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candidly . until to day , at the funeral , i hated and abominated him ; but there , by his
fathers tomb , he struck me as a new man , and i found it easy to forgive him in heart .
then do not love him urged katharina , clasping her friends round arm with her slender
fingers . paula started to feel how icy cold her hand was the moon higher and higher ,
simply saying : come away , she rose . it must be within an hour of midnight , she added
. mother . will be anxious about only an hour of midnight repeated the girl in alarm .
good heavens , i shall have scolding she is still playing draughts with the bishop , no
doubt , as she does every evening.good bye then for the present . the shortest way is
through the hedge again , no , said paula firmly , you you are grown up , and must feel it
and show it . you are not to creep through the bushes , but to home by the gate . rufinus
and i will with mother and explain to no cried katharina in terror . she is as angry with
you as she is with them . only yesterday she forbid forbid you yea , is only too glad to lay
all the blame on you . but now that i have talked to i . look , do you see that light it is in
her sitting room . and , before paula could prevent her , she ran to the hedge and slipped
through the a weasel . paula looked after her with mingled feelings , and then went back
to the house , and to bed . katharinas story kept her awake for a long time , and the
suspicion nay almost the conviction that it was herself , indeed , who had aroused that
great love in orions heart gave no rest . if it were she there , under her hand was the
instrument of revenge miscreant ; she could make him taste of all the bitterness he had
brewed for her aching spirit . but which of them would the punishment hurt most sorely
: him or herself had not the little girls confidences aunt gained her end ; but when she
strove to carry ann away from her home and kindred , and keep her in the forest as her
own child to which master pernhart and his mother gave their consent she failed in the
attempt . ann was steadfast in her desire to remain with her mother and the children ,
and especially with her deaf and dumb brother , mario . if my aunt should at any time
need her she had but to command her , and she would gladly go to her , this very day if
she desired it ; hombeit duly to work out her spinning and by this she meant that she
bore riklein in mind she must ever do her part for her own folk , with a clear conscience
. thus it was + fixed that ann should to the forest lodge to stay till christmas and the
new year were past , only she craved a few hours delay that she might remove all doubt
from the magisters mind . i offered to take upon myself this painful task ; but she
altogether rejected this , and how rightly she judged was presently proved by her cast
off suitors demeanor ; inasmuch as he was ever after her faithful servant and called her
his gracious work fellow . when she had told him of her decision he swore , well nigh
with violence , to become a monk , and to make over his inheritance to a convent , but
ann , with much eloquence , besought him to do no such thing , and laid before him the
grace of living to make others happy ; she won him over to join our little league and
whereas he confessed that he was in no wise fit for the life , she promised that she
would seek out the poor and needy and claim the aid only of his learning and his purse .
and some time after she made him a gift of alms bag which she had wrought the words
, ann , to her worthy work fellow . here i am bound to tell that , not to my aunt alone , but
to me likewise did the good work which the old organist had pointed out to my friend , a
vain imagining accept lover whom she loved not . but when it became a part of her life ,
stripped of all bigotry energetically as to drown the philosophers reply . but caracalla
heard it , and when the noise subsided he by your exclamation , and yet i would that
death might spare me in order , if that should come true , returned the philosopher
quickly , his voice trembling with indignation , that i might be a witness of the grim
mockery with which the all requiting gods will destroy you , their defender . the gods
laughed the emperor , my respect for your logic grows less and less . the skeptic ,
expect the deeds of a mortal man from the gods whose existence you deny then cried
philip , and his great eyes burning with hatred and indignation sought the emperors : till
his hour

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