14 - Appendix 2

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Semi-structured interview schedule I

In modem society, education in regarded as power. I am presenting before you a few
statements on Utility of girls’ education. I will tell you these one by one. Tell me whether
you agree or disagree with these statements. And also, tell me the reasons for your

Education helps a girl as it Agree Disagree

develops a positive self-image and confidence among

> girls

ii Prepares girls for economic contribution

Can improve health and nutritional status of children

and other family members

iv Will ensure education of future generations

V Will make girls and women aware of their rights

Helps raise age at marriage and reduce maternal, infant

and child mortality

vii Helps in reducing the family size

viii Will prepare girls for leadership roles in society

Will prepare girls for participation and decision making

ix process in all walks of all walks of life e.g. family,
panehayats, municipalities and legislature


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