QF069 Coop Report Guidelines

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Guidelines for completing the Cooperative

Education Evaluation Report

Table of Contents





Guidelines for completing the Cooperative Education Evaluation Report 1

The mission of the Cooperative Education & Careers Division (CECD) is to support you in developing the
skills, understandings, knowledge, attitudes and achievements that will make you more likely to gain
sustainable employment (including self-employment) and to be successful in your future career.

Your Cooperative Education placement is an opportunity for you to develop your “graduate capital”. By
this we mean your:

 Human Capital – your formal knowledge and skills

 Social Capital – your networking and relationship-building with employers and your awareness of
future career opportunities
 Identity Capital – developing your professional identity and telling your “employability story”
 Psychological Capital – building your career resilience, learning about contingency planning and
managing career expectations

The Covid-19 pandemic has meant that many of you have experienced significant disruption and
uncertainty during your Coop placements. For some of you, your placement may have finished early. For
those of you who have remained in the workplace, you may have had to transition to a remote working
model, for example. The challenges, though difficult, also represent valuable learning opportunities. As
students directly experiencing the realities of the world of work, you have shown great resilience and agility
in adapting to these unprecedented challenges. We encourage you to reflect on this experience in your
Cooperative Education Report and very much look forward to hearing your account.

Guidelines for completing the Cooperative Education Evaluation Report 2

Cooperative Education Report (Revised Guidelines in response to Covid-19)
All students must submit a report on their placement as part of the formal evaluation of the placement. Your Coop Report should give a sound insight into your
Coop placement, and should show the link between your studies and your placement. Your report is assessed by an academic member of staff and graded on a
pass/fail basis.

There are three ‘streams’ of Cooperative Education Report Guidelines, depending on the how many weeks of Cooperative Education placement you have
completed. Specific details of the report’s structure follow here.

22+ Weeks Completed

1. Summary of Placement (min. 1 page)

2. Brief history of the company, including details of the product/service (min. 1 page)
3. Structure of the organisation and student's department (min. 1 page)
4. Student's main responsibilities (min. 2 pages)
5. Opportunities for Learning during Coop (min. 4 pages) - Use your pre-Coop and post-Coop Skills Assessment Forms as a
guide for writing this section.
From the Reflective Assessment section of the website, choose a minimum of four skills categories and discuss the role of
Coop in developing those skills. You should write a minimum of one page per skill category.
6. Reflection on Covid-19 and the world of work: in this section you should reflect on the effects of Covid-19 on your
placement and on your Coop employer; how you responded to the changes and disruption caused by the Covid pandemic
during your placement e.g. work-related uncertainty, switch to remote learning (1 page)
7. Appendices: Pre and Post Coop Assessment Forms

8-21 Weeks Completed

Part A is based on your completed Coop experience and Part B is based on your completion of the Cooperative
should include: Education Employability Pathway (CEEP):
1. Summary of Placement (min. 1 page) 1. Write a 1,000-word reflection on Understanding Yourself
2. Brief history of the company, including details of the (your personality type, your values, interests and
product/service (min. 1 page) motivations)
3. Structure of the organisation and student's department 2. Write a 1,000-word reflection on Research What’s Out
(min. 1 page) There (identifying career options, entry requirements,
4. Student's main responsibilities (min. 2 pages) potential employers)
5. Opportunities for Learning during Coop (min. 2 pages) - 3. Write up your CV, based on your learnings from the Take
Use your pre-Coop and post-Coop Skills Assessment Forms Action CV workshops and discussions.
as a guide; you must also include copies of these forms in
the appendices.
From the Reflective Assessment section of the website,
choose a minimum of two skills categories and discuss the
role of Coop in developing those skills. You should write a
minimum of one page per skill category.
6. Reflection on Covid-19 and the world of work: in this
section you should reflect on the effects of Covid-19 on
your placement and on your Coop employer; how you
responded to the changes and disruption caused by the
Covid pandemic during your placement e.g. work-related
uncertainty, switch to remote learning (1 page)
7. Appendices must include your Pre -and Post- Coop
Assessment Forms

Guidelines for completing the Cooperative Education Evaluation Report 4

0-7 Weeks Completed

Part A is based on your experience of Cooperative Part B is based on your completion of the Cooperative
Education “journey” to date and should include: Education Employability Pathway (CEEP):
1. Description of your employing organisation – nature of the 1. Write a 1000-word reflection on Understanding Yourself
business, history of the company, organisational structure (your personality type, your values, interests and
(min 1 Page). motivations)
2. Reflective account of your learning during your 2. Write a 1000-word reflection on Research What’s Out
Cooperative Education Journey – you could focus on areas There (identifying career options, entry requirements,
such as: potential employers and sectors)
 Pre Cooperative Education Placement experience – 3. Write up your CV, based on your learnings from the Take
Employability Programmes, CV preparation, Interview Action CV workshops and discussions.
 Cooperative Education Interview Process
 Summary of your Placement Experience – any work or
training you engaged in.
 If your Placement required you to relocate, describe
your experience.
 Your reflections on Covid-19 experience- what was
your experience, how did you respond, what did you
learn about yourself from having gone through this
 Appendices – Pre- and Post-Coop Assessment Forms.

Guidelines for completing the Cooperative Education Evaluation Report 5

Cooperative Education Employability Pathway (CEEP)
In the Cooperative Education and Careers Division, we are very keen to ensure that all students will still
have the opportunity to develop their graduate capital, despite the disruption to many placements. To
support you in this, we have devised a pathway to support you in developing your career readiness and
your employability skills. Called the Cooperative Education Employability Pathway (CEEP), it will help you
to identify and strengthen your skills, reflect on your learnings and gain a competitive edge in the future
graduate workplace.

CEEP Pathway Structure:

CEEP is a programme of online employability workshops (live and recorded) that will help you to:

1. Understand yourself – Help you to develop an understanding of your individual traits, interests,
talents, preferences, values and motivations.
2. Research what's out there – Support you in making informed decisions around your career options
– which are aligned with your profile and the future world of work.
3. Action – You will learn the practical tools for navigating future graduate employment, e.g. how to
write an effective CV, how to prepare for interview and how to approach prospective employers.

If your placement was less than 22 weeks in duration, you are required to complete the CEEP programme
and to reflect on it in your Coop Report.

How to Access the CEEP Pathway:

To access your pathway, you must log into Careers Connect via the following link:

Please note that Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox are the best platforms to access this Pathway. Access
from other platforms may be limited.

This short video will give an overview as to how to access the Pathway:

If you are experiencing any difficulties accessing Careers Connect please contact careers@ul.ie for

Cooperative Education Evaluation Report Guidelines and FAQs

How long should my Cooperative Education Report be?

Cooperative Education Report must be a minimum of 10 typed pages, not including log books (if
applicable) and appendices. Students undertaking the CEEP must clearly label this as Part B of the Coop
Report. You must use A4 paper, single line spacing in 12-point font. Note that the regulations regarding
plagiarism also apply to Coop Reports.

When do I submit my report?

The deadline for submitting your report is normally in week 1 of your college semester. Please note that
these deadlines apply to all students, regardless of the location of your Coop.

How do I know which stream of Cooperative Education Guidelines applies to me?

The stream will depend on the number of weeks you spent on placement. Please refer to the advisory
guidelines on pages 3-5 of this document.

If you have queries in respect of any aspect of your Cooperative Education experience please contact

Where do I submit my report?

Online Submission Process – details to follow

Does my employer need to sign my report?

Your Coop Report must be signed and stamped by your company supervisor. The content of the report
must be approved by your employer who may require you to make changes to meet with their policy on
Confidential or Proprietary Information. If you are unable to obtain a signature from your employer, we
will accept an email from your employer which confirms that they approve of the content of your Report.
For students who completed less than 22 weeks placement, your employer must sign off on Part A of
your Cooperative Education Report. Your employer is not required to sign off on Part B (the Cooperative
Education Employability Pathway).

What happens if I don’t submit my report by the deadline?

Fines may be imposed for late submissions. Incomplete reports will not be accepted and may be liable
for the fine after due date.

Guidelines for completing the Cooperative Education Evaluation Report 7

What Should I Write About?

There are formal and compulsory Coop Report Guidelines for all students. They are there to help you to
present and structure your report.

Before writing your report, you should think about the following:
 Describe the company/organisation, its activities, locations, employees, culture, goals, structure
and customers.
 What are your daily responsibilities?
 Give details of meetings you attended and the level of your involvement.
 Describe any projects and work completed.
 Describe your contribution to the overall operation of your employing organisation?
 Have you had any successes or any difficulties that you've had to overcome?
 Are there things that have turned out differently to what you had expected?
 What skills have you developed on the job?
 What is the most enjoyable part of the job? Least enjoyable?
 Overall, how would you rate this experience?

Remember (!), the most interesting reports:

 Give a real feel for your organisation and your role within it
 Demonstrate the link between the worlds of work and study
 Demonstrate a personal, authentic reflection on your learning

What Should I Include in Appendices

 Copies of your completed pre- and post-Coop Skills Assessment Forms (compulsory).
 Copies of reports, drawings, etc. produced for the company (optional). Remember if you are
reproducing any documents, you must ask permission from your employer to do so.
 Log book (for Engineering students excluding Product Design & Technology).
 Journal (for Performing Arts students).

How Do I access Pre and Post Coop Skills Assessment Forms?

For the Pre-Coop form, follow this link: http://www.ul.ie/coop/coop/students/pre_coop_skills.php

For the Post-Coop form, follow this link: http://www.ul.ie/coop/coop/students/post_coop_review.php

Cover Page and Contents

The cover page of the report must include details such as the submission date, your name and ID
number, your course, employer, employer address, the start and end dates of your placement, your
supervisor and the university academic staff member who completed your faculty visit. Click here to
access the Cover page template.

Table of contents must be included in your Cooperative Education Report and should clearly list each of
the sections required for your specific stream. Please refer to the advisory guidelines on pages 3-5 of this

Guidelines for completing the Cooperative Education Evaluation Report 8

How does the Cooperative Education Employability Pathway (CEEP) Work?
Completion of the CEEP is a compulsory requirement for all students who have completed less than 22
weeks Placement.

For full details on how this Pathway works please log into Careers Connect via the following link :

If you are experiencing any difficulties accessing Careers Connect or Cooperative Education Employability
Pathway please contact careers@ul.ie for assistance.

Please note that Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox are the best platforms to access this Pathway. Access
from other platforms may be limited.

I Have completed a Split Placement, how should I write about my experience?

If you complete a split placement, only one Cooperative Education report is required to cover both
assignments. This report will not be significantly longer than the standard Coop report. However, you
may spend more time reporting on one Coop placement rather than the other, particularly where an
enhanced learning experience has taken place. Complete section 5 of the report "Opportunities for
Learning during Coop" only once. In addition only one set of pre and post coop learning assessments is
required when submitting your report.

Course Specific Cooperative Education Report Guidelines

All Cooperative Education Reports must adhere to the guidelines outlined above, however there are
certain courses where guidelines vary slightly due to the nature of the placements:
Performing Arts students and Equine Science students, who must adhere to different guidelines.

Coop Grading Sheet

Coop Grading Sheet is compulsory for all students in the School of Engineering (Mechanical,
Aeronautical, Biomedical and Design & Manufacture) and should be included in your report directly after
the cover page.

Log Book

This is compulsory for all Engineering students excluding Product Design & Technology students and
should be attached to the Appendices section of your report.

All Engineering students must keep a written record of their training in a Log Book. It's a good idea to
write up your log book weekly. Most students compile it electronically. It's a helpful way of tracking your
progress and your academic visitor will expect to see it during a faculty visit. Your log book is a
compulsory element of your Coop Report and should be attached as part of the Appendices section. See
a sample log book.

Guidelines for completing the Cooperative Education Evaluation Report 9

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