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ICD Scoring Training Notes 18 Oct 2023 - Mike Watts


Thanks for coming!

This session is aimed squarely at people who want to timetable or score ICD events. I’d like to assume you already
have a working knowledge of these events and the basics of the scores. It was originally intended to be an
interactive seminar helping people move from the previous Excel spreadsheet version to this app version.

If you do find it’s not the seminar for you, I’m sorry. No problem though. Please email me after letting me know what
you did need and I’ll see if I can put that on.


- about the app

- getting the app

- general navigation and use

- setting up an event (from ICD online system, other)

- timetabling and publishing the timetables

- scoring the three phases

- publishing the results (print, internet)

About the App

The app is for timetabling and scoring horse driving trials competitions.

It’s free. It’s licenced under the MIT licence – the most popular free software licence. That says it’s free and you can
do what you like but I disclaim liability, please don’t sue me.

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2011-2023 Mike Watts

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy

of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal

in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights

to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell

copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is

furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.







It can handle: indoor competitions to ICD rules, but also outdoor to normal outdoor rules (1 day, 2 day 3 day) as well
as Gateway and Certius rules. All the same app, just choose the event type for each event.

All those competition have slightly different formats and other differences like how many penalties per second, how
may penalties per knockdown and so on. The app handles all that for you – for instance today we will select ICD
format events in the app and it will use ICD rules.

We’ve used it quite a lot this season, including on the BYD, Certius and BC championships and BC Gateway
championships as well as the A1Events and Midlands events. I designed it to build on the experience of the Excel
scoring system I’ve been evolving over the last 15 years or so, and to keep it looking the same where possible, so
people used to that don’t have to change too much. The Excel version is still available.

On the other hand I’m still improving it, so issues can arise. Issues can arise in any software. Last year when we were
scoring the indoor championships using the Excel version, Excel crashed on us in mid event. That was an extra reason
for changing to the app.

The Excel version didn’t have much security. Everyone with its login could post events for any club. That worked fine
for 15 years, but the app seems to be going to more people, and last weekend someone accidentally overwrote
someone else’s results with a blank set of scores on the web. I had to recover the proper scores from a backup. For
that reason I have rushed forward the security functions of the app, so users can only post a club or area’s results if
they are logged in to the app and their login has permissions on that club or area.

You can still use the app without logging in at all, you can score and print results, you just can’t post stuff to the
internet, to avoid mistakes. But it’s no big deal logging in, quick to set up an account if you haven’t yet, and you can
leave it logged in without worry, if it’s your own device (not on a library computer – hardly likely…).

Getting the app

You only have to do this once per device. When I say device, I mean a PC or a Mac or a Chromebook or phone or
tablet. Anything running a reasonably modern web browser. You don’t need Excel any more for this.

You can install the app on as many devices as you like – sometimes I like to pick up how it’s going on my phone,
though for serious scoring inputting I prefer a laptop with a keyboard. It’s a personal preference. Suggest: start by
keeping it simple.

Each device you run the scores on will be using its own, local copy. So changes you make on one device won’t show
up on the other device unless you Save the event to the cloud, which we will cover, or set up sharing between
devices which we will cover at the end if people have the energy/desire.
Each device has to run like this since, its own copy, since we can’t rely on all horse venues being connected to the
internet all the time. With the app installed, we can score in remoter locations or if the local internet goes down.

Techies notes: the technical description of this type of app is a PWA, Progressive Web Application. If you Google
that, you can read about the technology.
Secondly, I said you can install it on many devices and each is separate. In addition to that, if you have a device with
more than one web browser, eg Safari and Chrome, you can install it one each browser and those installations are
separate and unlinked. I’m not recommending that except to people who have a specific need, but also to explain
something which could confuse if you installed it on assorted browsers.

If there was anyone who was interested in that, please give me a thumbs up on screen. If not, I’ll scale back my geek
speak. You can approach this very simply but there are also advanced techniques that might suit some.

Here’s how to get the app.

Go to

Click For organisers at the bottom right.

Click the little picture of the app

Now when the app opens for the first time you need to install it to your home page, so you can also use it when you
are NOT on the internet. On Windows you are prompted automatically, after a few seconds, like this:

On Android, you click the three vertical do menu at the top of your browser then Add to Home screen
On Apple devices you click the little add to favorites icon at the top or bottom of your browser then Add to
Home screen

Adding to Home screen installs the app. From then on you run it from that hdtscore icon on the home screen and it
will score also off the internet. You can check this by disconnecting your device from the internet – for example by
putting in in airplane mode, flight mode, and restarting – check your app works. If yours is a venue with no internet,
you don’t want to turn up there and only then find the app doesn’t like it.

Of course while you are actually off the internet, you can’t use the internet functions we’ll come to later; posting
results or event details, saving the event to cloud etc. But the event is saved on your local device, so you can Post
and Save to cloud for safekeeping as soon as you are back on the internet, maybe at home.

Bear in mind the app doesn’t use much internet data to save or to Post results, so if you can connect it to a wireless
hotspot on someone’s phone, you can post through that.

When you have the app installed and come back to it later, you can check it is up to date by clicking About in the
main menu, then Update to get a newer version if available. That’s quite quick.

This shows you which version (Build) of the software you are on,
your logged in id if anyone and Update updates. Also a couple of
id numbers you could give to me if you have technical issues.
How does it all fit together?

We are looking at the scoring system – the yellow box.

You don’t have to use any of the related systems, but if you use them together, it can streamline your work and give
useful info to your competitors – and helpers and friends.

The scoring system optionally gets its entry and event details data from the online entry system.

Once you’ve timetabled your event, you can post the timetable to the Event details display which can be found
through and navigating, or through ICD website Events (or your club website if that’s
configured like ICD.) Once you’ve found the page, you can always share it via Facebook etc.

From the Scoring app you can post the results to the results display system which is
also linked from the ICD website – Results page.

The ICD webpage brings all these together – from the events page people can Enter online and view event details.
From the results page, they can view the results.

In addition, the scoring app automatically saves events locally (you can several and move between them, one is
‘Open’ at a time). For more security, longer term archiving or to share with other scorers, use Events > Save to cloud
which will put the event data in a safe storage on the internet. These cloud copies are just archive – they aren’t
accessible to drivers or visible as result, just archiving/backup.

Event details display looks like:

Which displays timetables like:
General navigation and use

To make the text bigger or smaller, use Ctrl+ or Ctrl-, or Ctrl0 to return to normal. Cmd+,-, 0 on Mac.

Any changes you make automatically save to your local machine as you make them. If you turn it off and on again,
or restart the browser they will still be there.

Please just experiment with the app, look at the different menus and options, explore.

If you want to keep a more permanent record of the event, use Events > Save to cloud. That saves the scoresheet to
a safe place on the web – and you can reopen it later from the same or a different device, or one of your colleagues

To Save to web, you must be logged in:

Please set up your own account if you are likely to be using the system. You’ll find it under Register on the Login

For the purposes of this webinar you can use user password great if you don’t already have your own
Setting up an event

Easiest way: from ICD online entries system. Events > New event > Get ICD UK event details from internet

You can use that even if you don’t use online entries – at least it sets the event type, region, venue and date for you.

Otherwise – Events > New events > Enter details by typing in.

Add drivers
Once your event details are set up you can add more drivers:

Add drivers: use page menu and Insert row, then type in or paste if you have them in a table format in Excel or

Label any who are sharing. Eg if Fred and Chas are sharing, give them both a 1 in Share drsg, and so on.

Event Details
Set cones length. Set cones numbers. Judges and Scorer name


Timetables > Precision and Paces

Click and drag or use Rearrange.

Mins from sharer tells you how far apart people are in minutes if sharing.

Insert Break. You can write over the name Break, eg Group1 Group 2 etc.

When happy and if you have NOT already published numbers, menu Renumber.

Sets the driver numbers in their time order – easier for stewards and drivers.

However, you can use any numbers you like, for example if your drivers have fixed numbers. Just type the driver
numbers in.

The print icon in timetable views takes you to a more driver friendly view of the timetable. Normally Post this info
from here. Press the printer icon again to get to the browser printer if you wish paper output – or print to pdf.

Note at this point you can hide a column so it will not print, by reducing its width to a minimum by dragging the
border of its header. This can be useful if you want to publish an early timetable before you’ve decided on final
driver numbers.

Now publish: Post this info

Goes to Event details page, visible via ICD website or

You can also timetable the other phases. For the obstacles, you have the option to reorder by reverse of driver
scores. You can display just the class times – useful if you want to publish in advance if you know you will reorder
the drivers based on their P&P and cones score.
Scoring the three phases

In some ways the easiest part….

Go to Master view.

Enter precision and paces.

Shows driver name. Select in this box, or get there by clicking driver row when opening.

Keystrokes – just type the numbers. Or, eg 7. For 7.5

..designed to minimise your workload.

Click ? for other penalties. Click one of them.

Apply or Enter key. Note the title bar changes between “Not saved” and Saved as a clue where you are.

The first click of Apply (or Enter key) saves the info to the score sheet. A second press – or any press Apply/Enter key
with saved data – moves on to the next driver successively.

Note that the Driver number will move through the drivers in the order for this phase, eg in P&P it follows the driver
P&P timetable. If you want to move in numerical order, change the driver number directly in the driver box after
you Apply.

This gives you a screen where you can Eliminate, Retire, Withdraw or label hc a driver – or undo any of those. If
eliminating etc, please include a note why – suitable for publication.

With any of these boxes, you can go back to a driver and edit.

Enter cones


Click cone for a ball down, click again if mistakenly clicked and ball wasn’t down.

Time format – you can change how it displays with Options – match your local timer display if any.

However, you can always enter in any format 1 4.56 or 64.56 or 1:4.56 or 1:04.56, as you like.

Please type in the time with two decimal paces as displayed on the timer or stopwatch and let the app work out the
penalties. I.e. please don’t round the input to whole seconds.

Obstacles – much the same as cones. Use 2 decimal places of time. Add a note if an error:

EC uncorrected error of course eg EC missed E Obs3

CEC corrected error of course

Publishing the results.

I recommend posting to the internet frequently as you go along. The little cloud icon top left.

Occasionally, Events > Save to cloud as an extra backup.

At the end of the event, ideally go into Event Details, unclick Provisional and then do one last Post from Master. That
removes the Provisional label on the displayed results on the internet. Also Save to cloud, for archive.

It’s always good also to supply the results printed out on a noticeboard. Inclusive of non phone freaks, plus people
gather round it helping community. Finally the print means you have a record if something breaks.

Click the Print icon, choose classes or all, check that looks how you want. Print icon again to your system printer
preview. That varies between systems – look hard at your printer preview page to find the settings you want.

Again, most systems will provide a printer called Print to pdf or similar, which is useful if you need a pdf file of the
results to email. However, the internet display of the results is the most flexible for people to view.

…..thanks for listening! Please let me have any feedback at

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