Niv - Meta Analysis

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Review Articles

Noninvasive Ventilation and Survival in Acute Care

Settings: A Comprehensive Systematic Review and
Metaanalysis of Randomized Controlled Trials*
Luca Cabrini, MD; Giovanni Landoni, MD; Alessandro Oriani, MD; Valentina P. Plumari, MD;
Leda Nobile, MD; Massimiliano Greco, MD; Laura Pasin, MD; Luigi Beretta, MD; Alberto Zangrillo, MD

Objective: Noninvasive ventilation is increasingly applied to Data Synthesis: Seventy-eight studies were analyzed. Noninvasive
prevent or treat acute respiratory failure, but its benefit on sur- ventilation was associated with a reduction in mortality (12.6% in
vival is still controversial for many indications. We performed a the noninvasive ventilation group vs 17.8% in the control arm; risk
metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials focused on the effect ratio = 0.73 [0.66–0.81]; p < 0.001; number needed to treat =
of noninvasive ventilation on mortality. 19 with 7,365 patients included) at the longest available follow-
Data Sources: BioMedCentral, PubMed, Embase, and the up. Mortality was reduced when noninvasive ventilation was used
Cochrane Central Register of clinical trials (updated December to treat (14.2% vs 20.6%; risk ratio = 0.72; p < 0.001; number
31, 2013) were searched. needed to treat = 16, with survival improved in pulmonary edema,
Study Selection: We included all the randomized controlled tri- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation, acute respira-
als published in the last 20 years performed in adults, reporting tory failure of mixed etiologies, and postoperative acute respiratory
mortality, comparing noninvasive ventilation to any other treatment failure) or to prevent acute respiratory failure (5.3% vs 8.3%; risk
for prevention or treatment of acute respiratory failure or as a tool ratio = 0.64 [0.46–0.90]; number needed to treat = 34, with sur-
allowing an earlier extubation. Studies with unclear methodology, vival improved in postextubation ICU patients), but not when used
comparing two noninvasive ventilation modalities, or in palliative to facilitate an earlier extubation. Overall results were confirmed for
settings were excluded. hospital mortality. Patients randomized to noninvasive ventilation
Data Extraction: We extracted data on mortality, study design, maintained the survival benefit even in studies allowing crossover
population, clinical setting, comparator, and follow-up duration. of controls to noninvasive ventilation as rescue treatment.
Conclusions: This comprehensive metaanalysis suggests that
*See also p. 927. noninvasive ventilation improves survival in acute care settings.
All authors: Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, IRCCS San The benefit could be lost in some subgroups of patients if nonin-
Raffaele Hospital, Vita-Salute University, Milan, Italy. vasive ventilation is applied late as a rescue treatment. Whenever
All authors developed the concept of this study. Drs. Landoni, Pasin, noninvasive ventilation is indicated, an early adoption should be
Beretta, and Zangrillo developed the search strategy. Drs. Cabrini, Ori-
ani, Plumari, and Nobile retrieved the studies and extracted the data. Drs. promoted. (Crit Care Med 2015; 43:880–888)
Landoni and Greco did the statistical analyses. The first draft of the article Key Words: critical care; in-hospital mortality; mechanical
was written by Drs. Cabrini and Pasin and was thoroughly revised by Drs. ventilation; metaanalysis; noninvasive ventilation; respiratory
Beretta and Zangrillo.
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL cita-
tions appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF
versions of this article on the journal’s website (

Supported, in part, by departmental funds. The Department of Anesthesia oninvasive ventilation (NIV) refers to the delivery of
and Intensive Care had no role in study design, data collection, data analy-
sis, data interpretation, or writing of the report.
positive pressure to the lungs without the insertion
Dr. Cabrini consulted for Medival (received honoraria for consultancy) and
of an endotracheal tube (1). It includes the delivery
disclosed a patent (applied for patent in a noninvasive ventilation [NIV] of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and all the
device). Dr. Landoni has disclosed a patent (applied for patent in a NIV modalities of noninvasive positive pressure support/pressure-
device). The remaining authors have disclosed that they do not have any
potential conflicts of interest. controlled mechanical ventilation (noninvasive positive pres-
For information regarding this article, E-mail: sure ventilation [NPPV]). The efficacy of NIV is mainly related
Copyright © 2015 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and Wolters to its ability to improve lung volumes and to unload respira-
Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights Reserved. tory muscles. Furthermore, NIV avoids tracheal intubation–
DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000000819 associated risks (1).

880 April 2015 • Volume 43 • Number 4

Review Articles

In the last decades, NIV has been increasingly applied in a Data Abstraction and Study Characteristics
growing number of acute care settings and conditions (1–3) Four investigators (L.C., L.N., V.P.P., A.O.) independently
for prevention or treatment of acute respiratory failure (ARF). abstracted baseline, procedural, and outcome data, with diver-
Its efficacy has been evaluated in several randomized trials, gences resolved by consensus. Specifically, we extracted data on
and it is currently considered a first-line treatment in some mortality, study design, population, clinical setting, compara-
common conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary tor, and follow-up duration. The primary endpoint of the pres-
disease (COPD) exacerbation, cardiogenic pulmonary edema, ent systematic review was mortality at the longest follow-up
and pneumonia in immunosuppressed patients (1). However, available. Secondary endpoints were hospital mortality and the
so far its benefit on survival has not yet been demonstrated effect of crossovers on mortality.
for many indications (especially in the most recent studied
fields such as the perioperative arena), and no recommen- Risk of Bias Assessment
dation could be done out of few established indications (3). Publication bias was assessed visually inspecting funnel plots
Furthermore, most published metaanalyses on NIV did not and by analytical appraisal based on Egger linear regression
focus on the most relevant patient-centered outcome, which test and Begg adjusted rank correlation test. When publication
is survival. Finally, a comprehensive metaanalysis including all bias was detected, we used the Trim-and-Fill method to handle
the applications of NIV in acute care settings either as a thera- publication bias (5, 6). A two-sided p value of 0.10 or less was
peutic or a preventive tool has never been performed. regarded as significant in Peters or Begg test (5, 7). Sensitivity
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the impact analyses were performed by sequentially removing each study
of NIV on mortality in all acute care settings, performing a and reanalyzing the remaining dataset (producing a new analy-
metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs). As mor- sis for each study removed), by meta-regression, and by per-
tality data can be greatly biased if crossover of patients from forming subanalyses on specific subsets (defined by setting, by
the control group to the intervention group is allowed after presence of crossovers between cases and controls, by year of
reaching predefined failure criteria, we took into account, for publications, and by comparator).
the first time, this potential bias performing also separate anal-
yses of studies that allowed or not the crossover. Data Analysis and Synthesis
Computations were performed with Stata (StataCorp, 2013,
Stata Statistical Software: Release 13, College Station, TX).
Hypothesis of statistical heterogeneity was tested using Cochran
Search Strategy Q test, with statistical significance set at the two-tailed 0.10
Four investigators (L.C., L.N., V.P.P., A.O.) independently level. The extent of statistical consistency was measured by I2 of
searched BioMedCentral, PubMed, Embase, and the Cochrane Higgins and Thompson (8). Outcomes from individual studies
Central Register of clinical trials (updated December 31, were analyzed in order to compute individual and pooled risk
2013) for pertinent articles. The full PubMed search strategy ratios (RR) with pertinent 95% CIs. We used inverse variance
(4) is available in Appendix 1. Furthermore, the investigators method with fixed effects model if low statistical inconsistency
scanned references of retrieved articles and pertinent reviews was detected (I2 ≤ 25%) or with random effects model (to
to detect further studies. better handle clinical and statistical variations) when moder-
ate or high statistical inconsistency were detected (I2 > 25%).
Study Selection In addition, we computed number needed to treat (NNT) in
The same four investigators independently examined at title/ case of statistical significance. Cumulative metaanalysis was
abstract level the references obtained from database and litera- performed in order to evaluate the trend in RR and the per-
ture searches with divergences resolved by consensus, and then, formance of updated metaanalysis over time (9). To explore
if potentially relevant, retrieved the full-text articles. the influence of length of follow-up and year of publication on
To identify potentially relevant studies, we used the follow- mortality, we performed univariate meta-regression analyses
ing inclusion criteria: random allocation to treatment; articles of log-RR against these variables.
published in a peer-reviewed journal in the last 20 years (1994– Unadjusted p values are reported throughout. Statistical
2013); and comparing NIV to another treatment for preven- significance was set at the two-tailed 0.05 level for hypothesis
tion or treatment of ARF in any human clinical setting. testing and at 0.10 for heterogeneity testing. This study was
The exclusion criteria were as follows: duplicate publica- performed in compliance with The Cochrane Collaboration
tions; lack of data on mortality (at least two separate attempts and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and
to contact the original authors were made in case of miss- Meta-Analyses guidelines (10, 11).
ing data); absent or unclear methods description; compari-
son of two NIV modalities; studies including only palliative
use of NIV (patients with expected low short-term survival);
Database searches and bibliography scanning yielded a total of
patients less than 18 years old. Compliance to selection criteria
1,322 articles. Excluding 1,189 nonpertinent titles or abstracts,
was checked independently by two investigators (G.L., M.G.),
we retrieved 133 studies in the full-text form for complete
resolving divergences by consensus.

Critical Care Medicine 881

Cabrini et al

assessment according to selection criteria (Supplemental Fig. Notably, patients randomized to receive NIV maintained
1, Supplemental Digital Content 1, the survival benefit in studies that allowed controls to crossover
CCM/B159). Fifty-five studies were excluded (references avail- to NIV after reaching predefined failure criteria (Table 1), sug-
able from authors at request) because NIV was applied in all gesting that an early use of NIV is of fundamental importance.
groups; included only patients with expected low short-term Hospital Mortality. Hospital follow-up was reported in
survival (12, 13); mortality data were not available and could 59 trials, and the use of NIV was associated with a significant
not be obtained by the authors; and methodology was unclear reduction in hospital mortality (10.9% in the NIV group vs
or not reported. Ultimately, we identified 78 eligible random- 16.9% in the control arm; RR = 0.69; NNT = 17) (Fig. 1). Sub-
ized clinical trials for inclusion in the analyses (Supplemental analyses on hospital mortality are reported in Table 2 and in
references 1–78 are available in the supplemental data, Supple- Supplemental Figures 5–7 (Supplemental Digital Content 1,
mental Digital Content 1,
Sensitivity Analysis and Risk of Bias Assessment. Visual
Study Characteristics inspection of funnel plots (Fig. 2; Supplemental Figs. 8–12,
The 78 included trials randomized 7,365 patients (3,840 to Supplemental Digital Content 1,
NIV and 3,525 to control). In 57 trials, NIV was used to treat B159) and quantitative evaluation did not identify a skewed or
ARF: in four trials, the comparator was endotracheal intuba- asymmetrical shape for most of the performed analyses exclud-
tion, whereas in all the others, NIV was compared to standard ing small publication bias. When a moderate small study bias
oxygen therapy. In 14 trials, NIV was applied to prevent ARF: was identified by quantitative evaluation with Begg and Egger
in these studies, established ARF was not present at the time of tests or funnel plot analysis, the Trim and Fill approach was
randomization, and NIV was mainly applied in the postopera- used and confirmed the absence of small study bias (Supple-
tive period or in ICU after extubation, in unselected patients or mental Table 2, Supplemental Digital Content 1, http://links.
in patients at high-risk for subsequent ARF. In seven trials, NIV
was used to facilitate an earlier extubation in intubated ICU Sensitivity analysis performed by sequential removal of
patients who had not yet met the standard extubation crite- each included study confirmed the overall results and are
ria: in this setting, NIV was applied after extubation in patients reported in Supplemental Table 2 (Supplemental Digital
who had failed at least one T-piece trial or to accelerate the Content 1, Sensitivity anal-
extubation before the criteria to attempt a T-piece trial were ysis by publication year, setting, and comparator is reported in
reached; in all these studies, the controls remained intubated Supplemental Table 2 (Supplemental Digital Content 1, http://
after randomization, until extubation criteria were eventually and confirms overall results.
met. The characteristics and findings of the included trials Furthermore, univariate meta-regressions for log-risk
are reported in Supplemental Table 1 (Supplemental Digital mortality at longest follow-up available did not show any sig-
Content 1, Notably, every nificant effect of length of follow-up and of publication year
year from 1995 to 2013, there was at least one RCT published on mortality (Supplemental Figs. 13 and 14, Supplemental
on NIV reporting survival data. Most trials (60%) were per- Digital Content 1, A cumu-
formed in the ICU. lative metaanalysis, showing a constant effect of NIV over time,
is reported in Supplemental Figure 15 (Supplemental Digital
Quantitative Data Synthesis Content 1,
Mortality at the Longest Follow-Up Available. Overall, the
use of NIV was associated with a significant reduction in
mortality (12.6% in the NIV group vs 17.8% in the control DISCUSSION
arm; RR = 0.73; NNT = 19). Mortality reduction was con- The present metaanalysis of 78 randomized trials supports
firmed when NIV was used to treat (RR = 0.72) or to prevent the hypothesis that NIV improves survival in most acute set-
(RR = 0.64) ARF, but not when NIV was used as a tool to tings when applied to treat or to prevent ARF. Furthermore,
allow an earlier extubation (Table 1; Supplemental Figs. 2–4, it suggests that the survival benefit could be lost when NIV is
Supplemental Digital Content 1, applied late, as a rescue treatment. Nevertheless, a metaanalysis
B159). Subanalyses for each of these categories are reported in can generate but not prove hypotheses, and further large RCTs
Table 1. Figure 1 presents the forest plot for the effect of NIV are required.
on hospital mortality and on mortality at longest follow-up This is the first metaanalysis that focuses on the survival
available. effect of NIV, embracing all acute care settings and trying
We performed subanalyses of the most represented and rel- to overcome the bias related to patients’ crossover between
evant subgroups. When NIV was applied to treat ARF, the ben- groups. To obtain a reliable evaluation of NIV impact on
eficial effect on survival was confirmed in several subgroups: survival, we included only RCTs published in the last 20
acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema (APE), COPD exacerba- years and in which NIV was compared to other treatments
tion, ARF of various etiologies, and postoperative ARF. With different from NIV. An original part of our study was to
regard to preventive use of NIV, the effect on survival was lim- evaluate if NIV improved survival in studies according to
ited to patients at high risk of postextubation ARF. the presence of crossover between groups. The fact that the

882 April 2015 • Volume 43 • Number 4

Review Articles

Table 1. Effects of Noninvasive Ventilation on Mortality at the Longest Follow-Up

Available With Subanalyses in Different Settings
Purpose of Number p for Crossovera
Treatment and Events/ Events/ Relative Risk p for Needed Heterogene- No Crossovera p p (No. of
Disease Cases Controls [95% CI] Effect to Treat ity, I2 (%) (No. of Patients) Patients)

Treatment 385/2,717 476/2,314 0.72 < 0.001 16 0.22 (13) < 0.001 (2,873) 0.002 (2,158)b
Chronic obstructive 50/529 97/533 0.56 < 0.001 11 0.96 (0) 0.06 (254) < 0.001 (808)
pulmonary [0.42–0.74]
Asthma 0/71 0/54 — — —
Acute pulmonary 170/1,278 148/890 0.80 0.04 30 0.53 (0) 0.04 (1,872) 0.66 (296)
edema [0.65–0.99]
 Out of hospital 15/195 17/193 0.88 0.69 0.95 (0) 0.88 (181) —
ARF 115/537 180/540 0.66 < 0.001 8 0.22 (20) 0.001 (378) 0.01 (699)b
 NIV vs 20/88 37/92 0.59 0.02 6 0.46 (0) — 0.05 (128)
 endotracheal [0.37–0.92]
Treatment of 40/153 28/149 1.35 0.28b 0.19 (39) — 0.28 (312)b
postextubation [0.78–2.35]
Treatment of 10/149 23/148 0.51 0.02 11 0.45 (0) 0.02 (297) —
postoperative [0.28–0.92]
Prevention 48/906 76/919 0.64 0.01 34 0.42 (1) 0.96 (952) 0.04 (873)
Prevention of 33/403 55/408 0.65 0.03 19 0.32 (14) 0.30 (137)b 0.19 (674)b
 postextubation [0.44–0.96]
 High-risk 30/181 49/184 0.64 0.03 10 0.31 (14) — 0.15 (268)b
patients [0.43–0.97]
 Unselected 3/222 6/224 0.53 0.61b 0.13 (56) — —
patients [0.04–6.50]
Prevention of 11/490 14/498 0.81 0.72b 0.25 (26) 0.66 (789)b 0.34 (199)
 postoperative [0.26–2.53]
 Lung surgery 5/221 9/223 0.55 0.29 0.26 (20) 0.56 (444) —
 Obese patients 0/73 0/78 — — —
NIV used to 52/217 76/292 0.81 0.39 b
0.04 (55) — —
 facilitate [0.51–1.30]
an earlier
 Failed T-piece 49/160 66/239 0.91 0.70b 0.22 (35) — —
trial [0.56–1.47]
Overall 485/3,840 628/3,525 0.73 < 0.001 19 0.102 (18) < 0.001 (4,334) < 0.001
[0.66–0.81] (3,031)
ARF = acute respiratory failure, NIV = noninvasive ventilation.
Subanalyses according to trials with or without crossover between study groups after reaching failure criteria.
Random effects method.
Dashes indicate not applicable due to total zero events or data deriving from one study only.

Critical Care Medicine 883

Cabrini et al

Figure 1. Forest plot for the risk of mortality reporting both mortality at longest follow-up available (black) and hospital mortality (gray) within summary
estimate of subgroup analyses, overall analyses for the type of noninvasive ventilation (NIV) therapy, and total overall analyses. ARF = acute respiratory
failure, COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, LFU mortality = mortality at longest follow-up available, RR = risk ratio.

survival advantage for NIV treatment was present even when kinds of ARF such as community-acquired pneumonia or
crossover to NIV was allowed for controls suggests that NIV when NIV is used to prevent postoperative or postextubation
used as a rescue treatment is less effective than early NIV ARF (1). Our metaanalysis confirmed the survival benefit of
treatment. In other words, the group using NIV at an ear- NIV for COPD exacerbations and suggested that a late NIV
lier stage maintained its survival advantage even if the stan- application is not useful (Tables 1 and 2).
dard group used NIV later. The presence of a “window of NIV effect on survival in asthma is difficult to evaluate since
opportunity” was previously hypothesized by other authors mortality is uncommon in this setting, and no death occurred in
(1, 14) and for different etiologies of ARF, such as COPD the three RCTs that were included in the present metaanalysis.
(Supplemental reference 57 is available in the supplemental Larger trials on asthma are required.
data, Supplemental Digital Content 1, The largest RCT ever performed, the Three Interventions
CCM/B159) or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in Cardiogenic Pulmonary Oedema trial (17), did not find a
(Supplemental reference 77 is available in the supplemental significant survival benefit for NIV. However, two subsequent
data, Supplemental Digital Content 1, metaanalyses on NIV in APE (18, 19), both including the 3CPO
CCM/B159). trial, concluded that NIV improved survival. The efficacy of
In COPD exacerbations, NIV almost halves mortality when NIV in APE has been widely evaluated. In this setting, beside
compared to standard treatment, and it is currently recom- avoiding the complications associated with tracheal intuba-
mended as a first-line therapy (2, 3, 15, 16). COPD patients tion and improving lung volumes and work of breathing, NIV
are good responders to NIV even when they suffer from other offers other advantages, including reduced cardiac preload and

884 April 2015 • Volume 43 • Number 4

Review Articles

Table 2. Effects of Noninvasive Ventilation on Hospital Mortality With Subanalyses

Performed in Different Settings
Purpose of Number p for No Crosso-
Treatment and Events/ Events/ Relative Risk p for Needed to Heterogeneity, vera p (No. of Crossovera p
Disease Cases Controls [95% CI] Effect Treat I2 (%) Patients) (No. of Patients)

Treatment 181/1,619 292/1,558 0.64 < 0.001 13 0.53 (0) < 0.001 0.007 (1,566)
[0.54–0.75] (1,611)
Chronic obstructive 35/520 68/525 0.56 0.003 16 0.74 (0) 0.06 (254) 0.01 (791)
pulmonary [0.38–0.82]
Asthma 0/43 0/92 — — —
Acute pulmonary 48/501 70/446 0.64 0.01 16 0.67 (0) 0.003 (651) 0.66 (296)
edema [0.45–0.90]
 Out of hospital 9/135 10/131 0.87 0.69 0.75 (0) — —
ARF 76/367 118/368 0.63 0.005 9 0.15 (29) 0.002 (337) 0.11 (398)b
 NIV vs 20/88 37/92 0.59 0.02 6 0.46 (0) — 0.05 (128)
 endotracheal [0.37–0.92]
Treatment of 12/42 13/42 — — —
Treatment of 10/149 23/148 0.51 0.02 11 0.45 (0) 0.02 (297) —
postoperative ARF [0.28–0.92]
Prevention 31/403 44/419 0.70 0.10 0.43 (0) 0.90 (425)b 0.11 (397)
Prevention of 25/201 43/204 0.63 0.04 12 0.62 (0) 0.30 (137)b 0.10 (268)
postextubation [0.40–0.99]
 High-risk patients 25/181 39/184 0.66 0.07 0.86 (0) — 0.10 (268)
 Unselected 0/20 4/20 — — —
Prevention of 6/202 1/215 2.98 0.20 0.56 (0) 0.11 (288) —
postoperative [0.55–16.12]
 Lung surgery 1/40 0/44 — — —
NIV used to 28/171 40/245 0.89 0.76 b
0.09 (51) — —
facilitate an earlier [0.41–1.92]
 Failed T-piece 25/114 30/192 1.45 0.12 0.28 (21) — —
trial [0.91–2.31]
Overall 240/2,193 376/2,222 0.69 < 0.001 17 0.2 (14) < 0.001 0.002 (1,963)
[0.60–0.80] (2,452)
ARF = acute respiratory failure, NIV = noninvasive ventilation.
Subanalyses according to trials with or without crossover between study groups after reaching failure criteria.
Random effects method.
Dashes indicate not applicable due to total zero events or data deriving from one study only.

afterload (20). The lack of efficacy on mortality in the 3CPO supplemental data, Supplemental Digital Content 1, http://
trial was attributed to a low severity of patients and to the high In the present metaanalysis, NIV
rate of crossover from oxygen therapy to NIV in the control was associated with an improved survival, but the benefit was
group (Supplemental references 69 and 70 are available in the not confirmed in trials allowing crossover, with NIV used as

Critical Care Medicine 885

Cabrini et al

(Supplemental references 52 and 65 are available in the supple-

mental data, Supplemental Digital Content 1, http://links.lww.
com/CCM/B159). NIV did not reduce mortality when applied
to prevent postoperative ARF; the analyzed RCTs were per-
formed in obese patients or after cardiac, thoracic, or vascular
surgeries (Supplemental references 1, 7, 9, 23, 45, 56, 74, and 78
are available in the supplemental data, Supplemental Digital
Content 1, Only one trial
evaluated NIV during upper endoscopy and reported mortal-
ity data (Supplemental reference 11 is available in the supple-
mental data, Supplemental Digital Content 1, http://links.lww.
com/CCM/B159); even if high-quality data on NIV efficacy
during upper endoscopies are limited, the technique appears
quite promising (25). The same might be true for intraopera-
tive NIV applications (26).
NIV was applied in the liberation process from mechani-
Figure 2. Funnel plot for the risk of mortality at longest follow-up avail-
able, by type of noninvasive ventilation therapy. RR = risk ratio. cal ventilation with different aims (23, 24, 27). The present
metaanalysis suggests that NIV applied to facilitate an earlier
rescue treatment (Tables 1 and 2). This finding, together with a extubation has no impact on survival: one previous metaanal-
lack of survival benefit in trials applying NIV at the prehospital ysis including few RCTs reported the same result (23), whereas
stage (Supplemental references 29, 59, and 72 are available in a recent one with less stringent exclusion criteria found NIV
the supplemental data, Supplemental Digital Content 1, http:// to be associated with mortality reduction, mainly in patients, might indicate that in APE an with COPD (27). It should be noted that in patients extubated
early application of NIV is not fundamental. Further research despite one or more failed T-piece trials or even before reach-
focusing on best timing for NIV treatment in APE is required. ing the stage in which a T-piece trial is commonly attempted,
Eighteen trials included patients with ARF of various eti- an increased mortality rate could be expected in the NIV group.
ologies (including but not limited to COPD, APE, pneumonia, The fact that survival was not different might indicate that NIV
asthma, pulmonary embolism, and trauma). The settings were could be safely applied to obtain other positive outcomes, such
heterogeneous, including also immunocompromised patients as reduced ICU length of stay.
and prehospital acute care. NIV resulted effective in reducing Our metaanalysis presents strengths and limitations. All
mortality also in this mixed population and even in a subgroup analyzed articles were randomized and published in peer-
of three trials including patients with severe ARF in which NIV reviewed journals, and the methodology was clearly reported
was compared to tracheal intubation. Nonetheless, it is impor- and NIV was always compared to other treatments different
tant to underline that caution should be exercised when severe from NIV. This is the largest metaanalysis on NIV so far. The
ARF is present, as in severe ARDS where a failure rate up to elevated number of included trials allowed confirming the
80% was reported (1, 21), with 100% of NIV failure in patients beneficial effect of NIV on mortality in different settings. We
with ARDS presenting with shock (2). Furthermore, the het- also divided studies allowing or avoiding crossover between
erogeneity of the populations in these studies makes their find- cases and controls, documenting that the effect of NIV on
ings less informative. Our analysis on trials allowing crossover survival is present (or higher) when it is applied at an early
confirms that an early application in this setting is warranted stage compared to its use as rescue treatment. However, we
(Tables 1 and 2). did not evaluate and analyze other potential relevant ben-
Only two RCTs evaluated NIV to treat established postex- efits such as avoidance of nosocomial infections, reduction
tubation ARF in the ICU (Supplemental references 22 and 37 in ICU length of stay, and lower hospital costs. The major
are available in the supplemental data, Supplemental Digital limitation of our study is the heterogeneity of the studies
Content 1, The present with respect to inclusion and exclusion criteria, NIV tech-
metaanalysis confirms previous studies (22–24) concluding niques, and severity of patients. This is a common limitation
that NIV does not improve survival in this setting. On the con- for large metaanalyses. Nonetheless, it is worth noticing that
trary, we observed a significant reduction of mortality when the effect of NIV on survival was confirmed in several sub-
NIV was used to treat postoperative ARF. groups and sensitivity analyses. Since in most cases mortality
A significant reduction in mortality was found when NIV data were not reported separately for hypoxemic, hyper-
was applied after extubation in ICU to prevent ARF. The ben- capnic, or mixed ARF, an analysis focused on this clinically
efit was present in all the RCTs evaluating patients at high risk relevant aspect was not possible. Another limitation is repre-
for postextubation failure (Supplemental references 24, 27, sented by the controlled condition in which the studies were
and 51 are available in the supplemental data, Supplemental performed in contrast to daily practice (28). Furthermore,
Digital Content 1, while individual experience with NIV is one of the most impor-
controversial results were observed in unselected populations tant determinants of NIV effectiveness and the benefit on

886 April 2015 • Volume 43 • Number 4

Review Articles

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The findings of our metaanalysis have at least two relevant 11. Liberati A, Altman DG, Tetzlaff J, et al: The PRISMA statement for
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ing the postoperative period (30, 31); since NIV is relatively bility trial. Lancet Oncol 2013; 14:219–227
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worldwide (32). In particular, NIV appears greatly underuti- lation in patients having declined tracheal intubation. Intensive Care
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APPENDIX 1. PubMed Research Query OR (clinical trial[tw] OR ((singl*[tw] OR doubl*[tw] OR

(NIV[tiab] OR “non-invasive ventilation”[tiab] OR “noninva- trebl*[tw] OR tripl*[tw]) AND (mask*[tw] OR blind[tw]))
sive ventilation”[tiab] OR “Noninvasive Ventilation”[Mesh]) OR (latin square[tw]) OR placebos[mh] OR placebo*[tw]
AND (randomized controlled trial[pt] OR controlled clinical OR random*[tw] OR research design[mh:noexp] OR fol-
trial[pt] OR randomized controlled trials[mh] OR random low-up studies[mh] OR prospective studies[mh] OR cross-
allocation[mh] OR double-blind method[mh] OR single- over studies[mh] OR control*[tw] OR prospectiv*[tw] OR
blind method[mh] OR clinical trial[pt] OR clinical trials[mh] volunteer*[tw]))) NOT (animal[mh] NOT human[mh])

888 April 2015 • Volume 43 • Number 4

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