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NAME: Sarah Medsker


CLASS SESSIONS: 6-50 minute lessons MATERIALS: research materials, paper, pencils, pens, Styrofoam for printing plate, printers ink

LESSON TITLE: MONUMENTS AND PRINTMAKING, UNIT PLAN RATIONALE: Printmaking is a wonderful media to introduce and emphasize the elements and principles of design. It is also a great way to expose students to many different types of art, including the fine arts, graphic design, and relate it to their world through media and everyday items that are printed. This lesson will engage students in the printmaking processes, and an opportunity to use the carving process to create a final edition. The student will be exposed to and create an artwork based on a culturally and historically significant monument or landmark. The student will also be introduced to several printmaking artists throughout history that use these processes and will gain knowledge and insight from their artworks. OBJECTIVES: 1. Students will recognize the visual arts in relation to history and culture. 2. Students will explore concept and apply media, techniques and processes related to printmaking. 3. Students will show the possibilities for reproducing and an artwork through the printmaking process. 4. Students will participate in discussion through a PowerPoint Presentation various historical landmarks and monuments. 5. Students will compare and contrast monuments and architectural structures. 9. Students will create a sketch of a landmark after research of historical significance. 10. Students will create a carved plate including the use of texture, positive and negative space, and balance from sketch of landmark. 11. Students will pull an edition of at least 5 prints and number and sign. Students will identify the characteristics and merits of ones own work and the work of other artists

INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES: PowerPoint Presentation on landmarks and monuments Encyclopedias

PROCEDURES: 1. To begin the lesson (set) the teacher will split students in groups for jigsaw lesson. 2. Students will discover information about printmaking and monuments around the world. 3. Students will present information learned to classmates. 4. The teacher will present a PowerPoint presentation introducing historical landmarks. 2. Students will engage in art history and criticism through class discussion during the presentation before students begin assignment.. 4. Student will create a sketch of a monument or landmark. 5. Student will translate sketch onto Styrofoam plate. 6. Student will carve out design. 7. Student will pull at least 5 prints. 8. At end of class session (closure), student will be responsible for cleaning up workspace. 9. After clean up, student will orally review what they have learned with teacher and classmates through oral and written exercises. 10. Upon completion student will engage in a class critique.

ELEMENTS OF ART: form, space, line, color, value, texture PRINCIPLES OF ART: unity, balance, emphasis, movement, contrast

OTHER VOCABULARY: theme, monuments, landmarks, Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty, Machu Picchu, LeaningTower of Piza, St. Basils Cathedral, Chichen Itza, Pyramids, Great Wall of China, Big Ben in London, White House, Coliseum, Parthenon ASSESSMENT: Informal Assessment: Teacher will ask students orally for understanding. Teacher will observe students while engaged in class activities and walk around and help students as needed. Formal-Summative Assessment: Students will participate in group discussion and critique about prints upon completion. Rubric Essay Portfolio Test/Quiz Checklist Peer/Group Self-Assessment Interview Authentic Other

Visual Art: Fourth Grade Standard 1.0 Media, Techniques, and Processes Students will understand and apply media, techniques, and processes. Learning Expectations The student will 1.1 Use a variety of tools and materials to create a work of art. 1.2 Use a variety of techniques and processes to produce original works of art that reflect ideas, concepts, symbols and themes. 1.3 Use tools and materials in a safe and responsible manner. 1.4 Demonstrate levels of craftsmanship. Standard 2.0 Structures and Functions Students will use knowledge of structures and functions. Learning Expectations The student will 2.1 Consistently recognize and identify elements and principles of art. 2.2 Use the elements and principles of art to communicate ideas. 2.3 Discuss the functions of art in different environments. 2.4 Create art works to meet various functions. Standard 3.0 Evaluation Students will choose and evaluate a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas. Learning Expectations The student will 3.1 Discuss subject matter, symbols, and ideas in works of art by others. 3.2 Utilize subject matter, symbols, and ideas in their own artworks. Standard 4.0 Historical and Cultural Relationships Students will understand the visual arts in relation to history and cultures. Learning Expectations The student will 4.1 Relate works of art to different times, civilizations and places. 4.2 Demonstrate how art, history, and culture influence each other. Standard 5.0 Reflection and Assessment Students will reflect upon and assess the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others.

Learning Expectations The student will 5.1 Understand that artists create work for a variety of purposes. 5.2 Discuss the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others. 5.3 Interpret different responses to art works.

Linkage/Integration History, Geography, Culture

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