANICAL ISOLATION Sympatric speciation (sym -same, patric - place,
• morphological differences mating. Can prevent 'same place')
successful Occurs without geographic isolation
• differences in reproduction organs prevent • speciation takes place within a single
successful interbreeding. population.
E. GAMETIC ISOLATION example is change in chromosome number
• incompatibilities between egg and sperm (polyploidization)
prevent fertilization POLYPLOIDY
• sperm of one species may not be able to fertilize Polyploidy is the presence of extra sets of
eggs to species. chromosomes due to accidents during cell
POST-ZYGOTIC ISOLATION much more common in plants than in animals An
• isolation mechanism allow fertilization but autopolyploid is an individual with more than two
nonviable or weak, or sterile hybrids are formed chromosome sets, derived from species. one
•post zygotic barriers prevent the hybrid zygote many important crops (oats, cotton, potatoes,
from developing into a viable, fertile adult. tobacco. and wheat) are polyploids.


• fertilized egg fails to develop the early embryo • Sexual Selection can drive sympatric speciation
stages •for mates of different colóns distributed to
• genes of the different parent species may speciation
interact and impair the hybrid's development
HYBRID STERILITY Parapatric speciation (para- beside, patric-place;
hybrids are sterile because gonads develop beside each other)
abnormally or there is abnormal segregation of
chromosomes during meiosis Occurs when the groups that evolved to be
separate spesies are geographic neighbors.
HYBRID BREAKDOWN Gene flow occurs but with great distance is
51 hybrids are normal, vigorous and viable, but 2 reduced.
contains many weak. First-generation hybrids There is also abrupt change in the environment
sterile individuals are fertile, but when they mate over a geographic border selection and strong
with another species or with either parent disruptive innovation must also happen.
species, offspring of the next generation are
feeble of sterile. GENETIC MECHANISMS
Genetic mechanisms that change and change
SPECIATION genotype the Frequencies of populations
Geographic speciation Callo- other, patric place; MUTATION
`other place') change in the DNA sequence of an organism due
to errors in DNA replication during cell division
-Occurs when some members of a population exposure to mutagens or a viral infection,
become geographically separated from the other exposure to mutagenic agents like radiation or
members thereby preventing gene flow certain chemicals
• the two populations become genetically different • it is the primary source of genetic variation upon
• Examples of geographic barriers are bodies of which natural selection acts and the only way
water and mountain ranges which new variation enters the species
Regions with many geographic barriers typically
have more species than do regions with fewer GERMLINE MUTATIONS
barriers. occurs in gametes
Reproductive Isolation between populations. these are especially significant because they can
generally is increases as the distance between be transmitted to offspring and every cell in
them increases offspring will have the mutation.


occurs in other cells of the body have little effect
on the organism because they are confined to just Artificial Selection or Selective Breeding when
one cell and its daughter cells cannot be passed humans selectively choose organisms with
to offspring specific characteristics as breeding stock, they
are performing the role of environment.
How it happens? - the breeder attempts to isolate those genotypes
Mutations results from either of the two course (1) that are responsible for plant or animal's desired
error in DNA replication during cell division or qualities in a sustainable environment.
(2) exposure to cell damaging mutagens such as - the qualities are economically or aesthetically
chemicals and radiation, which causes the desirable to humans, rather than useful to the
structure of individual nucleotides to change. organism in its natural environment

Types of Mutations GENE FLOW/MIGRATION

Chromosomal Alteration - change the -from one population to a different population -
chromosome structure. Occurs when a section of movement of genes between populations same
a chromosome breaks off and rejoins incorrectly species
or does not rejoin. very serious and causes major -this movement occurs through the migration of
changes in the genetic material. individuals who interbreed with members of other
populations, leading to the exchange of genetic
Point mutation - a change in a single nucleotide in material
DNA usually less serious than a chromosomal -can take place between two populations of the
alteration changes happen in the genetic code of same species and is meditated by reproduction
an organism. and vertical gene transfer from parent to
Frameshift mutation - deletion or insertion of one You sent
or more nucleotides that change the reading helps to maintain genetic diversity within a
frame the base sequence. Mutations can occur in species and can counteract the effects of genetic
both animals or plants drift.

SELECTION - process by which certain traits or EXAMPLE

alleles become more or less common in a popula A bee carrying pollen from one flower population
over time due to their effect on reproductive to another.
preferential survival and reproduction or preferent -also called genetic sampling error or seawall
elimination of individuals with certain genotypes wright effect
employing natural or artificial controlling factors. -the random fluctuation of allele frequencies in a
population due to chance events.
The theory of evolution by selection was -occurs in all population but is particularly
proposed by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel significant in small populations where chance
Wallace in 1858. events can have a greater impact.
-can lead to the loss of genetic variation and the
Natural Selection, a key mechanism of evolution fixation population of certain alleles in a
proposed by Charles Darwin, favors traits that population.
increase an organism's chances of survival and
reproduction in a given environment. Living Things
here are some biomolecules which may be used
TYPES OF SELECTION to prove relationships. These chemicals include
Natural Selection - the basic mechanism of DNA and proteins. The building ding blocks of
evolution the process which is also known as these chemicals may be analyzed to show
"Survival of the fittest" similarities and differences among organisms.
The more similarities, the closer the relationships.
nature or the environment dictates which among
the organism will survive, the organisms has d Cytochrome-c
certain variety of traits or characteristics that will -protein and important enzyme found in all
be passed on the next generation. organisms.
-highly conserved protein which functions in the sructures in different organisms can be compared
electron transport chain system of the inter common in lineage
mitochondria needed for the release of energy
which is from food. Homologous structures
-alle performs a role in apoptosis (programmed Analogous structures
cell death) by being released into the cytosol Vestigial Structures
activating the events of cell
-*the molecules are assumed to have descended HOMOLOGOUS STRUCTURES
from a existed over primitive microbial same set of bones that presumably from a
cytochrome that two billion years ago. common ancestor.
-they appear different and may have varied
CLADOGRAM functions
-it is also called branching tree that can be to
show the relationship among the organisms.
-the data can then be tabulated to show the ANALOGOUS STRUCTURES
number of differences. - perform the same function, different structure
-basic features (cells and anatomical structures - have very different embryological development
also be used to infer relationship among
-this types of cells (prokaryotic or eukaryotic) have lost most of their ancestral function
presence and numbers of limbs, and presence of has lost its original function through the course of
wings or hair can be compared to show evolution
relationships which can be plotted cladogram.
-Vertebrates possess common structures EVIDENCE FROM EMBRYOLOGY
(pharyngeal gill clits, notochord, dorsal nerve Embryology is the study of the development of an
cord, and post-anal tail) which are present in the organism from an embryo to its adult form.
embryo stage and are lost, modified, or become Common structures are shared in the embryo
vestigial in adult forms. stage and disappear by the time the embryo
-the presence of these structures implies descent reaches the juvenile or adult form.
from common ancestor
-A complex cladogram can then be created to EVIDENCE FROM MOLECULAL BIOLOGY
how the positions of the organisms in the Many organisms have similar molecules of life
evolutionary tree (DNA, RNA, proteins) that suggests descent from
a common ancestor with modifications.
Evidence of evolution
Evidence from structures geography is the study of geographical
Evidence from Embryology distribution of fossils and living organisms.
Evidence from Molecular Biology Organisms usually arise in areas where similar
Evidence from Biogeography organisms already exist.
Similar organisms may also be found in different
locations which could mean that the two places
were probably connected.
closely related species are usually found in areas
EVIDENCE FROM FOSSILS at are geographically close to each other.
are remains in of ancient organisms trapped in
rocks, tar pits, frozen in ice, or embedded in SYSTEMATICS BASED ON EVOLUTIONARY
-records found in the rock shows a gradual
evolutionary descent in from simpler to be more Tree of life and Systematics
gradual complex life forms. Taxonomy
-Paleontologists use the fossils found in rocks to cladistics and Phylogeny
track the evolutionary history of many organisms.


is the study of kinds and diversity of organisms
Tracing phylogeny evolutionary history of a •LINNAEAN TAXONOMY - All the real knowledge
species is one of the goals of systematics. have depends on the method by which we
-use data ranging from fossils to molecules genes distinguish the similar or dissimilar.
to infer evolutionary relationships
- these information enable biologists to construct Binomial system of Nomenclature introduced by
meth comprehensive tree of life Linnaeus.
 Bi - two
Lines of evidence to infer evolutionary  Nomial/nomen - name
relationships generic name and specific ephitet genus
+ Fossill evidence generic name and specific name
+ Homologies •genus – capital
+ Biogeography •epithet – low
+ molecular clock • Species – bold italic
Molecular closk is a technique used in
evolutionary biology to estimate the timing of
divergence events between species of •Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778)
populations. - devise the taxonomic system
- is a hierarchical system since organism are
BIOLOGISTS use phylogenetic trees for: grouped into ever more inclusive categories from
- testing hypotheses about evolution species to kingdom.
-learning about the characteristics of extinct
species and ancestral lineages. • Carl Woere (1981)
-classifying organisms propose a category higher than kingdom called
Classification has become an essential part of Cladistics and Phylogeny
everyday life, and the habit can be useful. -studies relationships between taxa using shared
Classification derived characters
method of grouping organisms -members of ancestor and a group share thus a
arranging entities in order for cataloguing and common recent more "closely related" to one
expressing relationships between these entities another than to other group of organisms.

Hierarchy CLADE
system of organizing groups into ranks according - a group of taxa consisting of an ancestor and all
to status, level, importance or power. of its descendant taxa
- share a set of derived characters.
Formal naming of taxa according to some FAMILY TREE
standarized system -show how people are related to each other -used
•International code of Botanical Nomenclature to show relationships between individuals.
- International code of Zological Nomenclature can also be used to see ancestral connections.


the process of associating an unknown taxon with - a visual representation of several generations
a known name -show how family members are related

- the assignment of features or attributes to a

- the theory of and practice of classifying
- major part of systematics

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