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Games Academy - Assessment Feedback Form

Name: Robin McGarvey Module: GAM104 : Assignment: Portfolio

Assessment Criteria
Clea Near
Analysis: CONTEXTUALISE Pass 2:2 2:1 1st >1st
r Fail Pass
Locate the broader context of your creative work

GAME MOD: The quality of the design decisions taken and originality in
the revision of the mod's gameplay and implementation along X
with evidence of technical skills

GAME MOD: The degree to which the mod has been adapted and

LEVEL DESIGN: The quality and originality of the design decisions

taken and their implementation in constructing the mod’s game X

BLOG: References to prior games, inspiration and acknowledgement of

the use or influence of any 3rd party Assets and sources. (Have all X
new sourced assets been suitably referenced)

BLOG: Has your blog been kept up to date with. a good standard
of written communication and evidence of a broad understanding X
of game development.

The marks you have received have yet to be confirmed by the Examination Board and might be subject to slight modification



Your blog was rather basic and both confused and low in detail. You need to post regularly and reflect on the
work you do.

The level provided is obviously quite short, which means that the mechanics that the player can use aren’t able
to be fully explored. The arena you encounter the enemies in is effective, especially with the severity of their
projectile damage. It does mean that the player is forced to engage them in a specific way, which is good.
However, once the player gets rid of the smaller enemies, the loop slows down and becomes based around
popping in and out of cover taking pot shots at the bigger enemy. Providing something that forces the player to
remain on the move would help to counter this. Something like timed grenades or an enemy that tries to flank
them would do this.

Marker NF :12 / 12 / 22

The marks will be released after the exam board has met, the marking rubric above will give you
an indication of your grade.


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