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Tyrannosaurus Rex Free Crochet Pattern

Spin a Yarn Crochet November 10, 2023

The Details
As usual, this pattern is made in the same style as my Ragdoll patterns; separate pieces
worked in flat rows and then joined together to give them that unique 2-D look. This project
has 8 pieces including the spots.

The finished measurements are approximately 23cm/9″ tall and 27cm/10″ across.


1. The body is constructed of two panels worked in rows from the bottom up and then
joined by single crocheting around the outside of the panels.
2. There are several increases along both sides of the body panels in order to achieve
Timothee’s *ahem* robustness, so your work will appear to be turning downward on
either end up to about row 22 but it will start to straighten out after that. Additionally, the
panel will not lay perfectly flat due to the increases. This is normal!
3. The spots are worked in the round (one in a MR and one around a starting chain) and
are stitched to the front panel before assembly.
4. The face is stitched onto the front panel before assembly.
5. The separate leg is constructed of two panels worked in rows from the bottom up and
then joined together by single crocheting around the outside of the panels.
6. The separate leg is stitched onto the body after assembly.
7. The arms are worked in continuous rounds and stitched on after assembly.
8. Ch 1 at the end of each row does not count as a stitch.

3.25mm hook (I use THESE hooks!);

Hobbii Friends Cotton 8/6 in color 103 (Parakeet), 200g
IMPORTANT NOTE: I was having a tough time finding a worsted weight
yarn in the shade I wanted so I held this yarn DOUBLE as I crocheted (this
is a weight 2 yarn). Feel free to use a worsted weight yarn of your choice
(held single) throughout!
Hobbii Friends Cotton 8/6 in color 105 (Emerald) HELD DOUBLE (or any worsted
weight yarn of your choice held single), small amount for spots;
Black crochet thread or sport weight yarn for mouth and nostril;
Optional: any white yarn (preferably sport or light weight) to frame the eye.
10mm Safety eye;
Tapestry needle.

Terms and Stitches:

Ch – Chain

MR – Magic Ring

Slst – Slip stitch

Sc – Single Crochet

Inc – Increase. Work a regular sc increase

Dec – Decrease. Work a regular sc decrease

Inc twice – Increase in each of the next 2 sts.

Dec twice – Decrease two times over the next 4 sts.

Invisible join – After last st, cut yarn and pull up on the working loop until the yarn tail is
pulled all the way through. With tapestry needle, thread yarn tail through the next st from
back to front and then down into the centre of the “V” of the last st worked. Pull tight. Weave


Body Panel (make 2):

Row 1: With 3.25mm hook, ch 8, starting in sc ch from hook, sc in each ch across (7 sts), ch
1, turn.

Row 2: Sc 6, inc in last st (8 st), ch 1, turn.

Row 3: Inc, sc 5, dec (8 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 4: Dec twice, sc 4 (6 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 5: Sc 4, dec (5 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 6: Sc in each st (5 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 7: Inc, sc 3, inc (7 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 8: Inc, sc 6 (8 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 9: Inc, sc 6, inc (10 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 10: Sc in each st (10 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 11: Inc, sc 9 (11 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 12: Inc, 8, inc twice (14 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 13: Inc twice, sc 12 (16 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 14: Inc twice, sc 12, inc twice (20 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 15: Inc, sc 17, inc twice (23 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 16: Inc, sc 21, inc (25 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 17: Inc, sc 22, inc twice (28 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 18: Inc, sc 26, inc (30 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 19: Sc 29, inc (31 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 20: Inc, sc 29, inc (33 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 21: Sc in each st across (33 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 22: Inc, sc 32 (34 sts), ch 1, turn.

Rows 23-24: Sc in each st across (34 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 25: Sc 33, inc (35 sts), ch 1, turn.

Rows 26-27: Sc in each st across (35 sts), ch 1, turn.

Start neck/head:

Row 28: Sc 10, leave remaining sts unworked (10 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 29: Dec, sc 8 (9 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 30: Sc in each st across (9 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 31: Sc in each st across (9 sts), ch 10, turn.

Row 32: Starting in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch, then sc in each st of previous row (18

Row 31 before ch 10

Row 31 after ch 10

Row 32 complete

Row 33: Dec, sc 15, inc (18 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 34: Sc in each st (18 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 35: Sc 17, inc (19 sts), ch 1, turn.

Rows 36-37: Sc in each st (19 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 38: Sc 17, dec (18 sts), ch 1, turn.

Rows 39-41: Sc in each st (18 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 42: Dec, sc 16 (17 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 43: Dec, sc 15 (16 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 44: Dec twice, sc 12 (14 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 45: Dec twice, sc 2, leave remaining sts unworked (4 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 46: Dec twice (2 sts)

Tie off. Weave ends.

To crochet the tail, turn the panel so that the head is on your right. Rejoin yarn in the 7th
stitch (counting from the left) of row 27 and work the following:

Row 1: Sc 7 (7 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 2: Dec, sc 1, dec twice (4 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 3: Sc in each st (4 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 4: Sc 2, dec (3 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 5: Sc 1, dec (2 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 6: Sc in each st (2 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 7: Inc, sc 1 (3 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 8: Dec, sc 1 (2 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 9: Dec (1 st).

Tie off. Weave ends.

Separate Leg (make 2):

Row 1: Ch 9, starting in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch (8 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 2: Dec, sc 6 (7 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 3: Sc 5, dec (6 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 4: Dec twice, sc 2 (4 sts), ch 1, turn.

Rows 5-7: Sc in each st (4 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 8: Inc, sc 3 (5 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 9: Sc 4, inc (6 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 10: Inc, sc 5 (7 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 11: Sc 6, inc (8 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 12: Sc in each st (8 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 13: Dec twice, sc 3, inc (7 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 14: Sc 3, dec twice (5 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 15: Dec, sc 3 (4 sts), ch 1, turn.

Row 16: Dec twice (2 sts)

Tie off. Weave ends. Place both leg panels together so that all sides are matching. Insert
your hook through both panels at any stitch and begin single crocheting around the panels to
join them. Add extra sc sts around the toe to create a smooth curve. Stuff firmly after
crocheting around the foot. Top up stuffing when you are almost all of the way around. Slst to
beginning st to close. Tie off. Weave ends. Set aside.

Arms (make 2):

Rnd 1: Work 5 sc into a MR (5 sts)

Rnds 2-5: Sc in each st around (5 sts)

Tie off, leaving a long tail for stitching. Set aside.

Small Spot (make 1):

Rnd 1: Work 6 sc into a MR (6 sts)

Join with an invisible join. Tie off, leaving a long tail for stitching. Set aside.

Large Spot (make 1):
Row 1: Ch 4, starting in 2nd ch from hook sc 2, work 4 sc into the last ch, continue working
on opposite side of chain, sc 1, work 3 sc into the last ch (10 sts).

Join with an invisible join. Tie off, leaving a long tail for stitching. Set aside.

Move on to assembly below!

Insert a 10mm safety eye between rows 41 and 42 and about 4 stitches in from the right side
of the head. Optional: use any light weight white yarn to frame the outside edge of the eyes.

Stitch the spots to the front body panel.

Using black crochet thread, stitch a zig-zag pattern starting in the lower left corner of the
head up toward the eye to create the mouth.

Stitch a small line in the upper left side of the head to create the nostril.

Place both body panels together. Insert your hook through both panels, starting at the middle
of the head on the left side. Begin single crocheting around the panels to join them. Add
extra stitches around the toe and the tip of the tail to create a smooth curve. Stuff the foot
after crocheting around the leg section. Continue joining the panels. When you are almost all
of the way around, stuff firmly. Slst to beginning st to close. Tie off. Weave ends.

Stitch the separate leg onto the back of the body (i.e. behind the joining stitches you just
completed) so that the foreground leg/foot overlaps it slightly.

Stitch the front arm to the front of the body from rows 24-26 counting about 6-8 sts in from
the left. Stitch the back arm behind the joining stitches of the body around rows 24-26.

You’re done! Happy crocheting!

Copyright 2021 Spin a Yarn Crochet | All Rights Reserved


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