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Article 1156: Defines an obligation as a legal necessity to Article 1172: States that responsibility arising from

either give, do, or refrain from doing something. negligence may be regulated by the courts according to
Article 1157: Lists the sources from which obligations arise,
including laws, contracts, quasi-contracts, acts or omissions Article 1173: Defines fault or negligence of the obligor and
punished by law, and quasi-delicts. outlines corresponding provisions when negligence shows
bad faith.
Article 1158: States that obligations derived from law are not
presumed, and only those expressly determined by the law Article 1174: Specifies cases where a person is not
or special laws are demandable. Unforeseen obligations are responsible for events that could not be foreseen or were
regulated by the provisions of the Civil Code. inevitable, unless otherwise stated by law or agreement.

Article 1159: Asserts that obligations arising from contracts Article 1175: Specifies that usurious transactions shall be
are binding between parties and must be fulfilled in good governed by special laws.
Article 1176: Establishes presumptions regarding the
Article 1160: Declares that obligations from quasi-contracts payment of interest and installments in debt obligations.
are governed by specific provisions outlined in the Civil Code.
Article 1177: Grants creditors the right to pursue the
Article 1161: Governs civil obligations arising from criminal property of the debtor to satisfy their claims and impugn
offenses, subject to penal laws and relevant provisions fraudulent acts by the debtor.
regulating damages.
Article 1178: States that rights acquired in virtue of an
Article 1162: Addresses obligations derived from quasi-delicts obligation are generally transferrable, unless stipulated
and their governance by specific laws. otherwise.

Article 1163: Imposes the duty to take care of something with Article 1179: Defines demandable obligations and discusses
the diligence of a good father of a family, unless otherwise resolutory conditions.
required by law or stipulated by the parties.
Article 1180: Addresses obligations where payment depends
Article 1164: Grants the creditor the right to the fruits of the on the debtor's financial capacity.
thing from the time the obligation to deliver it arises.
Article 1181: Describes the effects of conditional obligations,
Article 1165: Allows the creditor to compel the debtor to with rights and obligations depending on the occurrence of
deliver a determinate thing and outlines the consequences specific events.
for delays or promises made to multiple parties.
Article 1182: Declares the voidness of conditional obligations
Article 1166: Specifies that the obligation to give a dependent solely on the debtor's will and outlines provisions
determinate thing includes delivering all its accessions and for those dependent on chance or the will of a third person.
accessories, even if not explicitly mentioned.
Article 1183: Discusses the nullity of impossible, unlawful, or
Article 1167: States that if a person obligated to do prohibited conditions in obligations.
something fails to do it, the task shall be executed at their
expense. The same applies if they do it against the terms of Article 1184: States that conditions dependent on a specific
the obligation. event's occurrence extinguish the obligation upon fulfillment
or when it becomes certain the event won't occur.
Article 1168: States that if the obligation consists of not doing
something, and the obligor does it anyway, they must undo it Article 1185: Addresses conditions where an event is not
at their expense. supposed to happen, and their effects on obligations.

Article 1169: Discusses when delay in fulfilling obligations Article 1186: Declares conditions fulfilled if the obligor
begins and under what circumstances demand by the prevents their fulfillment.
creditor is unnecessary.
Article 1187: Discusses the retroactive effects of conditional
Article 1170: Holds individuals accountable for fraud, obligations once fulfilled and provisions for reciprocal
negligence, or delay in fulfilling their obligations, making prestations.
them liable for damages.
Article 1188: Grants creditors the right to take actions to
Article 1171: Affirms that responsibility arising from fraud is preserve their rights before the fulfillment of conditions and
demandable in all obligations, and any waiver of action for provides for the recovery of payments made in case of
future fraud is void. suspensive conditions.
Article 1189: Discusses the effects of conditions on Article 1205: Outlines procedures for alternative obligations
obligations to give and provides rules for cases of when the choice is given to the creditor, specifying rights and
improvement, loss, or deterioration of the thing during the liabilities of the parties.
condition's pendency.
Article 1206: Discusses facultative obligations and the liability
Article 1190: Specifies rules for the return of what has been of the obligor in the event of loss or deterioration of the
received in obligations with extinguishing conditions and substitute.
provisions for obligations to do and not to do.
Article 1207: Explains that the concurrence of multiple
Article 1191: Establishes the power to rescind reciprocal creditors or debtors in one obligation doesn't imply each
obligations in case of non-compliance, with options for the creditor's right to demand or each debtor's obligation to
injured party to choose between fulfillment and rescission. render entire compliance. Solidary liability exists only when
expressly stated or required by law.
Article 1192: Addresses cases where both parties breach an
obligation and outlines the court's discretion in such Article 1208: Presumes the division of credit or debt into
situations. shares when not otherwise specified, subject to the Rules of
Court governing multiplicity of suits.
Article 1193: Discusses pure and conditional obligations and
their demandability based on future or uncertain events. Article 1209: Specifies rules for cases where division of the
obligation is impossible, ensuring the rights of creditors
Article 1194: Specifies rules for loss, deterioration, or aren't prejudiced by one debtor's insolvency.
improvement of the thing before the fulfillment of
obligations with a determinate period. Article 1210: Clarifies that indivisibility of an obligation
doesn't necessarily imply solidarity, and solidarity doesn't
Article 1195: Allows recovery of payments made before the inherently imply indivisibility.
fulfillment period by the obligor unaware of the period or
believing the obligation is due. Article 1211: Affirms that solidarity may exist even if creditors
and debtors are bound differently regarding periods and
Article 1196: Presumes a period is established for the benefit conditions.
of both parties unless specified otherwise, with courts
empowered to fix durations if not determined. Article 1212: Grants each solidary creditor the right to
perform acts beneficial to others but prohibits actions
Article 1197: Outlines cases where the debtor loses the right detrimental to them.
to use the period, including insolvency, failure to provide
promised guarantees, or violation of undertakings. Article 1213: States that a solidary creditor cannot assign
rights without consent from others.
Article 1198: Specifies instances where the debtor loses the
right to use the period and outlines situations where the Article 1214: Allows the debtor to pay any solidary creditor,
creditor may enforce the penalty. with a demand for payment by one creditor being sufficient.

Article 1199: States that a person alternatively bound by Article 1215: Discusses the effects of novation, compensation,
different prestations must completely perform one of them, confusion, or remission of debt in solidary obligations, noting
and the creditor cannot demand partial compliance with both. the extinguishment of the obligation and the liability of the
party executing such acts.
Article 1200: Grants the right of choice to the debtor in
alternative obligations, except in cases of impossibility, Article 1216: Grants the creditor the right to proceed against
unlawfulness, or inability to be the object of the obligation. any solidary debtor individually or collectively and clarifies
the rights of a solidary debtor in such actions.
Article 1201: Declares that the choice of prestations in
alternative obligations takes effect only when communicated. Article 1217: States that payment by a solidary debtor
extinguishes the obligation, allowing the creditor to choose
Article 1202: Specifies conditions under which the debtor from multiple offers of payment.
loses the right of choice in alternative obligations.
Article 1203: Grants the debtor the right to rescind the Article 1218: Specifies conditions under which a solidary
contract if creditor actions prevent the debtor from debtor is not entitled to reimbursement from co-debtors
exercising their right of choice. after making payment.

Article 1204: Grants the creditor indemnity for damages in Article 1219: Notes that the remission of a share of debt by a
case of loss of all alternatives in alternative obligations due to creditor does not release the debtor from responsibility to
debtor fault. co-debtors if the debt was fully paid before the remission.
Article 1220: Explains that the remission of the entire been substantially performed in good faith, with the
obligation does not entitle a solidary debtor to exception of damages suffered by the obligee.
reimbursement from co-debtors.
Article 1235: States that if the obligee accepts incomplete or
Article 1221: Discusses liability in cases where the object of irregular performance without protest or objection, the
obligation is lost or becomes impossible, distinguishing obligation is considered fully complied with.
between fault and fortuitous events.
Article 1236: Specifies that the creditor is not obligated to
Article 1222: Grants solidary debtors the right to avail accept payment or performance from a third party unless
themselves of defenses derived from the nature of the there's an agreement otherwise. However, if someone pays
obligation and personal to them in actions filed by the on behalf of the debtor without their knowledge or against
creditor. their will, they can only recover to the extent that the
payment benefited the debtor.
Article 1223: Specifies that the divisibility or indivisibility of
objects in obligations with a single debtor and creditor Article 1237: Declares that if someone pays on behalf of the
doesn't modify previous provisions. debtor without their knowledge or against their will, they
cannot compel the creditor to transfer rights such as those
Article 1224: Discusses indemnity for damages in joint from a mortgage or guarantee.
indivisible obligations when one debtor fails to comply,
ensuring that debtors ready to fulfill their promises don't Article 1238: States that if a third person makes a payment
contribute to indemnity beyond their portion. without expecting reimbursement from the debtor, it's
considered a donation. However, if the creditor accepts the
Article 1225: Defines when obligations are deemed indivisible payment, it's valid regardless.
or divisible based on their nature, with indivisibility indicated
by law or the parties' intention. Article 1239: Specifies that payment made by someone who
doesn't have the right to dispose of the thing due or capacity
Article 1226: Addresses obligations with penal clauses, noting to alienate it is not valid in obligations to give, except as
that the penalty substitutes indemnity for damages and provided for in Article 1427.
payment of interests in case of noncompliance, subject to
stipulations. Article 1240: Dictates that payment must be made to the
person in whose favor the obligation was constituted or their
Article 1227: Clarifies the debtor's inability to exempt authorized representative.
themselves from obligations by paying the penalty, except
when expressly reserved, and the creditor's inability to Article 1241: States conditions under which payment to an
demand both fulfillment and penalty satisfaction incapacitated person or a third party is considered valid,
simultaneously. including if it benefited the creditor or if the third party later
acquires the creditor's rights.
Article 1228: States that proof of actual damages is
unnecessary for demanding penalties. Article 1242: Declares that payment made in good faith to
any person possessing the credit releases the debtor.
Article 1229: Allows judges to equitably reduce penalties
when the principal obligation is partly complied with or the Article 1243: Specifies that payment made by the debtor
penalty is deemed iniquitous. after being judicially ordered to retain the debt is not valid.

Article 1230: Discusses the nullity of penal clauses and Article 1244: Asserts that a debtor cannot compel a creditor
principal obligations, noting their interdependence. to accept a different thing or act, except in certain
Article 1231: Enumerates various ways obligations are
extinguished, including payment or performance, loss of the Article 1245: Refers to "Dation in payment," which is when
thing due, condonation or remission of the debt, confusion or property is given to the creditor in satisfaction of a debt. It
merger of rights, compensation, and novation. states that this process is governed by the law of sales.

Article 1232: Defines payment as not only the delivery of Article 1246: Deals with obligations involving the delivery of
money but also the performance of an obligation in any other an indeterminate or generic thing. It specifies that the
manner. creditor cannot demand a thing of superior quality, nor can
the debtor deliver a thing of inferior quality, considering the
Article 1233: States that a debt is not considered paid unless purpose of the obligation and other circumstances.
the thing or service in which the obligation consists has been Article 1247: Addresses the allocation of extrajudicial
completely delivered or rendered. expenses required for payment, stating they are the debtor's
responsibility unless otherwise stipulated.
Article 1234: Allows the obligor to recover as if there had
been strict and complete fulfillment if the obligation has Article 1248: States that unless there's an explicit agreement
otherwise, the creditor cannot be compelled to receive
partial payments, nor can the debtor be required to make Article 1258: Specifies that consignation is made by
partial payments. However, there are exceptions when part depositing the things due at the disposal of judicial authority
of the debt is liquidated and part unliquidated. and notifying interested parties.

Article 1249: Covers the currency in which debts must be Article 1259: States that the expenses of consignation, when
paid, stipulating that it should be as agreed upon. If not properly made, are charged against the creditor.
possible, payment should be made in the legal tender of the
Philippines. It also addresses the effects of delivering Article 1260: Once consignation is duly made, the debtor may
promissory notes or bills of exchange. request the judge to order the cancellation of the obligation.
However, before the creditor accepts the consignation or a
Article 1250: Specifies the place of payment as designated in judicial declaration confirms it, the debtor can withdraw the
the obligation. If there's no explicit stipulation, payment deposited thing or sum, leaving the obligation in force.
should be made where the thing was at the time the
obligation was constituted, or at the debtor's domicile if Article 1261: If the creditor authorizes the debtor to
unspecified. withdraw the consigned amount, the creditor loses any
preference over the thing consigned. Co-debtors, guarantors,
Article 1251: Outlines the rules regarding the place of and sureties are released.
payment. It states that payment should be made where
designated in the obligation. If not specified, it should be SECTION 2. Loss of the Thing Due (Articles 1262 to 1268):
made where the thing was at the time of obligation or at the
debtor's domicile if unspecified. However, if the debtor Article 1262: States that an obligation to deliver a specific
changes domicile in bad faith or after incurring delay, thing is extinguished if it's lost or destroyed without the
additional expenses are borne by the debtor. debtor's fault and before any delay. If the obligor is liable for
fortuitous events, or if the nature of the obligation assumes
SUBSECTION 1. Application of Payments (Articles 1252 to risk, the loss doesn't extinguish the obligation.
Article 1263: Specifies that in obligations to deliver a generic
Article 1252: Allows a debtor with various debts of the same thing, the loss or destruction of anything of the same kind
kind to declare, at the time of payment, to which debt the doesn't extinguish the obligation.
payment must be applied.
Article 1264: Empowers courts to determine if partial loss of
Article 1253: Specifies that if a debt produces interest, the object extinguishes the obligation.
payment of the principal is not considered made until the
interest is covered. Article 1265: Presumes that if a thing is lost while in the
debtor's possession, it's due to their fault unless proven
Article 1254: Addresses situations where payment cannot be otherwise, except in cases of natural calamities.
applied according to previous rules or inferred from
circumstances. It states that the most burdensome debt Article 1266: Releases the debtor if the obligation becomes
among those due will be deemed satisfied, or if equal, legally or physically impossible without their fault.
payment will be applied proportionately to all debts.
Article 1267: Allows the obligor to be released if the service
SUBSECTION 2. Payment by Cession (Article 1255) becomes exceptionally difficult beyond the parties'
This article discusses the debtor's option to cede or assign contemplation.
their property to their creditors in payment of their debts.
Such a cession only releases the debtor from responsibility Article 1268: Clarifies that if the debt arises from a criminal
for the net proceeds of the property assigned. Agreements offense, the debtor remains liable for its price unless the
between the debtor and creditors regarding the effects of the person who should receive the thing refuses it without
cession are governed by special laws. justification after the debtor offers it.

SUBSECTION 3. Tender of Payment and Consignation (Articles SECTION 3. Condonation or Remission of the Debt (Articles
1256 to 1259) 1270 to 1274):
Article 1256: States that if a creditor refuses, without just
cause, to accept payment tendered by the debtor, the latter Article 1270: Explains that condonation or remission is
can be released from responsibility by consigning the thing or essentially gratuitous and requires the obligor's acceptance.
sum due. It can be made expressly or impliedly, subject to the rules
governing inofficious donations.
Article 1257: Requires the debtor to announce the
consignation to interested parties for it to release them from Article 1271: Specifies that the delivery of a private
obligation, and it must be made strictly in accordance with document evidencing a credit to the debtor implies
payment provisions. renunciation of the creditor's action against them, unless
proved otherwise.
Article 1272: Presumes voluntary delivery of a private Article 1287: Specifies situations where compensation is not
document if found in the debtor's possession, unless proven proper, such as in obligations arising from a depositum or
otherwise. from civil liability arising from a penal offense.

Article 1273: States that renunciation of the principal debt Article 1288: Prohibits compensation when one of the debts
extinguishes accessory obligations, but waiver of the latter consists of civil liability arising from a penal offense.
leaves the former in force.
Article 1289: Establishes rules for the order of compensation
Article 1274: Presumes remission of the accessory obligation when a person has several debts that are susceptible to
of pledge if the thing pledged is found in the debtor's compensation.
possession or that of a third person who owns it.
Article 1290: Affirms that compensation takes effect by
SECTION 4. Confusion or Merger of Rights (Articles 1275 to operation of law, even if the parties are not aware of it.
SECTION 6. Novation (Articles 1291 to 1304):
Article 1275: States that the obligation is extinguished when
the roles of creditor and debtor merge in the same person. Article 1291: Lists the ways in which obligations may be
modified, including changing the object or principal
Article 1276: Explains that merger benefiting the guarantors conditions, substituting the person of the debtor, or
occurs when the principal debtor or creditor merge, but subrogating a third person in the rights of the creditor.
confusion in the guarantor's person does not extinguish the
obligation. Article 1292: Specifies the requirements for novation to
extinguish an obligation, including unequivocal declaration or
Article 1277: Specifies that confusion does not extinguish a incompatibility between the old and new obligations.
joint obligation except regarding the share corresponding to
the creditor or debtor in whom the two roles coincide. Article 1293: Allows novation by substituting a new debtor,
even without the knowledge or against the will of the original
SECTION 5. Compensation (Articles 1278 to 1290): debtor, but with the consent of the creditor.

Article 1278: Defines compensation as the offsetting of debts Article 1294: Protects the original debtor from liability if the
between two persons who are creditors and debtors of each substitution of a new debtor occurs without their knowledge
other. or against their will.

Article 1279: Specifies the requirements for proper Article 1295: Addresses the effect of the new debtor's
compensation, including that both debts must be due, insolvency on the original debtor's liability, depending on
liquidated, and demandable. whether the insolvency was existing and of public knowledge.

Article 1280: Allows the guarantor to set up compensation Article 1296: States that accessory obligations may subsist
regarding what the creditor may owe the principal debtor. after novation only to the extent that they benefit third
persons who did not give their consent.
Article 1281: Differentiates between total and partial
compensation, with total compensation occurring when the Article 1297: Specifies that if the new obligation is void, the
debts are of the same amount. original one shall subsist unless the parties intended

Article 1282: Permits parties to agree on compensating debts Article 1298: Determines the validity of novation in cases
that are not yet due. where the original obligation was void, considering whether
annulment may be claimed by the debtor or if ratification
Article 1283: Grants the debtor the ability to set off a claim validates voidable acts.
for damages against the creditor in a suit over an obligation.
Article 1299: Establishes that if the original obligation was
Article 1284: Allows for compensation even if one or both subject to a condition, the new obligation shall be under the
debts are rescissible or voidable, as long as they are not yet same condition unless otherwise stipulated.
judicially rescinded or avoided.
Article 1300: Distinguishes between legal and conventional
Article 1285: Addresses the compensation of debts in the subrogation of a third person in the rights of the creditor,
context of an assignment of rights made by a creditor to a requiring clear establishment for conventional subrogation.
third person.
Article 1301: Specifies that conventional subrogation requires
Article 1286: States that compensation occurs by operation the consent of the original parties and the third person.
of law, with an indemnity for expenses of exchange or
transportation to the place of payment.
Article 1302: Presumes legal subrogation in certain cases,
such as when a creditor pays another creditor who is
preferred, even without the debtor's knowledge.

Article 1303: Explains that subrogation transfers to the

persons subrogated the credit with all the rights thereto
appertaining, subject to stipulation in conventional

Article 1304: Allows a creditor, to whom partial payment has

been made, to exercise their right for the remainder, and be
preferred to the person subrogated in their place.

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