Lesson 32

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Lesson 32

1. The mother was panicking because even though she asked her children to see to it if the
door is locked but none of them heard her and they left without double checking.
2. When she stepped into the room, because the judges could feel her natural and
youthful exuberance, they casted her right away on the spot.
3. There is apparent evidence that most multi-billion company take advantage of
loopholes in the law, that is why the government should act to curb tax evasion.
4. One of his interests is playing the guitar and painting, so we should find ways to
incorporate that into the play of setting up his surprise birthday party.
5. It is clear that the employee doesn’t have a head for financial problems, fortunately, her
teammate can help her with that, they bring out the best in the team.
6. The volunteers are currently scrubbing the floors and walls in an abandoned,
uninhabited houses for the orphanage to live in and adopt orphans.
7. The group of college students are going to let off steam after the final exams by planning
a small trip to a small town near the coast on a budget.
8. The singer was full of adulation for the famous popstar and was a big inspiration to her,
so she freaked out when she got to meet the popstar at an award show.
9. Every writer draws heavily on their personal experiences on the book their writing, it is
easier to be personal and vulnerable when you are not talking face-to-face to someone.
10. The celebrity admitted that the mistake she made on tour was so embarrassing that she
will never be able to forget and never be able to live it down all by herself.
11. I got a buzz out of taking up pottery in the pandemic for a while, but I have to give it up
now because it is quite a time-consuming hobby to pursue in the long-term.
12. Although the passing of time is inevitable, some people like to erase or delay the signs
of aging by doing surgery and buying many kinds of cosmetics.
13. The residents in the area near the coast are planning on suing the foreign company for
planting an oil rig illegally, it affected the marine life in the area quite a lot.
14. The project has many problems, they all boil down to a lack of money, to solve this, we
can create many advertisements to appeal to big companies, then we could get our
15. To get salt, the instructions told us to boil salty water down, making the water
evaporate, leaving only the salt left in the small pot.
16. The mistake she made on stage that one time severely dented her self-confidence, she
never dared to step on stage or put on a performance in front of a crowd ever again.
17. The police officers chased the two criminals, catching them in their act, unfortunately,
they successfully made their getaway because they stole a car from an innocent driver.
18. Although she comes off like a bit of an apathetic person at first, she is just naturally an
unapologetic person but in no way is her personality tactless.
19. While looking back at my old pictures in school, I can’t help but wonder sometimes what
my old middle school classmates are doing in life and if they are still alive.
20. Most students seek approval from their teachers because of the misconception that
lecturers like pupils that are perfect and neat.
21. I said goodbye to a local I met on my trip because I thought I could see myself out of the
theme park, turns out, I spent another hour just looking at the directions, trying to
22. It was clear at first glance that the two employees have it in for, no one knows the
reason why, the fact that they hate each other is just painfully apparent.
23. The volcanic eruption devastated the area, the ashes made the air more toxic and lava
seeped into the ocean, killing marine life the deeper it floods.
24. After the difficult and complicated boarding process, waiting for the delayed airplane
and flying many hours non-stop, they were anything but energetic and starving.
25. His friends invited him to go on a long walk, but he told them that he has got his
reserves of stamina to complete the marathon.
26. In aid of the volcanic disaster that happened in the country, the award-winning
Olympians decided to go for a charity drive to raise money to send food and supplies to
people who are affected in the situation.
27. It is important for us to follow the instructions by the book, the lab crystals would only
grow if the measurements involved are precise and accurate.
28. Because of the injury she got when riding a motorbike, she had to take a month of work
to recover and start to learn how to walk again.
29. In favor of mass public transit, the documentary set out to convince people to give up
private cars and opt for electrically powered ones or use vehicles that have a lower
carbon footprint.
30. My parents tried to bring me out of my shell in my teenage years since I was such a shy
and anti-social kid, but thankfully I warmed up to interacting with other people in my
adult years.
31. One of the aims of the theater club is to promote children’s self-esteem, surprisingly, it
did work, many children reported feeling more confident after joining the club.
32. The children’s therapist advised parents to never enthusiastically praise little kids for the
most minor achievements, let them know you are proud of them but don’t go
33. On the opposite of the spectrum, some teenagers are extreme extroverts and feed on
social interactions, these teens need frequent re-charging or else interactions might be
too tiring for them.
34. Many scientists spend years researching and performing experiments, but only a small
number of them are able to make a breakthrough in the industry, even if they are able
to, they can never outdo their biggest achievements.
35. The therapists then went on to explain why trying hard to fix your offspring’s failures
can be toxic, children need to experience failure to learn and grow.
36. Many children who have been praised for everything they have done most time feel
alienated when they come into the real world, as they don’t get complimented for doing
the bare minimum.
37. After the last few years, experiencing a global pandemic, living through historic events,
it is going to be hard to predict what will hold in store for us, or humanity in general.
38. She found out after many years that emulating pop stars and footballers, won’t help her
reach the top in the face of ruthless competition, it will only make her feel burnt out and
39. It is important to teach children to learn how to cope with failure and turn it into their
advantage, since failing is inevitable, we might as well make it beneficial.
40. Many people like to use exceptionally successful entrepreneurs as inspiration, who
never academically outshone their classmates, some even underperformed in school.
41. Countries affected by colonialism, who struggle to recover because of their disaster-
stricken and war-torn areas never receiver or has received little help from the countries
who has colonized them.
42. Urban regeneration is a plan the government is intending on doing, it involves extending
the district to several medium sized towns and suburbs, which will open up more jobs
for the local people.
43. The marriage therapist was not a stranger with marriages having extramarital affairs,
she advised the couple to not lose hope when fixing their problems.
44. Believe it or not, there is a huge group of scientists and researchers that are determined
to use science to answer imponderables in life like why do we dream? Or why are we
45. Full-time students in college who don’t have enough money to pay for college either
work in public sectors to earn money and pay for it while they are still studying or they
apply for a non-repayable program and save up to pay for it all at once.
46. Because her art pieces are usually heavily criticized by professors in her college, she was
not surprised when critics gave her a real ticking-off when displayed in the gallery.
47. Everyone who is on social networks have recently witnessed the resurgence of culture,
which most have thought of to be a beneficial and advantageous thing.
48. Most of the people criticizing the celebrity poured scorn on him, they usually hate or
insult him in the process but it is important to hold people accountable and not degrade
them at the same time
49. Scientists have found in their surveys that people most times think of eternal love as
romantic and never occurring in platonic relationships, but that is far from the truth.
50. In the book as well as in real life, we could clearly see the indissoluble bond they have
with their life partner.
51. The reason why my grandparents are still alive and well is because they take good
precautions against illnesses, keeping the brain active is a good activity to prevent brain
52. It was clear that the bandmates reveled in their time making music, it is such a shame
they got screwed over by their record label, they have no choice but to disband.
53. The institute, which is funded by the government, has been quite successful at finding
remedies and solutions to fight off the onset of senile dementia, a worrying condition.
54. The gymnast is so good at her job that many of the exercises she did were named after
her, most of them are recently added to the list of gymnastics exercises.
55. It might not seem important now, but it is crucial to increase mental efficiency
throughout and learning a second language can help offset the mental decline in mental
processes as a person age.
56. The beautician hopes that she can bring relief to those who fear the consequences of
aging, that is why she declined promoting a type of anti-aging cream.
57. The therapist says that surprisingly that regular exercises do wonders for your outlook
on life, it can make you feel substantially more positive and happy.
58. The celebrity never consented to being interviewed, so it was quite disrespectful for
those paparazzi to keep asking questions about her personal life.
59. It was incredibly clear that the criminal felt no remorse for the crimes he did, he was
even smiling in court when the jury announced his final verdict.
60. Many of her friends had to drop out of college because they never had enough money
to pay for the tuition, some even having service jobs, it is rare to get exempted from the
61. Although the film made by that director was deluged with bad criticism and complaints,
there were also an abundance of people liking it.
62. The interior designer’s most famous designs are special to rule out hooliganism.
63. Because she had to stay home due to a leg injury, she had a lot of work in school to
catch up on.
64. There was such a big outcry over the controversy that some people even showed up at
the criminal’s house to clamor it over.

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