Anthony Filice Training - Sept 1st 2021, Hyper4

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Anthony Filice

Sept 1st, 2021

1: Legs
2: Back/Bench
3: Cardio/Core/Calves
4: Chest/arms
5: Back/shoulders
*Take complete off days as needed (1-2 per week consistently)
*Make sure to have 1-2 days between your Bench day and Chest day.

*Accessory day.

1) 20 mins stairmaster (approx level 5-7 steady state) or bike

*or cardio of choice, good paced steady state.

2) Roman chair leg raises

Weighted crunch machine
Plank get-ups
*3 sets to failure
-rest as needed between sets/exercises

3) Standing calve raises

*4 sets
- Begin with 10-12 heavy reps, then dropset and begin light single leg calve raises for 8-10
reps each leg

4) Cable crunches
Russian twist
*3 sets

5) Seated calve raises - 1 1/2’s

*4 sets
- Do an extra pulse/half rep at the top portion of each rep.
- Stretch calves between sets

6) 10 mins incline walking

7) 10 mins stretching (do not skip this!!!)

warm-up: 5 mins cardio of choice + dynamic stretching / foam rolling

1) Leg extensions
Lying hamstring curls
*3 sets of 12-15 reps each
- Use these sets just to warm-up hams and quad before main movement below. Only go to
about 75% failure on these sets.

2) Hack Squats - neutral stance

*warm-up sets as needed + 3 hard working sets of 8-10 reps
- Maintain full range of motion during heavy reps.

3) Leg Press
*2 sets of 12-15 reps (working warm-up sets)
*3 sets of 8-10 reps (main working strength sets)
- On your 3 main sets, once you near failure at the 8-10 rep range, I want you to continue
with an extra 3-5 reps doing self spot (lightly pushing knees/quads with hands)

4) Smith Machine or BB squats - wider stance

*warm-up sets as needed + 3 working sets of 10-12 reps
- Control the negative and slight pause at the bottom, then contract explosively.

5) Seated Hamstring curls

Db stiff legged deadlifts
*3 sets
- control the negative of each curl.
warm-up: 5 mins cardio + 2 sets of push-ups and rotator warm-up

1) Flat bench BB bench press

*warm-up sets as needed, then complete 3 sets at your 3-4 rep max.

2) Plate loaded/chest supported machine row (Pull hard hitting low lats)
*4-5 sets
- Begin with 6-8 reps holding the contraction for 2 seconds. Squeeze hard and release into
stretch/start slowly. From there, immediately begin 5-6 quick paced pumping reps (with same
weight) to full failure.

3) Wide Grip lat pull-downs - Dropset

*4 sets
- Aim for 6-8 heavy reps, then drop the weight to finish with 8-10 more to failure.

4) Bent over BB row (use straps for best strength and form)
Db shrugs
*2 sets of 10-12 reps
*2-3 sets of 6-8 reps

5) Pull-ups
*2 sets bodyweight to failure (Or light assistance)
- Even if its just 3 reps, end of session thats fine.
Warm-up: 5 mins cardio + 2 sets of push-ups and rotator exercises.

1) Flat bench Db press

*Work your way up each set to reach your 5-6 rep max
- Complete 2 sets at this max weight, followed by a dropset on your final set.

2) Smith machine or BB Incline Bench press

*warm-ups + 3 working sets of 8-10 reps
- Control the negative, slight pause at the bottom, and press back to start explosively.

3) Cable or pec-dec Fly’s

Slight incline bench Db press Partials (or push-up partials to failure)
*5 sets of 12-15 fly’s and 15+ partials.
- Focus on strength and the pump for fly’s, and complete burn out during partials.

4) Preacher Curls - Deadstop/rest-pause each rep

Dips (or dip machine) or Reverse grip tricep push-downs
*3-4 sets
- Begin the curls with regular pace until you feel the pump set in, then begin the deadstop
reps to full failure (Aim for at least 6 reps of these).

5) Alternating Db curls
EZ bar skull crushers
*3-4 sets reps of choice
warm-up: 5 mins cardio of choice

1) Close grip lat pull-downs - flaring elbows out

Bent over rear fly’s
*4 sets of 12-15 reps each
- focus on getting blood in the muscle. Keep rests more limited to maintain pump even
throughout rests.

2) Db Side Lateral raises

Seated Alternating front raise
*4 sets of 10+ reps each
- Go for strength, but mostly focus on a hard pump each set.

3) Seated smith Machine overhead press

*warm-up sets as needed + 3 working sets at your 4-6 rep max.
- Maintain full range of movement during these strength sets (Bar to nose level or lower)

4) Machine side raises (machine style of choice)

Db or plate Side raise partials
*4-5 sets of 12-15 machine sides, and 15+ reps of partials.
- You can rest-pause the partials far past failure.

4) Seated Db overhead Press

*4 sets
- Aim for 8-10 full range reps to failure, then continue with partial reps for 3-5 reps to
complete delt fatigue each set.

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