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April 7, 2024

Ryan Sanchez
Social Science Teacher
100 Farmland
Merced, Ca 95340
Tel. (209) 384-5500
Dear Admissions Committee,

I am writing to you to enthusiastically recommend Kaden Vang for any academic or professional
endeavors he chooses to pursue. I had the privilege of being Kaden's instructor for US History last year,
and throughout the course, he consistently demonstrated a remarkable level of dedication, diligence, and
intellectual curiosity.

Kaden's work ethic is truly commendable. He approaches every task with a sense of purpose and
determination, and he is not content until he has achieved excellence. Whether it was participating in class
discussions, completing assignments, or conducting research projects, Kaden always gave his best effort.
His commitment to learning was evident in his consistent pursuit of deeper understanding and his
willingness to go above and beyond the requirements of the course.Beyond his academic achievements,
Kaden possesses exceptional character traits that make him stand out as a student and as an individual. He
is respectful, courteous, and always willing to lend a helping hand to his peers. His positive attitude and
willingness to collaborate made him a valued member of our classroom community.One of Kaden's most
admirable qualities is his ability to set goals and work tirelessly to achieve them. He approaches
challenges with a growth mindset, viewing them as opportunities for learning and personal growth. I have
no doubt that he will continue to excel in any endeavor he chooses to pursue, whether it be furthering his
education or entering the professional world.

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly endorse Kaden Vang and believe that he has the potential to make
significant contributions wherever his path may lead him. He is a hardworking, dedicated individual with
a passion for learning and a bright future ahead of him. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require
any further information.



Ryan Sanchez
US History Teacher
El Capitan High School

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