Letter For Madison Vang

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March 15, 2024

To Whom It May Concern

Re: Madison Vang

It is with pleasure that I write this letter of recommendation for Madison Vang. Madison
was a student in my Medical Technology classes and will graduate with her Medical Technology
Pathway cord in June. As part of my classes, Madison consistently turned in outstanding work,
was always very prepared for class, offered great insight to class discussion and pushedherself
to be a great student.Madison also become certified in BLS / First Aid, HIPAA, Infection Control
and OSHA. She has also received instruction in Stop the Bleed and the use of Narcan.
During her four years of high school, Madison has continued to excel. She currently has
a GPA over 4.o and will graduate in the top 10% of her class. Madison has been a member of
our schools tennis and swim teams winning many awards; she was a member of the Medical
Professionals Club. Around campus Madison has always shown great respect to both staff and
students and always willing to help when needed. Leah has proven to be a very motivated and
determined individual and will be very successful in all activities.
As a teacher, it is a privilege to have a student like Madison in my class and I have no
doubt she will successful in any endeavors.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.


Randy Barber M.S., PTA, ATC

Medical Technology Instructor

Coordinator of Sports Medicine
El Capitan High School

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