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International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (2019) 16:1677–1690


New scrubber for air purification: abatement of particulate matter

and treatment of the resulting wastewater
F. Ferella1,2 · S. Zueva1 · V. Innocenzi1 · A. Di Renzo1 · A. Avveduto2 · L. Pace2 · P. Tripodi3 · F. Vegliò1

Received: 4 August 2017 / Revised: 7 January 2018 / Accepted: 29 May 2018 / Published online: 2 June 2018
© Islamic Azad University (IAU) 2018

The present paper deals with an innovative scrubber (air pollution abatement) used to remove particulate matter and other
pollutants from air. Air pollution abatement scrubbers were placed in different urban areas and in industrial production sites.
In particular, the results obtained in one fiberglass production facility showed a reduction in particulate matter of 46.3–99.9%
in the size range 0.50–0.00 µm throughout the experimentation period. The aqueous solutions coming from the scrubbers,
placed in different sites, were collected, analyzed and treated in order to regenerate the water and make it available for the
periodic refilling of the scrubber’s tanks. Coagulation, precipitation, carbon adsorption and Fenton processes were applied
in order to design a suitable integrated process able to treat all the samples coming from the scrubbers. The reduction in total
suspended solids, total dissolved solids, phenols and chemical oxygen demand was higher than 85% by the Fenton process,
demonstrating that water is completely recoverable and reusable. Alternatively, the treated water can be discharged into a
surface water body. Based on the results from the experimental campaign, a mobile plant was designed in order to treat such
wastewater. Depending on the physicochemical parameters of the wastewater, specific treatments can be chosen and carried
out by such mobile plant.

Keywords Air pollution · Fenton · Particulate matter · Scrubber · Wastewater

Introduction contribution from industry and farming/agriculture activities

(Mcdonald 2012), as well as from power generation, espe-
In the recent decades, the significant development of indus- cially burning of coal (Ferella et al. 2013). These kinds of
trial, commercial and agriculture activities caused an expan- emissions, i.e., traffic and heating, have the common charac-
sion of the urban population. Consequently, emission of pol- teristic of being densely distributed on the territory, although
lutants grew rapidly, leading to a worsening of the air quality one of these sources is mobile.
both in the cities and in their surrounding areas (Chan and The main pollutants present in the urban air are nitro-
Yao 2008). Road transportation and heating systems are gen oxides (­ NOx), sulfur oxides (­ SOx), particulate matter
the two main urban sources of atmospheric emissions. Fur- (PM1–PM10), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), heavy
thermore, around urban areas, there is often a significant metals, carbon monoxide (CO), light hydrocarbons ­(CH4,
­C6H6), pollen, spores and compounds like polycyclic aro-
matic hydrocarbons (PAHs) aggregated into particulate
Editorial responsibility: M. Abbaspour. matter.
Particulates can form atmospheric aerosols, very danger-
* F. Ferella ous as these small particulates (fine particles < 2.5 µm and
ultrafine particles < 0.1 µm) are the most detrimental when
Department of Industrial Engineering, Information inhaled by humans (Seaton et al. 1995). Long-term exposure
and Economics, University of L’Aquila, Via G. Gronchi 18, to ­NOx and VOCs can cause several damages; in fact, it is
67100 L’Aquila, Italy
more severe on the very young, elderly and those with pre-
Società Progetti Innovativi srl, Via C. D’Andrea, existing respiratory diseases (Gouveia and Fletcher 2000).
67100 Bazzano, AQ, Italy
According to recent studies from the European Envi-
Is Clean Air Italia srl, Piazza della Manifattura 1, ronment Agency, about 90% of people living in the largest
38068 Rovereto, TN, Italy

1678 International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (2019) 16:1677–1690

European cities are exposed to pollutant concentrations Regulation D.Lgs. 152/2006 lists the maximum concentra-
above the harmful threshold estimated by the World Health tion for metals, organic compounds and microbiological
Organization (WHO), with huge costs in terms of safety, parameters of wastewater in order to determine whether it
health and environmental damages (EEA 2013a, b). Moreo- can be discharged into water bodies like sewage network,
ver, long-term exposure to fine PM was related to natural- rivers, lakes or sea, as well as for reuse, both industrial and
cause mortality, even for pollutant levels below the actual agricultural. Such water, once treated, can be reused together
European average annual limits (Beelen et al. 2014). with a small makeup, in order to approach a zero-liquid dis-
Some efforts were focused to improve environmental charge process. Regarding wastewater, there are no refer-
urban conditions, for instance, treaties, laws and advices ences related to integrated processes for treatment, as this
from environmental conferences and international panels; kind of equipment is the first one that will be installed in
furthermore, extensive efforts were focused on the develop- urban areas, manufacturing and other industrial facilities.
ment of a wide range of devices for removing particulate and The process, and thus the relevant plant, should be able to
gaseous indoor pollutants (Zhang et al. 2011). PM can be treat wastewaters coming from APA devices installed in dif-
removed by using mechanical HEPA (high-efficiency par- ferent kinds of production facilities. Moreover, such plant
ticulate) air filters or powered electronic air cleaners (e.g., should also process wastewater from scrubbers installed in
ionizers). However, filters tend to quickly lose efficiency urban areas like roads, parking areas, highways and bus sta-
when sorbents become saturated, and thus require regular tions, where contamination of air is very hard due to the
maintenance (Fisk et al. 2002; Sublett et al. 2010). The unit presence of buses and cars. In the latter case, the waste
operations and processes for removing organic airborne solutions produced by APA scrubbers can be considered as
contaminants include wet and dry scrubbing, condensa- wastewater generated during the first minutes of a rainfall,
tion, flare, thermal oxidation, catalytic oxidation, gas-phase when water runs off the streets, collects and transports sev-
carbon adsorption and gas-phase biofiltration. Filtration, eral kind of materials like sand, leaves, dust from brake pads
cyclones, electrostatic precipitation and wet scrubbing are (containing heavy metals, ceramics and organics), CO, S ­ Ox ,
the typical processes for removal of PM and inorganic con- uncombusted hydrocarbons and N ­ Ox. The wet scrubber is
taminants like metals. All these applications could improve one standard equipment used for purifying hot flue gases
the quality in indoor urban environments; however, no to treat the fugitive emissions. Different aqueous solutions
experimental activity for application in outside urban envi- can be used, depending on the particular compounds con-
ronments was found in the literature. In this context, the tained in the flue gas or emissions. Wet scrubber is furnished
preliminary experiments, described in the present paper, with spray towers and packed columns, where the gas is
aimed at testing a possible remediation strategy of urban countercurrent to the liquid flow. Purification of wastewater
air pollution. The proposed strategy is to install a network coming from scrubbers is usually carried out by applying
of densely distributed, economical and sustainable air pol- different techniques such as physical, chemical, drum and
lution absorbers inside the industrial workplaces and urban disk filtration, membrane filtration, advanced oxidation sys-
areas, which may lower the pollutant levels in the breath- tems and equalization tanks (Rabah 2013). Physical methods
able bottom layers and reduce bulk urban canopy emissions. usually includes flocculation, sedimentation, froth flotation
The air pollution abatement (APA) technology is a network and adsorption (Ebeling et al. 2005; Amuda and Amoo
of easily operating and adaptable wet scrubber system that 2007; Sansalone and Jong 2008; Paganelli et al. 2011). In
can be installed in both indoor and outdoor environments. this paper, the results of a preliminary experimental mixed
Currently, each scrubber treats nearly 2300 m3/h of ambient campaign, i.e., carried out in both industrial and urban sites,
air, requires an electrical power of 550 W and produces a are shown. This campaign wanted to demonstrate the effec-
noise of 55 dBA/1 m. Basically, input air is injected into the tive abatement of PM, especially the finest, with an aqueous
vessel where a water vaporization device causes the PM to scrubber. The innovation lies in the particular arrangement
precipitate, depositing the particles in the aqueous solution of the internal nozzles that creates a nebulised aqueous
tank: This simulates the natural cycle of rain without any layer able to capture the PM. Moreover, the particular fluid
generation of special waste and with a limited consump- dynamics of the internal pipelines also creates a “cyclone”
tion of energy. As regards gaseous pollutants, the abatement effect; the third filtration effect is carried out by the innova-
takes place by means of dissolution or absorption processes tive filter composed of 7–10 layers in which air is obliged to
of the gas in the liquid solution (Henry’s law). The collected pass through a multiple “S” path. The gaseous compounds
wastewater contains all the atmospheric substances captured are absorbed by the aqueous solution, where non-hazardous
in the process. Hence, it is required to treat such wastewater additives can be added to enhance the absorption. Regarding
that could be discharged into the urban sewage network or, the APA devices tested in the present paper, there are some
alternatively and more profitably, used to refill the scrub- original issues:
bers instead of using freshwater. The Italian Environmental

International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (2019) 16:1677–1690 1679

• Integrated air–water treatment process; versions of the APA scrubber that can be adapted to the
• These devices are mobile, so they can be moved in dif- different requirements of the process. For air pollution
ferent places in closed environments like metro stations, abatement in urban environment, the stainless steel version
factories, storehouses and, generally speaking, dusty equipped with touch screen and monitoring control unit for
warehouses. Many suction devices are installed under pollutants is usually used. Instead, for industrial and pure
the roof, so that most of the PM, especially the heaviest, research applications, a cylindrical unit is usually chosen,
remains in the bottom layers close to the ground, where made up of polypropylene (PP) or AISI 316 stainless steel
people work; when the device is connected to flue gas pipelines and,
• No hazardous compounds are used in the aqueous solu- hence, exposed to high temperature (> 130–140 °C) and cor-
tion; rosive chemical compounds. The latter version can also be
• The spent aqueous solution from the scrubbers can be equipped with special catalysts in order to remove CO and
collected and treated in a centralized wastewater treat- uncombusted hydrocarbons, as well as ­NOx, below the con-
ment plant that can even be mobile, in order to reuse centration limits provided for by environmental regulations.
water without a great consumption of freshwater (makeup The capacity of each scrubber n was 2300 m3/h of air. The
water only). This approaches a zero-liquid discharge pro- operating principle and the two APA scrubber versions used
cess. in the experimental campaign are shown in Fig. 1. The wet
• These devices are suitable for very dusty factories where scrubber removes the pollutants from the air flow incorpo-
standard suction equipment is not able to guarantee a rating them in liquid droplets, usually an aqueous solution,
healthy working environment, as provided for by law. produced by a sprayer system and in wet plates. Regarding
gaseous pollutants, the abatement takes place by means of
This experimental campaign is a general test for the real dissolution or absorption processes in the liquid. The waste-
Smart Clean Air City project in the city of L’Aquila: 14 APA water, containing such atmospheric contaminants captured
scrubbers type “totem”, integrated in the urban environment from air, needs to be treated to comply with according to
and equipped with touch screens to provide advertisement the environmental regulations, i.e., concentration limits into
and/or public information about the city, will be installed. urban sewage networks or industrial wastewater treatment
The aim of this paper is to show the results of some tests plants.
of particulate matter (PM) abatement in different environ-
ments, in particular in a fiberglass processing plant and the
loading area of one incinerator’s combustion chamber. The Characterization of the experimental sites
PM monitoring tests were conducted in two different sites:
one fiberglass processing plant located in the city of Aprilia Fiberglass processing plant
(Rome, Italy) and the loading area of the combustion kiln of
one urban waste incinerator in the city of Padova, Italy. Air Carcinogenic volatile compounds, epoxy resins, styrene
remediation occurred for 11 months in Aprilia and 1 month (IARC 1987) and harmful airborne glass fibers (ACGIH
in Padova in 2016. 2001; Hoet and Lauwerys 2001) characterize the air qual-
Hence, a series of water treatments were carried out in ity of a fiberglass workplace. In a recent study (Avveduto
order to treat the wastewater coming from the two afore- et al. 2015), the effect of the wet scrubber operation on
mentioned plants plus other six samples collected from APA the VOC concentration inside the processing department
placed in other locations, as indicated in “Wastewater treat- (named Large) of a fiberglass plant was presented. A reduc-
ments” section. The goal of the wastewater treatments was tion of about 40% in C ­ nHm compounds concentration has
to obtain recycled water with physicochemical properties been monitored during the experimentation. Here, the results
suitable to be reused in the same devices. Furthermore, the related to the particulate matter monitoring are reported. The
design of a mobile plant for treatment of wastewater gener- air remediation occurred in the so-called Large and Small
ated by APA scrubbers is also shown. operating departments, where manufacturing and finishing
of fiberglass products are, respectively, carried out. The APA
wet scrubbers were placed next to the main workstations.
Brief description of the scrubber The volume of the Small department was around 200 m3,
about one-third of the Large one.
A methodology for air pollution remediation in towns and The APA technology was the only air remediation sys-
industrial facilities is proposed with the use of a dense net- tem adopted in the factory’s rooms. APA wet scrubber sys-
work of wet scrubbers to reduce air pollution. The air clean- tems were operative only during the daily working activi-
ing system APA is patented (Tripodi and Tripodi 2015a, ties (8:00–19:00), except for the first 10 days of remediation
b) and well described in Avveduto et al. (2015). There are when the wet scrubbers ran 24 h. The small artisan business

1680 International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (2019) 16:1677–1690

Fig. 1  APA scrubber used in the

experimental campaign: a oper-
ating principle; b APA running
at Romana Maceri in Arezzo;
c APA scrubber running at the
other sites

has a production activity fragmented over time, with inter- i.e., during the full operation of the power line (furnace
vals of stop or minimal activity. So, the data analyzed here on), according to logistic and safety constraints.
are only relative to intensive working days, in which all the
different stages of production were carried out.

Municipal solid waste incinerator Materials and methods

Significant amounts of solid wastes, such as fly ashes and Particulate matter
bottom ashes (combustion residues), are produced by the
combustion of urban wastes. According to (Jung et al. During the experimental campaign, no air treatment
2004) and (Durmusoglu et al. 2006), these kinds of ashes devices were operative in the workplaces; periodic air
are characterized by the presence of carcinogenic organic replacement occurred by window ventilation only. Meas-
compounds and heavy metals. In the present paragraph, urements of particle number concentration were taken by
the remediation action occurred in a 10 MW power line of an AeroTrak Optical Particle Counter (OPC) Model 9306
a municipal solid waste incinerator is showed. The experi- produced and calibrated by TSI. The device is based on
mentation was carried out in the rear zone of the furnace laser light scattering and provides the concentration of six
area. High PM concentration, arising from the extraction size channels in the range 0.30–25 μm ([0.30–0.49 μm],
of the ash from the combustion chamber of the furnace, [0.50–0.99 μm], [1.00–2.99 μm], [3.00–4.99 μm],
characterizes the site. The APA wet scrubbers were placed [5.00–9.99 μm] and [10.00–25.00 μm]). The particle con-
in front of the ash extractor, in a sector of about 180 m3 in centration is taken with a frequency of 1 min, when an air
volume. APA scrubbers were put into operation 24 h/day volume of 1.5 L for each sample is analyzed. The OPC was
during the remediation period. Air monitoring was carried placed 150 cm above the ground.
out before and during the study in the working hours only,

International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (2019) 16:1677–1690 1681

Wastewater treatments wastewater was placed in a pre-weighed aluminum weigh

pan and weighed again with slurry inside. The sample was
Experiments were performed with eight wastewater samples, then placed in an oven at 105 °C and dried for 48 h. Samples
collected from different industrial or urban places, including were cooled in a desiccator, and a final mass of dry total
the fiberglass plant and the urban waste incinerator. In par- solids was obtained. For TDS and TSS determination, the
ticular, wastewater collected from APA scrubbers installed slurry was filtered with a 0.2-µm syringe filter. 10 mL of
in urban areas (square and next to one highway) as well the collected clarified filtrate was added to a pre-weighed
as industrial facilities like equipped warehouse for storage, aluminum weigh pan, and the same analysis described above
drying and composting of solid digestate, fiberglass produc- for TS determination was repeated. Samples were cooled and
tion, gasifier for syngas production. The list of the sites is the final mass of TDS was obtained by weight difference.
the following: The final solids missing in the mass balance were considered
TSS, determined by subtracting TDS from TS. Each analysis
• Sample 1. Scrubber placed in one downtown square open was repeated twice, and the results were reported as mean
to car traffic. Location: Bolzano; values. Average size of the suspended particles was meas-
• Sample 2. Scrubber placed at the Bolzano Sud toll bar- ured using a Zetasizer Nano ZS90 (Malvern Instruments)
rier. Location: Highway A22, Bolzano; equipped with a He–Ne laser (633 nm, 5 mW).
• Sample 3. Scrubber placed in the storage warehouse A quantitative analysis was carried out by atomic absorp-
of solid digestate coming from the anaerobic diges- tion spectroscopy (AAS) (spectrometer SpectrAA 200, Var-
tion of the organic fraction of the municipal solid waste ian) in order to evaluate the accurate content of metals in
(OFMSW). Location: Green Asm, Nera Montoro, Terni; wastewater. The samples were put in 1-L bottles and stored
• Sample 4. Scrubber placed in the warehouse for drying in the refrigerator at 5 °C. Samples were analyzed without
of solid digestate. Location: Green Asm, Nera Montoro, any dilution, as the concentration of metals was rather low.
Terni; pH measurement was taken by means of PS-2 pH meter
• Sample 5. Scrubber connected to the flue gas pipeline which was calibrated with 4.00 and 7.00 pH standard buffer
after combustion of syngas obtained by gasification of solutions. The optical density (OD) method at fixed wave-
wooden pellets. Location: Romana Maceri, Arezzo; length of 500 nm (UV–visible spectrophotometer UV-2700,
• Sample 6. Scrubber placed in the resin application room Shimadzu) was used to measure the turbidity of wastewater.
of fiberglass factory. Location: Moto Special, Aprilia;
• Sample 7. Scrubber placed in the finishing room of a Coagulation experiment
fiberglass factory. Location: Moto Special, Aprilia;
• Sample 8. Scrubber placed in a warehouse for extraction Coagulation experiments were carried out in a jacketed
of furnace’s ash. Location: ETRA, Padova. stirred reactor tank. Time and speed for mixing were
adjusted with an automatic controller. Different amounts
The study consisted of four sets of experiments. The first of reagents were added and mixed at room temperature to
set was used to study the effect of filtration on the waste- guarantee thorough mixing between effluent and coagulant.
water treatment efficiency. The second set was able to Afterward, the precipitate was separated from the solution
determine the effect of aluminum sulfate and iron sulfate by sedimentation. The coagulation experiments were con-
as coagulants. The third set of experiments was carried out ducted to determine the effect of different reagent concentra-
to determine the effect of the Fenton process. Finally, the tion on separation and treatment efficiency.
fourth set was needed to study the effect of activated carbon The study consisted of three sets of experiments. The
(AC) as sorbent. first set was done to study the effect of coagulants. For each
Aluminum sulfate ­A l 2(SO 4) 3 20%w/v, iron sulfate coagulant, the concentration was varied in order to find the
­Fe2(SO4)3 20%wt/vol and hydrated lime Ca(OH)2 10%wt/ optimum value that provided the best coagulation treatment.
vol were used as coagulants in coagulation tests. The con-
centration of the chemical elements in samples was deter- Adsorption experiments
mined by X-ray fluorescence (XRF, Spectro XEPOS 2000).
Chlorides, sulfates and chemical oxygen demand (COD) in Batch adsorption tests were carried out at constant room
wastewater before and after treatment were measured with temperature by adding 1 g of activated carbon (AC) to
Dr. Lange’s kit, cuvette tests LCK 311 and LCK 114A. Total 100 mL of wastewater sample in 250-mL flasks. Flasks
solids (TS), total suspended solids (TSS) and total dissolved were mechanically shaken in a laboratory shaker (Innova
solids (TDS) were measured by Standard Method 2540 for 2000) at 2000 rpm for 2 h in order to achieve the equilib-
solid determination in the ambit of water and wastewater rium state; after that, the adsorbent was separated by vac-
treatment industry (Eaton et al. 1998). For TS, 15 mL of uum filtration at 0.45 µm and the filtrate was analyzed. The

1682 International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (2019) 16:1677–1690

adsorption efficiency was expressed as a percentage of the Table 1  Factors and levels investigated in coagulation tests
adsorbed compound compared to its initial concentration: Coded factor Factor Level
[( )/ ]
E (%) = C0 − C C0 ⋅ 100, (1) −1 0 +1
where C0 and C are the initial and residual concentration, X1 Coagulant dosage, g/L
respectively. Al2(SO4)3 0.1 0.2 0.3
The study consisted of two sets of experiments. The first Fe2(SO4)3 0.2 0.4 0.6
set was used to study the effect of AC on the wastewater X2 Mixing time, s 75 120 165
treatment efficiency. The second set was used to investi-
gate the effect coagulation followed by sorption by AC.
Results and discussion
Advanced oxidation process (AOP) Fiberglass processing plant
The Fenton’s process was selected as AOP for treatment During the first 10 days of experimentation, the APA sys-
of the samples collected from each of the APA scrub- tems ran continuously for 24 h. A 5-day continuous air
bers located in different sites. The pH of the solution was monitoring was carried out before and after that period
adjusted to 3.3 with concentrated ­H2SO4; thus, different in order to establish the initial and final particulate matter
amounts of ­FeSO4 were added. Finally, the solution was levels. The test was performed at full scale in the fiber-
heated to 35 °C and the required volume of 30%vol. ­H2O2 glass factory. The results of such tests are shown in Fig. 2,
solution was placed in the flask to achieve the concentra- where the comparison between the particle concentration
tion of 30 g/L. The flask was put under stirring for 1 h; (PC) measured at different granulometric ranges, before
finally, 35%wt NaOH solution was added until pH 8.8 was (red) and after (blue) the initial remediation action in (a)
achieved; hence, the sample was left under stirring for 1 h Large and (b) Small rooms, respectively, is shown.
and 30 min without stirring for sedimentation. Afterward, Data in Fig. 2, in log scale, were calculated as average
COD and TSS were measured. The wastewater was also of the measurements in 5 days before (red) and 5 days after
characterized in terms of pH, apparent color, turbidity, (blue) the remediation action. The average values obtained
total phenols, sulfate, chloride, phosphorous, nitrogen in 5 days take into account all types of working activi-
and metals content before and after the Fenton’s oxida- ties, characterized by specific air pollution emissions:
tion tests. This led to the right quantification of the scrubber action.
Moreover, only data between 8:00 and 19:00 (working
hours) were recorded in order to make the two sets of
Experimental design and data analysis data comparable. Finally, the use of an arbitrary unit in
the graphs of Fig. 2 is due to confidentiality issues (non-
Central composite design (CCD) contains an imbedded disclosure agreement, NDA, signed with the company).
factorial or fractional factorial design with center points Before the APA action, the particle concentration (PC)
that is augmented with a group of “star points” (Myers and decreases with the size of granulometric range, except for
Montgomery 2002). In statistics, a full factorial experiment the [5.00–9.99 μm] size range. This size distribution is
is an experiment whose design consists of two or more fac- typical of industrial processing plants characterized by
tors, each with discrete possible values or levels, and whose very high level of airborne material. Instead, after the APA
experimental units take on all possible combinations of these action, the PC is a monotonically decreasing function for
levels across all such factors. Such an experiment allows the all dimensional ranges monitored. The effect of the wet
investigator to study the effect of each factor on the response scrubber system on the particulate matter concentration
variable, as well as the effects of interactions between factors occurs for all the granulometric ranges investigated, in
on the response variable. Previous coagulation experiments both the Large and Small room. As reported in Table 2, the
highlighted that a slight overdosage of coagulants could observed efficacy of abatement (EoA), defined as:
impact the efficiency in a negative manner. Therefore, in
order to determine the optimum amount of coagulant, two ⟨PCbefore ⟩ − ⟨PCafter ⟩
EoA = 100 ∗ , (2)
­22 full factorial designs were chosen in this experimental ⟨PCbefore ⟩
campaign, using A ­ l2(SO4)3 and F ­ e2(SO4)3 alternatively as
is generally higher for particles with the highest diameter
first factor and shaking time as second factor. Factors and
and ranges from 23% (Large room [0.50–0.99 µm]) to 99%
relevant levels of investigation are given in Table 1. Mathcad
([> 10.00 µm]).
Software was used for data analysis.

International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (2019) 16:1677–1690 1683

Fig. 2  Particle size measurements, log scale and arbitrary units, in the Large (a) and Small (b) manufacturing departments of the fiberglass pro-
cessing plant

Table 2  Efficacy of abatement for PM for different size ranges, after Consequently, before the initial remediation action, the PC
the initial continuous 10-day operating period of the system in the Small room is 10–30% higher than the levels moni-
Efficacy of abatement (%) tored in the Large room. Despite these initial differences in
concentration, the PC in the Small area after the intensive
Granu- [0.50– [1.00– [3.00– [5.00– [> 10.00]
lometric 0.99] 2.99] 4.99] 9.99] remediation action is similar to that in the Large room. In
range order to evaluate the long-term air treatment efficacy of the
[µm] technology, the PC level was monitored during the whole
Small 46.3 94.1 82.3 95.8 99.9
period of remediation. The percentage ratios between the
room average concentration ⟨PCx ⟩, measured after x days from
Large 23.4 92.1 83.9 99.5 99.9 the beginning of the experiment, and the initial mean value
room ⟨PCbefore ⟩ are listed in Table 3.
As discussed above, the P ­ Cx measurements are aver-
aged over several days to take into account the day-to-day
The EoA values are similar for Large and Small variability of working phases. It is possible to observe that
room. The only significant difference occurs in the range the PC in the dimensional ranges [> 10 µm], [5–9.99 µm],
[0.50–0.99 µm], where the EoA in Small is about twice [3–4.99 µm] and [1–2.99 µm] is stable below 20% of the
than in the Large room. This is in part due to the differ- pre-remediation value, in both the Large and Small room.
ent rate and type of emissions related to the different pro- For the range [0.5–0.99 μm], PC is stabilized to about 70 and
duction processes that take place in those areas. Moreover, 50% of the pre-remediation concentration in the Large and
the Small area is one-third in volume than the Large area. Small room, respectively.

Table 3  Long-term efficacy of Days

⟨PCx ⟩ ⟨PCbefore ⟩ (%)
the air remediation system
Large area Small area
Range [µm] Range [µm]
0.5–0.99 1–2.99 3–4.99 5–9.99 > 10 0.5–0.99 1–2.99 3–4.99 5–9.99 > 10

0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
10 77 16 8 4 1 54 18 6 4 1
30 70 15 7 3 1 50 16 5 3 1
60 72 15 6 1 1 52 15 4 1 1
180 75 14 7 2 1 53 16 5 2 1
360 73 15 6 1 1 52 15 2 1 1

1684 International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (2019) 16:1677–1690

Municipal solid waste incinerator

All the tests were carried out at full scale in the area next
to the furnace of the incinerator. In Fig. 3, the coarse par-
ticulate concentration (PC), i.e., bottom ash, is plotted; PC
was monitored in the furnace area of solid waste incinerator
carried out in a previous experimentation (Avveduto et al.
2015). The raw data are relevant to the periods during which
the wet scrubber was disabled (red points, scrubbers off)
and enabled (green points, scrubbers on) for a total of 30
working days characterized by the full operation of the line
(furnace on). The furnace-off state, occurred after the air
remediation, is also plotted. APA operation clearly affects
the bottom ash concentration.
The results of a second test performed in the experi-
Fig. 4  Comparison between the average PC measured at different size
mental conditions described in “Municipal solid waste channels during the APA disabled (blue bars) and enabled (pink bars)
incinerator” section are reported in Fig. 4. The compari- periods in the furnace area of the urban solid waste incinerator. The
son between the average PC measured at the different size APA-off concentrations are normalized to 100
channels when the scrubber was disabled (blue bars) and
enabled (pink bars) is shown. The data refer to furnace-on
state. The mean concentrations related to APA-off period
(blue bars) are normalized to 100. The average values

Fig. 3  Raw data of coarse particulate performed by OPC in the furnace zone of the urban solid waste incinerator

International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (2019) 16:1677–1690 1685

calculated during the working hours of different days take Effect of sedimentation/filtration on the wastewater
into account all the possible activities carried out in the treatment efficiency
workplace area, making possible the correct quantifica-
tion of the scrubber action. The effect of the air cleaner Gravitational force has less influence on smaller particles
system on workplace air quality occurs for all the investi- than larger ones due to their lower mass. Sedimentation
gated particle size ranges, with an average decrease in PM is used as a natural filtration stage, where particles bigger
concentration ranging from 25% [0.30–0.49 μm] to 67% than 1 mm (sand, clay, agglomerated particulate matter,
[10.00–25.00 μm]. In particular, bottom ash greater than leaf scraps, etc.) settle in short time. Particles in the range
2.50 μm was reduced, on average, of about 65%. 0.1–1 µm are colloidal and thus do not settle. According to
the results of the tests, the suspended particles were present
with different particle sizes: 0.154, 29.571 and 1041.412 µm.
Wastewater analysis Indeed, particles with size lower than 500 µm are normally
considered stable, and the process of sedimentation occurs
The composition of the eight wastewater samples was slowly.
determined at the laboratory of Chemical Engineering The sedimentation experiments were carried out in
of the University of L’Aquila, where all the wastewater a cylinder with 20 cm in height and a diameter of 3 cm,
treatments were also carried out. The concentration of the at temperature of 22 °C ± 3 °C. Samples of 200 mL were
samples is given in Table 4. As it may be noted, the chem- taken from each valve at 0, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300 and
ical composition of wastewater varies considerably from 360 min, and an analysis of the TSS was carried out. The
one site to another, depending on the type of industry or effect of sedimentation was determined in terms of abate-
urban location. Each scrubber was kept in operation for ment of the most important chemical parameters. The rate
a period of 3 months, except those located in Aprilia and of sedimentation and reduction in organic pollution for the
Padova. The water samples coming from APA scrubber wastewater samples was rather weak and varied from 10 to
n.4 (Nera Montoro, Terni) present all kinds of pollutants, 24%. Sedimentation alone in this case did not show high
a condition which does not occur for the water samples efficiency in removal of TSS, as well as in phenols, COD
coming from other scrubbers. Therefore, although experi- and TDS abatement.
ments were conducted on all water samples, results are
be given in this paper only in relation to sample n.4, as Effect of coagulant on wastewater treatment
these are the most comprehensive and meaningful ones. efficiency

Coagulation performance of different coagulants was evalu-

ated in terms of residual turbidity and TSS. It was found that

Table 4  The composition of wastewater coming out from APA wet scrubbers
Parameter Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 Sample 5 Sample 6 Sample 7 Sample 8

pH 7.9 8.2 6.21 6.2 7.7 8.5 8.7 6.8

TS, mg/L 580 16,580 3450 1050 2360 480 1120 350
TSS, mg/L 375 60 1800 250 1540 320 580 100
TDS, mg/L 120 16,520 1578 764 478 160 540 250
COD, mg/L 18.8 75 835 401 284 19 61 30
Phenols, mg/L 0.2 0.1 1.76 2.20 2.00 0.1 0.2 1.8
NH4, mg/L 3.7 – 362 93.5 9.52 – – –
NH4–N, mg/L 2.9 – 281 73.6 7.4 – – –
NO3–N, mg/L 3.2 – 142 4.9 2.4 – – 2.4
NO3, mg/L 14.2 – 319 22.1 11.5 – – 10.6
Chlorides, mg/L 1.3 63,300 1.09 1.2 1.9 192 474 8.1
PO4, mg/L – 0.208 – 1.4 – 0.05 0.05 –
PO4–P, mg/L – 0.071 – 0.4 – 0.02 0.01 –
Na, mg/L 24.7 6552 20.6 20.1 22.7 32.7 76.4 205
Anionic surfactants, mg/L 0.7 1.1 6.6 4.6 0.5 0.2 0.3 –
Cationic surfactants, mg/L – 0.07 0.1 0.2 – 0.09 2.1 –

1686 International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (2019) 16:1677–1690

both coagulants were effective for TSS removal and pro-

duced an optimum turbidity removal efficiency of 90–92%.
The total COD, chlorides and phenols removal achieved
maximum values of 45–55%; regarding ­PO4–P, the abate-
ment was 87%. The COD removal efficiency had a trend
similar to that of the turbidity, which suggests that at least
50% COD is mainly produced by TSS in the wastewater.
Coagulation experiments highlighted that a slight over-
dosage of coagulants could impair the removal efficiency.
Therefore, in order to achieve the optimum dosage of
coagulant, a central composite design (CCD) was applied
by means of two factors, i.e., the coagulant dosage and the
agitation time. Factors and relevant levels of investigation
are given in Table 1.
Response surface plots for turbidity removal (Fig. 5a,
b) show clear peaks, which identify optimum values of the
factors: agitation 110 s; ­Al2(SO4)3 dosage of 0.19 g/L and
­Fe2(SO4)3 dosage of 0.43 g/L.
It was found that under optimum conditions both coag-
ulants were effective in TSS reduction. The total yield of
COD, TDS and phenols removal reached maximum values
in the range of 50–70%, whereas the reduction was 87% for
­PO4–P (Fig. 6).
As a conclusion, the results of the study showed that
coagulation was an effective technique for the wastewater

Advanced oxidation process (AOP)

The Fenton’s oxidation experiments were carried out under

different ratios of chemical reagents, i.e., ­[H2O2]:[Fe2+]. The
optimal conditions were found to be [COD]:[H2O2] ratio
equal to 1:9 and [­ H2O2]:[Fe2+] ratio equal to 4.5:1. Firstly,
the pH of the solution was adjusted to 3–3.5 with concen-
trated ­H2SO4. The required amount of F ­ eSO4 was first added
to the mixture. The Fenton reaction starts after the sequential
addition of the required amount of ­H2O2. After the end of the Fig. 5  Response surface plot for turbidity removal with ­Al2(SO4)3 (a)
reaction, that lasted 1 h, the pH was adjusted to 8–10 by 10% and ­Fe2(SO4)3 (b)
Ca(OH)2; hence, Fe(OH)3 precipitated in 1 h without agita-
tion. Final samples after 1 h of sedimentation were taken
for COD measurement. All the experiments were replicated
twice. During the Fenton oxidation process and pH adjust-
ment to 8, a large amount of flocks of various sizes were
observed in the wastewater sample. According to Walling Effect of activated carbon on wastewater treatment
and Kato (1971), the small ferric hydroxy flocs are formed efficiency
by complex chain reactions of ferrous and hydroxide ions.
The simple pH adjustment of the effluent from 8 up to 10 Results of the two sets of experiments with activated
contributed to the removal of around 15% of COD and phe- carbon (AC) are shown in Fig. 7, in terms of TDS, N ­ O 3,
nol, as well as 20% of TOC. Chemical oxidation by means ammonium and phenols reduction. As it can be inferred,
of Fenton’s reagents has proven to be a viable alternative AC used as sorbent was very effective in phenols removal,
to the oxidative destruction of organic pollutants in mixed ­ H4–N and
but did not have high positive effect on TDS, N
waste chemicals, with a COD and TDS removal of 93 and ­NO3–N removal. TDS can be reduced in case of prelimi-
84%, respectively. nary coagulation with subsequent adsorption.

International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (2019) 16:1677–1690 1687

Italian environmental regulation D.Lgs. 152/2006: It can be

inferred that, if not recycled in the APA scrubber, the water
can be discharged into a water body once treated with the
Fenton process. Instead, all the concentration limits are fully
accomplished in case of discharge in the sewage network.
Consequently, the mobile plant required to recycle the waste-
water coming from the APA scrubbers should be designed
to perform a mix of the treatments mentioned above. From
these experimental results, the best treatment process should
be chosen based on the original wastewater parameters. For
wastewater with low COD values (below limits) and high
phenols concentration, coagulation plus adsorption can be
recommended. Instead, for wastewater with high value of
Fig. 6  Effect of coagulants on treatment efficiency COD, the Fenton process is the most suitable. The decision
flowchart, which depends on the initial physicochemical
parameters of the wastewater, is shown in Fig. 9.

Wastewater mobile plant

The design of the mobile pilot plant (MPP) for treatment

of water coming from the APA scrubbers, according to the
optimal conditions found during the experimental tests, was
carried out in this paragraph. It was considered that several
APA scrubbers are installed in various strategic areas of the
city (e.g., in bus stations, malls, parking areas, roads) plus
others in different industrial facilities, for a total number
of 100, that could be a reasonable number in a city with
Fig. 7  Effectiveness of wastewater treatment with AC 100,000 inhabitants with a small industrial area. Each scrub-
ber has a nominal capacity of 300 L, and every month the
tank is drained and refilled with freshwater; hence, the nomi-
nal capacity of the plant was set at 3 m3/batch for 1 batch/
day. It should be taken into account that each scrubber is
filled with around 200–250 L/unit and that some water is
lost because of evaporation and transportation by the air
flow, although one demister is installed in each device. This
issue is enhanced during the summer, when the higher tem-
perature promotes evaporation. The duration of each batch
is 8 h. In the MPP, several operation units are present: They
can be combined in different sequence, depending on the
source and characteristics of the wastewater. The processes
Fig. 8  Effectiveness of wastewater treatment with different methods
carried out in the MPP have the aim to reduce the amount
of pollutants, TSS, COD, nitrates, metals and phenols in
Effect of different treatments order to reuse such water. This is the main aim of the plant,
since the consumption of each APA device is rather high
Figure 8 and Table 5 show the effectiveness of each of the and the zero-liquid discharge approach should be pursued.
four different treatments performed on wastewater during The process includes the following stages: sedimentation
this research, i.e., sedimentation, coagulation, advanced oxi- of TSS, pH adjustment by means of an alkaline reagent and
dation and adsorption. acid, coagulation, addition of iron sulfate and hydrogen per-
It is evident that no single treatment is effective enough oxide for the Fenton process and final addition of lime. Acti-
to ensure an adequate purification, in case one would dis- vated carbon can be required for adsorption of organics and
charge such water in a surface water body. The last col- other recalcitrant pollutants, if contained in the wastewater.
umn lists the concentration limits provided for by the Finally, the suspension is filtered to separate the liquid from

1688 International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (2019) 16:1677–1690

Table 5  Wastewater parameters Before treat- After treatment Limit (sur-

before and after treatments ment face water
Fe2(SO4)3 Fe2(SO4)3 + AC Fenton body)

pH 6.2 3.7 7.2 8.0 5.5–9.5

TSS, mg/L 250 20 18 15 80
TDS, mg/L 764 360 180 135 –
COD, mg/L 401 178 142 30 160
Phenols, mg/L 2.2 1.2 0.2 0.3 0.5
NH4–N, mg/L 73.6 73.5 57.6 14.2 15
NO3–N, mg/L 4.9 3.7 2.1 3.4 20
PO4–P, mg/L 0.5 0.05 0 0 10 as P
Chlorides, mg/L 1.2 – – – 1200
Total surfactants, mg/L 4.8 4.4 4.1 0.7 2
Sulfates, mg/L 38 – – – 1000

Fig. 9  Decision flowchart for Clean

selection of the most suitable air
treatment sequence
Wastewater after treatment
Polluted air


COD < 160 mg/L

TSS < 100 mg/L

Filter press
TSS > 100 mg/L
COD < 300 mg/L Filtrate
Phenols < 2 mg/L

Fe2(SO4)3 Activated carbon
Filter press
TSS > 100 mg/L
COD < 400 mg/L Adsorption Filtrate
Phenols > 2 mg/L
NO3-N, NH3-N < 30 mg/L
FeSO4 Cake
H2(SO4)3 H2O2 Ca(OH)2
Filter press
TSS > 100 mg/L
COD > 400 mg/L Filtrate
pH=3-4 Fenton pH=8
Phenols > 2 mg/L
NO3-N, NH3-N > 30 mg/L

the sludge that needs to be dehydrated and disposed of. The as it is able to treat several kinds of wastewaters coming
treated water can thus be stored in a big tank from which it is from APA scrubbers installed in urban environment as well
loaded in a small tanker truck for refilling of the APA scrub- as in several production facilities and thus characterized by
bers around the city. This MPP owns a very good flexibility, different pollutants (heavy metals, organics, solids).

International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (2019) 16:1677–1690 1689

Details of equipment and operations The results obtained in wastewater treatments, i.e.,
sedimentation, coagulation, carbon adsorption and Fenton
The principal peculiarity of the MPP lies in the flexibility process, demonstrated the feasibility of the purification,
and portability, as it can be transported close to the scrubber although Fenton’s alone is able to remove TSS, TDS, COD
stations, if required. The best solution is to build the plant on and phenols with yields greater than 85%. Nevertheless,
a couple of modular and independent skids, housed in stand- depending on the wastewater pollution load and type, it is
ard 40-ft containers. This solution was chosen to maximize possible to choose the most appropriate sequence of treat-
the capacity of the plant and solve effectively the problem ment, according to a specific decision flowchart. The treated
of its management. Two skids are necessary to house all water is thus suitable to be reused in APA’s tanks, closing
the required equipment. The height of the system is 3 m the water loop; hence, only a small water makeup is required
with a bottom grid of 5 cm, width of 2.47 m and length of in each scrubber. Nevertheless, such water could even be dis-
13 m. These dimensions are adequate for transportation on charged into a surface water body, and this demonstrates the
wheel or by train. For the development of the layout, many efficacy of the purification treatment. This approach results
considerations were made and consequently each device was in the maximization of water efficiency.
designed in order to take advantage of the maximum avail- Based on the experimental results, a mobile wastewa-
able space. Moreover, the skid solution assured adequate ter treatment plant was designed: The project is based on
openings for ordinary operations and maintenance of all two 40-ft standard containers where the required devices
the equipment. For these reasons, selection, positioning are installed; this arrangement provides flexible treatment
and connection of the devices were accurately studied and sequences that are chosen as a function of the wastewater
planned. The plant is also equipped with a compressor for physicochemical parameters.
pneumatic control devices, electrical and PLC panel.
Equipment and pipe materials were chosen to resist to Acknowledgements The authors kindly acknowledge IsTech srl
(Roma) for its precious collaboration in the management of the
corrosion of acids and alkaline reagents used in the process: activities.
Polypropylene was chosen for reactors and tanks, whereas
AISI 304 stainless steel was used for pipelines, pumps and Funding This work was supported by the Italian Ministry for the
the other devices. The main equipment are: storage tanks Economic Development (MISE), that has financed the project “Smart
for reagents (ferric and ferrous sulfate, polyethylene, lime, Clean Air City L’Aquila,” Grant Number M/0007/03/X23, Decree n.
2622 of March 3, 2015.
hydrogen peroxide, sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide);
three storage tanks for wastewater, water and process solu-
Compliance with ethical standards
tions, one reactor for the wastewater treatment; one plate and
frame filter; one compressor; and one scrubber. Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of

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