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16/02/2024 G.

Mouli kumar- 322103383026


Aim: Pre-process a given dataset based on the following:

a. Discretization b. Eliminating Outliers

Discretization for the "iris" Dataset :

Open Weka and Load the Dataset:

Launch Weka and load the "iris" dataset, which contains information
about different species of iris flowers.
Navigate to the "Preprocess" tab to make changes to the data.

Choose Discretization Filter:

In the "Preprocess" tab, find the "Filter" option to perform
Select "Unsupervised" from the submenu.

Select the Discretization Method:

Choose the "Discretize" filter to transform continuous attributes into
discrete intervals.
Configure the filter by selecting attributes and specifying discretization

Apply the Filter:

Once you've configured the discretization method, click "Apply" to
execute the filter.
Weka will then discretize the selected attributes in the dataset according
to the chosen method.
After applying the Discretize filter to the iris dataset in Weka, the
continuous attributes such as petal width, petal height, sepal width, and
sepal height are transformed into discrete intervals or categories. This
makes the dataset easier to understand and analyze, as it groups similar
values together
16/02/2024 G.Mouli kumar- 322103383026

Before Application of Discretization :

After Application of Discretization :

16/02/2024 G.Mouli kumar- 322103383026

Eliminating Outliers for the "vote" Dataset :

Open Weka and Load the Dataset:

Start Weka and open the "vote" dataset, which contains voting records
of politicians on different issues.
Go to the "Preprocess" tab to prepare the dataset for analysis.

Choose Misclassification Filter:

In the "Preprocess" tab, locate the "Filter" option for modifying the
Select "Unsupervised" from the submenu.

Select the Removal Method:

Choose the "RemoveMisclassified" filter to eliminate instances that are
misclassified by a specified classifier.
Configure the filter by specifying the classifier and the class attribute.

Apply the Filter:

After configuring the filter, click "Apply" to execute it.
Weka will then remove instances that are misclassified by the specified
classifier from the dataset.

After using the RemoveMisclassified filter in Weka on the vote dataset,

it takes out instances that a certain guesser got wrong, similar to
eliminating outliers. This makes the dataset more accurate because it
removes instances that were labeled or guessed wrong, like how outliers
might skew our analysis, giving us better results when we analyze it.

16/02/2024 G.Mouli kumar- 322103383026

Before Application of “RemoveMisClassified” Filter:

After Application of “RemoveMisClassified” Filter:


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