Senior Project 2

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2024 Senior Project Log

Cara Weber

Total Hours Logged: 39

Monday 9/18/23- 5 hours: 4-9pm

Stayed after practice and talked to my coach (AKA my mentor) about possible stunt options. Ran
through a bunch of inspo videos and tried piecing stuff together to see what would work and
wouldn’t. Explained to stunt groups what they were doing on which counts and ran a trial and
error for certain stunts. Eliminated any that really didn't work and wouldn’t go under any

Tuesday 9/19/23: 2 hours: 5-7pm

Started looking at different possible things to add to the sequence. Sat down with my coach and
looked at videos, reviewed counts and started talking about what music we want to switch to for
the stunts. Took a while to choose music because it had to match our theme but also isn’t too
slow or too fast so we have time to do everything so it can look good and clean.

Wednesday 9/20/23 : 5 hours: 9:50-10:35am & 4:30-8:23pm

Making counts for all stunts and choreography, making changes to stunt sequences. Messaging
back and forth with my coach (AKA my mentor) on ideas on what to do and how to do it started
during 3rd hour at 9:50-10:34am, took a break, and resumed planning during 6th hour
(12:45-1:31) . Had to start thinking of possible changes to make because we had to work around
team attendance and if the stunts were hitting or not. Super difficult cause lots of people were
gone and stuff that was hitting the previous day wasn't hitting anymore. Continued looking at
possible stunts and choreo from 4:30-8:23pm.

Thursday 9/21/23: 2 hours: 9:50-10:34am

Solidified counts for the stunt sequence and added choreo during the sequence, was messaging
with my coach (AKA my mentor) to make sure counts looked good, and would match up with
the right counts of the music. Didn’t get much done cause we had a home game.

Saturday 9/23/23: 8 hours: 3-8pm & 8-11:12pm

Was talking with my coach (Mentor) about possible changes we need to make. Started making
counts for the second half of the stunt sequence. It took a really long time because I was figuring
out formations and stunts for this part of the song. Had to change it a bunch because I had to
keep adding in 8 counts so everyone could get in their spots and have time to do the stunt they
were supposed to perform. So I me and my coach were messaging back and forth as well sending
each other ideas for stunts, and what group was going to be where and then talking about where
we wanted to mash the music, and then sent of the official counts for the stunt sequences

Sunday 9/24/23: 1 hour: 9:50-10:34am

Was messaging my coach (Mentor) about where I wanted to mash the music for the cleanest
transition that wouldn’t mess up the counts.

Monday 9/25/23: 4 hours: 9:50-10:34pm & 3-5pm

Had to change a few counts to add time for moving to specific spots. Went to practice, explained
everyone's sequence and what count they were doing it on. Worked with my stunt group during
practice and showed them our stunt positions, and counts and then ran stunts with them. Then
watch each group individually to see how they were progressing and making sure they were
going on correct counts and doing the right things at the right time.

Tuesday 9/26/23: 4 hours: 3-7pm

Started questioning stunts and the entire sequence because there were a lot of people gone so we
couldn't put the whole routine together and stunts also stopped hitting and I didn't want to risk
keeping the routine the same and then the stunts don't hit at the performance. Talked with my
coach (Mentor) about what we should do/ what's going on and we started to make a plan to
change what we were gonna do at the pep rally. Got really stressed out at this point.

Wednesday 9/27/23: 5 hours 15 minutes: 9-11am & 12:45-6pm

Was really contemplating the entire thing because people were still gone. Talked to the coach
about what we were going to do for like 2 hours and basically listed out pro’s and con’s of what
we wanted to do. Ended up changing the entire sequence and started working on that during 6th
hour and finished changing everything around 6pm . Made the decision with my coach (mentor)
to not allow some groups to stunt because of attendance reasons, and then remade the entire
sequence with counts for 3 of the stunt groups and then me and my coach helped each group
individually with their counts and stunts and made sure everything was doable. Went full out
with the dance and stunts for the first time ever and everything hit. Felt so accomplished and it
relieved so much stress and worry off of my shoulders to know all of my planning and all of my
hours really were for a reason and that my project was pretty much done besides the

Friday 9/29/23: 2 hours: 9-11am

Day of homecoming. Performed the routine to elementary school first, all stunts hit and it went
really well. The kids loved it. Then we performed the routine to the high school, had good

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