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- Kent's Lecture XIX
The human body appears to admit of being much more powerfully in its health by medicines.
(partly because we have the regulation of the dose in our own power) than by natural morbid
stimuli-for natural diseases are cured & overcome by suitable medicines.
According to Dr. J. T. kent, susceptibility is like an Influx
Influx means flow. Here it means the person suffers because there is a cause. First there is a
cause due to which there is effect There are symptoms because the susceptibility flows from the
cause to the effect.
Susceptibility is the reaction of the organism to external & internal influences. Dr. H. A Roberts
has stated this concept in a simple sentence -"One man's meat is another man's poison"
According to Dr. H.A Roberts, susceptibility is like a vaccum" This vaccum attracts. & pulls all
those things that are needed by The body. children fall sick more frequently because they are
more susceptible to contagious diseases. The susceptibility. For a disease is only fall sick with
any other disease. That is why me see that in an epidemic, many people fall sick because of a
certain disease, but there are some who do not fall wick susceptibility is different for different
people. According to Dr. Roberts, susceptibility attracts something that will fill up the vaccum
According to Dr. Stuart close, it is the general quality or capability of the living organism of
receiving impression; the power to react to stimuli
All processes healthy on in a normal human being depend upon The susceptibility Similarly, the
appearance of disease processes & their cure with the help of medicines also depend upon
of cure has put process Dr. Stuart close has in very simple words He says-cute consists simply in
satisfying the susceptibility of the organism & putting an end to The influx (flow) of disease-
producing causes That is, there is change in the normal susceptibility when the person falls sick
Factors that modify Susceptibility-
1 Age
2. symptom similarity
3 constitution temperament
4. Habits & environment
5. Pathological conditions.
In this way different ideas & concepts about susceptibility are given by different authors, in their
own way from all these concepts we can easily understand the whole concept of susceptibility.

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