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RCISE1 1, Sketch the graphs of each of the following fimetions on separate axes for the interval x€[0°; 360°]. Write down the maximum and minimum value and the amplitude of each function. Indicate the coordinates of the intercepts with the axes. @ = y=-3sinx (b) y-4eosx = () y= -2eosx @ ~— yx2tanx ) yoFsinx @® = yesinx+2 @ = y=sinx-1 (i) yecosx+1 (i) y=-tanx+1 Qa . = =~. in ° --|— y 3BSin = se fey 2 mm Jo, 4, 7 YRZSInNWX 1 y =-J2eos rx Powered by CamScanner y= ZEaAD a5 [30 u =sinwttZ LY 2Sinx-) y= COS 7+) Powered by CamScanner ‘The diagram below represents the graphs of two functions, fand g. a) £2) = -28iInx +2 “qtky= ces x B)fPemar=y=4 | Write down the equation of fand g. mine ye e ‘Write down the minimum and maximum values forfand g. wye3 ‘Write down the amplitude for fand g. qe max: ye Determine graphically the value of {f(180°) - g(180°) min ys 3 Determine graphically the value(s) of x for which: GQ) g@)=0 @ — #)<0 @) — g()>0 @ f@)=8s@) © f@>s@Q) © Ff@)-0 M — g(x)=-3 8 f)-a@)-4 fos 2 amd gis. 2-C3)=S. 1g above %-Oxis + 0 £ x £a40° 2-9 below %- AXs + 90° £% £270° 3. a above w-axs: O° 2x2 40° he F and 4 intersect * a =90° ; 5. F above (9) g: 40° £2 £210 6. F(x) =0 Coe intercepts): > =g90° < 7. 900 =-3 : 2= 160" is PO) - gle) =u . > Distance between %=276' Fond 9 CF aleve) Powered by CamScanner EXAMPLE 3 Sketch the graph of y = tan 2x for the interval x€[0° ; 180°] Solution Period of y = tan2x: & =90° cc 90° SACOR Divisions for y = tan 2x: 7 22,5° (go up in 22,5° intervals) Critical points for the graph of y= tan2x are: {or 322,5°; 45°; 67,5° ;90° ; 112,5° ; 135° 5 157,5°; 180°} Asymptotes are at: {45°; 135°} 7 x Ll L EXERCISE 2 Sketch the graphs of each of the following fimetions ou separate axes. Write down the maximum and minimum values, amplitude and petiod of each funetion: aoe (a) yeeos2x for xe[-45°; 315°] (b) yocossx for x€[-360° ;720°] (©) -yesin3x for x€[0°;360°] (A) yotengx for x€[0° ; 360°] (©) y=2sin2x for xE[-90°;180°] yeteos2x for x€[-90°;180"] Powered by CamScanner - + Yelcos 2% = a= ee Taf pe s | git d 4 dosz 2 Powered by CamScanner c= Sin 3x: > 3b0° = 3 =120° for 4 wave - * 120° 24 = 30° per stage . Powered by CamScanner 3. Tn th a = Edin few j— btretch 3 = Shiv —2 | ¥2cewn or 3 cos A } stretch @ (b) m0) 0 © y= cos3Xh IZ waves Zeo? (120 each a0 = sin (1% -30°) | Stretch 73 a K ; =Ztan i 43 ] streteh woE SE ate ae = bone 8@) @ f@=s@ G6) f@).g@) <0 © f@)s@)=0 M f@)=0 8) f@)=0 ©) g(x)=0 (0) g(x) <0 1) x= 30° 5 x=120° 2 =2)0° 2) -whexe3d (fF below 9) 3) 30°44 x 4210° 7 2# I20° 4) 306 “£2I10° Bs) ~30£U £90" 4 150°L 4 210° &) —bor° Ln 4-30 7 L= 30° 7 90°S %£150° 7) n= 30° 5 2H = 210°. 3) 30° 4 H£210° 4) 1 € 30°; 30°; 90° 7 180° (210° 8 10) -G0% KL ) 30°L OL G0? ISO° 2 4 4£216°, Powered by CamScanner The graphs of four different trigonomettic functions are represented 1. y y h (a) Determine the equation of each graph. (b) — Wsite down the amplitude of araph (©) Write down the period of graph fand g. (@) Determine graphically the values of x for which: (Q) the graph of Q) the graph of j a) Pod =e gink +2 g 09 =— $intx nt) =cos2znr J ev) =- tant: b) 4 c) 180° ; ; dij-9o° 6% * oF 4 ore x £130" 2) -4r LU EGO" 5 FO 4 LAO Powered by CamScanner 5. Determine graphically the values 4 T of x for which: () — f(x)-g(x)=2 (b) g(x)2 ja) “oes i Ws ie * 6. 9 OU) = Sin (X¥b0°) @, (x) = cos (x-30°) - sin(X- be" @ Fay ~ cos (X30) Powered by CamScanner Question @. 6) 360° +3 = 7207 _ @_ 62, yel-22) i 1 244428, ee Yeh a a 63. T (pig) = T C-120% -2) f(p)- 9f = P22 9p) = 2ces (p-bo") = - asin (42°) - 2 cos (-120°- bo") = 3 Sih (-00") - 2 cos(-1go') © = 3 sin b0°? — 2cos|&0° 2 2(& -2C) 23 = 4+3i5 2 buy -30°L 2X 4150° 7 : ar oer g(r) * J (x) 20 — 190° 4 x2 -120° ~ 30° & x4 60° +———— 150°2 x4 130° Powered by 9 CamScanner Question © - bl. yeC-270) or yer -2Ly 0° 6:2. x6 (90°7270) of xehj FO°e xn 4270" — : fe = «Gy dat Pag = COE — THE) + a1 5.5. g(e)= -4 cos (1% + 30°) stretcp, cee SS.). U-4: eet IO +! Range 9 2 Yel-4 4] eta ye l-4 +4 tJ Yermsi 57 a55. 60° <— 8 (+ 60°) ; Din x axis > change sign € J: fo 9(xtec) = —Acos (C+60") + 30”) - 9 (tte) = +hcos (x +90") -— 4 Sin Xe Powered by 9 CamScanner — _Questiene . = 4 Inthe diagram below, the graph of f(x) =.c082x Die grafek van (x)= co82x vido nial ra torte terval x 0%: 270"). 1x 6 [0%; 270"), ls no onderstoande dlagram ee gosh, ion i] | shift graph 3 units up Ye Fira 51 437) Yel2ji 47 es. x € £+i35°; 130° @& 125° £2 £180" x € (225°) 270°) 225° & £4270°. Powered by CamScanner Question 3. ‘Onthe set of axes blow the graph of (Op de assestoeohieronder isle grafiok f(x) = co82x wih 3 [0 100") has been {x)= c052x met x 0°; 1807] goss. —_— sketched, s*73) F(x) = cos 2 b) FO) = glx) oo cos 2x = BSin 2% sla Cos2% cos2y Les rami TIC | A= Btan 2% e | BS = ten2 “Reh s £ ax = 18)43° “Or ax = 1843" +K-(80° | LEZ u~ 422° +k-90° ; Lez: @ = 4227) = 99,22" ¢) x) _ 3sinex 7 By cas2% a al & undefined rf cos2% =O - =n the iobervedl (%-inkercepts) HS = BES, Powered by CamScanner —.. Question & fou) =-2tan3x (B)-e 62. 2 = -2tm2t © - -| = tan 3e. a A - Ae Ref 3: 34 = 46° O2 8 Se = 180° 4s* + K+ 180" | Lew € C Ze = 35° +k (80°: Kez | € = 9° Fk + 20° | Kez - ta) Period = 120° _ ‘ eS "bd Ne a = 40" 150" TOF ! by. Pix)? a Abwe 2.4 , I [bol 7 £ 30° 6c < x 290° | asymptote asympicee os: g@= “itinftn sea), «0° to the _ - = -2ten (00 + 4 left . Powered by 9 CamScanner Question be Gl. leas (xz ae 2sin nt Sal a 4 = Cs Pee cos 30° +. sin + +Sin30° =2sin - B cosx ~ $ Sin % = © Bese =e sine VB cose = 3 Sint as COS X cost | SB = tant tha _@ Refs = 30° °F] | ft % = 30" 2k 2 (80° | FES ; | E ah - Golf —_ ED Wine fas “ a (0) = 00830) a Ba pee “en A-(120°; 0) —_b) C (450° ;-/) 6.2.24) D (20°) & —9O°S KH 230° _b) fF cxt10°) > 9.C~+10%) aie £00) > 30 ~ ISS Ox £30 7 > 10° te the lefe ye ed PIGOTT Powered by 9 CamScanner

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