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Title: Understanding Binary Numbers


Binary numbers are fundamental to computing and digital electronics. They form the basis of all digital
data representation and processing. This guide will provide you with a comprehensive overview of binary
numbers, including their representation, conversion, and arithmetic operations.

1. Basics of Binary Numbers:

Binary is a base-2 numbering system, meaning it uses only two digits: 0 and 1.

Each digit in a binary number represents a power of 2. The rightmost digit represents

, the next digit to the left represents

, then

, and so on.

Binary numbers are read from right to left, with each digit's value multiplied by the corresponding power
of 2.
2. Binary Representation:

In binary representation, each position in a number is a power of 2. The rightmost position is

, the next is

, then

, and so forth.

For example, the binary number 1011 represents:










3. Converting Binary to Decimal:

To convert a binary number to decimal, multiply each binary digit by the corresponding power of 2 and
then sum the results.

For example, to convert the binary number 1101 to decimal:









4. Converting Decimal to Binary:

To convert a decimal number to binary, repeatedly divide the decimal number by 2 and record the
remainders in reverse order.

For example, to convert the decimal number 13 to binary:


13÷2=6 with a remainder of 1

6÷2=3 with a remainder of 0

3÷2=1 with a remainder of 1

1÷2=0 with a remainder of 1

Reading the remainders in reverse order gives 1101.

5. Binary Arithmetic:

Binary arithmetic involves addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of binary numbers.
Addition and subtraction in binary follow similar rules to decimal arithmetic, with carries and borrows
handled in binary.

Multiplication and division in binary are performed using algorithms similar to those in decimal, but
using only the digits 0 and 1.


Binary numbers are the foundation of digital computing, enabling computers to represent and process
information in a digital format. By understanding binary representation, conversion, and arithmetic
operations, you'll gain insight into how computers manipulate data at the most fundamental level.

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