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NOTES PG 15,16
 This is the total amount  Dit is die totale
of income available to the hoeveelheid inkomste
government from the beskikbaar aan die
collections of different staat uit invorderings
taxes that must be paid van verskillende
for by the South African belasting wat aan die
tax payers. belastingbetalers van
Suid-Afrika betaal
moet word.
 Die inkomste word
gebruik om sosiale en
 The revenue is used
to fund social and ekonomiese
economic programme te befonds
programmes and to en om publieke dienste
provide public te verskaf soos skole,
services such as universiteite, hospitale,
schools, universities,
hospitals, clinics and klinieke en paaie en
roads, as well as ook verdediging en
defence and security. sekuriteit
 The Minister of Finance  Die Minister van Finansies
presents a budget once a stel een keer per jaar ‘n
year in which he outlines begroting voor waarin hy
the total government die totale
expenditure for the owerheidsbesteding vir die
volgende boekjaar
following financial year. uiteensit. Verduidelik
Explains how much tax hoeveel belasting betaal
needs to be paid to cover moet word om hierdie
this expenditure. uitgawes te dek.
 The South Africa Revenue  Die Suid-Afrikaanse
Service (SARS) collects all inkomstediens haal alle
taxes paid and it is belasting wat betaal is op,
handed over to the en dit word aan die
Nasionale Tesourier
National Treasury to oorhandig om aan
distribute to government provinsiale en plaaslike
departments, provincial regerings aan
and local government. regeringsdepartemente te
E.g. income tax and property tax. / Bv. Inkomste
belasting of eiendombelasting
 Based on the principle that people should contribute
to the wealth of the state to the same extent as they
are able to contribute to their own wealth / Baseer
op die beginsel dat mense moet bydra tot die
rykdom van die staat soos wat hulle bydra tot hulle
eie rykdom
Definition: / Definisie

A tax levied on all income and profit

that a taxpayer receives. / Belasting
gehef op alle inkomste en wins wat ‘n
belastingbetaler ontvang
 Taxpayers are  Belastingbetalers is
individuals, companies individue, maatskappye
and trusts. of trusts.
 Income tax is the  Inkomste belasting is die
government’s main regering se hoofbron van
source of income inkomste
 The tax year begins on 1  Die belastingjaar begin 1
March and ends on Maart en eindig 28/29
28/29 February. Feb
 The amount of tax  Die hoeveelheid belasting
payable wat betaalbaar is, word
to government is bereken deur
belastingstabelle, wat
from tax tables, which jaarliks hersien word
are revised annually.
 Daar is ‘n belastingdrempel (vlak
 There is a tax threshold (level waarbinne inkomste belasbaar
above which income is taxable) is)
 At the end of the tax year, SARS  Aan die einde van die
sends you an income tax return, belastingjaar, stuur SARS vir jou
which must be completed and ‘n inkomstebelastingsopgawe,
wat voltooi en ingedien word
 This can be done electronically  Dit kan elektronies gedoen word,
and is called e-filing. It is a free
online service. word e-filing genoem. Gratis
 Once your tax return has been aanlyndiens
received, SARS will determine  Wanneer jou belastingopgawes
whether enough tax has been ontvang is, sal SARS bepaal of
paid genoeg belasting betaal was.
 Tax must be paid on interest  Belasting moet betaal word op
received e.g. from investments, rente ontvang bv. Beleggings,
rental from property, etc. huur van eiendom ens.
 Refunds for expenses such as  Terugbetalings vir uitgawes soos
medical expenses and costs of mediese uitgawes en kostes om
running a business ‘n besigheid van die huis af te
from home could be applicable. bestuur kan van toepassing
 This is the employee tax  Dit is die
that employers deduct werknemersbelasting wat
form the balance of an werkgewers aftrek van
employee’s full time die balans van ‘n
werknemer se voltydse
employment income in
diensinkomste wat die
excess of the tax belastingdrempel vir ‘n
threshold for a year. jaar oorskry.
 This amount is deducted  Hierdie bedrag word
from the employee’s afgetrek van die
monthly remuneration maandelikse vergoeding
calculated from tax tables van die werknemer
bereken op
and paid to the Receiver belastingstabelle en aan
of Revenue. die Ontvanger van
Inkomste betaal
Definisie: Dis ‘n sisteem wat
op toepassing is vir
belastingbetalers met Definition: This is a
ongereelde inkomste system that applies to
taxpayers with irregular
 Voorbeeld: boere, incomes
besigheidseienaars en
mense met inkomste  Example: farmers, business
owners and people
anders as normale salarisse with income other than their
 Die doel is om regular salaries.
belastingbetalers te help  The aim is to help taxpayers to

om belasting in die vorm pay their tax in the form of

two payments made from
van twee paaiemente te income received during the
betaal gedurende die jaar tax year
 Finale laste word dan  Final liability is then
bereken tydens assessering determined upon assessment.
 Owners of any kind of property  Eienaars van enige soort eiendom bv.
e.g. residential, commercial, Residensieel, kommersieel, landbou
moet belasting betaal
agricultural must pay taxes.
 Belasting op eienaarskap van eiendom
 Taxes on ownership of property (grond en geboue)
(land and buildings)  Bepaal deur die munisipaliteit en
 Set by the municipality and based gebasseer op markwaarde van
on the market value of the property eiendom
Verskil van area tot area maar is
 Charges differ from area to area 
gewoonlik omtrent 1% van eiendom se
but usually about 1% of value of
 Word maandeliks aan die plaaslike
 Must be paid monthly to the local munisipaliteit betaal wat geld gebruik
municipality which uses money to om dienste aan die gemeenskap te
fund the services it verskaf
provides the community.
Tax evasion exists Tax avoidance is a
when people use means of reducing the
illegal methods to reduce amount of tax you pay
their tax liability e.g. they through good financial
do not declare their full planning, e.g. taking out
income or deduct more a retirement policy. This
tax than they are allowed is a total legal way of
to. If caught they can do
jail time for fraud or pay paying less tax
large fines.


Belastingontduiking Belastingvermyding is ‘n
bestaan as mense
onwettige metodes gebruik manier om die belasting
om hul wat u betaal deur goeie
belastingaanspreeklikheid finansiële beplanning te
te verminder bv. Hulle
verklaar nie hul volle verminder bv. Om ‘n
inkomste of trek meer pensioenfonds uit te
belasting af as wat hulle neem. Dit is ‘n wettige
mag nie. As hulle gevang
word, kan hulle tronkstraf manier om minder
of groot boetes betaal. belasting te betaal

These are taxes Dit is belasting wat
hidden in the price of verskuil is in die prys
goods and services, so van goedere en
we are not aware of dienste, dus weet ons
how nie hoeveel belasting
much tax we are ons betaal nie. Byna
paying. Nearly a third 'n derde van die
of the government’s regering se totale
total revenue comes inkomste kom van
from indirekte belasting.
indirect taxes.
BTW (Belasting op
VAT (Value added tax)
toegevoegde waarde)
= Added to the price of = Prys wat by goedere
goods and services that en dienste gevoeg word
businesses sell to wat besighede aan
consumers klante verkoop
Exempted items: Vrygestelde items:
 Goods/Services on Goedere/Dienste waarop
which VAT is not daar nie BTW gevoeg
charged word nie
 EXCISE DUTY also called SIN TAX
 Dit word betaal op elke liter  This is paid on every litre of
petrol en diesel wat in Suid- petrol and diesel sold in
Afrika verkoop word. South Africa.
 Dit sluit 'n heffing in wat aan
 It includes a levy payable to
die Padongeluksfonds the Road Accident Fund.
betaalbaar is.  The levies on fuel make up
30% of the petrol price.
 Die heffings op brandstof
maak 30% van die
petrolprys uit.
 This is the cost of borrowing  Dit is die koste om geld
money. It is the amount that te leen. Dit is die bedrag
wat finansiële instellings
financial institutions or credit
of kredietverskaffers vra
providers charge for the use vir die gebruik van die
of the money. geld.
 The amount of interest  Die bedrag rente wat
gehef word, hang af van
charged depends on the
die hoeveelheid geld wat
amount of money borrowed
geleen is
 Simple interest is  Enkelvoudige rente word
calculated on the op die hoofbedrag van 'n
principal amount of a lening bereken.
loan.  Geen rente word betaal
 No interest is paid on op rente wat gedurende
interest received during die tydperk van die
the time of the loan. lening ontvang word nie.
 Simple interest is usually  Enkelvoudige rente word
used for shorter-term gewoonlik vir
loans. kortertermynlenings
 This is when interest is  Dit is wanneer belasting
charged or paid on the gehef is en betaal op die
oorspronklike bedrag geleen
original amount borrowed plus die rente tot op datum.
plus the interest to date.  Hierdie toevoeging tot die
 This addition to the original oorspronklike bedrag word
amount is called compounding. samestelling genoem.
 So compound interest is interest  Dus is saamgestelde rente
that is added back onto the rente wat by die
original amount oorspronklike bedrag
teruggetel word
 Compound interest may be  Saamgestelde rente kan
calculated monthly, quarterly, maandeliks, kwartaalliks,
semi-annually or yearly. halfjaarliks ​of
jaarliks ​bereken word.
Wat is inflasie? What is inflation?
 Dit is die gemiddelde  It is the average increase in
toename in pryse van prices of goods and
goedere en dienste in 'n services in a year.
jaar.  The rate of inflation is
 Die inflasiekoers word as expressed as a percentage
'n persentasie styging in increase in prices over a
pryse oor 'n jaar uitgedruk. year.
 Die koopkrag van geld  The purchasing power of
(koopkrag) is die waarde money (buying power) is
van geld, gemeet aan the value of money, as
hoeveelheid en gehalte measured by quantity and
van produkte en dienste
quality of products and
wat dit kan koop.
services it can buy.
 Persentasie waarteen  Percentage at which the
die prys van goedere en price of goods and
dienste toeneem services increases
 Hoe hoër die  The higher the rate of
inflasiekoers hoe minder inflation the less the
die verbruiker met consumer can purchase
dieselfde hoeveelheid with the same amount
geld of money
 kan koop
 CPI (Consumer Price Index)  VPI (Verbruikersprysindeks)
Definition: Definisie:
 This measures changes in the price of  Hierdie maatreëls verander in die prys
goods and services over a specific van goedere en dienste oor 'n
period. spesifieke tydperk.
 It is used to measure changes in the  Dit word gebruik om veranderinge in
economy as well as changes in the die ekonomie sowel as veranderinge
standard of living. in die lewenstandaard te meet.
 VPI is die maatstaf wat u help om die
 CPI is the measure that helps you
styging in pryse te bepaal
determine the increase in prices
 Dit gebruik 'n "mandjie huishoudelike
 It uses a “basket of household goods” goedere" en hou die
and keeps track of the change in prysveranderinge
prices of  van hierdie goedere oor 'n spesifieke
 these goods over a specific period of tydperk tred
time  Dit word uitgedruk as 'n persentasie
 It is expressed as a percentage  Die Reserwebank gebruik die VPI om
 The Reserve Bank uses the CPI to set die rentekoersvlak te stel.
the level of interest rates.

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