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Dear all,





With less than one year to go now before the global launch of Because I am a Girl, the recent 2011 BIAAG report launches across the organisation are a good indicator that the whole organisation is coming together behind the campaign. The launches have helped to significantly increase both internal and external momentum behind the campaign, and as the countdown begins to the September 2012 global launch, Plan is emerging as the leading organisation on the critical issue of girls rights and empowerment. We are so excited to read of all the launch events and activities, and are proud to be able to present to you this month an issue of the BIAAG Bulletin dedicated to these events. Meanwhile, the BIAAG campaign team is looking forward to a line up of high level global advocacy events, including the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Replenishment in Copenhagen, where we will be holding an event on what it takes to make girls education rights a reality. The GPE is a key stakeholder for the campaign, as it is the only multilateral partnership devoted to securing a quality education for the worlds 67 million out of school childrena disproportionate number of whom are girls. Other events on the horizon include the World Economic Forum in Davos, and the 56th Session of the Commission on the Status of Womens in New York, both of which will provide further opportunities to establish the Because I am a Girl campaign on the global stage, and present Plans great work on girls and gender, Most importantly, events like these are crucial for our overarching goal of achieving gender justice and equality for girls the key to building an equal world for all children, and the great challenge of our century. It is a challenge the Because I am a Girl campaign is looking forward to tackling head on. Deepali Sood

Plan Thailand again gets Prime Ministerial support

In Thailand, the BIAAG report launch had a very special guest of honour: the first female Prime Minister, Yinglunck Shinawatra. Shinawatra used the event to state that gender equality is a key priority for her government. In a speech to the guests, she also declared that Thailand will be a strong supporter of better welfare and well-being of girls and women, and a good partner to organisations like Plan.

Plan Bangladesh, together with Bangladesh Shishu (Children) Academy and the Girl Child Advocacy Forum celebrated the National Girl Child Day through a colourful rally, and the publication of Girl Child-7. For more info, please contact Nova Shams, Communications Specialist at Plan Bangladesh:
A painting of gender equality by a child from a hill tribe community

Later, their work was exhibited in central Bangkok, with a mini-concert by the famous rock band Playground, who also attended the launch. For more info, please contact Warisara Sornpet,

Plan Bangladesh: Childs Rights Week

In Bangladesh there was a whole week of celebrations including a fair, art and essay competitions, as well as the report launch.
The first female Prime Minister, Yingluck Shinawatra presenting the BIAAG report in Thailand

BIAAG report launch in Kampala

Plan Uganda
The report launch in Kampala was attended by over 150 people from NGOs, government, members of parliament, media, UN, children, youth and the media, including Care, UNDP, UN women and Goal. The first woman speaker of parliament, Rebecca Kadaga, was the guest of honour. For more info, please contact Agnes Kabaikya, PR & Comms for Plan Uganda:

The Prime Minister was joined by a group of stateless children from a hill tribe community in the northern part of the country where Plan works. The children presented their paintings to the Prime Minister of how they understand gender equality.
Dancing at the launch event in Bangladesh


GNO: International Day of the Girl

Rebecca Kadaga, Ugandas first female speaker in Parliament

WARO/Plan Benin

At a joint event held by Plan Benin and WARO, the Minister of Family, Social Protection and Solidarity launched the ceremony, while all the female ministers of the government of Benin and the Prime Minister sent representatives to the ceremony to present their message of support for the campaign. National celebrities also showed support, and encouraged everyone present to continue to

GNO hosted an International Day of the Girl event in the historic Humboldt Carr in Berlin. Around 180 guests attended the event, which premiered the new BIAAG viral clip. Deepali Sood, Global Head of BIAAG campaign, GNOs ND Maike Rttger and GNOs Chairman of the Board Dr. Werner Bauch were among the speakers, while Dana Golombek, a popular German actress, presented the new BIAAG report. Maike Rttger shared the fantastic news that during the event, the German Parliament had voted overwhelmingly in favour of a creation of a UN Day of the Girl. Another highlight was the performance of Because I am a Girl by Sisters, who dedicated the song to the campaign. For more info, please contact Julia Engel:

Girls dancing at the launch event in Guinea Bissau

Guinea Bissau to support International Day of the Girl

The campaign was launched by countrys First Lady, Mariana Mane Sanha, along with the minister of women, family and social cohesion, Valentina Mendes, plus representatives of Unicef, the UN and ambassadors from South Africa, Senegal and Germany. Ms Mendes congratulated the initiative and reassured government commitment to work toward gender equality. She also announced her governments support to establish International Day of the Girl. For more info, please contact Joelma Pereira, Gender and Comms specialist Plan Guinea Bissau:

Well known German actress Dana Golombek presenting this years report

Report launch in Benin

support the BIAAG campaign. Stefanie Conrad, West Africa Deputy Regional Director Program said: It's been a long time since I felt such strong "gender solidarity"; it reminded me of the good old "women's liberation" days.... For more info, please contact Carmen Johnson, Media Communication & PR at Plan Benin:

GNO event in Berlin, with GNO ND Maike Rttger, Joana Zimmer, Dana Golombek and Deepali Sood

Plan EU: European Week of Action for Girls

In Brussels, the 2011 Because I am a Girl report was launched as part of a week-long series of events in the European Parliament called the European Week of Action for Girls, held in partnership with the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, and the European Parliamentary Forum. Events included a photo exhibition, the cross-Europe viral launch of Plans Because
MEP Edite Estrela speaking in the European Parliament

Photo exhibition at the ROA Launch


Plan Liberia

At Plan Liberia, the 2011 BIAAG report launch was hosted by the Minister of Youth and Sports, Etmonia Tarpeh. The launch ceremony included the personal story of a 13 year old girl of Plans Youth Media program in Lofa, focusing on the role her father played in her education. The Bomi Youth Media Club also performed a drama on how men can contribute to end harmful traditional practices such as Early Marriage. The event was covered by over 10 major media outlets including radio, TV, and newspaper, and attended by more than 75 representatives from government, civil society organisations, international NGOs, women rights advocates and youth groups. For more info, please contact Naomi Walker, Media and Communications Coordinator, Plan Liberia:

At the launch in ROA, Dr. Benno de Keijzer, a gender and masculinity expert, talked about the importance of boys in gender equality and commented on the findings of the report. A young woman also told her story, and her struggle to become empowered in a machista world. The launch was accompanied with a photo exhibition, that ROA plan to use throughout next year, as well as some lively Latin American music! For more info, please contact Marti Ostrander, Reg io nal Communicatio ns Of f icer:

I am a Girl

online card game, and the joint launch ceremony of the MEP declaration in support of the UN Day of the Girl and the launch of Plans 2011 Because I am a Girl report So what about boys? For more info, please contact Patricia Scherer:

BIAAG Youth Summary available!

The BIAAG report team is now in possession of a limited number of hard copies of the BIAAG Youth Summary for distribution. If you are interested, please could you email the Report Assistant (Lili Harris) and state how many reports you would like and also state what purpose you would like to use them for if possible.


Plan Finland

Congratulations to Plan Finland, whose Facebook page will soon reach 8000 supporters! Among the speakers at the launch were Director of GreeneWorks Margaret Greene and Director Saba Ayub-Riipinen, who was born in Pakistan and has personal experience of several core issues of the Because I am a Girl campaign. The report was introduced by Ombudsman and member of the FLNO Board Eva Biaudet.

Plan Niger

RESA Regional Drector Gezahegn Kebede speaking at the BIAAG Report Launch with Plan RESA and Plan Kenya in


RESA launched the BIAAG 2011 report at a media event in Nairobi. You can watch the entire event again on Ustream channel/plan-resa-biagg-launch or via Facebook. -launch Regional campaigns coordinator Hamimu Masudi was interviewed by CBS and by BBC Network Africa.
Check out Plan Finlands videos here:

The official launch ceremony in Niger was chaired by the First Lady, Mme Hama Amadou. Activities included speeches from Plan Niger CS, and the Vice Minister of Child Protection, Women Promotion and Population both gave speeches, a presentation of the main findings, conclusions and recommendations of the 2011 BIAAG report by the PSM, a photo exhibit and a debate in the afternoon on boys and men implication in gender equality. The event was attended by representatives of international and local organizations, youth organizations, government officials, unionists, Plan Staff, youth, media, and other partners. The same report launch will then be implemented at PU level. For more info, please contact Assalama Sidi:

This year was special to FLNO because we had an honour to participate in the BIAAG launch of Plan Sierra Leone. It was our great pleasure to see that BIAAG is really gaining global momentum. Anna Kononen, Communications Manager, Plan Finland. They also gave special thanks to Plan EU for sharing the online card game. For more info, please contact Anna Kononen, Communications Manager, Plan Finland:

For more info, please contact Regis Nyamakanga, Regional Communications and Media Re latio ns : Reg is .n yam ak ang a@p lan

Plan Frances chain of support for girls

Plan France designed a social application on the Plan France Facebook fan page where visitors can choose a date and pledge to support girls rights on that day through a variety of activities. The aim is to build a chain of daily support throughout the year. After just a week, the chain of support already lasts more than 80 days. Check out Plan Frances Facebook page here:

Signing the petition to make 22 September the International Day of the Girl, at the Plan RESA report launch in Kenya

Plan Pakistan

Because I am a Girl report launch event with Plan Sierra Leone and Plan Finland in Sierra Leone

Plan Sierra Leone

The report was launched by the National Director of Plan Finland, members of the Plan Finland Board, the Country Director of Plan Sierra Leone, and representatives from the Government of Sierra Leone and civil society. Later in the day, Ms. Edith Maria Gunvor Kronman, Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Plan Finland, Ms. Riitta Weiste, National Director, Plan Finland; Ms. Miriam Murray, Program Support Manager Plan Sierra Leone attended a live TV discussion on the national broadcast by Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation. A documentary shall be released soon on the BIAAG launch. For more info, please contact Mykel Hinga:

In Pakistan, the Because I am a Girl report was launched by the Federal Minister for Information & Broadcast, Ms. Firdous Ashiq Awan and the Secretary for Human Rights Ms. Batool Iqbal Qureshi. Speakers urged the government to take steps to empower young women through education. Representatives from local and international NGOs, and children from the slums of Islamabad and Chakwal also participated in the event. For more info, please contact Ghazala Farid, Communications Coordinator, Plan Pakistan:

Plan Frances Facebook page

Report launch event in Accra, Ghana

Plan Ghana

In Pakistan, the BIAAG report was launched by the Federal Minister for Information and Broadcast, Ms. Firdous Ashiq Awanand the Secretary for Human Rights, Ms. Batool Iqbal Qureshi.

Plan Ghana presented highlights of the report and the BIAAG campaign on the Breakfast show on Ghana Television, the only station with national coverage. At the official launch at the International Press Centre in Accra, Ghanas deputy minister of women and childrens affairs, Hajia Hawawu Boya Gariba, opened the event in front of 18 media representatives from television, radio, print and online organisations. For more info, please contact Adisa Lansah:


Awesome Media Coverage!

Theres been some seriously impressive media coverage from all of the report launches across the Plan world, from our CEO Nigel Chapman talking to Becky Anderson on CNN, to Plan Canadas 18 print and broadcast media interviews. In fact, we were so blown away by all the fantastic highlights, we just had to dedicate a whole section of the Bulletin to it...

Plan Canada

CNO set up 18 print and broadcast media interviews. Online coverage as of Monday 26 September included 167 media hits and 53,936,337 media imp ressions. In addition, Plan Canada published the findings of a survey it commissioned of Canadian youth and adults with similar questions to those used in the global report. In the Canadian parliament, an official statement about the International Day of the Girl was read by the Honourable Rona Ambrose, Canadian minister for the status of women. Plan Canada has spearheaded efforts to have the UN name 22 September as an official girls day.

Some more great BIAAG press coverage Plan Spain (left) and Plan Indonesia (right)

Plan Colombia
Colombia, an article related to the BIAAG report was published by El Tiempo newspaper, the most important news diary from Colombia. Caracol TV & RCN TV also showed new segments on Plan International and the release of the new report. The Caracol news broadcast was accompanied with a poll made to all the audience asking if people think gender based discrimination or machismo still exists in Colombia.
Press coverage in Pakistan




Plans web presence increased significantly during the launch period: Hits to the global website are at the highest number they have yet been, and around 20,000 people around the world have signed online campaign petitions for the International Day of the Girl. In less than 20 days, the @PlanGlobal account has won more than 1300 followersan increase of 66%! In less than 20 days, the Plan International fan-page has won more than 9000 likes, which represents an increase of more than 250%! For more info, please contact Waris our Comms guru:

Plan Guatemala

Major newspapers in Guatemala announced the launch, and Jose Campang, director of Programmes and Susy Eiyadeh were invited by Radio Sonora to participate in its evening programme and expand on the content of the report. A forum is being planned for October which will include experts on gender and different disciplines to make an analysis of the situation of girls in Guatemala.

Plan Netherlands report launch event: NLNO Director Monique van t Hek and Tess Milne, who features in the IDotG Youtube videos

P l a n
Plan Guatemala celebrate the launch of the new report Plan EU created an online card game, Play Your Cards Right and Unleash the Power of Girls! This card game was launched across Europe through European NOs

N e t h e r l a n d s

Upcoming Events
Global Partnership for Education Replenishment Event Copenhagen, Nov 7-8 Because I am a GirlAdvocacy Summit London, December 5-6 Because I am a Girl Regional Roll-out workshops FebApril 2012

Plan Netherlands are definitely getting a reputation as one of the most media-savvy Plan offices! Alongside the launch of the So what about boys? report, Plan Netherlands released not one, not two, but 5 Youtube videos in support of the International Day of the Girl! Check them out on their Facebook page: https://

Keep sending your stories in!

Good luck to all of the Plan Offices whose report launch events are still coming up! Remember to send in photos, a summary of the event as well as any media coverageand well try our best to include it in the Bulletin.

Coverage of Plan Indias report launch in the media, and an interview with Plan Indias Director about the content of this years BIAAG report

Please feel free to send through your thoughts or contact us for more info on any of these stories: Write to us at: or

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