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IBP Part 2 Rubric

Name: __________________________________ Country: __________________________

Content Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

(50 - 59%) (60 - 69%) (70 - 79%) (80 - 100%)

Completion of information relating to political and -demonstrates mature -demonstrates superior

economic systems as well as advantage types. understanding, making understanding, relating
-possesses a limited -demonstrates partial
inferences and relating specifics to general, abstract
understanding of the concepts /limited understanding of
Use of relevant facts, statistics, and demographics to broader concepts ideas and/or relevant
and readings, expressing concepts and readings
often; new insights often concepts consistently; and
them with limited accuracy. with some accuracy.
Inclusion of international business concepts learned in provided with with a high degree of
this course thus far considerable accuracy. accuracy.

Analysis of economic and political system’s effects on

host country’s business practices -the information - the information - the information submitted
-the information submitted
submitted helps identify submitted helps identify helps identify cultural and
helps identify cultural and
cultural and political cultural and political political influences on trade
Use of processing skills political influences on trade
influences on trade with influences on trade with with a high degree of
with limited accuracy
some accuracy. considerable accuracy accuracy
Use of critical and creative thinking skills

Linkage of economic system to business practices -the relationship between -the relationship -the relationship
-the relationship between
various aspects of between various between various
various aspects of
Making connections within and between various international trade is aspects of international aspects of international
international trade is
contexts (ex. between geography and business, addressed in a limited trade is somewhat trade is addressed in a
addressed to a high degree.
between government and the economy, etc.) manner. addressed considerable manner.

Presentation, formatting, and grammar

Expression and organization of information and ideas - content is conveyed

-content is conveyed with - content is conveyed - content is conveyed with a
with considerable
limited organization, use of with some organization, high degree of organization,
Use of terminology and vocabulary learned in the organization, use of
relevant terminology, and use of relevant use of relevant terminology,
course thus far relevant terminology,
citation terminology, and citation and citation
and citation
Proper citation of sources on Works Cited page in

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