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Mimansa Dadheech

Case study Solutions

 Utilizing digital analytics tools such as Google Analytics and social media analytics is
essential for gathering quantitative data on consumer engagement, sentiment, and
 Conducting online surveys, focus groups, and in-depth interviews through digital
platforms is necessary to acquire qualitative insights.
 Employing targeted advertising campaigns on social media platforms aids in reaching
specific demographics and gathering real-time feedback.
 Utilizing natural language processing (NLP) algorithms to monitor online forums,
blogs, and review sites related to health and breakfast topics helps identify emerging
trends and sentiments.
 Fitness should be positioned as a lifestyle enhancer rather than solely emphasizing
weight management.
 Embracing an empowerment narrative that resonates with Singapore's achievement-
oriented culture is crucial.
 Leveraging new cereal flavours and a crisper formula can reposition Fitness as
synonymous with indulgence and variety.
 Shifting focus from restrictive dieting to holistic wellness by highlighting nutritional
benefits beyond weight management is imperative.

 Developing compelling storytelling campaigns that showcase real-life testimonials
and success stories is essential.
 Collaborating with influential figures in health and wellness for genuine
endorsements is recommended.
 Creating interactive digital experiences like quizzes and challenges to encourage
consumer participation is key.
 Enhancing community engagement through social media campaigns and user-
generated content initiatives is vital.

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