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Good morning Miss Wenzel and classmates.

Today, we’re going to talk about healthy lifestyles, and the most common health
problems and accidents that occur at Inacap.
We’re also going to give advice and suggestions on healthy lifestyles, but first, we’ll
try to answer these questions:
1. Do Inacap students practice any sports? (los estudiantes de inacap
practican algún deporte)
 Yes, they do. They practice tennis, soccer and basketball frequently.
2. Do they have a healthy diet? (Tienen una dieta saludable)
 No, they don´t.
3. What are the most common health problems and accidents Inacap
students have? (Cualés son los problemas de salud y accidentes más
comunes que tienen los estudientes de inacap)
 The most common health problems are stress, respiratory infections,
such as colds and flu, stomachaches and accidents are falls
4. Do students sleep well? (duermen bien los estudiantes)

We consider that the most common health issues at Inacap are stress, respiratory
infections, such as colds and flu, stomachaches, and accidents are falls
unfortunately, students don’t usually have medical attention and don´t get
We think that if students have colds, they should take medicine or stay in bed
On the other hand, if they feel stressed, it would be good if they meditated and
spend time outdoors

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How to ask for advice or suggestions? SB Page 29

I can’t sleep at night.
 What can I do?
 Any suggestions?
 Help!
How to give advice? SB Page 28
If you feel depressed, do something you enjoy…….
If you have a headache or an upset stomach,…….
If you can concentrate, ………..

"Good morning, Miss Wenzel, and classmates. Today, we're going to talk about
healthy lifestyles and the most common health problems and accidents that occur
at Inacap.
We're also going to give advice and suggestions on healthy lifestyles, but first, we'll
try to answer these questions:
Do Inacap students practice any sports? (¿Los estudiantes de Inacap practican
algún deporte?)
- Only a few students practice tennis, soccer, and basketball frequently.
Do they have a healthy diet? (¿Tienen una dieta saludable?)
What are the most common health problems and accidents Inacap students have?
(¿Cuáles son los problemas de salud y accidentes más comunes que tienen los
estudiantes de Inacap?)
-The most common health problems students have, are stress, respiratory
infections such as colds and flu, stomachaches, and accidents such as falls.
Do students sleep well? (¿Duermen bien los estudiantes?)
-Unfortunately, students don't usually receive medical attention and don't get
medicine. We think that if students have colds, they should take medicine or stay in
bed. On the other hand, if they feel stressed, it would be good if they meditate and
spend time outdoors."
do Inacap students practice any sports outside the university? (¿Los estudiantes
de Inacap son físicamente activos fuera de las actividades deportivas?)
-Many students enjoy jogging, cycling, and going to the gym.
Is there a wellness program or counseling service available to help students
manage stress? (¿Existe un programa de bienestar o servicios de asesoramiento
disponibles para ayudar a los estudiantes a manejar el estrés?)
- Inacap offers students counseling services and stress management.
How often do students engage in recreational activities that promote relaxation?
(¿Con qué frecuencia participan los estudiantes en actividades recreativas que
fomentan la relajación?)
-Many students participate in recreational activities like yoga, mindfulness, and
nature walks regularly.
Are there any efforts to promote a healthier diet among Inacap students? (¿Existen
esfuerzos para promover una dieta más saludable entre los estudiantes de
-The cafeteria provides healthy food options, and there are awareness campaigns
about balanced nutrition.
Do students have access to regular health check-ups on campus? (¿Los
estudiantes tienen acceso a revisiones médicas regulares en el campus?)
-Yes, Inacap offers periodic health check-ups for students to monitor their well-
How can Inacap improve overall student health and well-being? (¿Cómo puede
Inacap mejorar la salud y el bienestar general de los estudiantes?)
-Inacap can consider implementing fitness programs, stress management
workshops, and promoting a culture of healthy living on campus.

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